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Was Ciphercloud the one that created the big fuss with the DMCA takedown over on crypto or am I thinking of another company?
@Adnan Are you crying?
I didn't mean to hurt you.
updated and answered
@AJHenderson You should have just asked your own question and answered it with your own answer.
ehh, it addresses his concern
and your answer is still valid
@CodesInChaos sleazy snake oil is sleazy.
Is this what we're doing now? Completely rewriting question so they can match our answers?
@CodesInChaos they probably got GRC.com to design their crypto.
Not me, I don't answer.
@AJHenderson Mine isn't really an answer.
well, it is now
and it's addressing the question behind the question
I think that makes it a valid edit
Yup, it seems that we have sunk to that level.
@AJHenderson good edit.
@Adnan Why are you being such an ass today? It's a good edit that fixed the crappy parts of the question.
@AJHenderson that is the guidance for XY problem. Answer the actual problem, not the one asked.
Now we're officially making radical changes on questions to match our answers.
I do agree with Adnan that it's a fundamental alteration to the question, I just think that it is a valid radical change since it makes it fit the site and still addresses the root question
the new question still captures the answer to the original
@TerryChia sand in his vagina.
@Adnan its a good edit. the fact that the answer was hidden in the fact of the misconception in the question, does not change the fact the the answer is that the question is based on a misconception.
if it didn't capture that, then I'd agree my edit was too severe
@LucasKauffman More accurately, snow.
@AviD that's how I typically answer anyway, I just don't always alter the question if the question is valid enough without alteration
and when you have a question with the XY problem (where a faulty solution is pre-supposed to be the answer), you should definitely correct the question.
Sorry, in my book, just shoving the word "security" doesn't make the question on-topic.
@AJHenderson the question was invalid, even irrelevant of the specific ontopicness or not.
See: The previous condom argument.
@Adnan no, but "PCI" does.
@AviD yeah, which is why I altered it in this case :)
I'm just playing middle man here saying I understand where Adnan is coming from even if I disagree with him in this case
How about you all just go drink a damn glass of water and realize how silly this whole argument is?
heh, got a badge over on English for my starwars comment.
I fully believe my edit was good for this case, just saying I also understand Adnan's concern
dayum, now its top answer too :D
@AJHenderson I agree.
@TerryChia Pretty much, yeah.
Q: Are there any security related rules in PCI-DSS that govern what kind of background color I can use on my merchant website?

AdnanIs there a PCI-DSS rule that a merchant cannot use pink backgrounds until we have actually received the payment? I can't seem to find an official reference that describes this as a PCI DSS requirement. Is it one? If so, where can I find it?

@Adnan ass :)
@Adnan while I'd agree that is a bad question, I'd not vote to close as off-topic though
@Adnan it was a legitimate misconception, even if it was a RTFR one. and tbf to him, reading that crap is crap.
but rather "too localized" even though they took that away
@AJHenderson the pink background??
@Adnan you enfant terrible
@AviD yeah
@AJHenderson that is trivially irrelevant.
the funds capture is something that could be mistaken, by someone who is naive about security and regulations.
@AviD yeah, which is why I don't think the same logic applies to the existing case, but it does bring up a question about where that line is
common sense.
which is why I mentioned it would be "too localized" since not enough people would make that error
"I'll know it when I see it" ?
the question is if it is something that might be useful to others in the future because of being a common misconception
@AJHenderson s/not enough people/nobody/
if yes, it's on topic and generally useful, if no, it is on topic and too localized
which now results in "off topic" since that's the official answer to "this question isn't useful"
I still am frustrated by the removal of "too localized"
@AJHenderson actually, in this case its neither - its a blatant troll attempt.
I notice it a lot as a good close reason both here and on Photography
@AJHenderson you can write it yourself :p
@LucasKauffman yeah, but only under "off topic" which isn't really true
since if it was more generally useful it would be on topic
@AviD did you ban Adnan?
@AviD well yes, in this case it is
Ari Juels discussing Honeywords: 'I didn't know Blink182 wasn't a randomly generated password. Apparently you have to be young and hip'.
HAH! Funny considering blink182 is one of my favourite bands.
@LucasKauffman no, of course not. I think he's sulking because I deleted his question.
@TerryChia Googling blink182
@TerryChia wasnt it a movie?
@AviD What? lol
regretting Googling blink182
ah no, that was Turk 182.
@AviD Waitwut?
RT @wikidsystems: Just googled "how to shutdown windows 8" <- Easy. Install Windows 8.1. http://bit.ly/1deLWeo
@Adnan Are you serious?
@Simon I think he just put that there to set up the punchline.
@TerryChia I do have to admit that I was the only person in the room the other day who could figure out how to actually turn off windows 8
it should say something about the usability of a system when nobody can even figure out how to find the off button
@Iszi Hopefully.
@AJHenderson why would you ever need to shut it off?
@AviD to put the laptop away
@AviD Good point. If you never turn it on, there's no need to turn it off.
@Iszi TWSS
@AJHenderson just close it...?
putting it away for a week at a time
even standby would run in to problems
@AJHenderson I'm glad I don't have the same problem. Linux ftw.
@AJHenderson That's what Hybrid Sleep is for.
@AJHenderson Oh damn, you just reminded me to charge my Macbook Air. I don't think I opened it for a month now...
@Iszi did they make that actually work reliably yet
@AviD Oh, I just found that Q. Is there a "delete beyond deletion" option I can hit on that?
my experience with that has been that if you are very very lucky, it won't crash your computer entirely on rare occasion
@AJHenderson Works fine for me.
it generally never wakes up on either the laptop or desktop that I have tried the setting on
@AJHenderson standby? whats wrong with hibernate?
straight up hibernate works fine on both
but nobody could find hibernate either
@AJHenderson its been working like a beaut since 7. at least.
Windows 8 buries it in that silly invisible corner menu
@AviD they introduced it in 7
that's the system it didn't work for me on
on two different computers from different manufacturers
suspend works fine, hibernate works fine, hybrid failed to resume regularly
atleast within a reasonable time frame
@Simon @Iszi Honestly, this is the first time I hear of the name
Zero problems with hybrid sleep on my laptop running Windows 7.
(as in I left it running overnight once to try and wake up)
@AJHenderson it is hardware dependant, to a large extent... might be a driver issue?
@Adnan Damn.
@Iszi same.
@Adnan Sad a day.
@Adnan not missing much
That was basically the entirety of my high school music... lol
@AviD I'm sure it probably is, but my experience was that it worked poorly on two (new) computers
granted, one was a custom built desktop, but the other was a Vaio. I also had initial poor responses with a Lenovo though I didn't do as much testing on that one before turning it off
@DavidFreitag I still listen to blink182 regularly. But my musical taste probably has zero in common with the people in this room. :P
@DavidFreitag Why?
@AJHenderson Yup, thought so.
@Adnan They are a decently good band
@TerryChia They pop up in my playlists occasionally, suddenly lots of memories rush back into my head.
> Genres: Pop punk, alternative rock, skate punk
No, thank you.
@Adnan More for me then
@DavidFreitag decently good is debateable, they had a couple of decent songs, but I could never get in to most of their stuff
@DavidFreitag I thought Justin Beiber was the entirety of your high school music?
@DavidFreitag The new stuff is mostly average, but the self titled album was awesome.
@AviD I was in high school when that dude was in diapers.
@DavidFreitag ok, now you are depressing me
@TerryChia Their new stuff sucks, i could care less. But the old stuff is still jsut as good to me
@AJHenderson What, he's like 9 or 10, right?
Has anybody seen how awesomely Tor.SE are failing?

Beta Q&A site for researchers, developers, and users of Tor

Currently in public beta.

Oh, this makes me so happy.
@Adnan it does seem like it would be difficult to make a site on Tor. How hard can it get? It's not a complicated topic
@DavidFreitag The Dogs eating dogs EP was pretty ok actually. But Neighborhood sucks so bad.
Tor is the browser/vpn of choice for hipsters who like pointing out to the NSA how counterculture they are.
what is tor, how do I use tor, what are the security risks, what can I find on tor (aka, where the drugs at) and um...
@AJHenderson I have such a wide taste of music it's not surprising that many people in here won't agree with me, but i'll listen to Melodic metal with @Adnan all day, and rock out to some slayer with @Copy late at night. But right now i'm rolling some Hands Like Houses
@AviD Pronounced 'roy' not 'raw'.
@DavidFreitag I have a wide taste too, I just am not a big Blink182 fan
there is other skater punk that I like
@Adnan heh
actually thought that was another @rory comment.
@AJHenderson And by the same token i don't like much other skater punk at all
country is about the only thing I won't touch
@DavidFreitag Have you heard The Wonder Years? Pretty good stuff.
@AJHenderson yeah, that and rap/RMB/reggae... shudders
@TerryChia Nah, not so much... Mainly the reason why Blink182 is so good for me is the memories it brings back
@TerryChia with Fred Savage?
@AviD Hah. Talking about the band.
@AviD That one was a little old for me. :P
you had to google it, didnt you.
@AviD Yes.
For shame.
> So if you have the name ‘John’ a million times, you will get a million different cipher texts
Killed me
my personal preferences tend to be towards liking melodic or symphonic metal the most, followed by certain types of rap or techno/electronic (that are more musical and less repetitive) For example, certain Daft Punk
also really like groups like Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace and Linkin Park
also extends on the other side to groups like Blue Man Group, Nightwish, Apocalyptica, TSO, and a few others that I can never remember the names of but that come up in my radio stations
> CipherCloud Delivers Breakthrough Searchable Strong Encryption
Apparently, their breakthrough was with
> Advance Intuitive Search – Supports flexible search terms, such as "starts with," "ends with," wild cards, natural language matching and Boolean phrases, compatible with today's Internet search conventions.
@Adnan yeah, I thought it wasn't a big deal until I saw that part
and then my jaw dropped
I'm guessing there isn't any technical information on the how available though
@AJHenderson They are encrypting your files. They are just storing an unencrypted version beside it.
@Adnan I dont see the problem with that.
it's called a full-text index. most databases have supported this for years.
show me all files starting with A, is the record still there, ok, show me all data starting with Ad
hmm, is it still there...
how do they manage to keep the data secure while supporting a search. I guess if it requires the key to search then it's less of a problem though
@AJHenderson s/secure//
@AJHenderson and the key part makes no sense - what, they will decrypt all records?
@AviD :|
and assuming each record is encrypted with a different key, how would the user know which key to provide, until the record is located?
That search is on encrypted data
@Adnan (I was being facetious, hope you realize that....)
it would seem that it would be a major security issue if you didn't need the key to access the record to be able to search for the record
because otherwise it leaks information by definition
well, they may have some magic rabit
@AJHenderson heads up - they be snake oil vendors.
@AJHenderson magic snake.
heh, that sounds dirty.
@AviD so is that a snake that is fed a regular diet of magical rabbits?
do snakes eat rabbits?
apparently these snakes do
I know they eat mice, but rabbits are substantially larger.
I'd think a big enough snake might
then again, snakes can eat elephants.
google answers the mystery
(of snake eating rabbits, not magical encryption)
I suppose if you make the assumption that you are not using unique keys on records (such as a private collection of records stored in the cloud) then it should be possible to build a search index that can work off of an encrypted search pattern. That's probably what they are talking about, which would still be rather impressive, though of limited use in high security needs (good for cloud purposes though)
kind of similar to the cryptography I can never remember that allows for operations to be performed on encrypted data using encrypted operators and the output is valid for the plaintext when decrypted
@AJHenderson homomorphic encryption?
there's a lot of weird crypto work specifically for cloud environments where the one doing the processing isn't trusted with the data itself
but in this case the indices would still be unencrypted, since they cant predefine the search terms.
well in theory you could find a way to encrypt the term in some way maybe so that it would work with an encrypted index
unless for every search, they always return:
> No results found! Everything is encrypted securely.
I would expect it isn't very space efficient though
but would still be a step up from current
@AJHenderson I might believe it if Schneier came out with this, or @Thomas's company.
This company? Pffft.
Again, snake oilers.
yeah, I'm still thinking pics or it didn't happen
ie, pics of how they do it
They just discovered the concept of IV for symetric encryption - and they are a crypto company.
just saying it could be feasible to get some stuff, but without more details, I'd be suspect of the security
respect my securitay?
(it's a security conference in Scotland)
Q: sudo move config file in unaccesable dir

Tobias HagenbeekI'm trying to "rewrite" a config file somewhere on my server if ($return = exec("sudo mv.sh '/etc/my/config.cfg' '/etc/my/config.cfg.bak'",$output)){ echo 'Yaaay'; } else { print_r($output); print_r($return); die('Couldn\'t move original config file'); } the dir /etc/my is owned by the ...

the tags alone are cause for a headache
what's wrong with PHP executing SUDO commands?
it sounds like a great plan
maybe that's how they do the search
@AJHenderson $result = exec('ls -l ./' . $_GET['search']); // what could possibly go wrong
@Polynomial that's * worthy
Nothing, it's clearly injection-proof because PHP has a built-in protection against that.
@Simon kekekeke
This song makes me want to take off my clothes and dance in the streets.
@Simon Do it.
and send a copy of the police report afterwards
I feel like I would possibly regret it.
@AJHenderson AFAICT they simply store a plaintext index on the gateway.
@CodesInChaos actually, I suppose doing that and encrypting the index with the master key would be a passable solution for the company level isolation
still doesn't offer much though
that is probably what they are doing though, based on their reputation from what you guys are saying
(and perhaps I'm optimistic that they are encrypting the index)
there is little point in encrypting anything on the gateway. The gateway holds the encryption keys.
I'm just not sure what the point is in using the "cloud", when you have a stateful gateway.
@TerryChia a wild hipster MongoDB user apeared
I'm a modafukin' hipster with the hardstyle flavor.
@LucasKauffman Damn right.
I totally forgot to listen to what you linked when I saw it this morning, time to do it now.
@Simon raw to the floor.
@LucasKauffman Mongo is okay. The frightening part is that he wants to give an application running on the endusers computer direct access to the database.
Damn, the kick is Jumpstyleish but it's too slow to be Jumpstyle.
"db.dropDatabase()" -- Ay, ay, sir.
@CodesInChaos Shouldn't you pass the database name as a parameter?
I mean, "db.dropDatabase($_GET['dbName']);" now that's secure.
@CodesInChaos I missed that part I think
HELLO @tylerl
That's the fastest hello you ever got, admit it.
@Simon indeed
I win.
@CodesInChaos updated
@Simon don't you mean HELO @tylerl
@AJHenderson I don't understand nerd.
@AJHenderson Hopefully in this day and age you'd be using EHLO
What are you dudes saying.
i mean is this 1983?
I wasn't even born in 1983.
@Simon neither was I
though I was concieved
In this day and age, we should finally kill SMTP
@Simon SMTP was 1 year old
@tylerl I was -8, do I win?
no.. 2 years.
@CodesInChaos Why? it's pretty expansible.
what we should kill however is SMTP that isn't over TLS or similar
The primary problem is that the fact that it's globally federated means that encryption has to be presumbed to not be available
and SMTP that isn't authenticated as authoritative
but SMTP itself is fine

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