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> We do not (yet) have the keys Adobe used to encrypt the passwords of 130,324,429 users affected by their most recent breach. However, thanks to Adobe choosing symmetric key encryption over hashing, selecting ECB mode, and using the same key for every password, combined with a large number of known plaintexts and the generosity of users who flat-out gave us their password in their password hint
I'm surprised by #23 sunshine and #25 letmein
@Gilles Yup, I was swearing about that on here a day or two ago.
@TerryChia Christ!
@Adnan looks correct except for the “4 more bits of entropy” bit
@Adnan It's Triple-DES-ECB btw. Not even AES.
#18 iloveyou
that would mean that the username can be in one of 15 positions, or nowhere, with equal probability
@Gilles It can be in 13 positions or nowhere, with equal probability. The closest ^2 is 4 (to get 16).
@Gilles What's wrong here, and how can I correct it?
@Adnan it's a bit less than 4 bits, and it's safer to round down. But that's very minor.
@Gilles Ahaaaa.. sure sure, rounding down.
Also the model where P(password_in_position_X) = P(password_not_used) is weird
but we're quibbling over approximately one bit of entropy
@Gilles In any case, I've corrected it. Thanks.
I'm surprised that 22,719 users used the password jessica
Googling top 10 female names in the U.S.
#2 Jessica
@TerryChia Honestly, thank you. This is so much fun!
@LucasKauffman , @Adnan Grazie :3
@Adnan You must be really bored. :P
Sarah is a worldwide name
@TerryChia Apparently, everybody visits their parents on Sunday. So, yeah, I'm all by myself.
Test: Please let me know which of the following didn't ping you.
@Adnan Are you done? :P
They all pinged me.
@TerryChia Fantastic!
I no longer have the compulsive need to type @Terry 's
because I'm afraid the apostrophe will kill the ping
There's an eclipse today
@Lamia You're most welcome.
@Lamia in Africa
@Lamia Well, there's no sun in Finland.. so.. yeah.
@ManishEarth Even some parts of Asia
@Adnan Why so serious :P
@Lamia Go to work at 09:00, it's dark. Come from work at 17:00, it's dark.
@Adnan move to Singapore
@Gilles 4 years ago I almost did, but stopped the plans after I read/heard about the weather.
@Adnan cloudy country?
I can't survive almost 30C all year long
@Lamia where?
A total solar eclipse will occur on November 3, 2013. It is a hybrid eclipse of the Sun with a magnitude of 1.0159. Totality will be visible from the northern Atlantic Ocean (east of Florida) to Africa (Gabon (landfall), R. Congo, DR Congo, Uganda, South Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia), with maximum of 1 minute and 39 seconds visible from the Atlantic Ocean south of Ivory Coast and Ghana. Places with partial darkening will be the Eastern coast of North America, southern Greenland, Bermuda, the Caribbean islands, Costa Rica, Panama, Northern South America, almost all the African continent,...
@ManishEarth Partial: Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc..
@ManishEarth Middle east
Even America?
@Lamia According to this, yeah.
@Gilles I thought it was partial in the middle east. Looks like it's full. (at least what I understood from the animation).
@Adnan no, the shaded zone is the partial zone
totality is the dark dot in the center
@Gilles Oho! Makes sense.
it's barely total (99s max)
If you were to get a superpower during the eclipse what would it be?
I know it's lame-sites type of question
@Lamia stopping time? because eclipses are cool
@Gilles I'd stop time because it'd make me use more of my superpower during the eclipse
@Lamia I want to sparkle.
@TerryChia For what purpose?
@Lamia I know it's a lame answer, but since it's a superpower and with no conditions or requirements, I'd go with ability to permanently end war.
@Lamia Sparkling is an end in itself.
@Adnan Look at you.. Why did the psychopathy quiz gave u 16 :P
@Lamia Jesus Christ on the cross!! Psychopathy has nothing to do with wanting people to die!
@Gilles it's actually agreed by SE that removal of "thanks" of ok
you as a moderator should know that
@Adnan I don't know the quiz made it look like this
@Adnan I give you the prize of best answer
@Lamia Trust me, they have nothing to do with each other.
the fact that you saw fit to ping me 10 times over it means you're obviously trolling
@kalina By itself, no. Along with improving the post overall, yes.
What @Adnan said.
In any case, we, as the collective Security.SE moderation body, don't want such edits. We reject as we see fit.
the bulk of them had additional clarify edits
@Adnan that's fine, the statistics disagree with you since most of them got approved, therefore I can only conclude my edits were acceptable
@kalina Adding a period isn't a "clarify edits".
now shoo giving me grief because you fell out of the bed on the wrong side
His bed is a mobius strip
There's only one side, and it's the wrong one
talk to your people
don't make it my fault
@kalina Notice: I didn't say female, I said "girl".
Implying that you'll come back here complaining about your edits being rejected
cut it out, both of you
and don't make assumptions and stop being a misogynist
In that context, I'd have used "boy" as well.
@Adnan yet you didn't
you made an assumption
which turned out to be insulting
@kalina I can be whatever I want. You don't like it? Fine, go to another room.
Seriously, stop bickering over semantics.
@kalina That's the least of my worries.
@Adnan Be nice...
@TerryChia I'm not being not nice.
She's accusing me of being a misogynist.
you are, clearly
and, when asked to stop, you said you don't care
In her own opinion, to which she's, of course, fully entitled.
when it's pointed out you're being insulting, you said you don't care
Guys, stop. This is not worth arguing over...
so the only correct recourse here is that you're warned or banned
@kalina So, being nice means that whenever somebody tells you to stop something you adhere?
@kalina I'm being insulted by you calling my a misogynist. Please stop it.
@Adnan misogynist isn't an insult, it's a description
@kalina I'm being insulted by you talking to me. Please stop it.
I didn't like doing that, but have fun and please be nice when you come back.
@ManishEarth Thanks for that.. This is getting really stupid.
Adnan, you know kalina's a bit sensitive about these matters, don't needlessly provoke her.
Kalina, don't get provoked. And both of you, don't start bickering if this happens.
@TerryChia yes, it is
@kalina Be nice. Since you know exactly what you're doing, this will be your only warning from me.
Q: Phone Privacy for Small Business

mgjkI'm a small business operator and I'm looking for ways to provide security and reasonable privacy for my own business communications and communications of customers. All these businesses operate outside the U.S. and have no need to export their data to U.S. servers. All the smartphones I've see...

Off topic or not? It really reads like a product recommendation question imo.
> Are there other criteria I should consider?
They advocate the same thing, "what qualities should I look for?" instead of "what should I buy?"
@ManishEarth Sure, that's the part that is making me hesitate.
But he already has a list of criteria that he wants. So I dunno...
@TerryChia I don't see how it's off-topic. It's about privacy, which is a security concern.
@Gilles he's talking about the recommendation bit
@ManishEarth that's not a matter of topic, but possibly a matter of suitability for SE
however, he isn't asking for a product recommendation, he's asking for criteria, which is exactly what we want
@Gilles Well, the product recommendation thing is listed as a off topic reason so...
bleh. Currently the product recommendations close reason is nested under "off topic"
@kalina I actually improved some of your edits, because they weren't completely correct
because SE never fixed that
the only close reason that might apply is too broad
@TerryChia yes, but that sucks
@Gilles Well, yeah. Take it up with SE. :P I'm just working with the tools I'm given.
only two persons seem to think it makes sense, but unfortunately one of them is in charge
Alright, I'll defer to the two of you and not VTC it.
Q: Can we rename the off-topic close reason label on the primary screen?

Thomas OwensWhen you click on the button to cast a close vote, you get a list of options: duplicate, off-topic, unclear, too broad, and primarily opinion based. These appear to be consistent across every site. However, my problem is the "off topic" option: when you click on it, it brings up things that don't...

upvote him
I was reading it as a product recommendation question although he mentioned criteria because he already has a list of criteria he wants and I don't see any reasonable answer to the question besides "Here is the phone that will do exactly what you want."
@ManishEarth I dunno... I get the feeling Meta.SO is really a theater more than anything...
@kalina also I must point out that there are, besides you, 3 other female members who frequent stackexchange, yet it seems that you are: 1) the only one who is taking offense 2) The only one to whom Adnan was making his points. So I think misogynist could, at most, be replaced with @Adnan not liking you.
Q: Flags in chat are defective by design

Benjamin GruenbaumYes, I know the topic has been discussed before. I know that Meta already has threads that complain about how flagging doesn't work. I wanted to give a practical example. Today, a user came in to the JavaScript chat and asked the following question: Hey guys, as soon as I embed javascript,...

This still hasn't got any answers from SE.
@ManishEarth rather:
@TerryChia shoot, need to post on that
Q: Shouldn't "off-topic" be only about... off-topic?

TheTerribleSwiftTomatoA related question/discussion point to this one posted just now, but with a completely different rationale. Whenever a question is closed because it doesn't contain SSCCE, or specific code, it also gets marked as "off-topic". I would argue that this is confusing, especially to new users, since t...

and yes, I already upvoted all of those
@TerryChia I read the question here as "Are there other criteria I should consider?" which seems perfectly on topic and not a recommendation to me?
@LucasKauffman Don't you think point (1) would be caused by point (2), and that maybe point (2) should be the point that is focussed on?
@Gilles This reads more like a threat than a warning, especially considering it takes two to tango and you've targeted one of us.
@TerryChia Stuff does happen as a result of it getting posted/voted upon on MSO, all the good ideas end up in a queue which I imagine is rather long by this stage.
@Adnan Oh, that's an easy one to answer. Those are the types of edits I would do so why would I reject them unless only to be an ass?
I would approve that particular edit too
@ManishEarth you wouldn't call that too minor?
Not that one, no
Some of them were in fact too minor, but I just improved them
oh that wasn't a removal of just thanks
still pretty borderline since it's like 12 characters instead of 6
But the minor-ness in suggested edits is a subjective matter. People are within their bounds to both accept and reject certain types of edits. Like that one.
@Gilles I have a question
@LucasKauffman exactly
hang on let me find the reject reason again
I have a much more lenient feeling on too minor. There have been many times I've wanted to make edits that the auto-system rejected.
the reject reason "Don't force titles into questions when they work better as titles"
I'm sure the agreed policy on that was organic questions > *
@ScottPack the auto system is a very crude approximation, I'm not convinced it's a good thing
and that we should force tags into the question
but having the front page filled by minor edits is not good either
@kalina no, there's no consensus on whether question titles should be questions or titles
@kalina definitely no, tags should not be forced into a title
@Gilles is this the actual problem?
@Gilles I don't disagree with that either. I tend to keep my edits to a small handful at a time and wait for the front page to clean up a bit before doing more.
@Gilles yeah I forced no tags into the title
@kalina yes, it is a problem. In addition, some of your edits were good, others were bad. But making, what was it, 30 edits on old posts in quick succession, that's not good because it moves recent stuff away from the front page.
@Gilles this discussion occurred lastnight already
as a matter of fact, because you didn't have 370+ edits in your queue, you can assume I stopped
@kalina But what I skimmed through appeared to be primarily @Adnan whining which isn't helpful.
@ScottPack I don't see this as any different from normal but if we can avoid talking about him so I don't have to relay my feelings towards how his behaviour is deemed acceptable by moderators who then go on to single me out, that would be great
It did surprise me that you almost appear to be on my side/impartial, whereas I expected you to jump to his defence like some of the others in here
@kalina Adnan can be abrasive at times. But you should stop provoking him. As you said earlier, it takes two to tango.
so thanks for that
@Gilles you still singled me out for the whole "be nice" comment
For that matter, he should stop provoking you too.
if somebody acts like an ass to me, I will retaliate
because flagging him didn't work
@kalina That's exactly what “be nice” tells you not to do.
I gave the moderators a chance to defuse the situation with a valid reason to suspend him and you ignored that opportunity
@kalina Why?
@kalina Gilles was replying to this
as such, I have a right to defend myself
@kalina Both of you were suspended.
@ManishEarth I know, notice I didn't complain about it?
I know
@kalina I haven't looked at the whole transcript, but I didn't see any suspension-worthy behavior from Adnan. If your objective is to have him suspended, that's clearly wrong.
your hand got forced, you hit the panic button, can't really complain about both of us being suspended
You should take a break from SE, at least from chat.
You're being disruptive.
Oh wow, he also referred to himself as the "whole of security.SE moderation". That's pretty short sighted and unworthy.
@Gilles I am currently being disruptive?
@kalina But I don't see any cases of Adnan not being nice before that linked chat message of yours.
Except for the other cases that have happened ... before
@ManishEarth you mean apart from the multiple pings about how my edits only got approved because of my gender?
@kalina link?
@kalina Yes. You're wasting my time. I don't think I have anything else to say to you, really. You seem to choose to ignore some of what I already told you, and I have better things to do. You've been here long enough to know better.
@Gilles ok well, this is your mistake, I am not in a disruptive mood currently, I am trying to clarify my position
if you feel I'm wasting your time, fine, I will stop asking you questions
@ManishEarth I think based on the other mod making assumptions that will likely lead to another suspension, it should be dropped
it's in the transcript though, literally the first thing he said after I went to bed
@kalina on a previous page of the transcript? ...looks like effort
@ManishEarth I know right, I actually think it's two pages back
serious amounts of manual labour
6 hours ago, by Adnan
Just because she's a girl, it doesn't mean we should auto-approve.
yeah i found it
@ManishEarth yeah, Adnan did say something like that, and the message was deleted
Despite appearances, I do sometimes take effort. Rarely. When there's an annular eclipse the next day.
@kalina @Adnan You should ignore each other
@kalina Ok, while I don't think it was out of line to ping you multiple times (I do that too sometimes just so that it doesn't get confusing for others and the autocomplete is so easy to use), the girl thing and the general attitude was out of line.
But yeah, it's best if you two ignore each other.
@Gilles +1
There are a number of people I have ignored in chat. I find it much smoother.
I don't really like using the ignore function because the people I ignore are the ones most likely to say shit that needs a response
@ScottPack scott scott scott
@LucasKauffman You are doing it wrong.
@ScottPack @ScottPack @ScottPack.
@kalina so basically you enjoy conflict?
@ScottPack @scott @scott @scott
@TerryChia I thought it was @copy @paste @copy @paste?
Now it's @Scott @Pack @Scott @Pack
sorry @copy @paste, you've been demoted
knock knock @ScottPack knock knock @ScottPack knock knock @ScottPack
@TerryChia My friend's kids do that too. They see me, start screaming "SCOTTPACK", and run up to me for hugs.
@ScottPack at this rate it's easier to just leave the room forever rather than ignore us all
@ManishEarth I could probably kick you all out.
@ScottPack Oh, seriously, Scott. Is this where we're sinking now? I simply said that we, as a community, are the moderation body of this community, and we, as a community, decide what is fit for our community. @tyler, @Terry, @Gilles, and I rejected some of the edits. All of us participated in that moderation activity. I don't really appreciate twisting my words that way. Greatly disappointing, coming from you.
@ScottPack He could just as easily demote you. :P
@ScottPack Mods can't be kicked
Also, I have a kickban bookmarklet
1 hour ago, by Adnan
In any case, we, as the collective Security.SE moderation body, don't want such edits. We reject as we see fit.
@LucasKauffman That one is pretty old.
@ScottPack People wear a superman pyama, superman wears a @ScottPack pyama
@Adnan I honestly wasn't about to read through the whole transcript because, frankly, everything I looked at was pretty goddamn petty. None of what I approved was worth rejecting. You're the one who attempted to publicly shame me for doing something that you wanted to get all bitchy about.
@ScottPack do you still like me ?
@LucasKauffman Of course. Why wouldn't I?
Not anymore he doesn't
@ScottPack I don't know
<3 @ScottPack
@ManishEarth Can you whip up a Chrome extension that appends @ScottPack to the end of every message? :P
yes, probably
Ugh. So Tuesday is election day and I'm still having trouble figuring out what on earth is on the ballot.
@ScottPack ... ink?
@ManishEarth Maybe it's written in blood?
@ManishEarth or is there? They have electronic voting in some places in the US
@ManishEarth It's quite possible.
@Gilles This will be my first time voting in this location but previously we used bubble fill Scantron style voting. I'm looking it up to see if I can find an example.
@Gilles Here's one. You, the voter, fill in the bubbles with an ink pen and then feed the ballot into a tallying machine. voterfind.tzo.org/athensoh/data/20131105G/0001%20%201X.pdf
Optical Scan. That's the ticket! Man, how could I not remember that.
@Adnan While I respect the fact that you're the moderation community, I think the criteria for accepting an edit is "Better A or better B", rather than "is this edit sufficiently transformative to warrant my approval".
@tylerl and I definitely agree with that. The problem is that most of those edits weren't substantial and we have a reject reason specific for that.
Removing the "thanks in advance" from questions before even considering answering them is pretty much SOP on this site (all sites), and nobody would even consider rolling back such an edit. So if it's sufficient reason for us to edit a Q, then it's sufficient reason for a suggested edit as well.
@tylerl Also, PWNED!
@Adnan QQ
@tylerl I'm talking about the ranks, by the way.
@Adnan i guess that. Hence the crying
ANd while I wouldn't take 6 hours out of my day to remove all the "thank you"s from all the Qs, if @kalina or anyone else wants to take it upon themselves to do so, then I am approve.
@tylerl Oh, damn it. I always forget what those QQ are.
@Adnan its eyes with tears
clearly you don't spend enough time in 1990s chat rooms
I think I've made a huge mistake!
I generally approve edits if either I would have made that edit or I think it was done in good faith and is an improvement. I won't really care how minor it is just so long as it hits one of those.
@ScottPack That doesn't sound unreasonable to me. Can we, as a community, have our own reject reasons? If the majority hold your view, can we modify our suggested edits reject reasons? (the same way we did with the close votes).
If SE is going to make network-wide regulation of don't sign your questions, then we need to at least support anyone who's willing to go remove those signatures. That way new askers won't see bad examples of questions in the history.
@Adnan The edit reject reason is always the same, no matter what site you're on. That's why you don't select a reject reason, you just click reject.
The reason is "this edit isn't better"
If you stick to that reason alone, then the quality of the questions is guaranteed to get better.
@tylerl I meant, if we don't care about minor edits, then can't we just remove the "Too minor" reason?
Stuff like *changed a period to a comma" doesn't make a question better, nor does adding a single space at the end of the question. So those are clearly rejectable.
it doesn't matter how minor, as long as its minor in the right direction. If you can't tell whether or not its better, then that's too minor
@heinrich5991 Welcome.
@Adnan Hello :)
things like changed smtp to SMTP doesn't really make it better, since lowercase abbreviations are totally acceptiable
and there's no stackexchange policy of "all abberviations must be capitalized"
So, @heinrich5991, any questions?
@Adnan he's in your fan club
@Adnan: The point I tried to make is that if the MITM establishes a HTTPS connection to the server (thus making it send all the 'secure' stuff) and stripping everything ssl related when sending it to the client.
@tylerl I had a short discussion with @heinrich5991 regarding this question security.stackexchange.com/questions/44843/…
Therefore the client does not even know that there is something HTTPS related going on.
@heinrich5991 Okay, let's talking about the normal case first, and then we'll discuss MITM.
When you connect to the HTTPS server, it will send you a Secure cookie. Meaning this cookie will only be sent again client->server if the connection happened through HTTPS.
@Adnan @heinrich5991 It's better to go straight to SSL (e.g. using HSTS), but redirecting to HTTPS from HTTP does not make thing worse
from HTTP to HTTPS you mean?
@tylerl No disagreement here. We're discussion something else
@heinrich5991 Now, a MITM was able to intercept the initial HTTP request and replace all links to http:// (basically, SSLStrip).
@Adnan he's discussing the possibility of the redirect not happening because of SSL strip, and you're discussing secure cookies
@tylerl Please refer to the initial comment that started the discussion security.stackexchange.com/questions/44843/…
@Adnan Yep. I read it.
I've just noticed something.
> server happily returns data, MITM decrypts it and sends it back to the client.
@Adnan Unfortunately, @heinrich5991 is right. you didn't take SSLstrip into account.
@heinrich5991 What do you mean by that? How do you think that can be possible?
@tylerl I'd happy to hear more on this. Please, tell me, how would SSLStrip be used here.
Client -- (HTTP) --> MITM -- (HTTPS) --> Server
this way the MITM can decrypt the response from the server
@Adnan client visits unsecured site, evil guy controls all interaction from there forward. This is the classic sslstrip case. You said no mitm is possible, but that's categorically incorrect any time http is used.
secure cookies only come in to play if the user was already logged in to the site. Otherwise, there's no cookies to begin with.
Sup ladies and gents.
@tylerl @heinrich5991 Yes, now I see it. You both are indeed correct. I'm wrong. I'll try to correct my answer.
@tylerl @heinrich5991 Please have a look at the revised version of my answer and let me know if I need to add/remove something.
I can't believe I missed it. Thanks you guys for helping out.
Hey, @Simon.
@Adnan If you wanted to add anything, you could mention HSTS, which is designed precisely to mitigate this issue. Though the fact that "secure.xyz.com" is a different domain messes things up
@tylerl I thought about it, but I don't want the other guy to feel like I stole the lights from him. In case the OP accepts the other dude's answer, everything will be fine.
@TerryChia Good job on spotting the dupes.
@Simon voted to move it to Super User and added a comment
@Simon You missed that about a year or two ago.
@Simon Probably because it hasn't been backed by anything since we departed from the gold standard.
evening all
evening @RoryA ;)
@RoryAlsop Howdy
That's three separate regions right there :-)
@RoryAlsop Isn't teh Internets awesome?
@Iszi yup. It feels like it is back to normal today
@RoryAlsop One can only hope. I'm off to see Ender's Game in a bit. Anyone else?
@Iszi As soon as I can. I'm desperate for it to be good. The two guys I know who have seen it say Hollywood came good on this one
@RoryAlsop The previews don't look promising to one who's read the books.
Also, I've heard they condensed 10 years of Ender's life into 1 somehow - that's gotta dramatically change the characters and story in ways that can't all be great.
But, I've been waiting for this so long that I have to hold out some hope.
I've heard that the movie was good. I've never read the books, but I don't tend to get all uppity about books not matching movies.
@ScottPack It was a particularly good book though
And one that just has so much that really should be good on screen
@ScottPack There's a certain amount of variance I can forgive, but certain key points need to be maintained.
I tend to look at them as two different stories that are either set in the same world or are similar.
e.g.: Ender's Game
@RoryAlsop It's been on my read list for a long time. I just tend to forget about it every time I come to picking up a new book.
@ScottPack I suggest you read it before you see it, then.
I'd offer to loan you a copy, but I think mine's buried in storage right now.
@Iszi Based on how often I watch movies that's more likely to happen anyway.
Libraries, son.
Good luck finding one that doesn't have a cover from the movie now.
@Iszi You know you're gonna complain about it, don't lie to yourself.
Oh, this is awesome. Found via the Twitters:
Q: Why does HTML think “chucknorris” is a color?

user456584How come certain random strings produce various colors when entered as background colors in HTML? For example: <body bgcolor="chucknorris"> test </body> ...produces a document with a red background across all browsers and platforms. Interestingly, while chucknorri produces a red background as...

@Iszi And?
Oh, @RoryAlsop. Do you do the Google Talks? I have something I'd like to run by you so I wonder if you'd mind chatting about it or if you'd rather me write it up as an email.
@ScottPack Yeah I can do the hangout thing...think I know how to :-)
@RoryAlsop Cool. Not right now, we're about to eat lunch, but I'll hit you up later.
grand - we'll be eating in about 30 minutes once the pasta bake has finished ...baking, so about an hour's time will be grand
@RoryAlsop Awww, Grandpa Rory's getting all high-tech these days!
@RoryAlsop Awesome. We'll see what I'm up to then.
This is almost definitely a dupe, but I don't have time to find the original right now.
Q: What is it common to only say "username or password is incorrect" in case of login errors?

DunarilWhen logging in to a site with wrong user/password credentials, the displayed error is most generally a generic "username or password is incorrect". Looking into some PHP code that handles such login I found a MYSQL request constrained on both the user id and the password hash, making it indeed i...

@Iszi not really - I still have problems with it, but I think that is because it is a crap application, rather than my ability to work a new-fangled piece of code
@Iszi Actually my guitar effects are getting high tech - running a lot of high end digital effects - but analogue is still best. Valves FTW
@RoryAlsop they also still work with EM pulse (1 billion times more resistant) so you can have a great gig in the sky if the Earth goes boom
and they go up to 11
@TildalWave interestingly enough, it is Prog weekend on tv in the UK, so loads of Floyd, Yes, Tull etc. It's been awesome
@RoryAlsop which channel?
@TildalWave hmmm - that's a good question. These days I rarely know - I see a thing, I select it on Sky+ and itrecords for me to watch. Plus, I did drink a little last night. I'll go find out
BBC Four
that had all the pink floyd stuff
Ah cool, I can even switch over to it... I think. Need to check
bloody hell there's 300+ channels ... this might take a while
nope BBC3 and a few others, can't find BBC4
@Scott - have opened a hangout thingy
@RoryAlsop Is that the technical term :op
I think it is, yes @Rorym :-)
@RoryAlsop good to know :op
2 hours later…
My Wifey just finished this 5k obstacle course: rocrace.com
it was more interesting than a normal 5k
1 hour later…
Looks fun!
@tylerl they don't quite have an equivalent in the UK
There is the Tough Mudder, and the Rat Race, and the Electric Run, but nothing quite the same
@RoryAlsop We did the electric run a few weeks ago. Tough Mudder was too far away. At this race, they made a big deal about this being their first time doing it here.
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