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oh the pony stuff
there's something off about the yellow in that rainbow
well, deal with it
someone rang...?
cooooool for whovians
That's hawt.
@Scott - as a very old school neckbeard, I dislike windows, but I despise apple. Especially like now when I am forced to use one. They fail to do anything I want with any sort of consistency, performance or customisability; they irritate me with their little foibles; and AAaaaarrrrggggggg!
(not sure I may have hinted that before)
@RoryAlsop I use it as a pretty interface with real office and a bash shell.
heh - okay, that may work on a higher powered machine. It sucks on iPad or older Macbook
it doesn't even work well as a citrix front end!
Define older? I was more than happy to use a Late-2008 MB up until last fall.
It does work great as a View frontend. :)
You know, for when your enterprise upgrades past Citrix.
hahahaha - some enterprises may be slower than others in that respect :-)
@RoryAlsop i'm with you on those apple/windows opinions
especially when I get calls from friends/family asking how they can recover their entire iTunes library which has been inexplicably wiped
@ScottPack my major apple gripe is the software lockout. I don't buy the 'stability' argument, why should I not be allowed to install the latest OS on my hardware. Particularly when without it I can't use the latest firefox et al.
no other devices actually make me angry when trying to use them
apple love locking their customers out of things
things that they own, I should add
like making all your accessories obsolete
iTunes (which I had to have on for t'wife's ipod) killed a chunk of my music library (M to Q) which was a few thousand tracks. For no apparent reason. Obviously I had backups, but it was a PITA
exactly, things like that happen all the time @RoryAlsop
except most people don't have backups because they think, well it's on my computer and on my iPod
I like having backups on 3 different continents now + a cloud backup for some less sensitive stuff that is ... somewhere
but I am widely regarded as a nurd
or at least a tad geeky
Yeah, I use my laptop as the primary music and photo management location but I have everything synced to the home file server which then gets backed up to a computer at my office and to the cloudz using Crashplan.
@ScottPack You call yourself a neckbeard? Where is the crontab entry with tar and scp? With a bit of tee for logging? pff
why is everyone here spelling nerd like nurd
@lynks Because Crashplan just works and I don't have to think about it. Plus I doubt they'll give me access to their unlimited storage pool with scp.
@lynks I usually recommend rdiff-backup these days anyway. File level dedups FTW!
@ScottPack As a chronic do-it-myself-er I distrust anything that 'just works'. If it doent require a text editor to make it run, it's probably malware.
lol @lynks
I do have an overly burdonsome hackjob of a backup script for my phone that you might like.
or breaks easily
@RoryAlsop that's what you get for installing malware
Which reminds me, it's not been acting quite right so I need to tweak the script some more.
@ScottPack Providing you use vim, you can have your neckbeard card back.
Is there another one?
I don't have enough fingers to use the combos in emacs.
@ScottPack You are right, there is no other. The only way to transcend vim usage is by directly editing block device files.
I just find writing the bit masks for dd to be tiresome.
@ScottPack I forgot to add with your mind
I use nano. I think it's a generational thing
@deed02392 In this case, it's objective. Nano sucks.
I used pico when I first learned how to use the unixes, but then I wanted something with more features.
@deed - because @Simon says it that way, with a Canadian accent :-)
@ScottPack Exactly, its a nice first port of call. But it's terribly limited.
I love nano, it's nice 'n' easy
@lynks Exactly.
Can't recall anything in particular it couldn't manage, that wasn't more appropriate to use cat or sed or grep with anyway
@deed02392 but you wouldn't develop code in nano, right?
I mean beyond 100 lines or so.
I wouldn't
the syntax highlighting is laughably bad
@deed02392 "...ever again", he whispers quietly
@deed02392 See, I use vim for everything, right up to big-team development.
Real programmers code using pen and paper, and OCR to import it
Copy your vimrc up to any servers you use and immediately you have your exact development environment everywhere.
I've recently installed a couple of pathogen mods to vim. It's made things like tex and puppet awfully nice to deal with.
real programmers code in bits by firing radiation at the platters of the hard disk
kalina, but then no "real programmers" could ever write the OCR in the first place hahaha
had to be done
Goddamnit Rory
haha wooooo
You beat me to it.
I knew i was getting that from somewhere
@kalina You joke, but a friend of mine at uni had cerebral palsy and couldn't type. For doing assignments, he would dictate code to a typist who was a non-developer. Dude was crazy good.
Because rewinding the cursor and making edits was such a pain, he got very good at planning out source files in his head before starting.
He said he got very bored of saying 'semi colon, new line'
I reckon in our lifetimes we'll be able to code with our brains
as in, thinking what we want to appear, and it gets input
I don't
they'll get a technology that works 30% of the time and it will be banned after it fries the brain of the first person
@deed02392 The problem with that is, a keyboard is probably still better.
it can already be done letter by letter although takes a long time
didn't say it would be better @lynks
can you not do that @deed? I thought to myself, "what about a nice blue-green planet filled with life" and here we all are :-)
my God
just @Rory will suffice
let the sun shine on your face, welcome in its warm embrace (8)
argh, so many apple articles on the Guardian tech page
I have to migrate websites between two servers manually.
@RohanDurve-Decode141 scp and hope the php/etc versions are the same
Then go home and tell everyone how great a webadmin you are.
Yeah, except there are databases that need to be manually migrated.
And then the config files changed for new connection strings..
@RohanDurve-Decode141 Databases? theyre probably not important.
Prolly not, why would WordPress need DBs anyway.
@RohanDurve-Decode141 exactly, it will probably run faster without them anyway.
there's an app for that @Rohan
And configs, that sounds like a job for the developers.
Reassign that ticket
^ that's good advice there.
can't you scp the databases too @Rohan
@lynks He could have used some compression. E.g. agree with the typist that when he says "zot" it means "semi colon, new line".
The first server is a shared one.
@ThomasPornin I believe that was what happened, but his typist would change regularly as they were just random university employees.
So, I don't get access to the db fs.
@ThomasPornin That would compress much better for USians than Canadians.
@kalina I'm guessing either no-one has mentioned ambiguous Rory'ing to you , or they have and it was @TerryChia
does it ping all of you>?
I shall continue doing it
..... I need a system to flag people as Terry'esque
I swear I think the default font for iTerm changed too.
@ScottPack I take it you've mavericked?
how is it?
@RoryMcCune So far it feels pretty similar. MacPorts stable doesn't work because it uses gnutar which doesn't exist anymore. The dock isn't as transparent anymore. The menu bar is on all displays. That's all I've noticed so far.
@RoryMcCune I'm honored. :)
@ScottPack Isn't it about time we take down that Adnan-related starred message we've got there?
@Adnan Why?
@ScottPack I don't know, maybe because IT HAS BEEN UP THERE FOR MORE THAN A WEEK!
It'll age out. Don't you worry your pretty little cup.
@Adnan Has the validity of the statement changed?
Is there perhaps someone new who is more damaging than you?
@ScottPack you're or your?
@LucasKauffman The correct one.
@TerryChia No, but.. but but but but.. :(
@RoryMcCune The Activity Monitor now has an Energy tab to show what processes are having the biggest impact on your power usage. This will be really handy for battery life, let me tell you.
how does it represent the energy usage @ScottPack?
is it pretty much inline with the amount of cpu time it takes?
Just some wonky "impact" rating. I don't know that it's actually useful outside of direct comparison between themselves.
Also disk, for example right now Spotlight is my highest use by a lot.
what is Maverick?
@deed02392 New version of OS X.
oh right
oh they finally ran out of cat names
should have continued with bears
@CodesInChaos brown, black, polar, grizzly?
@CodesInChaos panda
@LucasKauffman What's this nonsense?! Pandas aren't bears!
Pandas know nothing about security, let alone cryptography
@Adnan red pandas yes, great pandas no.
Red pandas could have been the intermediate step between Mountain Lion and Grizzly (this would be second new name)
as Red pandas are somewhere between cats and bears
@LucasKauffman First time I hear of 'red pandas'. I Googled them. I wasn't disappointed.
They're the cutest things ever. Ah, I can feel my estrogen going up just by looking at the Google Image results
@ScottPack ooh that will be cool
/me wonders if he can map things to the NoSymbol key symbol...
@kalina There was only one NSA raid last night. The CIA tried too but got cock blocked by the NSA.
must have been that "bomb" + "president" conversation we had
They only took my toaster though.
them toasters
I think they were just jealous that i had a Linux powered toaster though.
bomb president 4th of july airforce 1 one tomorrow
oh dear god
it was the experimental worm I had stored on your toaster that they were interested in
@kalina you cut off simon's penis didn't you?
and then stored it in the toaster
@kalina It used an experimental laser to cook the toast extremely precisely.
@LucasKauffman I'd rather set fire to somebody than cut off their penis
@LucasKauffman Besides, i don't think she has a scanning electron microscope.
@DavidFreitag ouch.
cool got the populist badge ^^
@LucasKauffman Just the one?

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