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@Simon cant believe you're hitting on your own mom.
she has pricks all around her :)
@AviD You suck, @TildalWave rocks.
@Simon TWSS
@AviD Yeah, she said that you suck.
I feel like the whole message that @Iszi posted about how it used to be somewhat "professional" in here is criticizing all of us.
@Simon Nope, just criticizing @AviD
And it restrains me from using half of my vocabulary.
@Adnan Oh, I totally support him then.
@Simon to some extent, yes.
@tylerl You're 2 rep points away from me :(
It was always snarkful, and packed with childish humour - like yo momma - but it was always just this side of tasteless, mostly by being indirect and generic, without being specific and crude.
I don't want to be next to @Terry
it's all in the indirection.
@AviD Oh okay okay. I get it now.
Should we cry and question our existence?
@AviD When you say it, it's okay. When anybody else says it, it's not okay.
I realized that I might use the term "fuck" quite a bit too much when on Saturday, my friend told me that I just yelled that term three times with kids around.
But you know, words are words.
Let's all pretend that the word "banana" is now the worst profanity that someone could ever say.
@Simon Did you grow up in a bilingual environment?
@Adnan Only from 19 to now.
@AviD Dunno when I first came in I learned about the cactus and ananas / pineapple thingy and I didn't know what "twss" stands for either ... and @ThomasPornin had discussions with you about the nuclear arsenals of various countries and similar. So what changed?
Nobody speaks English in the city where I was born.
@Simon That would explain the loose association of certain English profanities to bad things.
When I say nobody I mean literally 5-10% of the population.
We, non-native speakers, don't feel the same way about those words.
@Adnan Not really, I apply the same philosophy to swears in French.
We don't have the same links in the brain native speakers have.
@Simon Does the phrase "fuck you" feel the same to you as the French equivalent.
@Adnan Oh definitely.
@Adnan I think the French equivalent of "Fuck You" is "You German".
@Adnan depends what "it" is.
@ScottPack Hehe, definitely not the French Canadian version.
@Simon You're the only French Canadian version.
@TildalWave didnt change, just got more so. Substantially.
@Adnan :o Which version am I?
Please don't tell me alpha and full of bugs but that would actually explain quite a lot.
@Simon What else sounds like version?
My wee wee.
@Simon Your what now?
My George.
@Simon Oh no, let's stop this before @AviD bans us or something.
@AviD I think it's just like with phases of the Moon ... it'll go away and come back ad nauseum ... just local culture evolving. Eventually, it'll get too complicated and everyone will tire of keeping track of it all.
I think I'll rename him to Scott Pack.
@Simon Let's talk about someone else's mother in a sexual manner. I guess it's more acceptable here.
My little Scott Pack.
So the conversation got weird again....
@TerryChia @Simon is part of it. Of course!
Dammit @Simon!
I don't believe this statement.
@TildalWave or it is the verbal equivalent of the broken window effect...
I'm not sure how I feel about being the namesake of one's genitalia. I suppose I should be flattered.
You and @ScottPack go get a room and stop bothering us now!
@ScottPack Oh you're absolutely right.
@AviD Not sure I follow you? I don't think it's in shatters and non-fixable at all. I actually meant it'll fix itself, I don't see it as overstepping the line really. Well, at least not too often. And kids grow...
{| style="float:right; background:none;" |- | |- | |} The broken windows theory is a criminological theory of the norm-setting and signalling effect of urban disorder and vandalism on additional crime and anti-social behavior. The theory states that maintaining and monitoring urban environments in a well-ordered condition may stop further vandalism and escalation into more serious crime. The theory was introduced in a 1982 article by social scientists James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling. Since then it has been subject to great debate both within the social sciences and in the public ...
That theory is pretty much the whole point of closing questions with appropriate reasons and even for deleting closed questions.
@ScottPack so youre saying we should close @Simon with an appropriate reason?
@AviD Too Broad.
@ScottPack just like his mom!
@AviD Oh nice!
@AviD Oh that. When we had some vandalism with some protesters throwing bricks in our parliament, I actually thought it would be best to keep it as such, not fix it. Those that did it should have the chance to feel stupid about it, while there's nothing to feel embarrassed about for those that didn't, even if it would show scars for all to see.
I am not so concerned with the beauty of this place
As I am the demons that infest it
For all living things fight for survival
Be glad that our state of mind is not reliant on the life of another
@Simon No.
@TerryChia Oh sorry, here's something for you young boi:
It's the Circle of Life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the Circle
The Circle of Life
@Simon Again, no.
Alright then:
C is for cookie
That's good enough for me
@Simon Mmmmmm cookies~
blimey I have a serial upvoter :O
@TildalWave Don't worry. I'm sure the script will kick in soon.
@TildalWave Ha! Same here
@TerryChia not sure it's just 4 so far which I think is at the limit
Ah! Not me.
It's been happening about once a week for 2 months now
No one ever serial upvotes me. Humph!
@Adnan it's my first on Sec.SE ... but go on, rub it in :P
So the latest news from the Snowden Files is that the NSA is spying on world leaders. Why are they telling me about NSA's job description again?
@TerryChia Liar! I know I did at least once... I mean you were begging and all, and I did make sure I upvoted answers that were worth it, but I still did it so you could go past ... dunno who, before you hit 10k
Brian Rogers: 71 votes
John The Ripper: 29 votes
Ivan Kovacevic: 16
From this week's top voters
Happy customers :) OK then, as long as it's not preferential treatment I'm fine with it
@Simon wait he/she's still editing it
@TildalWave Should still be a configuration question though.
@Simon VTCed
QQ I don't remember what VTC stands for.
@Simon Vote to close
Ah ok, alright.
I used direct to SU option, it's not a bad question
I added a comment saying SF but yeah, should be SU.
2 l8
it might be a dupe tho ... I remember some similar questions, not sure if for OSX tho
That would be the responsibilities of the mods of the section where it's migrated, no?
@Simon AFAIK, yes
yes, or the community there
Good. The way things work here make sense, at least.
Well there is one problem with migrations that they can sneak into the list if they're not migrated soon enough ... and most don't see it then and if mods don't realize that and would wait for the community to chip in with their take, even dupes and bad ones might stay on high traffic sites open
Mods suck, am I right guys?!?
Cough cough.
puts a mod hat on
you were saying?
The only reason why you're blue is because you've been doing too much Meth.
@Simon Some mods suck, but being a mod does not require that you suck.
@ScottPack Oh... Honestly, I thought it was a requirement.
@ScottPack we're actually required to suck less ... like IE10
@ScottPack Neither is it, in every case, a cause for one to suck.
@TildalWave is that what that is on your head?
Didnt know we all had to be mexican for this.
Or is it just for the magic rain dance?
@TildalWave I wouldn't go quite that far. There certainly is a preference for mods to suck less, but I think there is sufficient evidence to contradict the assertion that you are requred to.
neah that came from Astro.SE actually
Because everyone's favou?rite galaxy is the Sombrero.
I want to be a mod.
Only so I can abuse my mod powers
I'd be a very awful mod. Rejecting edits here and there, closing all kinds of questions, etc.
@ScottPack I thought so too but it turns out the reason for it was actually more trivial ... just someone mentioned some lady with a huge sombrero passing by his window
hmm, looks like I got serial upvoter too - 1 upvote on exactly 4 random old questions.
Why would that be flaggable? That's just votable.
Sounds way more like a programming question than security.
It is.
Then flag it for migration!
Why? I voted it.
You didn't vote!
I did.
26 minutes ago according to the popup.
lie sum moar
oh bloody hell
I seriously hate this WhatsApp thing.
is it as popular by you guys as it is here?
@AviD Very popular around here.
And it's a great app.
everybody does their scheduleing via whatsapp. Schools, groups, etc.
Screw all the normals without it.
Just went to class, to find out the teacher isnt coming, and she notified on whatsapp.... :@
@AviD Never heard of it. Who has to pay for SMS anymore anyway?
@AviD So get whatsapp. :P
@TerryChia okay, consider me a fogie, but can you please explain to me WTF the point of it is?
@Xander EXACTLY!!
And, if you are already using a smartphone with a data connection - there are so many better ways to share information.
@AviD All my friends are using it, so it's a great SMS replacement. The group chat feature is useful.
Email, while technically broken, is still functionally unbroken.
IOW it works fine in spite of all the protocol's mistakes.
@TerryChia okay, WHY do you need an SMS replacement?
there are also a myriad of IM possibilties, direct messaging, etc.
@AviD Talking to my friends when I'm/they are overseas is one large use case.
@AviD You're trying to understand a teenager, do you really think that you can do that?
hell, even facebook groups would be a better solution...
And it's still possible to exceed the free SMS limit in my plan really.
@Simon if it was just teeenagers, I wouldnt bother. This is grownups. Some older than me.
@TerryChia still not clear on the need that is not solved better by so many other options.
Nowadays I very much prefer use hangouts with people that use it, but it's a ghost town compared to whatsapp.
All the cool kids use GroupMe
@AviD I like that movie.
@AviD Thing about messaging apps is that it's very hard to get people to switch.
Literally every single person I know has whatsapp so it's my default option for communication.
Especially when you're going from something embedded in the phone to some shitty app.
@TerryChia true, and yet this upstart convinced so many to throw out perfectly good solutions for their inferior one.
I've never heard of whatsapp until just now.
@TerryChia So you're quite clearly wrong.
must have been a brilliant piece of marketing.
how unlike typical Israeli startups.
Must be a Singaporean thing.
@ScottPack Ok, literally every single person I want to talk to. :P
@Simon Mostly, Korea/China etc all have their own popular messaging apps.
You just chose to speak to me. So you're quite clearly wrong.
@Simon exactly.
Before whatsapp, I can't think of a single messaging app with group chat function that works well on a phone.
and it behooves me to point out that IT IS NOT FREE.
Unlike every other option out there.
@AviD I got it for free.
@TerryChia bullshit.
Every single person I know got it for free. No one paid for it.
> WhatsApp is free to download and try for the first year. After, you have the option of extending your subscription for $0.99 USD per year.
@TerryChia Groupme. SMS. Email. GTalk.
@ScottPack Email. Skype. Google.
@AviD That's crap. It's what they say but they don't charge.
@TerryChia YET.
I wouldn't even give them a fucking cent.
Because I want to rely on my group messaging platform to continue to forget to charge me.
@AviD I have been using it for close to 3 years man.
@Simon I put this solidly in the instagram type of app.
Give us money to ruin your perfectly good pictures for you!
@AviD Haha. Instagram's fine.
It's free.
@ScottPack Email is shit when you have 20 people in a group talking at once.
Give us money to give you an inferior and limited messaging solution solved better elsewhere!
SMS is bloody expensive when you generate 100 messages an hour.
@Simon not to facebook it wasnt... ;-)
@TerryChia So is everything.
100 messages an hour? How many of them are actually useful?
@TerryChia It's called market penetration.
@Simon stop giggling.
Filter your messages by ":)" and ":P" and see the total.
@Simon this.
@Simon None. That's the point of it..... It's just chatter...
@TerryChia Fucking fuck. Life's too short to go through that shit.
It's the first time that I swear today, thanks @TerryChia
@TerryChia well.... same could be said about the DMZ....
@Simon So why are you here again?
@TerryChia To laugh at your Singaporean ass.
@Simon Says the Canadian.
I'm here to learn and I'm still learning stuff daily here.
@AviD The point is, it's pretty much the default communication tool in my social circle so I use it. I'm not particularly attached to it and I prefer google hangouts even.
In my perfect world, every single person would own a iOS device since iMessage is so fricking nice to use.
@TerryChia right, I get that everyone uses it because.... everyone uses it.
Like Yahoo Chat was a few years ago...
but my question is WHYYYYY
@TerryChia this... IS sarcasm, right....??
@AviD No. iMessage is great when communicating with people with other iOS device. It's fast, and seamlessly falls back to SMS when it isn't available.
Anybody up for some chicken-egg attempt at humour?
The message you're getting is actually triggered by this question. error : 501 Q not understand! means your question is unclear and we cannot understand it. — Adnan 2 mins ago
@Adnan Hah! That's good.
His question is fine but it's too localized.
(the way it's structured)
@TerryChia Yeah, twice a year I saw something smart and funny at the same time.
Man, I was going to go sleep when the whole whatsapp thing started. Bye.
@Terry It happened once in May:
May 23 at 19:12, by Adnan
@ScottPack I heard that after dropping SOAP, you need to REST your backend.
Yup, I'm done for this year.
Way to get stars off my man @ScottPack's back.
@AviD - WhatsApp regularly stops working with a message saying I need to pay. 3 days later it starts working again. meh - I only use it to chat to 3 people. I use Google+ hangouts for most of the other 11. For all my other friends I tend to talk to them using my voice, or for a small minority I chat in the DMZ
@RoryAlsop @TerryChia see?
I hate google hangouts more than whatsapp
but I hate them both
@RoryAlsop what is "my voice"? Not familiar with this app.
@RoryAlsop Why do you hate google hangouts?
I like it for conferencing
it is functionally sucky
(careful how you say that)
I do hate the part where you paste a youtube link and the video automatically starts playing
but I don't mind the rest :p
@LucasKauffman Huh? It doesn't do that for me.
@Simon it used to do that for me
But not for me.
problems with it - lack of consistency across devices; bad handling of large groups of people; intermittent complete failure to connect; lack of use amongst my peer group; etc etc etc
I really dislike how the mobile version doesn't have an online indicator. I miss Talk.
talk 'just worked' tm
that is a 'good thing' tm
I am an old fogey and set in my ways (not yet tm)
@RoryAlsop Are you already going: "Back in my day" ?
I started it.
in my day everything was betterererere
I remember when the bus used to pick up to go to school. Now, I have to drive to work. Life sucks.
we were promised flying cars :-(
And food dispensers in our homes.
@RoryAlsop yeah but then everyone wanted cars to have good steering so we grounded them more :P
You guys are not boring at all today.
@RoryAlsop: how's that weather?
@TildalWave When @AviD and me discuss nuclear weapons, we do so professionally.
@ThomasPornin I never doubted ;) That's why I mentioned it, for contrast to the first few examples
and because I remember it :)
@RoryAlsop We have flying cars. But it turns out you have to be a licensed pilot to fly one and they're way more expensive than the ground variety. Not sure why we ever expected it to be any other way.
@JeffFerland How's that atmosphere on Facebook? :P
Alex Miller on October 28, 2013

Welcome to Stack Exchange Podcast #53 with special guest Gabe Koscky, our new Brazilian community manager, and usual suspects Jay Hanlon, Joel Spolsky, and David Fullerton. Today’s show is brought to you by the National Security Administration!

Site Milestones: We launched Astronomy, which is not the same thing as the Space Exploration site we’d previously launched. You can ask questions about gravity (the force) on Astronomy. You cannot ask questions about Gravity (the movie). Astronomy and Physics have a lot of overlap, and that’s okay! Also, you can’t say Count Dooku in Portuguese. This is an adult-only podcast. …

@StackExchange nurdz
@Simon You could simply choose your words more carefully, then. Sometimes a restricted vocabulary leads to more effective communication. It makes you sound more smarter that way.
@tylerl Sounding smart sucks.
@Simon Then there is no hope.
@tylerl Am I gonna die?
@Simon It is a most assured eventuality.
@Simon yes, eventually.
Both of you, high five right now.
@Simon in the mean time, though, how effectively you communicate, more than anything, determines how often people will give you what you want.
Like when you're pissed at someone yelling at him helps to get what you want.
So, profanities might help your case here.
@Simon Profanities are like turning up the volume. If you use them in your everyday communication, then the volume is already as high as it goes. You have nowhere to go from there. You're already at 11. People are just used to ignoring it from you.
so they become useless to you
As a 13 year-old boy, I think it's fair to swear in every single sentence.
@Simon Right, and people will listen to you like they listen to a 13-year-old boy.
Cool because that's how old I am.
@Simon Hm. I can see how driving to work would be more difficult if you're 13. Also, child labor laws are so inflexible.
I'm imagining how my life could be as a sucker, none of this is true.
@Simon huh?
I like turtles.
@Simon ok
@LucasKauffman Where is this from?
Hi, just asked this q, got marked as duplicate, I don't think it is and have updated Q to explain why. security.stackexchange.com/questions/44579/…
@Michael Physical access to internals = pwned. The only way to prevent compromise is to prevent physical access (think ATMs)
@tylerl in the general case, yes, but I'm not talking the general case
("In particular I consider this to exclude any attacks that involve opening the case.")
@JeffFerland really nice pleasant Autumn day today. Apparently there is a wee bit of wind down south, but nothing special
@tylerl hahahaha
@tylerl evening
@RoryAlsop Though I agree that flying a car would be more convenient. I remember one time thinking: "I'm waiting in traffic, I own an airplane. WTF."
there's a certain mismatch there. If the airplane worked better on the road, I'd definitely take it more places.
@tylerl helicopters are where it's at. Not because they are fun to fly or safe or quiet, but they can get you from A to B without having to go via C and D (two airports miles out the way) along with millions of others
@tylerl :-)
Well... doesn't apply anymore. I sold the plane a long time ago.
@tylerl it's okay - I'm jealous anyway
@RoryAlsop So I once asked a flight instructor how long it would take to get a rotor wing rating. Hes response (and this is an experienced, grizzled pilot here): "You know people die in those things, right?"
Why are some stars on the right solid, while others are outlines. What's special about an outlined star?
@tylerl My kid brother used to fly them - sooo many stories of bad crashes. Only a few stories of bad crashes in fixed wing aircraft. He was military so most of his stories were bad, to be fair
@RoryAlsop Yeah, the word "unrecoverable" comes up a lot in the reports.
@tylerl @RoryAlsop It seems to be a theme for sure. When I was growing up, we had a family acquaintance who had his own helicopter. Until it crashed and he was killed.
@RoryAlsop Actually they are fun, but not quiet and actually not very safe.
It seems that a chopper is inherently a bit unstable, and nobody figured out yet how to make a chopper which could be driven. It is still a matter of piloting.
Another issue is that the rotor generates vibrations which are hard to filter, and tend to damage the spine of long-time chopper pilots.
The apparently irreducible hardness of operation, the long-term health effect, and, of course, the price of gas, have killed of the development of choppers as replacement for cars.
It is fun, though, to read early 50s sci-fi novels from Arthur C. Clarke, where mankind has abandoned the concept of cities: houses are spread evenly in the landscape because everybody has a helicopter.
@Michael Having a few issues with your Q&A. While posting your own answer is fine, you'll need to take out the questions in your answer, and ask them separately if relevant - Stack Exchange works differently from forums, in that answer posts are just for answers, and question posts are just for questions.
is that really the way it works?
damn I've had it so wrong all this time
I thought answers went in question posts and questions went in answer posts
it makes *so* much sense now
@tylerl where is what from?
@LucasKauffman The picture he links to, and that you posted. Follow the arrows !
@ThomasPornin ah
@tylerl linkedin
I have an SD card, that I need to send back to the manufacturer, for warranty, How can I non-physically destroy it.
I need to erase any data on it
I also see that they put a secret 4mb partition on it
I would like to shove it in their face
I know they want to blame me for the damage
what about a magnet?
@tylerl so true too
I've worked with enormous databases on several occasions and we've never called it Big Data either ... loads of layers, indexes, whatnot (GIS) and that phrase never ever came up not once
oh... also linked datasets in all kinds of ways... so what's so "Big" about "Big Data"?
Big data is the term for a collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools or traditional data processing applications. The challenges include capture, curation, storage, search, sharing, transfer, analysis, and visualization. The trend to larger data sets is due to the additional information derivable from analysis of a single large set of related data, as compared to separate smaller sets with the same total amount of data, allowing correlations to be found to "spot business trends, determine quality of research, pr...
Yup... all of this. And nope, we didn't call it like that.
Then again, we were doing responsive design too, but we didn't call it Responsive Design ... it also looked much cooler, was more intuitive and didn't merely end up pissing up any of its users. Big Words ... hiss ... spit!
Guess what? We didn't call it anything... just "design" and "data"
This is crazy... almost November and 11:30 pm with my room windows wide open and it's still 23°C inside
outside ... warm wind
t-shirt time
Naked time*
I don't wanna scare innocent passers by
great, almost 24°C now
an a month ago... 25 cm of snow above 1000 m
1000m = 1km
or 1000000 mm :P
either way that sure sounds like a lot of snow
Didn't you hear Bigger Is Better?
who said that ^?
@eodj well they were skiing on that same snow about 50 km North from me in Austria today for the world cup
Or was it yesterday?
doesn't matter
did they do the jump?
no not those ... giant slalom I think
yup men yesterday, ladies on saturday
Ligety won it... @ScottPack will be proud :)
lol and the germans on friday
@TildalWave 50 km = 50000 m
@Simon well done!
@TildalWave Thank you! I learn a lot of stuff at Elementary school. Tomorrow, the teacher swore that I finally be able to calculate 2+3.
its 5
Mrs. Penny? Is that you?
no, its sheldon
@tylerl WHAT?!
> if you're intending to use phpseclib instead of Apache/SSL for doing HTTPS, then you're definitely doing it wrong.

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