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@AviD Pink bottle, shmottle. From time to time, I drink actual pink beer. opencraftbeer.com/rubaeus
Personally, I don't really care what the bottle looks like, so long as it's yummy.
Pink beer may be a bit much, if only because of the Pepto problem.
@Xander that is disturbing.
cherry flavored beer? yknow, for kids.
@ScottPack my association is with strawberry quik.
@AviD No, in both cases, they're raspberry.
@Xander still berry flavored.
@AviD Yeah, but the predominant flavor is a lambic is the wild yeast, not the fruit. The fruit simply tips them towards the wine end of the adult beverage spectrum in terms of general appeal.
Lindemans in particular I'd think would work well with the sparkling wine crowd,
And since I enjoy any beverage that contains fun flavors, and especially those that contain alcohol...I'm good with it.
you should try vodka-spiced strawberry quik.
@AviD I'm not a big vodka fan. Vodka is the Bud Light of spirits. All buzz, no flavor.
you should try rum-spiced strawberry quik.
@AviD Ha ha.
Strawberry quik doesn't qualify as "flavor." The only category it falls under is "artificial."
Evening all! For a second I thought the chart had gone all topic 4 for a bit, but I'm glad to see it's back to booze
@RoryAlsop I never pass up a chance to turn the topic back to booze.
You do a good line in beers. In assuming you have a CAMRA equivalent in the US.
@RoryAlsop Yup, the Brewer's Association, which has some strict (and occasionally arbitrary) guidelines around who does or does not qualify as a craft brewer.
@AviD @ScottPack Let me know when you both are near Montreal.
@JeffFerland "I find American beer a bit like having sex in a canoe. It's fucking close to water." (Oscar Wilde)
@ThomasPornin That's some great poesy.
@ThomasPornin I thought that was originally monty python?
@AviD Well, Oscar Wilde was already dead while none of the Monty Pythons was yet born, so I am quite confident that Wilde will get precedence.
It might be an apocryphal quote, though
heh, I meant I thought it was original for them. Didnt realize they were quoting Mr. Wilde/
@Adnan This dude?
@AviD I need your love buddy.
@Simon Is you there?
:( All I need to do is know how to change CSS stuff temporary for a single user :(
people, everytime you ping @Simon I am getting notifications, I don't know how this is happening. Even, after having left the room.
So, my solution => @Simon should change his username, or don't ping @Simon at-all
@Simon_eQ So, I should change my username or people should stop messaging me because it bothers you?
Sounds like a good idea!
@Griffin Sorry I was eating dinner. What's up?

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