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@RoryMcCune I like it, she has a great voice. I can see why you have it stuck in your head.
@DavidFreitag they also have an ... eclectic... taste in music videos. the official video for that one is very NSFW..
@RoryMcCune Yeah i can tell by the way it sounds. Thanks for not linking the official video, haha.
@DavidFreitag yeah I went for the audio only version!
@RoryMcCune Ooh and Google Music has them. +1 added to library.
God i love Google Music All Access.
yeah I have spotify, it's great to be able to just listen to what you want!. If you like that one I'd recommend Karmacoma, Teardrop and Unfinished Sympathy..
see if you recognise which of them is the theme tune to a well known TV series :)
@Simon Lately we're getting free flags :P
@Simon There is a surprising amount of spam that makes its way onto Sec.SE. I don't think i ever remember seeing spam on SO, but that might just be the userbase being so good at nuking...
@HamZa Of course, hence why I'm linking it. Free flags are always good.
@DavidFreitag there were some football spam on SO too. But we nuked it directly
@DavidFreitag It's almost at least once every day.
@RoryMcCune Teardrop most certainly ;].
Which makes sense because it's on the top of the "Top Songs" list for Massive Attack.
Good god, why don't they include her voice in the intro to that show it's so good
@Simon hahahaha
@Simon It seems it's a girl :p
How do you know that?
How do we flag that? Needs Moderator attention and quote it as "Not in English"?
@DavidFreitag I flagged it as spam.
@Simon If it continues like that, I might not have enough flags :p
@HamZa Yeah, it seems like it. It's like the 4th in 5 mins.
@Simon I think google translate is having issues with what that person said
> I want to earn the hangings of the countries, and will be the best one to play the hangings countries
@DavidFreitag What the fuck?
@DavidFreitag Well I can read arabic, it seems that he used google translate since it does not really make sense
@HamZa Or maybe some other online translator. Either way nuketh the spamzor.
lol is SE providing an API to post such things ?
No idea.
IIRC there is an API to post on SE sites, but once your IP has been found to be spamming it gets banned.
What's up with all the spam today?
@Simon I'm glad at least someone is paying attention.
It has to be a botnet or something, right?
Mmmm this is a pretty good deal for anyone in the market for a new laptop. woot.com/offers/asus-17-3-full-hd-core-i7-gaming-laptop-4
@DavidFreitag Still, too much money ...
So, we're getting spammed in Arabic now?
Sure is. 17" is quite big though. "That's what she said". In case anyone tries to be clever, I said it first.
@HamZa But that beats the $1600 retail price.
@Adnan yup
@DavidFreitag yeah ...
@Adnan Nonsensical Arabic at that.
@DavidFreitag Not really, it made perfect sense to me
It's a spam related to an online game called Stardoll
I swear this dude posted the very same question yesterday or on a different account: security.stackexchange.com/questions/40933/…
@Adnan Well HamZa said it made no sense. Unsurprisingly google translate botched it.
@Adnan lol, you know that game o_O ?
@HamZa I Googled استار دول
@DavidFreitag Well I didn't hear of "stardoll" lol
@Adnan Sounds pervy.
@Adnan HAHAHAHA and I read it as "star countries"
@HamZa I did as well, but then I googled it and it started to make sense
@ScottPack Oh I'm sure you know all about that
@Adnan What does the full sentence translate to? Because google translate came up with complete nonsense...
sigh people these days ...
@Simon Correct. He deleted the old one
@Adnan I'm a pro.
@DavidFreitag "I want to win in Stardoll, I* want to be the best amongst who play Stardoll"
@Adnan I found your homepage micropenis.info
@DavidFreitag * "I" here is in the female form, so the writer is a female or intended to sound like that was written by a female.
@Adnan Well google got some of it right i suppose..
@lynks lol why did I click on that link
@HamZa Huehue
@Adnan Ooooh, I didn't go that far :D
@HamZa Well, to be honest, I was just curious to check @lynks' penis
@Adnan ahahahaha
@lynks I wonder how did you get on that part of the internetz
@HamZa He was Googling for his medical condition, duh!
@Adnan lol
@Adnan His silence can mean only one thing.
@DavidFreitag That he went to cry in the corner of his room?
Being at work gives me a distinct disadvantage in these sorts of battles :P
@lynks I'm at work and I'm fighting spam flawlessly.
@Simon But I'm really good at my job
@HamZa and @Simon how about this laptop instead, it's a bit cheaper. tech.woot.com/offers/samsung-15-6-dual-core-laptop-4
@lynks Being in a battle with me gives you a distinct disadvantage in these sorts of battles
@lynks @Simon OOOOOOOOOOH!
@Simon You should respond!
@DavidFreitag I prefer big screen 17inch+
@DavidFreitag Very similar to my Samsung laptop, except mine has a quad code/6 GB RAM. But yeah, if someone needs it for school and doesn't much power, it's a damn good price.
Says he's at work, posts a meme
home time, ZING
@HamZa Oh, then you shouldn't ask @lynks for advice on that one
@HamZa I have a 17.1" HP laptop with a dual core if you wanna buy it.
@HamZa That should be a meme
@Simon While listening to hardcore music?
@Adnan 17"? Yeah i don't think i will be much help on that one either.
@DavidFreitag I've got a Packard Bell, 17.3", i5 (dual core, 4 threads), 5oogb, 4gb ram (upgraded it to 8gb)
Only backward: integrated video card is crap not so good
@ScottPack and just like that, just like a whisper in a storm or a teardrop in the sea, your message went unnoticed.
@Adnan Mrr?
@HamZa Oh yeah well.. uh... i have an iPhone! It's the white one, the one with more GB's!!!11 That makes it better than yours.
@ScottPack I don't speak American
@DavidFreitag Well for the price I got it, it's a good deal, about ~500euro's
@Adnan I don't speak non-sequitur.
@HamZa Oh yea?!?! Well.. i got mine... for christmas... so i dont... really know... how much it costs....
@lynks Here's someone who understands you
I thought my old one wasn't seen be any one ! — Emado 9 mins ago
@DavidFreitag lol, not sure if you're competing or just telling something
@Simon Your friend with the deleted dupe
@Adnan hahahahaha
NNNNNUUUUUUUUUUKKKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEEE: security.stackexchange.com/questions/40944/…
@HamZa I'm not competing, i'm winning. We all know the White iPone wins all because it has more GB's.
@Adnan What about him?
Oh, I just saw what you posted.
He's a dumbass.
@DavidFreitag lolwut ? You're an apple fan ?
@HamZa Not even remotely. I'm being sarcastic :]
@DavidFreitag ok ...
You know what would be nice? Downvotes in Facebook. Imagine downvoting that Jenny girl after she posted "OMG! Im like so like ugly u kno!".
I always wanted downvotes on FB.
With enough downvotes you could prevent her from ever posting again
@Adnan Just post a comment and say "like this if you think it deserves a dislike"
@HamZa I like the idea, but it won't hide the post if it gets enough of those dislikes
Or vote to delete them!
@Adnan Or vote to be moved to SF!
@Simon Or to the Prayer Room

 Prayer Room

Please use this room to post prayer requests of praise, petiti...
Oh my god, what a room!
This one is posted by an SE moderator
> Lord, I so want to lash out at some people who have hurt me really, really bad, in real life. Please, control my temper.
Nobody is saying anything. I'm assuming that the Christian god has sent lightning and punished everybody in this room and I'm too far up north that the smiting didn't reach me.
@Adnan xD
Must resist urge to ever post in that room. As a devout atheist it would only end badly
Oh dear - this lists what I'll be doing on Saturday :-)
@RoryAlsop Hehehehe.. devout atheist
Praise the Darwin!!
Don't some religious people think that atheists worship Dawkins and Harris?
An atheist doesn't worship anyone.
@Simon WHAT?! REALLY?!
I wonder how many times this was posted here already.
At least 5.
@RoryAlsop That looks like so much fun
So we develop a hypoxia simulator and we just hooked a coworker up to it. He was just breathing air equivalent to being outside at 30000 feet.
@DavidFreitag Some background, please?
@Adnan It's a system that, with some cylinders of 100% N2, 100% O2 and breathing grade air, generates air with a specific amount of oxygen.
@Adnan #FFFFFF
Basically you specify an altitude and it generates air that has as much oxygen in it that the actual air at that altitude would have.
The armed forces uses it to train pilots
We use it to haze new employees.
Hypoxia refers to low oxygen conditions. Normally oxygen exerts a partial pressure of 20.9% in the air. In water however; oxygen levels are much lower, approximately 1%, and fluctuate locally depending on the presence of photosynthetic organisms and relative distance to the surface (there is more oxygen in the air, which will diffuse across the partial pressure gradient). Atmospheric hypoxia Atmospheric hypoxia occurs naturally at high altitudes. Total atmospheric pressure decreases as altitude increases, causing a lower partial pressure of oxygen which is defined as hypobaric hypoxia. Ox...
@DavidFreitag Reminds me of youtube.com/watch?v=JqoansxbLT4
So anyway, he stops talking and his head starts to droop, at 68% oxygen saturation in his blood we turned on 100% oxygen.
It's like being the closest you have ever been to passing out, then suddenly being yanked back into reality.
@DavidFreitag Any videos of these experiments? That would be very interesting.
@DavidFreitag What have the subjects report after the experiment is over?
@Adnan They aren't experiments per-se, we ship these instruments to the navy, air force, the army, anyone who has pilots they need to train in hypoxic environments.
@DavidFreitag I mean the hazing you do to new employees
We got one back in our service department that had apparently cause some navy pilot to black out within like 30 seconds of running a test.
@DavidFreitag While the experiments (or tests) are going, are the subjects able to talk or move normally? Any signs of euphoria and carelessness of one's own life?
@Adnan When i tried it it's like i said. As the bump the altitude up it's like everything slows down and suddenly you get this uncontrollable urge to fall asleep. That of course is your brain going "SHIT SHIT SHIT FUCK SHIT GONNA DIE SHIT shutdown -HP now"
I'm really interested in the subject
You are completely normal, but you lose some cognitive ability, not that you notice.
@DavidFreitag Yup, the last part is usually expected.
At 70% oxygen saturation you are pretty much on the brink of passing out. That's where funny stuff happens (purple unicorns and demons)
@David Thank you for the info
Right before the 100% oxygen gets turned on you feel a sense of euphoria. That first breath of pure oxygen is like all of your intellect suddenly being shoved back into your brain
@Adnan Of course you aren't nearly ready to get up and walk around after going down to 70% saturation, but cognitively you essentially go from a small child to normal in a few seconds.
I don't know what this guy is talking about. Unlimited vacation is a great thing, if you abuse it it's your own fault and you should be fired for it. If you get your work done what's the issue?
@DavidFreitag Right. That's a management/HR issue.
@ScottPack Even then though, call them salary and be done with it.
@DavidFreitag I'm saying if there's abuse involved and/or you're not getting your work done.
@ScottPack Oh, yeah if you don't get the work done then you should get spanked.
The whole salary thing is interesting. I'm a salaried employee, but according to HR I'm expected to be working 35-40 hours per week. If I frequently go below that, or above 45, then my manager is supposed to review it and fix the problem.
I just don't understand people saying that open vacation policies for programmers and such are "The end of the world"
@DavidFreitag I'm sure the State gives us a policy on that.
@DavidFreitag Or telecommute.
@ScottPack Yeah but even then telecommuting is still technically "Putting hours in"
If you're not getting your work done, then fix the problem.
No, I mean the "telecommuting is the end of the world" thing.
@ScottPack Well, I'm of the opinion that if you are working seriously on a project with team members, you should be ideally sitting next to them. But that being said i would still be a fan of telecommuting.
@Gilles How's the enthusiasm for the name change? Still high? Because I need your help
@DavidFreitag Speaking as someone who's actually worked at a company with an unlimited vacation policy, he's right. You end up taking less, because you're worried that someone else's definition of "abuse" is different than yours.
@DavidFreitag I don't think they're "The end of the world," just not ideal. Life is better when everybody's expectations are clear.
@Xander Well, don't get me wrong i don't mean taking like a month of vacation two or three times a year, i just don't understand the hostility towards the system.
@Xander I suppose it depends on the complexity of the project and how it's divided into parts and how "Done" is defined. If the project is big enough then "Done" will never come.
@DavidFreitag Sure, but what is abuse? Is four weeks a year abuse? Is five weeks a year abuse? Is leaving to deal with your sick kids 15 days during a year abuse? If there is no policy, you have no idea of what your boss's expectations of you are.
@Xander I just think the expectation "Get your work done" is clear enough for me. If a person ends up taking a horrendous amount of time off that either means they are abusing the system or they don't get enough work to do.
As long as what i am working on is clearly defined the system should work. The issue here is getting a clear definition of work.
@DavidFreitag Right, but that's your opinion. In this model, the opinions of the people who sign your checks, write your reviews, and work with you also matter, and have just as much weight. So if their opinion is "A new employee really shouldn't expect to be able to take more than two weeks a year off, of thereabouts" then you have a problem.
And you won't know it until it's too late.
@Xander Yeah that's true. I guess i have only considered this system for people who have been with a company for a long time. I suppose this is why i get paid to write the code, not to cut the checks ;]
Really, I've just been a consultant for too long. :-) Most of problems that I've seen in my career come from the result of inadequate communications leading to unmet expectations. Anytime you have the chance to clarify, it's usually best.
Q: How to put my site URL in google falling list

Kaloian AngelkovHow to put my website in google falling listbox? I mean with "falling listbox" that: When you write for example GAN you see a listbox and there's examples what you could search for example "GANGNAM STYLE" or others. How to put my link there?

@Xander Yeah, i think lack of communication is a huge problem...
@HamZa Sigh!
I didn't know that "gangnam style" is a link. — Juhana 2 mins ago
@HamZa That guy totally misread what the OP said, lol
@DavidFreitag no he's obviously trolling lol
Hmm, two and a half hours to kill. I think I'll listen to Monty Python's the Holy Grail in the background.
@Adnan what for?
> Whataya gonna do, bleed on me?!
@DavidFreitag yes, and I have HIV and Ebola!
Q: Brute force attack on RSA - success criteria?

Chris RidgeIn a hypothetical discussion we ended up with a concrete question I'd like to find the answer to: If you try to brute force an RSA encryption, but the original vale which was encrypted was just random binary data, can you ever be sure you found the correct key? In other words: What are the succe...

@Gilles Awesome, so my immune system is screwed and in about an hour i'm going to poo all of my organs out. I'll be sure to be in your car when that happens.
@DavidFreitag No, I'll bite your knees off.
I dunno, RSA is different from the symmetric cipher case, and it crucially matters whether it's properly padded or textbook
migrate to Cryptography?
@Xander I'll have your leg.
@DavidFreitag you're welcome to my car. Tell me if you find it
@Gilles Sounds good to me.
@Gilles Sounds like it might get closed as a dupe here anyway.
@Gilles AviD and RoryA said that we need to be a bit more persuasive and explain what needs to be done (name change, FAQ change, logo, etc.) so the mods here can show SE guys the question.
Since I like your answer the most, I was thinking of you please can modify your answer and include such points when you have time.
Then I'd accept it, move this thing to the next step and hope for the best.
@Adnan glad as I am that you agree with me, I don't think acceptance makes sense here. It would be just you and a few voters deciding that my answer is better than Rory's, not the sec.se community
The name change meta thread is now our most upvoted meta question. There's consensus for the change (not a single downvote)
There's no consensus on whether the name should change to “Information Security” or “Security”
+1, though as an American, I had to look up the meaning of remit in this context.... and I found it way down at #19 the last entry that says chiefly britishmakerofthings7 Aug 15 at 3:45
@Gilles By acceptance I meant something to raise the revised answer to the top so it can be quickly seen.
Although I don't think your answer is "better" than Rory's, I like the style of the writing and I think it's definitely more convincing. In that manner, is it possible to edit the question and add something persuasive (whatever that means) and some details on what needs to be done?
That would be fantastic!
As soon as we get something solid, I'm gonna start nagging the mods to do something.
@Adnan A gun is pretty persuasive.
@Adnan already on it
apparently the community team is already aware, but they aren't saying yet whether the news will be good or bad
> You tit! I soiled my armor i was so scared.
@Gilles I like your answer too!
@Gilles done
I would be happy to have infosec or just sec - IT sec is the one I don't like so much
“Unlike IT Security SF isn't a theoretical site” — voretaq7
@Gilles where did he write that?
@RoryAlsop TL
I seem to have stumbled on to AWESOME.
@DavidFreitag nice!
@RoryAlsop aaand, it's on google play, which means i get to listen to it everywhere with my all access.
@DavidFreitag heh
$7 a month, unlimited skips plus i can bluetooth it from my phone into my car, headphones, and home entertainment system.
It's shocking how much i can do with all access. I can only imagine what Google did to get publishers to sign...
@RoryAlsop If you like Blue Stahli you will probably like Cliff Lin too
Epic stuff.
Well ladies and gents, I am off to embark on an epic journey to destroy a great evil. Er, uhm, i mean drive home listening to Cliff Lin. Laters.
@TerryChia I uploaded my conciousness to the internet as my body was being savaged by dingoes
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