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@DavidFreitag I'll see your whatever and raise you by youtube.com/watch?v=rvuO2EvCTAE
@copy Ah a classic, this was good when i was like... 8, now i like big-boy metal :]
cc: @RoryAlsop
@copy Heh, I'm just kidding, Slayer is still one of my favorites. But by now my tastes have evolved past them
That's interesting, because my taste has evolved in the opposite direction
Heh, well everyone likes what they're going to like.
1 hour later…
your mom
4 hours later…
You guys may enjoy this
@ManishEarth where the hell'd they get the data?
That's what I was wondering about too :P
@tylerl PRISM.
@TerryChia Snorted my drink out my nose.
@tylerl :)
this question certainly has attracted the attention of a lot of amateur cryptographers:
Q: Could SQRL really be as secure as they say?

Wayne WernerI just came across https://www.grc.com/sqrl/sqrl.htm With Secure QR Login, your phone snaps the QR code displayed on a website's login page . . . . and YOU are securely logged in. This seems like it would be pretty awesome - one of the problems that I can think of is if the QR reader i...

@tylerl Yeah, I'm basically ignoring all of them now.
It's interesting to see the level of experience/expertise of those who support the idea versus those who think it's worthless
the difference is pretty stark
Also, note the view count vs the amount of actual attention the question has gotten.
(votes, answers, etc)
and then google SQRL to see why :)
@tylerl Hah! Third on Google.
2nd when I check
1st if I'm logged in
@tylerl I'm getting this as the second result sqrl.eecs.utk.edu
I should really write a blog post on it. Will be a good boost to the view count.
wtfs a squirrel?
@ManishEarth A small furry animal?
lol no the sqrl thingy
it sounds stupid. qr code for security?
@ManishEarth Basically yes, it is stupid. :P
@ManishEarth the idea is to use QR codes to log in using your phone instead of using a password. Basically it turns your phone into your password. The technology is sound, but the real-world implications are ... mostly undesirable.
@TerryChia y u no call it stupid in your answer?
> Like anything that comes out of Gibson, this SRQL scheme is highly flawed and offers no benefits over conventional methods.
Too subtle for you?
Also, right at the beginning.
> As usual, take anything related to Steve Gibson with a truckload of salt. Obligatory attrition.org link.
@TerryChia too buried
big fat tldr
Bold, with h2 formatting
@TerryChia Fanboys (which constitute 99.3% of the viewers of your answer) will see the ad-hominem attacks against Gibson and then dismiss your whole argument. It kills your credibility.
@ManishEarth I won't edit it in, but I have no objections if you want to do so. :P
attack the design, not the designer
othewise it makes you look small-minded
the fact that you're right isn't the point ;)
@tylerl Oh sure, normally I would agree with you. I'm just sick of Gibson. ;)
What's up with this Gibson dude?
@ManishEarth he's the main character in the most popular security podcast that's running.
He's a self-proclaimed security expert, but he doesn't work in teh security industry
He's a an "expert" because he studies the subject a lot. Except not really, because he has no experience at all. So his ideas are often subtly flawed in ways that are not obvious to normal listeners
Oh, sorta like Ankit Fadia
Well, Fadia knows nothing but has popularized himself
I should get in on this. I know enough about security to sound smart even when spouting crap
Well, 97% of what he says is right. But that remaining 3% can be a really big deal. And he thinks he's right about it as well. He just doesn't know any better.
And this auth scheme he came up with is a great example of that. The technology is sound, but in real-world usage it would be a disaster.
but his job isn't dealing with this crap, so he doesnt' know to think about it
And more importantly, because he's such a popular voice on the subject, a lot of people just starting in the industry think he's right. They're used to him being right. So they get subtly incorrect ideas on important topics.
"So, if we take the HMAC and enable HSTS for it, we can get a tenfold increment in security due to the addition of an extra symmetric ECDSA key pair that encrypts the SSL layer"
@ManishEarth not quite like that
@tylerl I bet non professionals wouldn't be able to tell the difference :P
@tylerl normally I would agree with this, but in this case - its not a question of some small issues that he can work out next iteration, or maybe we should be intrested in his other designs.
But yeah, I know what you mean
Sensible ideas at the outset, but an experienced person will immediately run around screming
it is like when a rabid monkey offers to build your house - do you really need to bother with the details, or just rule it out completely because rabid monkey?
@ManishEarth But see, that's what's so pernicious about the whole thing. You can't write the guy off for being completely cracked. He undersands most of the technology pretty well. He's shit at explaining it, but he studies it heavily. The problem is that he doesn't understand the nuances, so whenever he comes up with an original thought, it's terrible.
@tylerl actually, a lot of the basics are lost on him too.
probably not much worse than typical managers or marketers, though - but they dont profess to be technical experts.
Imagine you take a middle-school kid who really, really wants to be a physicist. So you give him all the books he wants and let him study physics. ... Now you make him a professor at MIT.
See if you can spot where the error was made.
@tylerl I have first hand experience with that, learning lots of physics on my own and then not knowing the nuances
@ManishEarth but you're not a professor at MIT.
wait, are you??
@AviD Not yet.
rubs palms
@AviD 'course not, I'm a student.
So we get a lot of visitors to the site, to that question, who think that his ideas are sound. But they all know even less about security than he does... and we end up with what you see there on that page.
and the fact that my assessment is true is evident in the disparity between the experience levels of the different commentors, for and against.
Yay, blog migration completed. infosecstudent.com
Wait, he's using a different protocol for sqrtl? Even I can tell you why that's stupid
cool, according to an ad on youtube, we now have smartcard identity cards here. i.e. the identity cards we've always had now have chips embedded.
now to find out how this is actually implemented, and if it even matters.
You mean the SQLR:// protocol handler? It's not a different transmission protocol, it's an app launcher mechanism, just like "tel:" or "mailto:" links
or if its like the CAP creditcards, which work great, but are trivial to bypass.
It's dangerous for another reason, though.
@AviD US passports supposedly have RFID in there somewhere.
No more useful than a barcode IMHO
no, not rfid, cryptographic chip, like in some credit cards.
a decent 2D barcode can encode easily as much as RFID, and with better inherent security.
@tylerl ah, OK. Not mitmable then, right?
Anyone here has experience with configuring nginx?
As in the HTTPS://-to-SQRL:// transition being mitmable
@AviD with the gold contacts and everything? That's tough to miss when you look at it. Shouldn't need an ad to tell you it's there.
@TerryChia Yes.
nginx? /me not likey
@tylerl Are there any special configurations I need to take note of if I'm serving up static files only that can help with performance?
@tylerl yes, like that - but not rolled out to everybody yet, of course. I would KNOW if I had it, point is it is available.
still, like I said it is probably trivial to ignore.
they're pushing it as solution to identity theft.
@TerryChia ..don't use nginx? lighttpd for static
@ManishEarth Bad because the third-party app won't know what site initiated the auth request, so it won't know whether or not it's legit. Plus it can be triggered without the user knowing.
@ManishEarth Heh. Why? Everything I have seen points to nginx being superior to Apache for serving up static files.
Ah lighttpd...
Never played around with that before.
Yeah, nginx>apache, but for static files why use either?
Q: Best lightweight web server (only static content) for windows

bensiuI got application server running in Windows – IIS6.0 with Zend Server to execute PHP. I am looking for lightweight static content only web server on this same machine which will relive IIS form handling static content and increase performance. It need to be only static content web server – maxim...

@TerryChia It actually is better in a number of cases. Just 3 days ago I set up nginx as a reverse-proxy to protect an apache installation against a ddos attack.
hmm, mongoose is a new one (to me), but that may not be unix and apparently works on unix
Even in event mode, Apache can't keep up with nginx.
@tylerl yep.
Still, I have more experience with apache, and as a nonprofessional I just use it whenever possible. Or lighttpd
@TerryChia I typically use the stock configuration with a few server-specific customizations. It's pretty good out-of-the-box
you may configure it differently if it's under DDoS, for example
grr. my dd operation is slowing down. Stupid drives.
only 20 more minutes to go....
@tylerl Alright!
Q: Is there 100% reflective mirror...i just want one

Muhammad UmerI have heard there are none right now...but i saw something that said something about 100% reflection. Forgotten completely. sorry. I want it, i think it'd be very amazing to save sunlight in it from day and let little out in night. But i have heard it's theoretically not possible to have surf...

I just want one... cmon guys just one is that too much to ask?
@Polynomial Last week I gave a presentation on cellular automata. While talking about Rule 110 and Rule 30, one guy asked the meaning of the numbers and I told him that the rule can be back-constructed from the number, giving a range of rules from Rule 0 to Rule 256. One guy asked "So, is there a rule 34?".
Nobody else in the class got the joke -_-. Both of us had a laugh and moved on, after which everyone was asking us what the joke was.
@ManishEarth Did you explain it to them?
Well, the prof was a cool guy and was also curious. I said that it was NSFP, but he pushed for it. So... I told 'em :P
@ManishEarth Hah!
After which the prof says "Hmm, interesting, gotta look that up. If I you see me smiling on Monday then you'll know that I did."
@DavidFreitag oo, I'd tried them out a long time ago. if you have a specific question you can try me out, but I cant promise that I will know anything...
@TerryChia heh, I'd already seen that. excellent.
A: I hereby declare the 22th of September each year to be Bear Day!

Thomas PorninThe Bear approves of your oath of fealty. You may keep on chanting the glory of your ursine overlords.

hehe, just saw this now. Legendary.
@AviD I, for one, welcome our new ursine overlord.
"new"...?? Blasphemy!!
@AviD Hey, I have to fit that into the meme.
hehe, I had to read some responses to get his comment...
not familiar with xhamster.... yet ;-)
3 hours later…
What a wonderful Sunday!
Plastava, everybody.
@Adnan Are you drunk?
@TerryChia Plastava to you too.
@copy My dear friend! I missed you
and @Tildal, where have you been, man?
Oh, @Avi, how are you today?
@Adnan plastava.
@AntonyVennard is here! The guy with the best last name around here.
Yup, @Adnan is drunk. He is being way too polite today.
@TerryChia Nonsense!
Ooh! Look who's here! My BFF, @Kalina
@TerryChia well, it's Sunday noon. Of course @Adnan is drunk.
@AviD I don't think it being a Sunday or it being noon has anything to do with the fact that @Adnan is drunk.
@TerryChia you're probably right. "It's day, of course @Adnan is drunk".
Look at that.. look at that. Ah, sunset in Finland is amazing
hmm, remove the day part...
@Adnan oh gohhhd its a double rainboooowwww!
Too bad next month sunrise will be like 11:00 and sunset will be like 14:00
Sometimes I worry about the (what I assume are) sober conversations in this room. This could be fun...
You know what would be nice now? Feta-cheese pasta.
Some EVOO and Balsamic on top
God damn it! I don't have pasta!
@AviD Just saw the slides of your talk. Love the ending!
@ManishEarth heh, thanks. :-)
the verbal commentary is what made it interesting, if you ask me.
otherwise a lot of it just seems random.
what I said made it clear that it is VERY random.
@AviD yeah lol
Plus the twenty pages of arabic spam
f.e. right before switching to slide 4, I said that I'm going to start with the conclusion... referring to slide 9, of course.
@ManishEarth oh I built that up nicely.
@AviD was it screencasted?
I'll admit its far from the type of talk I usually give - and not really the subject matter that is my usual research. but it was fun...
@LucasKauffman no :-(
someone taped most of the conference, missed two and a half talks - mine included :'(
@AviD what an idiot
the best talk he missed!
anyway, it was mostly in hebrew - not sure how much it owuld have helped...
@LucasKauffman heh, sweet. Not accurate, but sweet.
Ok I'm just reading the slides: owasp.org/images/8/87/… and so far it's hilarious.
@AntonyVennard exactly.
I love the section of "Random Sh*t".
truth is, it practically wrote itself. I just collated and commentated.
@AviD Hah! That one on webapps one is hilarious.
@Adnan I'm here ;) Where have you been? :P
"XSS by Design" lmao.
the mods there told me aboout one they didnt have pics of, I would have loved to include it: during the spamflood, the spammers were coordinating some of their "work" via the comments on the site.
@AviD I particularly like "I am durnk. Can someone call me a taxy?"
@AviD Miley Cyrus under "Offensive Material" Genius.
@AntonyVennard did you notice what that is directly after....?
@TerryChia ahhh thank you thank you.
@AviD Page 97 is Andrew?
@TerryChia hehe
he was actually noted earlier on, too... remember when he trolled someone off the internet?
I found those posts.
@AviD Yeah, the IP address from images one.
about equal, I think.
@AntonyVennard I meant that it is right after the viagra request. A solution for the needy.
@AviD Ah yes!!
besides, as I said, you cant have a talk about spam, without mentioning viagra. Right?
except that that guy was probably never on the internet ever, if he had to look for it.
@AviD Yeah. Surely "check your inbox/spam folder" would be all you needed to do to find tablets claiming to be viagra.
I particularly loved "why are these trolls moderating this beautiful site" !!
@AntonyVennard wheey I get a mention too [edited out] LOL
some funny shit there nice collection @AviD
@TildalWave which was you....?
@AviD page 85 ... I just edited out some offensive speech
@TildalWave ahh right right
hehe didn't see that suggested edit "And I'm gay" :D
not sure that was on sec.se.
I used that as a starter example for things like online bullying.
I wrapped that section up with a reference to a guy who quit the police to fight that personally full time. in case anybody there has such issues, either their kids or themselves (lots of young-ish college students there.... )
Oh btw @AviD check your hotmail at some point... :D
ah, yeah, seen the headlines come in, havent had a chance to open it yet :-)
my east european trip next week was cancelled though, so that will free me up some breathing room.
@AviD Cool, no worries.
@TildalWave I don't know. Drinking some Taylor's
Damn, that's a nice port wine
10 years
You can taste the softened phenols
@Adnan TWSS?
I'm sorry, I dont know what phenols are.
| Section2 = | Section7 = | Section8 = }} Phenol — also known as carbolic acid — is an aromatic organic compound with the molecular formula C6H5OH. It is a white crystalline solid that is volatile. The molecule consists of a phenyl group (-C6H5) bonded to a hydroxyl group (-OH). It is mildly acidic, but requires careful handling due to its propensity to cause burns. Phenol was first extracted from coal tar, but today is produced on a large scale (about 7 billion kg/year) from petroleum. It is an important industrial commodity as a precursor to many materials and useful compounds. I...
even after reading the wp article...
> Although similar to alcohols, phenols have unique distinguishing properties. Unlike in alcohols where the hydroxyl group is bound to a saturated carbon atom,[5] in phenols the hydroxyl group is attached to an unsaturated ring such as benzene or other arene ring.[6] Consequently, phenols have greater acidity than alcohols due to stabilization of the conjugate base through resonance in the aromatic ring.
I stand by my TWSS comment.
oh, hang on - now this part is language I can understand:
> Occurrence in whisky
Phenol is a measurable component in the aroma and taste of the distinctive Islay scotch whisky,[33] generally ~30, but can be over 150[34] ppm in the malted barley used to produce whisky.
And the the intensified grape skin taste due to the lack of acidity
Oh my! Yup, this is my favourite porto
@Adnan You sound douchey. Like Ted. :P
@AviD Well, easily explained. Phenols are what gives some wines that bite, the one that dries out your mouth (not the acidity).
@TerryChia But but but.. you can taste them. I'm not douchey :(
When softened, they give the wine an extra layer in its body.
You can feel it on your tongue as you roll it in your mouth
You can call it extra viscosity
@Adnan twss?
@AviD Or maybe just a regular whore.
I wouldnt know.
@Adnan all I can do is envy you really, I've just got rid of one bug and another one found me... can't have alcohol with antipyretics
but I know what you're saying, even if these ignorants here don't :P
@Adnan Eh. About 15 years ago, we used 10 years Taylor's as standard payment for IT services between friends.
If you can find a 10 years Osborne, buy it, it is really good
At that time, there was a supermarket who had it as a regular product
@TerryChia So mean.. so so mean.
@TildalWave Oh come on! @AviD isn't an ignorant. He just likes to pretend he's some Whiskey expert or something, just because he drank like 1000 bottles of 100 kinds of whiskey
@AviD Y'know as a modrator/troll you can just click "clear stars".
Of course, that would make you trollin' these beautiful chatz, but, it would be funny.
@AntonyVennard @AviD Slide 41 is epic.
@ThomasPornin Whoa! It's 40% more expensive than Taylor's (at least here). I wonder how different it will be.
@Xander I couldn't work out what that meant at all.
I'm sure it was slightly (or even very) offensive somehow, but I'm confused as to who, other than women generally.
@Adnan it was just a tease ;)
He did? Wow!
@AntonyVennard What impressed me what how thoroughly incoherent it was. All I could understand out of the whole thing was "90 percent of American and Australian women are a piece of crap" and then there was a solid page of text to explain, and not a single bit of it made any sense at all.
@Xander The sad thing is somebody probably wrote that with the general intent to make a point and failed utterly.
The incoherent part is scary that the to make an inability point common is on the internet.
Looking outside my window, there's a group of 7-8 children who play in that yard every weekend.
The group consists of two black kids, three blond kids, and two kids who look Jewish/Arab
They're playing together, laughing, jumping, and yelling. While their parents are sitting on two benches, drinking beer and eating sandwiches
Come on! Nobody supposed to be that happy
It's like some TV commercial
1 hour later…
@Adnan oh please, I never claimed to be a whisky expert, I'm American.
I just enjoy a good bottle.
@AntonyVennard well, considering I was the first star there, it would be pointless. That said, your comment is starworthy.
@Xander I was considering subtitling my talk as "Sh*t StackExchange Says", but I didnt want it to be just SE focused.
@AntonyVennard @Xander a big part of what is so amusing, is their choice of site. Some of the things actually make some sense (like how to cook a curry duck, on cooking.se) - but the offensive american women was on ubuntu.se (I think)
@AviD I think it is best not to try to rationalise "they picked the right site" with "wtf did they write there and why? If they could figure out what site to be on". There lies madness.
hehe, true. But when there is a very tenuous connection (again, like the curry duck - damn I'm hungry) it amuses me.
ooohhhooo, Arrow is back! And - with Summer Glau!
That is just what every show needs - more Summer Glau!
damn, OF COURSE xkcd already did that.
1 hour later…
lol @RoryMcCune!! Just noticed in the latest episode of Arrow - they all using Surfaces... :D
@AviD noice, I'll need to get the missus onto watching that :) Her Surface 2 Pro is due week after next I think...
cool! Dont know if its a surface 1/2/pro/rt in the show though...
@AviD well the pro's have a give-away vent on the site
Apparently the Lumia tablet is due out soon too...
heh, not THAT much of a close up....
will be interesting to see what that looks like when it's out..
@RoryMcCune reeeheeellyy??
but but but! That's a MS product now too!
@AviD yarr it was delayed by the acquisition news, but is now rumoured for Nokia world which is soon IIRC
why dont they just rebrand the surface as lumia?
or the lumia as surface...
I'm guessing it's a product they've been working on for a while, but yeah you've got to question the longevity of it after the merger goes through...
well, if they're smart at all, they will either merge the technology (and figure out the rebranding excercise), or keep them both, one as high-end one as lowend...
curious to see how it compares to surface.
oooo LTE. thats the buy right there.
indeed it sounds from the specs like it's relatively similar, apart from the radios..
but yeah LTE could be a good selling point :)
AND the snapstand! and keyboard cover...
@David and @copy - Like all 3 of those. A lot. But especially Slayer, because I am that old
2 hours later…
@Adnan It is finland, iirc in the top ten happiest places on earth.
@AviD That's good i suppose, i gave up on it as ancient technology and just started an InstallSheild project, as much as i hate it.

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