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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

yea it just always seems to imply you understand a lot of it already
when they're like
"oh let's go to hebbedy" "you're crazy, everyone knows hebbedy is full of zangaras"
:12135398 I am maintaining code from someone else and i added a control. The syntax is valid because it shows up in the editor, however when i try to access the element by the name i set in x:Name="SomeName" Visual Studio can't find the new control.
Moreover, the other elements are set only using Name="SomeName" and they are all accessible in the C# backend. I have tried changing it to Name instead of x:Name to no avail.
Hrrm, it should just show up. I assume you rebuilt the solution already? The control isn't inside of DataTEmplate or anything is it?
@AbeMiessler Several times. And no, it's literally directly below other controls that are being accessed by name. All i did was a literal copy-paste and change the name and position.
I thought maybe the name is being set to the control dynamically somehow, but there are no references for the name that are setting a value, only things like somename.SelectedIndex and things of that nature.
What are your values for x:Class and xmlns:x?
at the top of your xaml file
@Simon this user's questions have all been winners
I noticed that too.
@AbeMiessler x:Class="EnvironicsMain.UCInstruments" and xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"
My scripts tend to crash when the compiler can read "microsoft" somewhere. You might wanna check that out.
@Simon You write shitty scripts.
Your face is shitty.
@Simon Your first problem was that you ran a compiler on a script.
@DavidFreitag I can't use a C++ compiler on a PHP script? That sucks.
@Simon You never said you work at Facebook....
@Simon You can try.
@DavidFreitag just to be sure, you are trying to access the new control from the UCInstruments class?
@AbeMiessler yes
Hrrm sounds weird. You can try cleaning the solution, or possibly deleting the contents of the bin and obj folders but it seems like it should just work
@AbeMiessler I'll try deleting those folders, but i have cleaned the solution at least a few times and still nothing
@AbeMiessler That sounds like something Apple will say. :P
@TerryChia And by Apple you mean Microsoft, right? Then yes, you're right.
@Simon Just. No.
I write .NET applications on a Mac. How fucked up is that?
@AbeMiessler That's actually pretty awesome.
@AbeMiessler Running OS X or Windows?
@AbeMiessler not nearly as fucked up as writing Objective-C stuff on a Mac
@DavidFreitag Wut?
Yeah Objective-C is quite something.
OSx with a Windows VM
@AbeMiessler Nice!
@AbeMiessler Meh, that's pretty normal.
Apple makes the best Windows laptops.
I thought I was doing something groundbreaking
@AbeMiessler Nah you are, don't mind him.
@TerryChia Aka: Not nearly as fucked up as writing Mac applications on a Mac ;]
I do like my macbook air
@DavidFreitag Hehe.
XCode is a solid dev environment though.
Never used it.
Pretty comparable to VS/IntelliJ really.
The only time i have ever used a Mac is the time i borrowed my friend's Macbook Pro. Needless to say i accidently killed his UEFI and now he can't boot anything.
Of course, I'm mostly a python guy so it's either IntelliJ with the python plugin or Sublime Text for me.
@DavidFreitag Ouch.
Sublime Text 2 for le win
I'm using it right now.
And i promptly put Lubuntu on it when i got it, so i never even experienced the Mac OS
I ain't even mad.
@TerryChia Well, i should also mention that i fixed it for him. After some serious arguments with that damn UEFI/bios flashing utility that Apple so graciously provided me
I really like the OS X GUI in most situations. It's a great example of a nix-based desktop environment done right.
GUI is good. Command line blows windows away
PowerShell is pretty cool actually
but default command line blows it
@AbeMiessler That's because Window's command line is from the early '90s.
@Simon All PHP files should end in "Dong". Or perhaps "Wanker". /views/email-Wanker.php Surprisingly appropriate.
@DavidFreitag Just call it DOS really.
@TerryChia That's all it is really.
@tylerl I agree but can you do this professionally?
@DavidFreitag, when is the OSx command line from?
isn't it unix based?
@AbeMiessler BSD.
@AbeMiessler Whenever they last updated it
@Simon Write PHP code professionally? Not if you want to respect yourself in the morning.
@tylerl @Simon I'll just leave this here again. gist.github.com/Ayrx/6020779
@tylerl Lulz.
@tylerl Cmon dude, it's @Simon....
@TerryChia I'm assuming this is the almighty /var/www scanner?
Respect? Pfft!
Oh yes it is.
Whenever I decide that I want to push my nerdism farther, I will learn Python.
But for now, NOPE.
(and this is for work, not a personal project)
@Simon What languages do you know? Even if not fluently.
@DavidFreitag Web or all?
@Simon What do you think?
C#/VB, C++, Java, PHP, JS
That's about it I think.
And you think Python will make you more of a nerd?
@Simon At least you know C#.
@TerryChia I actually quite like C# but I don't like to admit it.
C++/Java make you the biggest nerd (in your list)
I know Java way more than C++ though.
@DavidFreitag Ew no. Java is basically "PHP for enterprise".
Brainfuck is the ultimate nerd language, however.
I like Java's portability.
That's kind of creepy.
You mean hysterical.
Creepy is a synonym of hysterical to me.
Your face is a synonym for stupid to me.
@DavidFreitag Not only to you.
It would seem that the 1/2 gallon of orange juice has quelled my sickness. For now.
"Your face is..." is mine. Please stop using it
Did all of you play a game of Find Simon last weekend?
I think it was on Saturday.
@AbeMiessler Fine. @Simon, your face isn't intelligent looking.
That is acceptable
"Not intelligent looking" is like the nerdiest burn ever.
No, i could call over a few of my PhD candidate friends that could nerd you to death though.
No thank you, I get more than I need here.
It's so cold outside that my hands are dry as knobs.
@Simon Did you know that knob is a slang word for penis?
Of course, that's the point.
weird visual
Simon Penis Hands
I was once told that I am made of penis skin.
That was funny.
sequel to Edward Scissor hands.
@TildalWave HEY, what's wrong with Java now?
@Simon, what does that even mean?!
Not sure if NSFW
@AbeMiessler To this day, I'm not even sure. I guess it means that my skin is, soft?
@Simon boiled properly, nothing :P
@TildalWave boooooooooooooo
@TildalWave There is everything wrong with Coffee.
I mean, who want's hot water filtered through a dirty bean?
Dirty people.
@DavidFreitag Who said I drink filtered coffee?
@TildalWave So you drink your coffee with the grounds in the mug?
raw beans, grinded, intravenous
Coffee is douchy.
Atleast you don't have to taste it that way though.
@AbeMiessler I'm not sure why, but when i restarted Visual Studio it seems to have fixed the problem. I did rename the bin and obj folders, so maybe that did it too.
When in doubt, restart!
Now i have to wait ten minutes for InstallShield to rebuild...
@DavidFreitag That appears to be pretty accurate. I find it awesome that even PHP kids see PHP as an overbearing tool that relies on someone else to make it work.
@ScottPack It's pretty much just hysterical overall.
I can't look at any one single cell in that grid and not crack up.
@DavidFreitag I rather enjoy the Haskell column.
@ScottPack I have to say the Java column is by far my favorite.
@ScottPack Yo, be respectful.
@Simon And why exactly does PHP or any PHP fanboys deserve respect?
Because they have penis soft skin
@DavidFreitag cuz dey da best in da world
@Simon Keep telling yourself that.
i dun even label miself as a phper newayz
i just do it 4 wurk
phpers type like le dis
@Simon Excuses.
cuz we k00l
Can you kids please take this back to SO chat where it belongs?
Focus people
I don't like the Ford Focus.
2 hours later…
support sucks. I miss programming.
God i love being able to define extension methods. Especially with Generics + Reflection.
Well that didn't work.
That's interesting. Google is forcing YouTube users to have a Google+ account to comment on videos.
That should but a bit of a damper on a lot of the shit comments...
Gobs of channels are disabling comments in retaliation.
I figure if this is what it takes then I'm good with it.
I'm okay with it as well, i have a G+. Even though all i do is share music with it.
I have a g+ mostly for ingress. I was a bit annoyed at them integrating my various accounts in a crap way though I am happy if comments die (wish adverts would too)
If adverts died, Google would have to resort to other ways of making money. Aka, making existing services that are free cost money to use.
So, while advertisements suck, i deal with them (as long as they follow the AdSense strict requirements) because that way Google doesn't have to charge for just about every awesome service they provide.
1 hour later…
soooo it's -12C outside with the wind chill.
@DavidFreitag Mmmm. +26 degrees C.
Weather is 'Sunny'
@D3C4FF hate you so much. although granted it is 18:00 and the sun has been down for 2 hours now
@DavidFreitag Mmmm. Mornings.... Sunny sunny mornings...
71F here. God I love California
Who the f cares what that is in C
@AbeMiessler HATE
@AbeMiessler People with common sense
Yeah we do things a bit different here I suppose
@AbeMiessler about 20C
@D3C4FF, where do you live that it's 26C?
@AbeMiessler I in Australia :D
You're heading into Summer then! Lucky
You should be lucky, i would have given the temperature in Kelvin if this was one of the science rooms.
@AbeMiessler Lucky? OR FIRE TORNADOES?
are you close to all that business?
@D3C4FF No, not the fire tornadoes, every single species in the country that wants to kill you, then eat you.
At the very least poison the living s@!* out of you
@AbeMiessler ...and then eat you.
I don't think i'll ever get used to that whole, "It's January and it's summer!" thing.
If you don't live in the Southern Hemisphere then you don't need to
That's not the point.
@AbeMiessler Nah, not where i normally live.
@DavidFreitag Nature. There's lots of it here... I woke up one night with a huge lizard the length of my arm curled up under my sleeping bag. I thought it was a rock ._.
@D3C4FF ....and then it tried to eat you.
@DavidFreitag It seemed about as happy as i was
@D3C4FF I'm sure you were keeping it warm through the night
Still though, Australia must easily have the highest percentage of shit that can kill you in a few seconds flat.
@DavidFreitag I dunno... Amazon and shit man....
@D3C4FF Somehow i don't think one of the world's largest online retailers is going to try to kill me, but i could be wrong.
You're wrong
@AbeMiessler oh? so you mean they've been putting poison in my bawls?
@DavidFreitag You mean the tasty mints?
oh my...
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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