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and we have a new victim! :D
Carry on.
@JackDouglas I will do the same
but sure ... tarp and roll in down feathers all that are flagged here
Seriously, however funny you think flag abuse is, everybody on the entire network with 10k rep can see it
And it's annoying.
Hey, keep it up, you'll end up with a room time-out.
We should all go in PHP and start flagging stuff
@GnomeSlice Tell that to SE. The whole system is broken.
PHP timeout
@TerryChia You're telling me.
C'mon guys it's the DMZ leave your guns at the entrance
@nightcracker minor chuckle
@nightcracker flagged for flag abuse
@GnomeSlice We can't really do much if some idiot hangs around the room flagging crap.
any of you guys know twitch?
imagine twitch chat with flags
@TerryChia Unfortunately not. Although mods can see who is doing the flagging, and if it is a persistent problem they can take action.
(global flags, of course)
@nightcracker More context would be nice. twitch tv?
@TerryChia ye
@GnomeSlice They can't.
@TerryChia They can if they are also room owners.
@GnomeSlice No, I don't think they can see who is flagging. /cc @TildalWave.
At least for offensive flags.
It's one major reason why the system is broken.
@TerryChia I know for a fact that they can. Mods have singled me out for flagging things before.
@GnomeSlice Regular mods, or SE employees?
Regular ones.
@GnomeSlice Hmm, dunno. A few of the mods that hang around here said they couldn't see who was flagging.
in The Bridge, Oct 18 at 23:49, by Wipqozn
@badp Oh right, you're a mod and a room owner so you can see the flagger!
@TerryChia Mods can see the flagger if they are a room owner in the room the flagged was cast, and look at the flag before it is dismissed.
@Wipqozn That was uncanny
@TerryChia What? With some flags yes, with others not ... I didn't write the system so ... I don't know which ones yes and which ones no. And frankly, from past experience, flags from rooms you're not yourself in are better left alone and for mods of those rooms to deal with. I kinda don't like this "mods ganging up" with every little flag raised
@Wipqozn Ahhhh.
@TildalWave You are a mod for god's sake! Learn to use your powers better! :P
and 90% of flags are just "I don't understand it and it's using an adult word or hinting at innuendo so it must be flaggable"
@TerryChia I'm not a mod for powers
@TildalWave or "I don't like this person"
The flag system is pretty bad.
There are a lot of those.
A lot of times I flag insults or other hurtful comments that don't have harsh language or anything and they don't get approved and I get told to 'stop flagging senselessly'
I still don't understand why chat flags are 10k network wide.
anyway, if I now see some flags in some room I might go there but will probably leave if I see some other mod active there at the time they were raised
@TerryChia To ensure the flag is responded to.
A room like the DMZ is pretty active, but other rooms are not.
Seriously, what the hell?
This is getting really annoying now.
I think this rooms needs a timeout.
meh it's OK
someone just lost his marbles
Yay, @Shog9 is here.
Please stop with the flags already.
Flags are so pretty in this room.
hey Shog
What is going on folks?
wait, I mean, please don't flag things that don't need it.
you don't see those often huh? :)
Seems like flags are definitely effective at increasing a room's population.
why all the flagging?
@RoryAlsop Who knows?
@TerryChia I assume the flaggers
Is it Flag Day? pauses to salute
@AsheeshR Well. Yeah. :P
@RoryAlsop nothing in particular ... just a trigger happy ... someone ... that I imagine @Shog9 will check and deal with
I flagged one thing today (like 20 minutes ago), so it isn't me...
@Shog9 more flags in the last couple of weeks than in the entire history of the DMZ previously :-(
naw, I'm pretty sure standard procedure is to just suspend @GnomeSlice.
@Shog9 ಠ_ಠ
What concerned me most was the numpty flagging Gnomeslice's comments about flagging
@RoryAlsop Can't speak for all of them, but I think my commentary on that issue is already linked to a currently super-starred post in here.
@RoryAlsop I got shouted at in The Bridge when they saw that flag because they thought I had actually done something wrong.
@GnomeSlice I dismissed a couple there
What's ridiculous and annoying (as much as anything else with the flagging system) is the message to the effect of "you can only act on messages that are actually flagged" - how's it my fault that between the popup coming up and me clicking on validate/invalidate the flag was already handled?
Flag this:
I only saw one, possibly two posts I would class as flaggable
maybe I missed the key ones - flags get dealt with damn fast!
Me: "Do we have time to squeeze in this extra project?" Student: "Sure we can do that and take a nice ski trip in hell."
Story of my life.
@RoryAlsop I'm surprised mods have such little visibility into chat flags and history.
@RoryAlsop most people just click "valid" for the poopstorm it creates.
I think it's my first to see any flag raised in the DMZ that wasn't just @AviD making fun of someone, probably myself
@Iszi Because you're slow, and you should feel bad about that.
The first few flags were actually pretty bad
Throwing around phrases like that is not really okay.
@GnomeSlice how far back do I need to search in the transcript?
Oh, and @AviD - for you:
user image
cruel Tigger!
@RoryAlsop So he's making bacon?
That's not kosher is it?
@RoryAlsop Let me check.
@RoryAlsop Trying to find it. I think the first one I saw had something to do with terrorists/jihadists.
@RoryAlsop Here ish
The deleted message is gone though
Finally, my suspension is over.
Hey, mine's over too!
@Adnan 404, but that may be a permissions issue for me.
@Iszi Permission
@Dan Before you actually call someone a "fucking disgrace" because he made a racist comment, make sure that the person actually did say something racist.
> @LucasKauffman Yeah, because, you know, it's much better if I get there and start killing my own people or get killed by a foreign J scum.
@Iszi You know what to replace the J with. Actually, I don't care. Replace it with jihadi
Apparently, this is offensive!
@Adnan It's quite obviously offensive. Offensive enough to be flag-worthy is certainly debatable.
What's next? We'll start saying "the C word" for Christians? "The m word" for Muslims?
@Iszi How is it offensive?! Please tell me!
I still don't understand how people get offended on the Internet, I still don't get it.
Syria is known to be suffering from an influx of foreign Jihadis. I don't want to go there so I don't get killed by one of them
@Adnan If you said something like 'Christian Scum' it would be offensive.
@Simon Because (this is the first and last time I'll say this :P) you are logical.
@TerryChia Haha :P
@GnomeSlice But I didn't say "Muslim Scum"
@Adnan It's not the word itself that's offensive, it's the context. It's expressing a prejudicial assumption that a certain class of people are likely to act in a negative way.
@GnomeSlice I'd really like to know what your motivation behind your flagging is.
I said, "Jihadi Scum"
53 secs ago, by Adnan
Syria is known to be suffering from an influx of foreign Jihadis. I don't want to go there so I don't get killed by one of them
@Simon I rarely flag things. I didn't flag that either. I flag personal attacks, mostly.
What the fuck, people?!
@Simon I don't think he flagged it. He just validated it.
@GnomeSlice Fair enough.
@Adnan That on its own is devaluing the individuals who fall under the "jihadi" category, and as such can be considered offensive. Again, it's very arguable whether that's offensive enough to be flag-worthy.
@Simon I actually have the same problem you do, I don't really get why people get offended by stuff like that. I mean I sort of do, but most of it doesn't bother me.
Still, people shouldn't get involved in other rooms. Don't get me wrong, communities are different from rooms to rooms.
@Iszi Anything can be offensive really.
@Iszi Honestly, I don't think it's offensive at all. It's a fact that Syria is suffering from foreign Jihadis from Afghanistan, Iraq, and other countries.
That's a fact!
@Simon Oh, probably
@Simon Apparently!
I get flagged constantly for shit I don't understand
I have more flags than anyone else on the network by like more than 100 flags
@Adnan Yes, but that Jihadists in general, or (insert generalized group of people here), are such worthless individuals as to be called "scum" can be offensive. I didn't flag that one myself, but I'm trying to explain objectively why one might.
@Iszi This is the Internet!!! If you cannot handle what is being said here, get the fuck out!
@GnomeSlice how'd you know
@Simon Hey hey hey.. easy.
@nightcracker I've been told by mods.
@Iszi Understandable.
@Adnan No, seriously.
@Simon Yes, seriously. Take it easy. @Iszi was just explaining a point.
The "get the fuck out" wasn't directed to him, it was directed to whoever gets offended by words on the Internet.
@Simon That would be acceptable in places which are explicitly without law or social expectations of civility. I'm reasonably confident StackExchange is no such place.
@Simon Yes, we're on the Internet, but technically we're in a private place owned by SE. We have to adhere by their rules.
Oh god, more drama? Way to be guys.
@Iszi Please, my comment wasn't "uncivil".
@Adnan Oh of course. But why did nothing ever get flagged during the summer and now since school restarted, everything gets flagged for no damn reason.
@DavidFreitag Some idiot started flagging and got us suspended.
@Adnan My statement had nothing to do with your comment about jihadists, if that's what you're referring to.
@Simon I understand your anger. But let's not take it on each others.
@Adnan Us? As in The DMZ, or us as in the people getting flagged?
@Adnan I can see how that could be misconstrued but I highly doubt any regulars here would have any issue with that
@DavidFreitag People getting flagged.
@Iszi Yes, yes. From now on, I will specifically only discuss about the vulnerabilities that I found in the PHP code that I'm altering. I mean, that should keep me busy, right?
@Adnan I think whoever is flagging things that shouldn't have been flagged should get their flagging privileges and a few thousand rep revoked.
@DavidFreitag Mind you, in the end, it seemed that just about every message was getting flagged.
@Simon Won't it be easier to talk about the vulnerabilities you didn't find? Then you won't have to say anything.
@nightcracker did admit that he flagged something, I'd like to know what was his motivation, too.
@DavidFreitag +1
@TerryChia Then I won't be able to type anything in here though.
Well, this explains the boom in population, once again.
@Simon it was a joke, to jump the bandwagon
@Simon Which is a bad thing because....?
@nightcracker Alright.
@TerryChia le fu- (oh no le flag incoming)
@Simon make sure you're not honest about PHP and forget to mention what you're referring to tho ... someone might think you're flag-worthy ;D
@TildalWave Oh lawd, that'd make me leave forever (now's your chance, gents).
@TildalWave His face is most certainly offensive flag worthy. ;)
it's OK ... PHP ... hiss ... spit
@Simon Oh please simon, don't leave. Who will compliment @ScottPack if you don't?
I don't get it when people flag things just for curse words.
@TerryChia your mom liked it :)
@DavidFreitag I think we have @ScottPack for that.
Who is honestly offended by swearing?
@TerryChia Shhh!
Nobody, according to Stephen Fry
@DavidFreitag There will be someone else, eventually. I can assure you. Handsome guys like him always get complimented.
@GnomeSlice those that recognize themselves in it?
@GnomeSlice Oh, be careful. Someone my be offended by the S word.
@nightcracker please don't
@GnomeSlice Trolls.
@Simon If you leave, the asshat flagger will win in the end. Don't let them win.
@DavidFreitag Hum, you have a point. However, I do have some French blood so my natural reaction is to surrender.
OK ... we were talking about Keccak and some sponges last this chat was interesting ....
The worst part is that i don't have a high enough rep to even see myself flagged. This will be a fun game.
@Simon No, you're Canadian. It means you apologize, but don't retreat!
@DavidFreitag French Canadian, bro. I apologize while retreating.
@Simon Yes, but you live in Canada and as far as i can tell were raised there too. Which means you are way more Canadian than you are French.
True, true.
Nice! Now the star wall is clean.
I starred all of @David 's messages.
@DavidFreitag Not if Quebec has anything to say about it.
I pretty much found it impossible to handle flags. Whenever I take time to read the context the flag will be handled by the time I finished by somebody who didn't bother to read
Quebec is still trying to separate from Canada.
@CodesInChaos Well, at least two people here admitted that this is exactly what they do. They just click "valid".
@CodesInChaos This is one of the main problems with the flag system
@Simon Just agree with me and join me in a bee... i mean soda.
@Adnan Well, apart from my asshat comment. But i think that is clean enough ;p
@GnomeSlice When you're driving in QC, do you stay in the left lane forever?
@DavidFreitag It was filled with their comments.
@Simon Well, no.
Well, I'm off to start my weekend. Gentlemen!
@GnomeSlice Good, good. Now, please tell all your fellow Ontarian to do the same.
@CodesInChaos Read the context? I have a hard enough time reading the individual post before the flag is handled!
@Adnan God i hate it when people invade other channels and their friends star all the posts.
Channels? Rooms? Same concept i guess.
@Adnan And to think, i thought i was on a roll this morning. Turns out i just have a stalker.
@DavidFreitag Yep, I hate that too.
@Simon Brew beer, not war.
I don't have any friends in Stackexchange
wasn't me
@DavidFreitag Oh yes.
@GnomeSlice Awww.
@GnomeSlice @Simon will be your friend. He's everyone's friend. Just as long as you don't get creeped out too... at all. ever.
Not everyone can handle my creepiness.
@Simon Did I hear you say you're into EDM?
@GnomeSlice Big time. Mostly into Hardstyle but I'm varying my tastes recently.
Next Friday, I'm going to Sander van Doorn's show and on the 23rd, it's Nervo.
@Simon Where?
@DavidFreitag Montreal.
Speaking of Nervo
I'm not sure if I've heard that remix. Will listen to it in 10 mins.
@Simon I might entertain a drive up. Are tickets sold out?
@Simon If you're not into dubstep, might not be your thing
@GnomeSlice Oh oops, I don't really like Dubstep =\
@Simon ;_;
@GnomeSlice Because it's all... wibbly wobbly.. dubstep.
I got VIP tickets for Nervo, normal for Sander.
@Simon Check this out when you get a chance. iammosh.bandcamp.com/album/empire
Not sure if you're familiar with Mosh already or not
Not at all.
@Simon Dude $20 to get in? That must be Canadian dollars.
@DavidFreitag Hehe, sure is.
Hah, that means it's even cheaper for us Yanks!
@GnomeSlice Too slow for me =\
@Simon Try the track 'komodo'
Still might be though.
I don't really listen to hardstyle or similar
It's in the area of house/trance BPM-wise so that's ok.
Yeah this track is decent so far.
This is perfect to dance but not so much to listen to (in my opinion).
Yeah. So many different subgenres.
@GnomeSlice Now that's something that I enjoy more so far.
@Simon Really? I thought you said you weren't big on dubstep?
Fucking sick EP though
@GnomeSlice There hasn't been a typical Dubstep drop yet :P
@Simon It'll come.
Here it is. It was a great first minute though.
You listen to any E House?
E as electro?
Also, you might like this one
Not specifically.
In October I went to Armin van Buuren, that was great. He usually plays tranceish tracks though.
@GnomeSlice It has potential, let's just hope it won't get ruined.
Electro Trance
Ah man, that's just great.
Yeah, that's good.
Okay so our interests overlap slightly
Perfect BPM, imo (to listen to and on the dance floor).
Hang on, will finish this one. It deserves to be listened to completely.
people people people
what's with all the flagging lately
@LucasKauffman Party people!
why can't we just be friends
Oh the flaggers? Not party people at all.
I need to pick up some more E house
@GnomeSlice Not feeling it as much as the previous one.
@Simon I think I'm out of stuff for you then, hah
@GnomeSlice Elfire's great. Maybe a too electro though :P
All of Elfire's shit is pretty heavy
I'm worse than a woman who's trying to decide which clothes to wear when it comes to music.
Well, I listen to Rawstyle which is a subgenre of Hardstyle. That's pretty hard.
this is pretty hard
@GnomeSlice That's what he said.
@DavidFreitag You guys corrupted me with your TWSS type of jokes. Yesterday, my friend proceeded to say that he "needed something long". Guess what word came out of my mouth.
@Simon "I have something long for you" is what you said.
@DavidFreitag I literally said "my penis".
@Simon Are you trying that trick from the Playbook?
@Simon Hahaha, brilliant! Such a Simon thing to do.
Luckily, we were in the garage and the girls were inside. I didn't want to break a couple that night.
@TerryChia Yo, I haven't seen that movie, why have you?
@Simon HIMYM reference dude.
@TerryChia Dudeeeee, I never remember the jokes in HIMYM, sadly.
There are too many.
@Simon WEAK!
@Adnan now I envy you that you're in Finland, first the Aurora, now this:
@TerryChia Huhwhat?
lunar halo
Has to be a photoshop.
It really looks like a photoshop though, right @tylerl?
@Simon Photoshop? Naw. Maya maybe.
Space is cool without PhotoShop :P
@TildalWave Well yeah, you have a point.
@TildalWave But @Simon isn't!
@DavidFreitag That episode where Ted goes around trying to pick up girls by saying "My penis" under the guidance of Barney.
@TerryChia LOL. I vaguely remember that.
Alright, bed time. :)
@TerryChia Oh, i thought we established i've never seen a single episode of that show.
@DavidFreitag Ah, right.
Terry going to bed at almost 1 AM, whoa.
GN8 big boi.
@Simon you are the creepiest creep that has ever creeped. So creepy that they even entertained renaming the song "Do the creep" To "Do the @Simon"
I admire you because you put your whole... ehem.. heart into what you do.
And it doesn't require any effort on my part, it's all natural.
I wonder if I'm creepier when I'm drunk.
Why do I even wonder? I must be.
@TildalWave Yeah, baby! Was about a week ago.
@Simon Yeah, you are super creepy when you are drunk.
@DavidFreitag I know that one time I smiled to a girl for more seconds than is acceptable. That must have been creepy.
And that I hit on a MILF.
@Lucas I worked with a Cisco switch that doesn't even give you the little green light above the port until a host with a valid MAC address is connected (if you have MAC filtering enabled)
@Simon Did you show her the whites of your eyes? Anyone will like super creepy doing that.
Oh no, I haven't but that's a very good idea.
I hate her.
See that shit. I just imagine that's how you look 24/7, @Simon
No, she's way creepier than I am.
I've never seen any of her videos, but i know of her because i do the internets.
@DavidFreitag she is quite funny
(assuming that is for fun and not what she is really like)
@RoryAlsop Yeah, I'm usually busy rigging something to explode or studying to surf Youtube.
@DavidFreitag explode youtube :-)
Please no. I need my youtube.
@RoryAlsop I would get absolutely destroyed by the interwebs.
@TerryChia That's not fair.
@DavidFreitag You have to study to surf YouTube?
@Iszi Oh, you.
@Iszi Theres some missing punctuation in there
Long story short. Yes.
@DavidFreitag Funny, I never thought it was quite so complicated.
@Iszi I guess that just shows what you are watching on youtube ;]
fine, I am awake
@kalina WOOHOO @@@
Oh, of course sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop is going to break ssh.
@DavidFreitag Makes sense.
@DavidFreitag that even makes sense to me
Now, how do you restart it?
@Simon start
Walk over to the workstation and plug a keyboard into it
@DavidFreitag Lawl.
@kalina He can't SSH, noob.
@Simon it doesn't change thhe correctness of my answer
@kalina You're right but you don't answer the true question.
@Simon Stop picking on @kalina.
@DavidFreitag I'm sorry.
@Simon I made the assumption that you were intelligent enough to walk oover to the machine and use a keyboard, after disabling networking
It's starting to get really annoying :|
In which case, I need to download a laugh track to play on repeat every time I think about you and your computing abilities
@kalina In his defence he is like 15 or something like that.
I was still fingerpainting when i was 15.
I was still learning that men are cruel bastards who will say anything to get into your pants at 15
along with running away from home
How is that being cruel?

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