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@ScottPack Ostensibly. The bottom one might be male, for all you know.
Then again, that's not necessarily a contradiction...
And I thought I was the creepy one.
I'd like to apologize to myself.
good morrow.
I'm not sure my question should have been closed as a dupe.
But I'm aware you may have different policies over here
The question as intended doesn't seem to be a dupe to me
I think the point is that your question is moot, because of the things covered in the other question.
Arguably that doesn't mean it's a dupe.
@Polynomial Covered in the other question or covered in the answer to the other question?
@fredley answers.
Are you fucking kidding me? The dude that didn't answer the question at all with his xkcd image got 3 upvotes?
Questions with duplicate answers aren't necessarily duplicate :-)
@Simon -1 it then :P
@Simon I flagged that as Not An Answer
@fredley Me too.
We don't let shit like that through at gaming
@Polynomial Yep, I didn't want to but now I certainly will.
@fredley Good. However, I'm fairly sure that "outsiders" upvoted him, AKA people who saw the question through Super Collider.
There, it's back to 1 upvote now.
@fredley Here, bad people suddenly lose money from their online banking accounts
and flagged, too.
@Polynomial Thank you sir.
Next job: reopen votes :-P
It seems that as soon as you post an xkcd here, people agree so much with you and think that you contributed to the question greatly.
Hey, @fredley :D
@ManishEarth o/
@fredley Let me read both questions and I will vote to reopen it if I agree with you.
What's an o/ ?
@Simon That's because xkcd is awesome and people are silly.
@ManishEarth Just go \o and everything will be ok
@ManishEarth a waving man.
@Polynomial High fiving
bah, fail
@fredley \o
@ManishEarth help me, people in here don't start vigorously debating site policy after a reopen request
I don't know what to do
@fredley Post spam
yeah basically I can't superscript in here :[
@fredley lol, we're too distracted for that kind of thing
@Polynomial It makes me hate xkcd :(
pretty much everyone here is an ADHD monkey.
@Simon Love the xkcd. Hate the people.
@Polynomial Have you been to gaming?
@Polynomial That'd be the smart thing to do.
@fredley I have. They're more ADHD in the angsty frustrated teenager sense.
@Polynomial o/⁼
@Polynomial There are surprisingly few teenagers, in The Bridge at least
@fredley Teenagers in spirit.
@Polynomial That I won't argue with :-P
@Polynomial It seems that I became more polite since I stopped gaming.
also known as Gears of War Syndrome
@Simon I became more polite when I realised that other people's opinions mattered too.
@Polynomial The world scares me so I shall retire to my make-believe world of blocks where I am an omnipotent God.
which coincided with me not being a teenager.
@Polynomial Dayum.
@Simon If there's one thing worse than gaming it's politics
@fredley s/blocks/spacecraft/ and I'll agree. Yay KSP!
@fredley Hence why I doubt that I'll ever get involved in politics.
@Polynomial KSP is awesome
want a laugh? go on /r/politics on reddit.
@Simon The only thing worse than politics is r/politics
@Polynomial Beat me to it
then try not to be angry at arbitrarily stupid things like neoconservatives.
I think I've been on reddit twice.
the funniest part of r/politics is the non-Americans getting super worked up about American politics
r/netsec is a good shout
(not least of which because my blog is on the front page right now)
@Polynomial American politics does have more global effect than any other country's politics
@fredley oh I don't disagree, but it's when you find Finnish folk getting angry over state laws and gun violence that makes me laugh
and s/Finnish/other non-US countries/
dunno why I picked on the Finns specifically. I like the Finns
@Polynomial Yeah. Despair is the correct emotion as a foreigner viewing American domestic politics. Pity is also acceptable.
so I was listening to Liquidmatrix Security Podcast earlier
and they said my name
like my full name.
made me jump :P
@Polynomial no - I'll stick to wtf, netsec, and occasionally some of the medical ikky ones (for my wife's amusement - she is a nurse you know)
@Polynomial cool
@Polynomial yay!
@Polynomial linky?
nvm - found it
@RoryAlsop Post his name so we can stalk him on FB.
@Simon I'm pretty certain all the info you require is available on Sec.SE
@RoryAlsop But it requires a certain degree of effort.
Lazy canadian
I wonder if it'd be simpler to be a banana than a Canadian.
@CodesInChaos Is that really your very first question?
apparently it's my first for security.SE. I have a couple on crypto and SO
@CodesInChaos just added a couple of links
so folks can find out some more info about both beast and L13, and the community's thoughts on them
your BEAST link goes to CRIME
@CodesInChaos oops - hang on
I just thought of something quite twisted. Has anyone ever seen a SQL query inserted in the database and then people would fetch the query in the DB to then execute it? No idea why someone would ever do that but I think of stuff like this from times to times because... I'm weird.
@Simon I cant think of any valid use for this that isn't more efficiently done by some other method
though stored procedures are stored in the database, so that's kind of like what you're tlaking about
@tylerl Yeah. If I ever run into this one day, I'm gonna laugh my ass off.
@tylerl You're right.
But let's say a table tblQuery with a field strQuery, that'd be something.
God damn it! I go away for a few hours and you people destroy me.
So mean.. so mean
Et tu, @Simon? Et tu?
@Adnan wat
Europe people, please join me in my hatred towards RyanAir.
So how many times has this happened: You run into a problem that's particularly problematic, so you Google the solution and find that someone else had exactly the same problem and posted the perfect question on a StackExchange site and you get all excited cause you finally found the solution and you visit the link and it's you asking this same question a year ago still with no answers. DAMMIT.
@AviD Whatever the relative genders are they both look happy.
@Adnan already done, mate
possibly the most despicable, evil organisation on the planet. Well, except for the IKEA portals to hell
Guys, do you know any good way I can use to stop someone blackmailing my cousin on Ask.fm, she asked for my help but I only know simple ways >< if you could suggest me something to do with her
@Lamia The only way to avoid being blackmailed is to not provide blackmailable material. If you have, then no matter what, some of it could come out. I would suggest she stop using that site and prepare for whatever it is to be made public. If you can identify the perpetrators, then police is an option. Otherwise - not a lot really
Damn, my arms are hairy.
@Simon I don't know how to respond to that
@RoryAlsop I wouldn't know neither.
Never waxing.
Never ever.
that stuff isn't wax
it dissolves hair
Why not
used to be called immac
but I guess Apple sued them
Weird. Anyway, I don't mind hair on my arms but I never realized I had this much.
@RoryAlsop That's exactly what I told her but she's a teenage -_- that didn't convince her
@Lamia Ultimately, The Real World (tm) will do the convincing.
@Lamia I still don't know why teenagers don't learn. I mean it's not like there has been news everywhere about girls and boys being blackmailed and bullied. Some enough to commit suicide. On that very site
@ThomasPornin yup - it's sad, but true
kids these days have gone straight into sharing without first realising there are a lot of scumbags out there
Never liked that website.
Simply because of the ads I see on YT.
What am I supposed to do with her now
I tried to identify the perpetrator but I couldn't
Talk to her parents.
@Simon yep - best plan
She's suspecting some ppl she knows .. I told her to pretend that she knows who's doing that, at least to scare whoever is trying to blackmail her:p but she said people will avoid asking me ask.fm again -.- I don't get her
@Simon Hahahaha that's a good one
mass produced fingerprint sensors anyone?
iPhone 5S has got one
I guess I am going for it.. I know she wouldn't like it but this is the only thing I could do
will be interesting to see if Apple can do a good job of making fingerprint sensing tech good...
@ThomasPornin Being retrained by the closest of yours isn't a joke.
@RoryMcCune hmmm - the tech is still only just about acceptable on laptops, and they have far fewer constraints
@RoryAlsop yeah it will be very interesting to see what they do. their chat is that only 50% of iPhone users set any kind of passcode, so from that base any movement is one in the right direction!
Crazy comment on youtube: "This is my neighbors favorite song, whether they like it or not."
@Adnan The joke is that, if he did say it at all, he probably said it in Greek, not Latin.
@RoryMcCune Fingerprint readers are nice.
@ScottPack well for consumer use-cases even with the false negative rate cranked down it's better than no passcode
and with a 4 digit passcode in combination it's a more userfriendly way of bumping up the sec a bit I reckon
If it gets people to do more then it's probably worth it.
@Scott - that splunk question - I'm happy to migrate it over.
@ScottPack true dat.
it had 2 votes for SU, but I think only because SU is the sort of goto option in the list, and it has no SF option
Splunk is definitely SF material
@lamnia what did she post on there anyway?
@Lucas - what's your thinking on publishing your blog post? For this Friday?
Sure that sounds good
@tylerl @Simon I've actually sadly seen this a number of times. Efficiency was never the logic behind it.
Which is to say, I'm not sure that there was any logic behind it at all.
you've had the crypto vetted by big bear, right? so I'll just do a quick proofread
@AviD Wow.
@AviD Yeah, I'd love to make the person who did that justify the purpose.
@LucasKauffman Is Lamnia supposed to be me? - she didn't post anything that's why she's suspecting one of her friends :/ I don;t understand her problem really
@Simon Whaaaat? It provides complete dynamism! We wont be locked down to a single schema! We can change our code on the fly! Yay!
@AviD luuuuullllzzzz
seriously, that was the supposed justification.
Yes, as you can imagine, we did find any number of secbugs in that...
I think it's formally called something like the "Custom Platform Effect", or something like that. Combined with Architecture Astronauts, of course.
Urgh. This has been my day.
and no, it looks nothing at all like stored procedures.
Tapioca pudding discussion = Work I'd planned to do, some of which is urgent and/or already overdue.
Mustache discussion = Meetings & other stuff I really could do without but don't have much choice over.
Only I didn't have a Leonard around to cut off the mustache discussion.
@AviD I do work with a system which generates SQL requests dynamically (big ones -- translation of XPath queries to search into a virtual set of XML object, with all the job done in SQL, including applying access rights on every attribute). Doing this dynamic SQL generation in SQL would just be the next step.
@ThomasPornin oh he's not even talking about that - though I have seen that quite a lot, too (and I used to do this as a junior programmer - dynamic SQL in SP.... ugghh)
he is talking about static queries, that just happen to be stored in a database table instead of source code.
so it's also a case of Configuration Based Programming...
@AviD Yep.
btw @ThomasPornin Dynamic SQL generated on the database, could have specific security issues - do a search for SQL Smuggling :-)
@Simon I'll do you one better - what if the *application source code itself" was stored in the database....?
@AviD WOW.
Think about it! Deployment is now simply a question of copying some data! No more messing with pesky files! And compilation! And all that other crazy stuff!
@AviD Morally that's what computers do anyway.
Think about it: on what kind of system does Linus Torvalds develop Linux kernel source code ?
We could make a product out of this! We could call it... umm.... Oracle Application Server.
I kid you not.
I'm gonna store my whole web pages in DB now.
@ThomasPornin hmm? I dont get you?
@Simon sure, you switching to Oracle too?
@AviD Hell yeah.
@AviD Replace "database" with "filesystem" and you'll see: it is customary to have all application code (source and binaries, and the freaking OS as well) stored inside the "database".
I'm helping a really large (financial) client shift off of that now. They had waaay too many secbugs, and it was just too hard for them to fix it using the given technology.
@ThomasPornin lol
Mutatis mutandi, same situation. This is just about using a SQL database as the combination of a filesystem and some sort of virtual CPU.
okay, sure. However, for the sake of the above discussion, the reference was to network-connected RDBMS. Database was just a shorthand.
no, wait - you Wart Stealing Granny Basket.
Beaver Reeking Tourist Lover.
oh no, that ones better for @Simon! :D
Loving this: insult-generator.org
seems to also be good for generating passphrases ;-)
He's Canadian too now, you know.
@Simon yeah, but he's still French. And the French are anything but tourist lovers.
@AviD Hahahaha
You duck squeezing nut rider.
in another news, we had a nice harvest of pommie fruit from our tree. I am quite pleased, and pleasantly surprised.
I'd been bummed for a few months, the tree didnt look well, barely saw any fruit, those that I saw didnt look well, and those that did didnt last long (between little kids, cats, and bugs...).
Turns out we got over 20 really large, juicy ones, incredibly sweet with just the right amount of tartness.
For anyone who cares about the Syria stuff:
not as many as last year (3 or times as many), but overall a better crop. So I'm happy.
@RoryA I normally added all the bear his comments if I missed something the bear will probably comment on it anyway
Better crop? You growing good old Mari J? @Avid
@LucasKauffman of pommies....
The pomegranate , botanical name Punica granatum, is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub or small tree growing between tall. The pomegranate is widely considered to have originated in the vicinity of Iran and has been cultivated since ancient times. Today, it is widely cultivated throughout the Mediterranean region of southern Europe, the Middle East and Caucasus region, northern Africa and tropical Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Central Asia and the drier parts of southeast Asia. Introduced into Latin America and California by Spanish settlers in 1769, pomegranate is also cultivated in...
dang, what the hell is that pic??
incredibly random.
@DavidFreitag tl;dl. exec summary?
Girl with a pomegranate, by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1875
@Simon I know, but whyyyy
Because she's a girl with a pomegranate.
@AviD I'm watching it right now. They are talking about "What needs to be done as the situation unfolds" and "We need to find who is actually responsible" I'm actually quite surprised.
should have been that....
I'll get back to you once im done
@DavidFreitag did they actually express any specific, non-generic statement?
@AviD Not yet
@AviD I had never enjoyed a pomegranate until I had a juice drink squeezed for me by a street stall dude in Jerusalem
It was delicious
@RoryAlsop hahaha
I used to get a fresh glass of pomegranate juice every morning when I was in Turkey
yeah, chewing the seedy parts is a downer.
@AviD over here they are pretty hideous, but in that heat, fresh - it was lovely
@RoryAlsop I doubt that they would grow well in Scotland's climate.
they grow mostly in middle eastern summers.... which are a little different from, say, Scotland winters.
hell, they're different from your summers, too.
@AviD Summer is different from our summers
@RoryAlsop Summer in Scotland is when the rain is cold but not freakin' cold.
@ThomasPornin nah - it never gets cold here either. Not like a proper Canadian winter
In the UK we just have middle of the road boring average weather, and in Scotland that average is a bit more dreich and dreary than England
@RoryAlsop Rain does not get cold in Canada; it gets fluffy.
Most of the UK doesn't even get high winds - the only places where it gets over 150mph regularly is Orkney, Tiree and the north west
And our rain isn't so much cold as very very wet
Blatt would be a good name for it
Cold is relative; heat is absolute.
But the monsoon in India is much wetter
Our sun gives us a tan, but it isn't hot
Our snow - well, usually it is wet and grey. I learned to ski in the rain
@AviD his main point so far that has been concrete is that "There will be NO American boots on the ground in syria."
@DavidFreitag shhuuuuuurrree. We TOTALLY believe him. Right, guys?!?
@AviD Well, even then. That doesn't stop them from retaliating in such a way that we get affected on US soil
@DavidFreitag The Syrians are playing chess. The U.S. is playing Monopoly.
Or Battleship.
Or charades.
doesnt really matter, there are so many that are "the U.S." and everyone is doing something different.
bunch of thighbone licking sheep baskets.
@AviD we basically just want the rest of the world to agree that what the syrian government is doing is not only wrong, but punishable by a war crimes committee. The main focus is to get Germany and China to agree that the UN needs to get involved to force the Syrian government to Geneva. Once that happens the people of Syria should be able to construct a new government (or rather, we can put a CIA pawn in power).
@AviD a vomit-inducing assclown.
@RoryAlsop hehe, you using that site too?
you cork tossing face lotion?
Ah - just found a better site. It gives ones like this:
Thou spongy fool-born flirt-gill!
they dont even make sense!!
shakespearian insults
Thou cockered fly-bitten puttock!
lol, luvvit!
now, these I can use on my sister, in front of my mother.
"Whaaaaat? I'm just quoting Shakespeare!!" :D
Shaekespeare was a perv
wasnt everybody in the Victorian era?
Thy sin's not accidental, but a trade.
love it
@DavidFreitag Right now the said boots are in Jordan. Maybe they will just switch to battle sandals, Spartan-style.
@AviD elizabethan
@DavidFreitag Germany ? Aren't you confusing them with Russia ? I know they both are good villains with the accent and all, but they are not the same country.
@ThomasPornin No, Germany and China have been cock blocking the US at the UN. I'm not sure about Russia
@RoryMcCune Yes. Under Victoria, Brits were pervs in hiding. They had learnt since Elizabethan times.
@DavidFreitag Germany is not member of the security council; they don't have the veto. Russia has.
Remember, that Putin guy: totally Russian he is.
In Germany they have Angela:
@RoryMcCune waddavah.
@ThomasPornin I'm just reiterating what i heard in the video.
It was in Erngland, so it dont matter anywhos.
Do americans care who is in the security council?
@ThomasPornin well apart from the drugs, that was still out in the open then..
@RoryMcCune exactly.
@AviD Well, yes, of course: what would be the point of being part of a select club if anybody else can be in it, too ?
@RoryMcCune wait, was ol' Billy in victorian or elizabethan times??
@AviD he was in elizabethan times, thus the comment :)
Americans don't really care about having UN approval, but they won't get it if another member of the security council vetoes them.
Usually Russia, can be China as well; for Iraq in 2003 it was France.
@ThomasPornin no, I meant they see it as: One american, and a bunch of for'ners who keep thinking they can tell Uncle Sam what to do.
@RoryMcCune okay, I think Dr.Who confused me.
@AviD well yes wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff and all that...
@RoryMcCune Shakespeare is brilliant! But the Queen hates him...
You mods here should be bookmarking conversations, each time I open this chat I have no idea how far back I need to scroll to get a sense of what any of you are on about! :P
At least star the interesting bits, darnit!
Hast thou never an eye in thy head?
@TildalWave There are interesting bits in the DMZ conversations ?
@ThomasPornin Well... to kill time. That Shakespearean insults generator is fun, for example. And not a single star on @RoryA's post till now.
I don't always write crypto code, but when I do, I look like Jeff Atwood
horrified at the code I'm writing
Oh yeah. That's right bitches. I got 5 rep today. Suck it.
@ScottPack The day is not over. You may yet reach +10 !
Iffin I do then I will certainly be back to gloat more. Don't you worry your murderous little face.
<goes to look for an answer from Scott to unupvote>
Just post something on stackoverflow. They're easy with rep over there
@CodesInChaos you know thats not him, right? It's from the book...
code complete
@ThomasPornin @ScottPack or 3....
but I like imagining that's what Jeff looks like
@CodesInChaos ayup, so I guess you do know :-)
never got through the book. So many pages mostly filled with stuff that's common sense
@ScottPack spam biting tree drinker
@CodesInChaos well, as someone wise once said, I have found that common sense is not so common, and what is common is not much sense.
Wrote some really ugly code today, and was surprised that it almost immediately worked
it's common sense to you, because you're not one of the sucky 60% of programmers.
Shuddup @ScottPack.
DRY? Not in my code
(just cuz I know you were about to write something like "I thought all programmers were sucky" or something like that...)
Arrays? Are you insane? Structs with numbered elements
that's the kind of code I write ATM
but, like all "Best Practices", the good devs know when to apply the principles, and when to not.
sometimes it is okay to RY. Though DRY is clearly more memorable and marketable than UDRYBSIIOTRY.
@AviD How is that an insult?
@ScottPack it's subtle.
wrong chat... wanted to post in TL LOL
@TildalWave bad mod!
@AviD learning the ropes :P
@TildalWave we've all been there.... :)
@RoryMcCune organizing a conference is just a shedload of work. It's ridiculous.
@TildalWave Dumbass.
@ScottPack I'm not the one using iPad and randomly click on things on the screen :P Thinking of which, now I have to wonder if this was merely one of those "calling from the pocket" things, but I'm not sure I wanna imagine how one'd do that with an iPad :)
@TildalWave Hella pockets
1 hour later…
terrified client calls because his credit card gateway shut down his account saying he's been "hacked", and the forms payments he was submitting to them were crashing their system. I look at the logs they forwarded, and it appears that these particular "hackers" were trying to submit spam using his payment form.
And apparently Dermasis is the new Viagra

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