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@AviD Well, I need to find the name anyway. I cannot ask about it like that
Waaaaaait a second!!! People on PC, look at the bottom right corner of your screen.
We still have the old logo.
@Adnan Nope.
@TerryChia I Shift+F5ed it. Still the old one.
@Adnan New one for me. Hmm.
The link for me is https://cdn.sstatic.net/security/img/logo.png?v=abcdef
but when I change the v I get the new one.
Let's see the cache headers
pity we don't have a computer+law SE site
@CodesInChaos What do you mean?
I often run into legal issues regarding coding, security, crypto, licensing, privacy etc.
@CodesInChaos we discussed it before, and someone even ran it past SE staff, and the result was that there are too many problems with how it would work.
despite all the flaws, I'd find it useful
googling that stuff isn't any better
@Adnan caaaching
the two major problems are (a) law is very specific and weird, and you need to have a huge amount of familiarity with the case and jurisdiction to give solid answers, and (b) in many jurisdictions it's a violation of legal practice code (or even the law itself) to provide legal advice without a legally binding client relationship.
@CodesInChaos useful, sure. That doesnt mean there arent problems with legal advice on the internet.
My most resent issue is that some mentioned that signing keys receive better legal protection than encryption keys, and I'd like details on which laws that are and in which jurisdictions.
since such laws have interesting coupling into protocol design
I must say, I do enjoy the 11th Doctor's theme song. I have it looped in the background... excellent for working with.
it's also rare to find legal experts that have enough knowledge to provide cross-jurisdiction knowledge.
especially ones that will provide it for free on the internet ;)
which makes actually using lawyers much harder. On a website you can get different jurisdictions contributed by different people.
I think the result of the conversation was that a legal theory SE would work, but asking for legal advice would be 100% off topic
in most cases I only need to know which laws are relevant, not concrete advice
so for example "why did <act x> constitute a violation of <law y> in the legal precedent set in <case z>?" would be ok
but "I found a nail in my burger, can I sue the restaurant?" would be off-topic.
@CodesInChaos but saying that these laws are relevant is paramount to advising you that those laws are not.
and the fact that legal systems are so wildly different makes things even more difficult. you'd get people forgetting to post which country they're in, and a large segregation between people answering questions for different legal systems (e.g. one group of people answering UK law questions, one for USA law, etc.)
ergo, legal advice.
yup. one absolute requirement would be that the site should display, in large point font, that nothing on there should be considered legal advice, and is only for educational purposes.
@Polynomial not good enough.
you would need to make every user "sign" that he is aware of that.
and it would also need to say "advice and opinions provided here do not form an attorney-client relationship"
then you would need to get that in a format that would meet legal requirements in every (or at least most) jurisdictions.
you could cheat that one a little
and ensure the user understands the language, since in some places if one signs something they do not understand it is not binding.
by just saying something like "as applicable to the legal system of your current or proposed jurisdiction"
I think the core of the problem is that if you are on a law site, looking for legal advice, odds are you are already a litigious sot.
but yeah it's a total mess to try to do
SEI wants to avoid dealing with the skeezy bunch.
@ScottPack Ain't nobody got time fo dat!
@AviD I read the first few paragraphs and then skimmed some of the list items. Then I read his last line where he asks a question. That last sentence seems to be unrelated to the other 50,000 words.
@AviD It needs shortening, that's for sure. Or lots of bold and headings and things. It has bullet points in its favour though.
@AntonyVennard But they seem to describe what he's done to harden his system when the original premise is that he's trying to harden it. Then at the very end he asks if F-Secure's IDS is any good.
Hi boys.
@Simon Hey big boy.
@ScottPack Yeah. It either needs to be relevant, or removed so we can focus on his actual question.
@ScottPack I like it when you ping me.
@AntonyVennard Exactly
@Simon How did you sleep?
@ScottPack Very well thank you!
@Simon That's lovely to hear.
@Simon Did you enjoy your breakfast if you partook of one?
@ScottPack Are you sure you have not been hacked? That's wayyy to polite.
As a matter of fact, I couldn't remember any dreams when I was at the apartment. Now that I moved back to my parents', I remember at least one every night!
I wonder if someone could get something out of this dream analysis.
@AntonyVennard Soon enough I will have an apple and cashews!
Does this repository look weird to anyone? github.com/NodeOS/NodeOS
Other than the dude's last name, it looks legit.
Apart from the fact there's only three commits updating Readme.md and no actual code.
No, it's fine.
@AntonyVennard Exactly. And 46 forks/458 stars?
@TerryChia Maybe people are waiting in anticipation?
@Simon Anticip
@Simon ation
@AntonyVennard Ahh, apparently the entire thing is built on Docker, so that repository is just providing a link to a Dockerfile. Wtf.
The dude's lucky though, he's be full of pings by the legendary Mr. Pack.
@TerryChia wtf is a docker?
I legitimately had a chicken bone stuck in my throat yesterday.
@AviD Quite an interesting project actually. github.com/dotcloud/docker
@Simon As opposed to illegitimately?
@Polynomial Yes.
I had a herring bone stuck in my throat once. It was nasty.
@Simon Exactly how long did you have that bone in your throat?
@Polynomial and you're blaming the bone for that?
@AviD Typo ;]
@ScottPack I think it took 1 hour until it was gone.
@Polynomial no, I think you had it right the first time ;-)
@Simon TWSS
@AviD I'm glad that my mom wasn't involved this time.
@Simon so was she.
@Simon TWSS.
@ScottPack ^_^
Ten points if you can tell me which anime "kekeke" is from? (hint: a mouse said it)
I wonder how many times I've notified that guy since last night.
Tom and Jerry?
@ScottPack Probably at least 20.
an anime version of Tom & Jerry would be interesting.
@Polynomial Urban Dictionary says ZergRush
@ScottPack Urban Dictionary is incorrect, then.
@Polynomial What about an Hentai version?
@AviD For me it's usually the opposite. How do I decrease the chances of me getting sued, or one of my users getting sued (or at least increase chances of winning)
@Simon I'd prefer not to watch that. But rule 34 says it exists.
@Simon You need help.
> The meme in itself stems from a multiplayer match played by Koreans, who represent a significant portion of Starcraft’s international fanbase. During the match, one of the Korean players launched an early Zergling rush attack against an opponent player, who exclaimed “OMG ZERG RUSH.”
> In response, the Zerg player replied “KEKEKE,” a popular Korean phrase that is comparable to “lolololol” in English. This conversation has been frequently cited as the origin, however, no visual evidence has been found to support the anecdote.
ah, no, that's the origin of the term
I'm asking what anime it was used in
@Polynomial I forgot what the rule is but I bet it's something like "If you think about it, someone else did and there's a version of it on the Internet"
Isn't Starcraft an anime?
Rule 34 is "If it exists, there is porn of it."
@ScottPack That's fucking funny.
@ScottPack ... no.
@Polynomial Oh.
@Polynomial do not feed the...
the answer is Soul Eater.
the character that says it is Misune, when she transforms into mice
@Polynomial oh dammit, you just applied Rule 34 to @Simon.
lol zorg
@AviD Whooaaaa.
@Polynomial Jean-Baptiste Emanuel
@Polynomial Hey watch it, @Simon is 13.
@ScottPack Jump if unsigned less or equal?
@TerryChia Then he shouldn't be on the internet ;)
am thirteen
or he's an FBI agent.
or a 13 year old FBI agent.
am thirteen da FBI loves me
@Polynomial I'm sorry, I'm not fluent in nerd.
@ScottPack Jean-Baptiste Emanuel = JBE = x86 instruction for Jump if unsigned less or equal.
@Polynomial Wow.
Dude. Come up for air. Get out of the bleach room
shush :P
@Simon @Simon @Simon
WTH!! Everytime, someone pings @Simon I get notifications
Thanks for joining the battle @TerryChia.
I think this is a bug, because I have never been in this room
@Simon_eQ You popped in here yesterday.
@Simon Got any fun plans for the day?
Yes, for the same reason
@ScottPack I might go out tonight again!
I even left the room, but I keep getting notifications
@Simon Did you go out last night?
you get notifications for some time after leaving the room. Not sure for how long.
@ScottPack No but I did last Thursday night.
Well, I will make sure I log out of this room properly this time.
@Simon Bugger, you're right. This is Thursday. I hadn't realized.
bugger @balpha, he's responsible for chat
@Polynomial A Justin Biever enema sounds gross.
@ScottPack The club where we're going is mental on Thursday nights.
I'd go on Saturdays but it's totally different people/music.
@Simon Oh, so it's Thursday Fez Night and Saturday Fedora Night?
@ScottPack It does indeed.
I also love that I got a "I think you're hot, let's chat" twitter spam bot reply to that message
can you imagine if it was legit?
that'd be one hell of a creepy date
@ScottPack Thursday is normal people and Saturday is loaded with punks.
"I knew he was the one when he said he'd overheard someone talking about Justin Bieber enemas."
I am happy with that being megastarred
I did 4% less Google searches this month.
@Simon cutting out all the non-porn related searches, then?
@AviD Now we gotta talk. There are FOUR pinned stars.
hmm, you're right.
Only one solution to this conundrum - ELECTIONS!
Everybody knows about the logo.
It's been over a year
QQ @AviD the CSS hack still doesn't work.
if I define the class as .tblRows tr:nth-child(odd)
and <tbody class="tblRows"><tr>....</tr></tbody>
It adds the color to every single row :(
how so?
I'm writing my blog with an IDE....
Wait, I think I messed up, sec.
@TerryChia I'm writing my IDE with a blog.
@AviD Heh.
It worked, I didn't place the tbody at the right spot.
Still, I'm converting my Wordpress blog to Jekyll and putting it up on Github. Devops ftw.
@Simon thaaats what.... sheeeee said....???
@Simon you're welcome.
new logo is still a lion
1 hour later…
blimey... 16 rep user being cocky in suggested edit to D.W.'s question... had to reject:
> Before suggesting what this site is for, might I suggest you check you didn't just try to explain that to one of the most senior of its members?
Where is that?
edit described as: Change subject into a real question. Security Exchange is intended to stay a Q/A platform not a blog/forum/IRC channel.
What a jerk.
user with:
I sometimes really wish I could punch someone on the gob through the Internet
Or at least private message him to let him know that he's an asshole.
PM wouldn't do
@TildalWave There's probably a mod option for that.
@TerryChia Oh yes, but the user sadly isn't on the site I'm a mod at :|
While at that, I'm still trying to think of ways to combine InfoSec and Space Exp. into a few questions... any ideas?
What about Mars Polar Lander's antenna? It didn't have any problems with it... short of Mars Climate Orbiter failing that was meant as a relay for earthbound comms
@RoryMcCune I remember the good ole days when I thought that webcomic was good.
@ScottPack You had good ole days? :P
Q: What would one need to do in order to hijack a satellite?

IncognitoI realise this borders on sci-fi, but there's been some interesting demonstrations regarding security of various satellites. What would be required to hack a satellite (in general terms, any hack really)? Are they all basically connected in the same way, or would I need different equipment, sof...

@TildalWave Even I had good ole days.
@TildalWave Shush.
@TerryChia Oh I know, was a good one... but perhaps something that could fit SEx.SE more?
@TildalWave What would one need to do in order to hijack Curiosity?
@TerryChia that's still more Sec.SE than SEx.SE ... IMO
@TildalWave Biased much!
@Simon always :P for example, I'm now leaning towards kicking you out of chat ;)
@ScottPack Do something, they're trying to steal our good questions for their space exploration crap.
@TildalWave Sounds like a good idea.
@Simon meh, spells like effort
Effort sucks, yeah.
Q: Can spacecraft be made invisible to stations on Earth?

coleopteristCan spacecraft be made invisible to ground stations? For example, are spy satellites perhaps equipped with stealth technology to prevent radar tracking? Or is it pointless as they can always be optically tracked?

this is the best example we currently have that I can think of
I'd like something more ... data security
but not storage or transmission redundancy e.t.c.... we have those
@Simon Why are you here again?
@TerryChia Because it takes effort to get me out of here.
Q: On which device data gets saved on spacecrafts?

joppiesausHow does it? I have a turning hard disk drive in my pc, but I think it would break if I put it on a rocket. Also, what speeds do those things have?

I got to write a bit about risk management with this one
and there's a few questions about transmissions and such...
They should be migrated to Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair then.
Ok, the frequency at which my wireless deauths is annoying.
Fucking dd-wrt
@ScottPack 2.4/5 ghz?
@ScottPack well it was for its day
@ScottPack I still have a signed card from iliad somewhere..
@TerryChia 2.4
@ScottPack Yeah, 2.4ghz sucks. My area is way too crowded.
@TerryChia From what I've understood from der internets it's some kind of grumpiness between the dd-wrt code and the atheros chipset.
Or some such.
It's not the spectrum, I've done a good job of isolating myself. It's a known bug in dd-wrt on this chipset.
@ScottPack Which is caused by an anomaly of the thermal pressure.
@Simon Your face is an anomaly caused by thermal pressure.
Is it?
It costs me 800$ to insure a car worth ~6k.
@Simon Per month or per year?
If you reviewed the first post instead of picking on me, this wouldn't have happened.
@Simon Congrats. That's the most you will ever accomplish.
or whatever 6 month period..
@DavidFreitag A year.
@DavidFreitag First post reviews....
@Simon heh, my car is 350 a month for insurance ;]
@DavidFreitag -.-
I bet it's more expensive to get insured in Canadiandaiadnadiaaa land than in the US.
Maybe not.
@Simon Why do you need insurance? Don't Canadians give way on the road all the time?
Probably not.
It depends a lot on your vehicle, what you use it for, and how much insurance you're getting.
@TerryChia Yes but when we see some dude from Singapore WE RAM HIS ASS.
I knew they pour beer somewhere in the Universe... meet jug-shaped nebula
@Simon Why would Singaporeans visit Canada when the USA is right beside it?
@TerryChia Beside?
@TildalWave Ding ding ding! Winner!
depends on your perspective.
@Simon and then there's Alaska :P
@TildalWave Just like @Simon's mom was last night.
I'm going with 'adjacent to'
@TildalWave Yeah, Alaska screws things.
I suggest we start this again.
Nov 1 '12 at 15:17, by Iszi
Y'know, I'm considering entering this room by saying "Your mom" instead of "Good morning/afternoon/evening" every day. I think that would make life a bit more interesting around here. Anyone else?
@DavidFreitag or disjoint from?
@TildalWave I wouldn't say disjoint, i would say South America and North America are disjoint, but only if you count the panama canal as an actual disconnect in the terrain.
@DavidFreitag It is now.
@ScottPack Hi :))))))))))))))
You guys are boring. @DavidFreitag, you probably have a stupid story to tell, no?
I'm eating lunch.
@DavidFreitag The central lake is freshwater, not salt water, so it is not a "see". It disconnects North and South America only in the same sense that Manhattan in not in North America.
looking through some old papers found my proudest technical achievement...
I know impressive isn't it..
Why doesn't it say Alsop as the last name? We all know there's only 1 Rory around.
@RoryMcCune I always knew there was something special about you.
@ScottPack Thanks.
Nice try, I know it was directed to me.
@Simon you need to read up on your memes, I was 1st rory around here :)
@RoryMcCune I don't believe pseudo-Rory.
@Simon A stupid story? Nah just a little story about your mom. you probably shouldn't hear it though.
None of these insults would be said if she didn't have me. I feel like this is my fault.
@ThomasPornin Yeah, that's why i said if you consider it a break, the terrain underneath the water sill makes a definite connection
@Simon Nah, they would be true regardless of your existence.
I beg to differ.
Alright, lets kill you and see
But I want to die in a legendary way.
Fine, then i'll plant a bomb somewhere and tell only you where it is, you will die while defusing it.
Did you forget already? I'm The French Defuser.
Oh, the bomb won't be real, but the rifle i will have perched on a nearby roof will be.
Thing is you forgot about your own termite canon. My man @ScottPack will be there pointing it at you.
@Simon I don't know, that sounds suspiciously like work.
@DavidFreitag Get your own idiom you damned Yankee!
@ScottPack But it was in reference to you, so it doesn't count as my idiom.
As in, you standing with my thermite cannon pointed at me sounds like work, for you.
@Simon Did you miss me?
@Adnan Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111 Yes!!!!
@Simon Well, I didn't, and I will never miss you. Just like nobody will ever miss you if you jump off of any of the 28 bridges in Montreal.
Okay, I am backs.
@Adnan You missed me?

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