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Screw this. This chunk is now part of me.
@ScottPack I modified my potato gun to fire specially molded thermite cupcakes. It ignites a magnesium strip as the cupcake exits the barrel. A few hundred milliseconds later and its showering a few thousand degrees worth of awesome.
@Simon Keep searching on Facebook. I'm sure you'll find it.
@Adnan I'll try to remember when I get home.
@ScottPack yes
@DavidFreitag Video, please.
Yes. This.
I can't even count the amount of barrels i have melted. It has about a 40% chance of brutally melting the user to death.
@Adnan I'll have to make a parts run. It's not exactly in... operating condition.
I have no idea how they've never heard of your thermite canon.
@Simon Indeed... I think that's like the fourth time it's been mentioned in here...
@TerryChia Minimum.
I wonder whether it's possible to shoot thermite using a shotgun shell.
I wonder if guns solve problems.
I've seen videos of people shooting pretty much everything: Ice, M&Ms, spoons, glass, etc.
@Simon In the right hands, yes. Yes they do.
In the left hands, not so much.
@Adnan Thing is you can control those hands.
@Adnan Clever.
@Simon Well, I hope we don't get into gun laws discussion.
@Adnan Oops, I didn't mean to.
Yes, they're awesome.
@Simon I'm more of a cocky rabbits fan.
@Adnan I don't see why not, you would have to suspend the thermite in something that isn't going to break when you shoot it
I make my cupcakes with plaster.
The Tortoise and the Hare is one of Aesop's Fables and is numbered 226 in the Perry Index. The account of a race between unequal partners has attracted conflicting interpretations. It is itself a variant of a common folktale theme in which ingenuity and trickery (rather than doggedness) are employed to overcome a stronger opponent. An ambiguous story The story concerns a Hare who ridicules a slow-moving Tortoise and is challenged by the tortoise to a race. The hare soon leaves the tortoise behind and, confident of winning, takes a nap midway through the course. When the Hare awakes howe...
@Adnan Aaaaah.
Mmmmhm. That's right, Qemu inside Virtualbox.
@DavidFreitag Because fuck performance!
@LucasKauffman Well, I'm running a kernel that i have written in Qemu. An arduino would even laugh at how big my program is.
So honestly it isn't affecting anything.
@DavidFreitag Have that Qemu run VirtualBox.
@DavidFreitag you wrote your own kernel?
@LucasKauffman Yep
@DavidFreitag why?
It doesn't do much anything but print characters to the screen and freeze abruptly when you hit the memory limit.
@LucasKauffman Why not?
I'm a comp sci major. Need you know more?
@RoryAlsop right so I'm in Luxembourg can get whiskey super cheap (bottle of laphroaig was just 29 euro), highland park or springbank?
@DavidFreitag I won't be impressed until you write it in JS. :P
Make your kernel run in JS
like terry says
@TerryChia That would involve writing, or extending, a JS interpreter. That sounds really fun, but, at this point in my life I'll stick to C++ based kernels.
@DavidFreitag C++? Don't you know Linus hates C++? Pfft!
Maybe in ten years when i understand more how a kernel works in code i can do that.
@ScottPack Did you know that your Grand Daddy used to wear a hat like yours?
@TerryChia That's good for Linus.
@Simon Yes.
His were cheap polyester.
I'm going to write a kernel python
and it will be slow
but it will be awesome
because it's pythonic
@ScottPack Yours is in top notch polyester?
@ScottPack No wonders why the young one is fancy.
@Simon The fuck is "TY"?
@Adnan ty in caps.
@Simon What's that too?
"thank you".
@Simon Is there some sort of page where I can learn all of those things you say?
@Adnan Nope, you just need a few years of video gaming.
A page that contains all of your vocabulary
You know, like a 2-3 page PDF
Would need more pages than that.
Oh wait, I just got it.
Le fu-.
@Simon :D
@Lucas - both are good. If you have never had a Sprinbank, get it, otherwise the Highland Park. Actually, get both.
@Adnan Niiiiiice!
@TerryChia Yeah, I'm getting better and better.
@RoryAlsop 3 bottles of whisky it is
@Adnan Maybe @Simon is just getting easier and easier.
@TerryChia Maybe because I'm slowly dying.
@Simon Ok.
also got the glenmorangie sherry wood finish
@TerryChia I know you cried.
I dedicate this song to @ScottPack:
And the girl on the cover is dedicated to @Adnan.
I don't like that man's voice.
@Simon She's very unattractive.
Because I don't like his tonal quality.
@Simon Why would anybody be that thin?
@Adnan cuz
I don't know, but I'm sure I'm not the only one to say/think that such physique is a big turnoff.
Well, when I see bones it's a turnoff.
Imaging being with such girl. "Oh my god! Did I break her? Should I hold her from here? Oh no, what if I broke her?"
Her arms look indeed tiny as hell.
@Simon No shoulders, at all.
Plus, she has the famine face.
@Adnan The other way around is not better: "There's no way I can lift her. I bet she's hiding stuff underneath all that. IS SHE REALLY GONNA SIT ON ME?"
I wanna take her home and cook her a healthy meal.
@Simon Well, understandable. Because you're tiny.
@Simon Have you started eating and gymming?
I eat just fine. Gym, I should.
no point pinging me multiple times about stuff like swag
I always turn it down, even when I'm eligible
@Lucas For example...
@Adnan mmmm?
@LucasKauffman Later on Skype.
You guys Skype without me?
@ScottPack It's an Euro thing, we're not allowed.
I'll have @kalina's swag
@RoryAlsop Oh no, don't ping her about swag. She said so.
@RoryAlsop That only works if they are giving them out. So get to work and ping SE. :P
any ideas why I got a downvote on security.stackexchange.com/questions/44972/… Am I missing something
@AJHenderson Yes, I downvoted you
You're missing the whole point of the question.
Actually, I was just about to ping you about it
Moot point, it's a dupe anyway.
ok, what was the point of the question then, because I didn't really understand what they were trying to accomplish
it looked like they were trying to use SHA2 as a key derivation
or as a secure password generation
@AJHenderson The guy doesn't want to use the same hash he uses for authentication (which is stored somewhere) as the key to an encryption function.
@AJHenderson Client side encryption. Derive a key from the password and use it to encrypt data client-side, and use the password itself for authentication.
It's a very popular scheme.
The same scheme is used by CounterMail
Once authenticated, the encrypted data are transmitted to the client and decryption happens on the client.
is key derivation a proper use of SHA2?
I've not personally used it that way, but I suppose I don't know for sure that it isn't a valid method of key derivation
@AJHenderson No, but that's beside the point really.
A: User authentication + database encryption with same password

PolynomialAs far as I can tell, your scheme is this: Compute scrypt(pass) and store it as the authentication key in your database. Compute sha256(scrypt(pass)) and use that as your data encryption key. The problem with this technique is that an attacker with access to your database can simply compute t...

@AJHenderson it depends
This answer by @Poly is a really elegant solution imo.
@AJHenderson mostly we use pbkdf2
which can use SHA2
@TerryChia Exactly what is used by CounterMail. Brilliant answer by Poly!
@AJH What @Lucas said
@Adnan yeah, I wasn't saying that client side encryption is bad, I was just pointing out separate problems. He appeared to be saying he wanted to hash the password client side and then send it after it had been salted and hashed to store and see if they match in the future
@AJHenderson This is the gist of the question really.
> One of these passwords is used to authenticate with the server side (and stored there salted and hashed), the other password is used to encrypt the information client side before sending it to the server.
and then he also seemed to be doing a client side key derivation that appeared to be a roll your own implementation rather than using a best practice, it wasn't a complaint about client side encryption, just the mechanism of key creation
@AJHenderson Sorry, your answer is still useless.
@AJHenderson Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you provided incorrect information. Not at all.
The information are good, for a blog post on the topic.
well he only asked if it was valid, not asked for alternatives
But not good to answer the question
@AJHenderson Sorry, but wrong.
> Now, I am unsure if this is a scenario that SHA2 is designed for, and I don't want to abuse it. Is there a better way to generate these passwords or is SHA2 suited for this?
ok, that's fair. I hyper focused on the main heading and missed the Is there a better way part
@AJHenderson Hey, if it's gonna create anything between us, I'll remove the downvote at once.
I don't want to annoy you or anything.
Just delete the answer and VTC it as a dupe. :P
@AJHenderson But, still, you haven't told him why SHA2 is a bad idea here. You only talked about sending the hash of authentication.
@Adnan nah, I just wanted to understand
I added a bit about PDKDF2 as a suggestion
@AJHenderson Great. I'm happy to hear that.
so that an alternative is given
it's a good improvement to the answer
@AJHenderson Sorry, still you're missing the point.
Oh, seems that the OP has commented
I seem to have been not very clear in my question, sorry. I wish to have two passwords, one to authenticate with the server, another to encrypt data. I don't want to send the second one to the server, and I don't want the user to have to enter two passwords, just one. "secure key derivation algorithm" is good google-fodder. Thanks =) — Jens 47 secs ago
1 min ago, by Adnan
@AJHenderson But, still, you haven't told him why SHA2 is a bad idea here. You only talked about sending the hash of authentication.
Poly's answer fits the OP's case like a glove.
In the spirit of the DMZ: newsfeed.time.com/2013/10/29/…
yeah, with the new comment I agree
sorry about the delay, had a meeting
I've deleted my answer as I concur it is the exact same scenario now
and btw, just for future reference, if I'm ever actually upset about something I'll mention it explicitly, I just tend to be aggressive in my discussions :)
so if I ever seem like I'm upset about it, I'm probably just giving a vigorous defense
@AJHenderson le me pets the kittyz
@AJHenderson Good to know :)
The latest visual fingerprint question (which I find silly, by the way) reminds me of a very interesting thing @lynks said
Jul 30 at 13:30, by lynks
Reminds me of trying to convince my friend that a 6x6 grid of black or white squares is enough to give each living human a unique representation.
in The Bridge, 30 secs ago, by fredley
Oh God I regret ever visiting the DMZ
hehehe nice
@kalina Sweet!
@kalina Who?
A new user: "Oh look, DMZ, this looks cosy..." DMZ: "WAF WAF!"
@TildalWave well the barking depends on the retardometer's output
I think malfunctioned when @Simon came in though :(
@TildalWave you should change your name to SeniorTildalWave
there was no return address on the package he came in ;)
@Simon It was too easy
My poor self.
@LucasKauffman you mean "senor"?
@TildalWave yea sorry ^^
because share all the things
@LucasKauffman I'm pretty sure somebody already posted that
@LucasKauffman Looks like the kind of hugs you get after you told a girl you love her and she friendzoned you.
Mar 13 at 17:41, by Scott Pack
Passion Lubes

What are you going to do with all this lube?! Wrestling match? Biggest adult party ever? If you are looking for a simply jaw-dropping amount of lube, Passion Natural Water-Based Lubricant is ready to get the fun started with this 55 gallon drum! With its superb formula you will have a natural feel that keeps you moist longer and also works great with all toy materials. Easily washes away with warm water and mild soap. You may never run out of lube again! Size: 55 gallons. Note: Includes pump. Ships via freight due to weight limit.
My Amazon recommendations is seriously screwed since I started hanging around here.
Oh, also this
Oct 22 at 23:50, by tylerl
Passion Lubes

What are you going to do with all this lube?! Wrestling match? Biggest adult party ever? If you are looking for a simply jaw-dropping amount of lube, Passion Natural Water-Based Lubricant is ready to get the fun started with this 55 gallon drum! With its superb formula you will have a natural feel that keeps you moist longer and also works great with all toy materials. Easily washes away with warm water and mild soap. You may never run out of lube again! Size: 55 gallons. Note: Includes pump. Ships via freight due to weight limit.
you're stacking your lube rocket?
@Adnan That link gets posted about twice a week in the Comms Room.
It's appropriate for so many situations.
@Adnan Hi @Adnan, care to elaborate?
@Ladadadada I don't expect anything less.
@ScottPack it's the scheduled event spam
joining the channel signs you up for it
We should really have an option to change our vote to close reason on revisions
so many that go from "Unclear" to "We don't care"
I suggest we have a "Pizza Party" event in The DMZ hourly.
@kalina Excellent. Maybe I should add more events.
@TerryChia Also, all amazon links in chat get some kind of subscriber or affiliate code for StackOverflow added to them. Consider what that looks like.
@quazgar The way I see it is by bruteforce. You'd have start with the an ASCII image that looks similar to the key you're trying to replace, then start bruteforcing your way until you find the key corresponding to that image. Honestly, I see nothing interesting or new here.
@ScottPack Oh please do it! I want an event where I can freely admire you and let you know how awesome you are without receiving any negative comments from others.
I haven't made a negative comment, even jokingly, about any of you for 24 hours
@quazgar I'm not saying the question is bad, I'm just saying it's uninteresting.
@kalina "without receiving any negative comments from other s
@quazgar I wouldn't downvote it or vote to close it, but at the same time I would upvote it or think about writing an answer.
@Simon +"
@kalina + le fu-
@Adnan Well I was wondering more if there could be estimates how large the space of distiguishable images is, compared to the space of fingerptints
mapping to an image certainly seems more attractive and easier to remember than similar approaches, such as PGP's word list, but maybe that's just my intuition
@quazgar That very very subjective. I'm very good at recognizing small differences, my gf isn't.
Give me the two visual hashes with one 0 changed to o and I'll tell them apart.
@Adnan So, we can't find your wiener?
@kalina you remind me a lot of my ex girlfriend for some reason
@quazgar But, maybe, I won't recognize if you change ( to )
strangely enough, I seem to remind everybody in here of their ex-girlfriend
@kalina Yes, because our exs were awful.
@Adnan Interesting differences :-)
Yea it's a bit like, I'll try to be friends, but it will probably just not work out
there's no sexual history between us, all of the problems are caused by your assumptions
@kalina You're not ignorant or crazy enough. Sorry.
@quazgar The key thing to keep in mind here is this: The more tolerance you have -> The smaller your search space is.
I am not ignorant and I'm not crazy enough?
@kalina no but your behavior reminds me of the tension I had with her afterwards (we frequented the same irc channels)
tension you say
@quazgar It's actually quite intuitive, and I think you already figured it out. If there are 100000 visually similar fingerprints to the one you're trying to find, that will cut down your search space. But, your search space is usually 10000000000000000 (I just kept pressing zero, you get the point), I don't see how big of a difference that will make.
@kalina yes, what's wrong with that?
@LucasKauffman That's your problem. Never date someone who frequents IRC channels.
@Adnan exactly I almost made that mistake a second time
but then I was like FUCK THAT SHIT
@LucasKauffman Good man Lucas.
@LucasKauffman You must be German.
@ScottPack she wasn't polish
@LucasKauffman Were you so close to march into her land with your tanks?
@Simon You remind me of all my exes
@Adnan ughey
All one of them
@Adnan I don't do blitzkrieg, it takes a long time.
Who am I kidding? All zero of them :(
@LucasKauffman I usually blitzkrieg in the right amount of time. The problem is when ever I blitzkrieg, it gets so messy.
@Adnan Sex is like a competition, if you want to have an orgasm you need to win!
@LucasKauffman What?!
We need @Terry to explain this to us
@LucasKauffman But, seriously, what does that mean?
@Adnan that you need to be the first, because there is no second place.
meaning second place does not get an orgasm
@LucasKauffman So it's a race and a competition and it's not about having fun and enjoying each others?
Well, I've been doing it wrong all these years!
@Adnan exactly
@TerryChia oddly, mine don't seem to have changed much
This conversation sure took a turn for the awkward.
@kalina then clearly you aren't doing it right ;)
@kalina you don't remind me of an ex-girlfriend, but I have no ex-girlfriends
@AJHenderson Well done, sir. Well done.
@Adnan what if they are an IRCop?
@AJHenderson At this point, it doesn't matter.
@Adnan they were dudes?
@Adnan true
@AJHenderson They were tiny and hairy.
Bad memories.
@LucasKauffman yes, but if you win too often you stop having races
and races aren't very fun by yourself
unless you have :12024953
ok, that didn't work
@AJHenderson Hehehehe
how do you do a quote
I've never figured that out on here
@AJHenderson You can copy the link.
30 secs ago, by AJ Henderson
I've never figured that out on here
@AJHenderson Or use > Quote
@AJHenderson It must be in a message on its own
42 secs ago, by Adnan
@AJHenderson You can copy the link.
@AJHenderson Sweet!
@Adnan oh yeah, and that isn't a result of having no girlfriends, I just was really picky and knew exactly what I was looking for and got lucky with the first one.
I miss @ScottPack
I'm about to go downstairs and eat lunch.
@Simon Whassamatter with you? Is @ScottPack's lunch your friend or something? Or is that his nickname for your mom?
@Iszi I remember saying stuff like this when I was jealous about something too.
I'm wholeheartedly in agreement that this isn't a great question for our site, but since when is "Homework and easily googleable" a valid close reason?
Q: EKE and SSH protocol

securityQQQEncrypted key exchange (EKE) protocol and the SSH protocol encrypt passwords using asymmetric encryption algorithms. However, there is an difference between them. What is the difference?

Also "The OP has not provided enough information to answer this question." is not a valid "off-topic" close reason. It's an excuse to close it as "unclear what you are asking".
Grumpy grump of the grumping grumper.
hey, O don
Q: What is the attacker trying to do? (maybe just spam my form)

TecBratI have a PHP-included form that tells me the URL the customer was visiting when they fill it out. The content of the message was either jibberish or poorly handled by the form. (it looked mostly like this: Утром ÑÐ...) The URL that was reported was URL encoded, I had to decode it twice and t...

hey, I don't know if this is off topic but does anyone know where to acquire the 38 million adobe leaked password list?
for analysis
Google will help. Most likely you'll end up on pastebin if it's anywhere public.
@Iszi Do you laugh sometimes?
Take your pick!
@BrandonKreisel Next time, try Twitter twitter.com/search?q=users.tar.gz&src=typd&f=realtime
Much more useful than Google search.
thanks @Adnan, I really appreciate it
Mm...sweet&sour chicken with fried rice followed up by a nice chicken soup with kale, carrots, sweet potato, and quinoa.
@ScottPack That sounds better than my chicken nuggets.
@Simon In general, or at anything in particular?
@Iszi In general. Do you even smile?
@Simon On rare occasion.
I can't tell if you're playing with me or not.
@Xander Leftovers. Both of them were yummy.
@ScottPack When you met @Iszi, do you remember if he smiled or laughed at least once?
@ScottPack Very nice. We moved into a new house last weekend, but due to the fact that my Internet tubes haven't been installed yet, my office is still in the old house for a couple of days. So, I'm left to forage from the remnants left in the freezer here.
@Simon Vague memory of such, though the laughter may have been sardonic. That was a long while ago.
@Xander Too bad. Also, congratulations on the move.
@ScottPack I feel like I'd be scared of him if I'd meet him.
@ScottPack Thank you. I hate moving more than anything short of death by fire. I'm happy the worse is over, but I'll really be glad when it's finished and we're settled.
I cannot begin to explain how I sympathize.
@Xander Congratulations on 1k first post reviews!
@Simon Thanks! It was a haul to get here. Now I'm just waiting for the site to give me my new shiny.
At which point, I'll be the only user on Sec.SE with a steward badge.
We moved in on July 31st and am still trying to find places to put things. Only began hanging up pictures last week.
@ScottPack LOL. My wife was hanging pictures on day two. That woman can't stand to be without her art.
We were too busy trying to put in furniture and such.
@CodesInChaos do you know if traditional unix crypt which uses 25 iterations of DES is considered secure for password encryption?
@ScottPack I hope you know that I'm expecting a picture of you for Christmas.
@ScottPack Understandable. We had to buy a few new pieces, and we're in a holding pattern there, because I'm not sure exactly what we're going to do with some of our current stuff until we see what the situation looks like with the new stuff in place.
@ScottPack It's all such a massive hassle. I'm yearning to be set and settled again. A couple of months, and we'll be there.
does anyone else know if Unix crypt is secure?
@LucasKauffman Looks like "No." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypt_(Unix)
25 iterations of DES sounds far too cheap
@Xander I think that's a different "crypt"
@CodesInChaos In that case, I have no idea. :-)
@CodesInChaos Are you in a better mood today?
Anyone here really good with Spybot?
Q: Is there a way to disable specific Spybot Immunization rules?

IsziI've been having problems using a desktop sharing application, which I've traced to the Immunization protections applied via Spybot S&D. Specifically, the problem has been narrowed down to the rules in the \SOFTWARE (Plugins) categories under the Internet Explorer groups. Once I disable these Imm...

@Iszi -1
@LucasKauffman truncates passwords to 8 bytes, ASCII only, 12 bit salts and only 25 iterations of a hardware friendly cipher. What's there not to love.
@CodesInChaos Any ideas on benchmarks?
I'd expect bitsliced password crackers to be pretty fast
Ugh. The Grub2 multiboot specification is giving me a brain ache.
@CodesInChaos days, hours or minutes :P?
as usual that depends on the password quality. You could throw hashcatocl-lite at it and benchmark yourself
So, I tried using Process Monitor to check out the registry changes and... well, damn that was noisy.
@Iszi noisy?
@DavidFreitag He's just trying to make me call him grumpy again.
@DavidFreitag It's really not simple to sort out the meaningful data from the flood of output.
@RoryAlsop got a bottle of Highland Park and a bottle of Taketsuru (they were out of Springbank :( )
Filtering by source process usually trims it down quite a bit
@CodesInChaos Yeah, done. But the hard bit is that there's 900 actions being taken, each having several Registry operations, and none of the registry keys have human-friendly names.
@Iszi Ah.
@Xander You just ruined your 1k.
@Simon But 1001 is so pretty...And...Symmetrical.
@Simon Plus, now we each have 8 reviews on the day. So it's (temporarily, at least) all nice and even.
That too.
le shiny shines
Anyone else trying to figure out the XKCD?
Looks like 38a7c9279cadeb44, 9dca1d79d4dec6d5, and a8ae5754a2b7af7a are the only blocks left to solve.
@ScottPack Thanks for breaking the symmetry. I don't like you anymore.
I suck at crosswords
@ScottPack :-P
We just need to wait for 7 more
Should I bother to watch Project X?
@ScottPack What about now?

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