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I don't really remember the 80s, but I don't remember the 90s much either.
Man. Remington wants $6 shipping for a new comb attachment that sells for $3. Looks like I'm buying from someone else.
So instead I pay 3.99 and 4 for shipping. Fuckers.
You have enough hair to comb it?
I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you.
It's for my beard.
Really? Haha.
Oh, that kind of comb.
It's cheap ass plastic. Either the stops on the slider wear smooth or the damn thing cracks.
It looks like I purchased my last replacement in March of last year.
@ScottPack Buy a couple of 'em at once, maybe?
@Xander I probabaly should. They each last about 18 months, which really isn't bad I suppose.
1 hour later…
@Simon Yes
And then i work the weekends too
keeps me from getting into trouble.
i got out of class half an hour ago, and i have a board meeting in 8 and a half hours
1 hour later…
Q: When I am encrypting something with AES, am I supposed to send IV alongside the ciphertext?
1 hour later…
I feel.... dirty
@tylerl Ewww gross.
@TerryChia i know, right?
@ScottPack really? mine lasts so much longer.
not remington, though.
@Rogach yes. I think there are a few q's on this on the site....
couldnt resist this when I saw the q in the supercollider...
A: Other ways to say "I have a bad hunch"

AviD I've got a baaad feeling about this. (Note that this does have a certain pop-culture reference...)

@AviD -1 because of Phantom Menace.
@TerryChia heh, wasnt MY clip, I just found it quickly on youtube. Have a better clip?
besides, as backstory, it does the job. Never understood all the hate on it.
@AviD heh nah. I actually like Episode 1. Too much jar jar but at least qui gon is badass.
Also, the evolution of fighting styles, in particular Obi Wan's.
@TerryChia oh my sentiments exactly.
Also, Anakian wasn't a whiny teenager in Episode 1.
jar jar was the kiddie equivalent of fan service. like ewoks.
I'm proud to announce that I've never seen episodes 2 and 3, and have only seen ep 1 in Italian.
so it doesn't count
@TerryChia no, he was a whiny ADHD toddler.
good morning gents
Episode 2 was the vomit-inducing one imo.
I don't mind either
Q: My ipaddress is changed

CY5I am Broadband user and have static ipaddress, I had turned off firewall in window 7 and after few hour My ipaddress is changed.Why did it change? before it never happened as such, is it done by some hacker? how can i get my ipaddress back now i have turned my firewall on. Please help and i have...

@MikeF It could be anywhere along the continuum between (a) using the task schedule and (b) storing your password in a text file on your desktop named my password.txt. Somewhere along that line, I'd recon. — tylerl 3 mins ago
How am I supposed to know how secure someone else's product is?
@tylerl lmao
@LucasKauffman ninja'd by @rory.
@AviD s/ninja'd/pwned/
@tylerl s/pwned/roryed/
so, roryed by @rory.
@AviD s/ / rory rory /g @rory
Suddenly - all the pings happened
morning all
Morning @rory
Good @Rory @RoryAlsop.
@RoryAlsop ymean all the pings @rory'ed.
All your @Rory are belong to us.
And I agree with @AviD - in 1, he was incredibly annoying. The only redeeming features of that film: pod racers (cos they are cool) and Qui Gon
oh, and I would have my spaceship chromed too
films 2 and 3 - not worth the time of day
@RoryAlsop He was vomit inducing in 2 though.
@RoryAlsop 2 was great, 3 was bloody awesome.
could they not have just shot him at the end of 1 and saved a lot of the universe
huge high speed spaceship fight in the first minutes? Win!
The only saving grace of Episode 2 was Yoda vs Dooku.
That fight was freaking awesome.
Yoda vs Dooku....meh
the physics didn't work quite right for me
also I see both as backstory (great), and a literary technique known as "mirroring". Brilliant.
The community filmed episode 3.5 was way better than either (IMHO)
Obi wan vs Grevious was nice in 3.
@TerryChia all the lightsaber fights in 2 and 3 were great. They developed a whole fighting system (actually, 7) for these films, which was sorely lacking in the the originals.
Okay, Obi-Wan was cool, but only because Ewan MacGregor
@AviD The fights were nice. The scenes with Anakin and Padme in them? Blegh...
@RoryAlsop 3.5 was paaiiinful. Still watched it, of course.
Developing the fighting systems backstory: excellent idea. Delivery: rubbish
@RoryAlsop you didnt like the fighting systems?
yes it was painful, but less so than 2 or 3. The acting was way better, for a start
@RoryAlsop nooooo.... it was like an 80's B film!
I think the fighting systems were awesome, as development of theory and backstory, but the way they were represented was 'orrible
@RoryAlsop I loved how the different systems match the different personalities.
Hmmm - I may have not picked up on that as i was trying to uncurl my toes
anyway, your bad feeling has an upvote from me :-)
@RoryAlsop meh, dont care about rep there, it was entertainment value only.
thanks, I guess.
I want to go back to Singapore
@LucasKauffman Why?
because @Terry has offered drinks?
@RoryAlsop just drinks?
@tylerl nicer climate, very nice environment and cool food
only downside is limited alcohol
mmm now I'm thinking about it...
@AviD And food. Don't forget the food.
@LucasKauffman Submit a talk to Blackhat/Syscan. :P
Fucking feminists!!!
SPU (a YouTube channel) made a video about motorboating for breast cancer awareness. They donated $20 for each motorboat AND $100 for each 100k views they had (on a video on which they disabled advertisement).
A group of femenazis decided they were offended and contacted the charity and pressured them to refuse the donation
Great! Because of people claiming to help modern women, breast cancer research lost money.
Money that, in theory, could have helped modern women.
rant = over
@AviD Is this by one of the Cracked writers? It sure has some hints of their style.
@AviD Are you going to be all annoying about rant = over now?
@Adnan heh, possibly - it was linked from there.
@TerryChia nah, I'm not going to try to educate @Adnan. He's hopeless.
@TerryChia No need to, I'm 100% right. rant has been assigned the value of over. When somebody asks "What is rant?", "Oh, let's check it. Oh, yup, it's over".
Unless, of course, rant is an object and its "overness" is decided by an internal property. In that case, rant.over = true.
or, rant.over() where over: (){this.rant = true}.
God damn it, @AviD !!!!
You got in my head without saying anything.
@Adnan but this, yes. over would be either a status (property), or an action (setting that status, i.e. a method).
same discussion as yesterday's mind = blown;.
The quality of TDWTF is really slipping....
however, there is another possibility in this case, that did not apply there: that you are explicitly overwriting the object reference that is stored in rant, with a null-like value of over, to prevent further access to the original object referred to by rant.
@AviD I'm going to quote @Simon here. "Nurds"
In managed languages this is usually avoided, since the rant reference would be invalidated as soon as the variable goes out of scope. It is not unheard of, however.
Of course, you might be in a non-managed language, such as VB6, or even worse, PHP.
@AviD Oh sure, I use del() in python all the time.
@AviD That's the exact spam I used to get all the time on my Wordpress blog before I decided to ditch comments.
@Adnan not sure the "major change" reason was the best choice...
Perhaps "too minor" would have been better. After all, we all know that @tylerl was really talking about Louis Vuitton handbags.
@AviD At least I didn't accept it.
@Adnan yeah, @TerryChia would have.
@AviD Yes, I just love Louis Vuitton handbags.
@AviD That dude accepts everything he can get.
Just like @Simon
@Adnan Not you though, I don't want anything from you.
@Adnan quick, call @kalina.
@TerryChia Perfect! Because I really don't want to give you anything.
@AviD God damn it! Why?! We were having a nice conversation with you guys. Why did you have to ruin it by summoning her.
@Adnan you seemed lonely.
@LucasKauffman thats a matter of opinion.
@AviD fixed
@AviD Wasn't that the hacking/IT TV show?
@Adnan yeah, some epic scenes there.
@AviD Remember the name of the show?
I still use that "I'll allow it" line when my kids are being appropriately pranky to each other.
@Adnan Breaking In
@AviD Yup, that's the one
@Adnan If you havent seen it, definitely watch it. But only the first season - the 2nd sucked balls.
1 hour later…
@AviD That's what I thought. I only watched the first one and was hesitant to watch the second.
eugh well, as if I wasn't having a bad enough day
I'm getting disciplined for misconduct, for one mistake and a bunch of other stuff they're trying to pin on me
I'm so glad I clarify everything I'm asked to do via email
starts printing emails
@kalina what type of misconduct?
I missed a step in a process that I would never miss, which resulted in large scale corruption of data which prevented payroll running for a key site and could have resulted in negative press
@kalina clearly your assertion that you'd never miss the step is incorrect.
unless I'm missing some greater context
which leaves me feeling bemused
since the step in question is "stop the application pools in IIS"
maybe it was just a brainfart
we all have them from time to time
well, it can't be anything other than that
step one of the process is "tell the customer you're killing their system"
step two is "kill the system"
so somehow I'm meant to convince myself that the 15 second period between hanging up the phone and killing the system I dreamed it up
@kalina yes
and then proceeded to install and configure the latest version of the application and upgrade the database while people were still using it
but merely thinking of these sentences results in large quantities of alarms, facedesking, and wtfs
because reading the words looks SO STUPID
it's never a mistake I would make
and yet, it can only be my fault
maybe the kill operation failed and you didn't notice?
or someone re-launched the IIS services while you were upgrading - do they have service audit logs?
oh there's nothing about the app pools stopping
the action never happened
my conclusion is that space lizards are involved
but then they've strung out the investigation until the day before payday
and then arranged a disciplinary hearing at a time that gives me no margin for error to arrive on time
and pinned a bunch of other stuff that wasn't my fault or wasn't even me onto the hearing
shit rolls downhill
welcome to corporate life :P
the disciplinary process says they can't fire me at this stage
due to (a) it not being gross misconduct and (b) me not being on a final written warning
but it's just a bit convenient that they're currently trying to downsize another department and that department has people that could be moved into this department
it feels like I'm being set up
can't see how though - how would they go about forcing your end not to kill the service?
I don't understand the question
well if you missed a step, how is that something that they did?
oh it's not, the other stuff though... is questionable
@kalina there's a big surprise. ;-)
maybe they just dislike your crushing sarcasm
and my mistake, which upon me doing the investigation into what the hell happened resulted in me going "oh, well... er, I can't explain it but it does look like it's my fault"
rather than trying to hide the fact
is nothing in comparison to some of the other mistakes made by others who're still employed here in the past
@kalina umm.... that's not misconduct. That is a mistake.
this company's classification of misconduct covers mistakes
they're classifying it as negligence
at worst it can be deemed negligence, but that is a stretch. Misconduct is something else.
@kalina this happens to me all the time.
one of the things on this list of things I've done wrong was a failed product to migrate a customer from a hosted solution to on site hosting
which I wasn't involved in due to being on holiday during the planning phase
had dropped on me at the last minute
@kalina what kind of freak company do you work at, that firing an employee for an innocent mistake is even considered???
and then found out the customer wanted the product to do something it wasn't designed to do on their system in the name of disaster recovery
I spoke to my manager, wrote a solution that would make the product work in that setup
and then got told not to do it because it's non-standard, and then my manager pulled the plug on the project
why is that me doing anything wrong?
@kalina this is ridiculous.
@TerryChia Shocking! This has never happened!
I wouldn't usually be so phased, but I left my comfort zone by starting the job here - I moved from a big city to a tiny village where the office I work from is based
if I lose this, I'm basically stranded in a redneck hole with a population of 30
at the same time
I don't really want to work for a company that goes out of its way to do this to one of their employees
ah. so perhaps they behave like this, since they assume there is no competition for you.
But in this day and age, that is never true.
@kalina move jobs?
I hate travelling
though today nobody calls it "telecommuting" anymore, it's just "working".
that's why I moved up here when they offered me the job
I live next door to the office I work in
I can't quite see my home wifi network from here
but if I walk to the far end of the carpark I can
@kalina Get a stronger antennae.
I think you're missing the point slightly
I RDP home anyway
I never access anything not work related via anything other than my RDP home
@kalina Just trying to lighten the mood. :)
I don't think anything will salvage today for me
@kalina How about stomping on @Adnan?
nah, I don't have the motivation to be mean to anybody
I can't be mean to others, even playfully, if I'm not in the mindset to take what I dish out
@kalina wanna try nice today? Might be good for a larf.
I am being nice
I am a naturally nice person
@kalina whoa.
It's very rare I'm actually genuinely mean to somebody
as demonstrated by a conversation the other day where for a moment it looked like @Adnan was getting upset about it all, and I clarified with him he knew none of it was serious
@Simon No.
@Simon You killed the chat.
Chat killer.
@Simon Morning, sweetie. How are ya?
@TerryChia I blame SSL.
Typical SSL implementations only support some curves, but originally you couldn't really tell the server which ones you support.
nowadays there is an extension for that, but I don't know how many implementations support it

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