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@LucasKauffman Technically, yes. But it's not valid outside Finland because I'm not a Finnish nationale.
@TerryChia Trust me, embrace the Adnan, bitch!
@AviD Edited my message
@Adnan Have you seen the rage by that dude?
@Adnan the problem is without a valid passport they will send you back on the first plane to Syria if they catch you
@Simon Anything new?
@Adnan Have you seen his wall of text?
If not, hell yeah something new and BIG.
@LucasKauffman Nah, no issue. I'm a citizen of another country than Syria, they can contact the embassy who will resolve the issue. The problem is that I don't want the situation to reach that point.
@Adnan Why don't you just get a new passport :p?
@LucasKauffman Syrian passport, I can't because I haven't finished my military service and I'm effectively AWOL. The other country's passport, the embassy said it'll take about 1 month and I need to travel next week.
@Adnan You deserter!
@Adnan on another side note, yesterday was shooting in the dark
Syscan '14 registrations are opened. Will I be seeing anyone there next year? :P syscan.org/index.php/sg/registrations
@LucasKauffman Tell me more! :D
@Adnan I could see the pellets creating sparks on my backstop
my grouping was ok
but my scope wasn't zeroed out well
It was a 7 cm target
but didn't get the middle :(
@LucasKauffman Sparks! Were you using full-lead pellets?
@Adnan not sure what they are made off, but I doubt it's actually lead
@LucasKauffman Yeah, sparks, sounds like copper-tipped.
I was impressed, I also shot some apples and it went straight through
@Adnan nah, these are real cheap ones
@Lucas What rifle/pistol and at what distance?
@Adnan Did you read it?!?
@Adnan about 35 - 40 meters, shadow IGT
@Simon Oh shit! Forgot! I'm on it!
really need to zero my scope
any tips?
@LucasKauffman Is it the scope that came with the gun?
@Adnan nope custom one
@Simon Aha, the one he wrote for both of us? Yeah I saw it
This morning I talked to him, it seems he's back to his senses.
We actually exchanged some friendly comments and he stalked my female friend.
Is he?
Im still thinking of buying the marauder
@LucasKauffman +10000
@Adnan :P?
@LucasKauffman What scope is that?
not sure I bought it on Deal Extreme :3
it's pretty decent
It can zoom
and has a watermarker in it
so you can see if you are holding it straight
@TildalWave nother q. what kind of tipping is customary in RO? dont wanna be the dickish israeli who never tips...
@LucasKauffman Is it cheaper or more expensive than 300 euros?
@Adnan cheaper
(yes yes, I'll be the dickish israeli who does tip. I know. )
@LucasKauffman Then it's likely changing zero just a little bit with each shot.
@AviD Oh dunno most don't tip anyway, but I'd usually settle for around 10% of the bill and they seemed really happy with that
that sucks
@TildalWave and random other service providers? doormen, taxi drivers, bartenders, etc...
@Lucas Sorry. If you want to shoot accurately with a scoped spring rifle, you need a special rigid scope designed for this purpose. Remember, spring-loaded rifles have a very harsh forward recoil.
e.g. in NYC you can get yelled at if you dont tip one of those.
That usually knocks the scope out of zero
@Adnan it's not springloaded :p
@LucasKauffman Gas piston?
@AviD Doormen? Where do you think you're going? You realize the streets are considered crowded if there's only you and a single Romanian on the streets? I don't mean because there's so few people, I mean they're pushy and chivalry doesn't really exist there, so no such professions either
@Adnan yup
For taxis and restaurants I'd round it up to roughly 10% tip
@LucasKauffman Well, it's slightly less harsh then.
they're relatively cheap so you won't feel robbed anyway, not by prices at least
@Lucas At what distance you like to zero?
@TildalWave You guys have it easy. I remember a news story not long ago that had some tipped employees bitching that 18% wasn't enough any more.
@Adnan 40 meters
@Iszi you need to tip?
hehe, fair enough, but there are always things like that.
Oh about taxis ... avoid private ones... companies have their name and logo usually on them, and they should all have prices displayed on a sticker on the doors ... but private ones WILL rob you for the fare
@LucasKauffman For many services in most parts of the U.S. tipping isn't just customary, it's a core component of the service provider's income.
@Iszi That's nothing to do with me any more, I'm not from there ;)
@Iszi ah I see
@Iszi at restaurants I usually aim for 20-30%, assuming the service deserves it.
yup about 20% otherwise here
@Adnan the biggest issue I currently have is that I don't have a bench to lock my rifle in
@TildalWave oh yeah, I've seen some of those movies.... ;-)
@Iszi exactly, which is why I was asking.
@Lucas Setup a bench (any table) with sand bags (two socks filled with sand) with a target 40 meters away. Shoot 3 from the bench. Now, without moving the rifle itself, adjust the turret nobs and make the crosshairs in the middle of the 3 holes. Shoot again and repeat until you get a perfect zero.
The U.S. federal minimum wage is generally $7.25 per hour. However, for tipped employees, employers can pay as low as $2.13 per hour so long as the tips add up to cover the difference.
@Iszi I find that rather abusive.
@AviD I don't disagree.
tips are supposed to be extra income, based on merit.
you'd work as a stripper for less
and the price of the product is supposed to cover the establishment's costs+profit, which includes paying fair salaries.
@Adnan going to try that out and getting it zeroed
@LucasKauffman Yeah, without a proper bench it'll take you about 15-30 shots to get it properly zeroed.
@Lucas When you shot in the dark, what kind of target were you using?
7 cm
it was fun
because to find the target you really need to sight with both eyes open
I could see the card but almost nothing else except shapes
@LucasKauffman That's what I was thinking.
@LucasKauffman I need to try that!
@AviD I wholeheartedly agree.
There are some states which set the minimum for tipped employees to the same as the rest.
whats next, making them wear 18 pieces of flair??
Interesting bit I didn't find out until just now, though:
> Per the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 (FMWA) since July 24, 2009, persons under the age of 20 may be paid $4.25 for the first 90 calendar days of their employment.
I'd like to know exactly how that's "fair".
@Iszi interesting. So let me guess, there is a fair amount of churn around the 3 month mark? Even if they then re-hire the same ones.
@AviD I dunno. This is the first I've heard of it, and I was exempt from that provision at its time of passing anyway.
have a good weekend, guys.
Who has a wide imagination and enjoy making up stories here?
@Lamia I'm a great liar. What do you need?
@Adnan Unfortunately I don't need a liar at this time :P
@Lamia I dunno. Your requirements kind of do match the exact skill set that a "great liar" would have.
@Lamia Exactly what @Iszi said.
My college is starting up a security awareness campaign and they asked us to provide comics and short movies for certain cases =.= I was asked to do something related with ID badge threat and I'm trying to make up a very brilliant and creative scenario
@AviD Y'know what's funny, I would have thought this was the one you'd objected to.
@Iszi Please kind sir, I'm trying to work right now.
@Adnan Can a great liar help with my case? :p
@Iszi haha, thats great.
@ScottPack Is this real?
> The system involved in the attack used Triple DES encryption to protect all password information stored.
/cc deed turns out it wasn't just bad lingo.... They were actually encrypting the freaking passwords.
The young intern at Red Hat, @TerryChia, reads some articles about security on a Friday night. It is unclear if he has a social life.
@Simon You are here....
Also, I'm an intern no longer. :P
It's 10:42 AM.
@TerryChia How come?
@Simon It was just a 4 month thing. I'm going back to school on Monday.
Was my last day today.
Oh. Such an odd month to go back to school, November.
> The passwords, according to password expert Steve "Sc00bz" Thomas, are encrypted in a mode known as ECB. That was a poor choice on the part of Adobe engineers, because ECB often leaks information about the passwords,
@TerryChia Did they get you a cake?
This just gets better and better.....
@TerryChia oh dear
explains a lot tho
@TildalWave This is a fail on epic proportion really....
It's Adobe man
> For more than a year, Adobe’s authentication system has cryptographically hashed customer passwords using the SHA-256 algorithm, including salting the passwords and iterating the hash more than 1,000 times.
So the newer systems appear to use PBKDF2.... but only 1k iterations...? Cmon!!!
no it say more than 1k times
so... 1001?
My weakass core 2 duo laptop managed 100k iterations in one second.... And that's a PBKDF2 implementation written in pure python so it's slow as hell....
Erm, @Adnan was suspended from the chat for no reason.
@Simon Hmm, didn't notice any flags....
@TerryChia Oh I know, but again - it's Adobe!
@AviD ?
@TildalWave Yeah.... from the people who brought us Flash....
your assumption that they care is wrong, or that they actually know what they're doing since 1980
OK ... since 1982
I was close tho
Does anyone here know anything about crypto patents and when/if they apply?
@nightcracker There ain't no stinkin lawyers in here!
@nightcracker Yes, they all belong to me.
@CodesInChaos probably. Or @ThomasPornin.
Because for the CAESAR competition I'm developing an AE mode, which is very similar to OCB, but allows for verification in half the time of decryption
@TerryChia CodesInChaos doesn't know, at least right now (unless he looked at the patents the last time I talked to him)
@AviD @ManishEarth @RoryAlsop Adnan is suspended from the chat for whatever reason if you can do something about it.
@TerryChia (he is co-author)
This is what the mode looks like:
@nightcracker Ahhh. :)
Oh you sons of bitches!!!!
I've been suspended for a full hour!!
@Adnan loooooooooool
Some idiot flagged my anti-jihad comment here
I just listed the two crypto nerds that hang out in this room. :P
I guess you are out of luck if @ThomasPornin doesn't know.
I'm gonna flag my fist in his face.
@Simon 10/10 will flag again.
I tried emailing rogaway, but he didn't respond (yet)
@nightcracker What the? Are those sponges? :O
@TildalWave what are?
@Adnan Oh boy.
just joking ;)
"sponge algos"
8 people validated the flag!
well yes that
you could see it as a sponge construction in some way
God bless Wiki :D
@Simon Also, why did you remove me, you imbecile?
but not really though
@Adnan Check FB, I explained it.
Took me 12 hours to type that on my phone.
the "capacity" (the XOR-mac) is never run through a function until the end
so you're more in the Keccak territory then?
@nightcracker Hey Dutchie, please tell me that you're into EDM.
invalidate the flags!
@Simon somebody flagged you
Are you fucking serious?
it can't be a sponge construction because I can decrypt arbitrarily into the stream
Mind you, I'm just trying to pretend I'm smart about the subject ;) I did read a bit on it and that's about it LOL
Oh god.
Oh you guys...
Why always you?
looks what you've done!
@Simon EDM?
@nightcracker Electronic Dance Music
@Dan there was a flag?
nope, good ol' classical / classical rock
@TildalWave 6 of 'em.
@TildalWave Some racist nonsense
@Simon Speaking of EDM, check it: iammosh.bandcamp.com/album/empire
Well, at least we have more mods here now... lively :)
/sigh I'll catch you guys tomorrow when the drama is over.
And then @Simon crying like a baby for being called on it
The irony. I'd just posted a comment to this as these flags pop up.
Q: Flags in chat are defective by design

Benjamin GruenbaumYes, I know the topic has been discussed before. I know that Meta already has threads that complain about how flagging doesn't work. I wanted to give a practical example. Today, a user came in to the JavaScript chat and asked the following question: Hey guys, as soon as I embed javascript,...

there's constant problem with that yup
I don't normally bother with chat flags, but just to let you know I'm going to just hit 'approve' for this room without even looking from now on and forever.
I fell into a trap once too
@TildalWave that's spelled wrong, it's T - A - R - P

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