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I love the perl entry xD
@LucasKauffman The C/C++ doe made me chuckle for a few seconds
Reminds me of that song "Let's not eat pig together"
@Svetlana but bacon :(
@LucasKauffman Yup, this one
@Svetlana Really ? great !
@HamZa Whaaaat?
@Svetlana OSCP !
@Svetlana why not eat pig?
Has anyone followed one of the courses provided by offensive security ? http://www.offensive-security.com/information-security-training/
It seems resourceful and that I would learn a lot from it but it's quite expensive for a student's budget ...
@HamZa @Lucas
@GreenFly Did you listen to the song?
@Svetlana no and I do not want to
@HamZa It's not for the faint hearted
so now what are you? transgender muslim?
@GreenFly -_-
if you think it's expensive don't do it yet, do it when you can comfortably by lab extensions
because you will need them
@GreenFly I'm neither.
@GreenFly I remember something you said very well: I'm not a child. However, the last few times you came here you acted like one.
@GreenFly Not that there's anything wrong with either.
I used to like you when you first came here, you do ask very nice questions and talk about nice stuff.
However, lately, you've been acting like a little bitch because you do not agree with what Adnan has done.
Knock it off, it will be better for everyone.
@GreenFly Is there something wrong with transgender muslims?
I've never seen a man hold a grudge for so long over a pointless thing.
@GreenFly Watch out I don't start calling you grumpy ;)
@Simon it is not pointless. adnan or svetlana or whatever has targeted me and is being rude and disrespectful
why do you think he has targeted you?
@LucasKauffman yes but that is a different discussion
@GreenFly What the hell?! When did I ever disrespected you?
@GreenFly Either he has targeted you every time I wasn't here or I'm blind because I've never witnessed a such thing.
@Svetlana you be disrespecting the fly D: yo
@GreenFly You do realized that anybody is able to view the transcript of this chat?
@LucasKauffman Ma maaan no no no! I do no such thin.. yo!
Also, yes it is pointless if that would really be the case. It is childish to respond to disrespect with disrespect.
look how he and @LucasKauffman try to make fun of me
@GreenFly Jesus! Do you think you talk like that?
@GreenFly I'm not making fun of you <.< I'm making fun of the situation
This is the Internet, if you cannot handle someone laughing at you then you don't belong here.
You can tell very easily if someone is laughing at you to hurt you or simply to be funny.
Whenever you're responding to Adnan, it is the first option.
I remember when youngsters respected the elderly. those days are gone now
@GreenFly For some reason I have a feeling that you're a young person pretending to be old just for trolling.
That statement always made me laugh especially because most of the time the said elders are very disrespectful.
And I'm done, there's absolutely no point to argue about this.
@GreenFly Because I'm pretty sure 54 year old people don't waste their time holding grudges.
At least I like to think they don't.
this is the internet, we think bears created crypto, see weird scottish man with a mask as our leader, admire a cartoon tigre figure and talk random shit about every possible thing including transgender muslims, ponies, unicorns and oversexed canadians who fap to hardcore DJs (not calling names here).
She's a Hardstyle DJ, do not be disrespectful please.
@Simon Oh, so you haven't seen that video @Lucas showed me?
Oh if you see it you'd know why he said hardcore DJ
DJ Stephanie loves horses yo
@GreenFly Now spill the beans, why are you angry with adnan?
@LucasKauffman Like every single girl!
@Simon No, dude. She loves horses.
@Svetlana She likes them very much, yes.
@Simon Oh you should see the video
@Svetlana honestly I have nothing against you
I even like so many of your answers
it is just that after that edit I felt you are being mean to me
@LucasKauffman Well for the skills you learn there it might not be that expensive.
@GreenFly Of course I wasn't. Probably you didn't like the phrasing "Adnan rejected..".
@Svetlana well that depends how bigoted old people get. There are lots of angry old people that do hold grudges, but they tend to not be very pleasant to be around
@GreenFly I also like both of your questions so far. They are reptrains and they brought traffic to the site.
@HamZa If I have to be honest, I'd disagree.
@GreenFly in fairness, you can't tell age on the Internet, so behavior is what you have to look at to see what deserves respect. Not jumping in on either side, just pointing out that it's not really fair to expect respect due to age in an area where your age isn't determinable
@HamZa I believe that with OSCP you pay for convenience and certification.
That's it
@AJHenderson You know, unless their age is posted in their profile.
@GreenFly So, truce?
@Svetlana yes
and here is a smiley like you youngsters
@GreenFly I think the youngsters now are skipping the dash, so it's :)
@DavidFreitag that isn't a reliable measure though
I can claim to be a 13 year old girl if I wanted
@AJHenderson Yeah, i know it's about maturity, not age.
@Svetlana oh that is ridiculous. the dash is essential
Really ? It just seemed resourceful ...
I actually doubt myself if I could follow it or not (in terms of difficulty)
@HamZa It is, it's a GREAT course + lab. I've heard and read so many things.
but yeah, I'd also concur with Lucas to not take things said in chat too seriously, we tend to be a bit roudy in here, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone intentionally try to be mean or hurtful aside from when someone came in intentionally being a troll or attacking
@GreenFly Are you muslim ?
I've only seen the regulars here be intentionally disrespectful in "self defense" so to speak
@HamZa But after I looked at the course guide, it became obvious that I'm already pretty familiar with almost all of the subject offensive-security.com/documentation/…
@GreenFly soon smileys will be just ) for good measure
@Svetlana Let me check that out ...
cuz u haz 2 sve da btns
@HamZa So I'm mainly interested in the convenience of the ready labs (We already have a lab, but it's not as complex as the one Offensive Security guys have), and of course the certification.
who cares if you have any clue what is being said
@AJHenderson I do bite my tongue quite often in here. Many's the time I have wanted to bitch slap people.
@HamZa I am Christian
@lynks Please, in the future if that person is me, do it.
@AJHenderson What the hell is that?
@Simon So that's what you're into
@GreenFly I see. Aside from the dispute here. I also have observed that the youngsters have no respect nowadays to the elderly, which is sad
@GreenFly So, got a any reptrains for us any time soon? I'm sure @Simon would love to hop on one.
@Svetlana Of course.
@Svetlana because you have to save the buttons (trying to shorten up the idea that people try to save every button press possible)
@Svetlana A lot of modules, quite interesting for an allround course
@HamZa I think it is partly a two way street too though
@Svetlana you mean new questions?
over the last couple generations there has been a growing divide between the young and the elderly
both sides are responsible for it I think
@GreenFly Yes
the elderly don't like the change of the youth and the youth don't like the elderly's resistance to change
If a youngster is disrespectful to you, would you smile and go along with it ?
Of course the "error" here that not all youngsters are the same
well and that's just it, an elderly person gets a bad response from a disrespectful youngen and starts treating them all with mistrust and fear and then a youth is treated that way by and elderly person and doesn't bother trying to connect or learn from other elderly people
and it cycles around and around
neither side is innocent in it
and I have personally witnessed that many of the elderly that seek to be involved and accepting of youth tend to get a lot of respect
@Svetlana I do not think I need anything currently. but if I think of something I will ask here first
have a lovely day or night everybody.
also keep in mind, it's really up to the elderly to start the connection. Youth can't understand age, but age has no excuse not to understand youth
@AJHenderson (nod)
@Lucas Which BackTrack have you installed for the OSCP? 5? 5 R3?
@Svetlana y u no use Kali ?
@HamZa I want to stay in sync with the course. They say BT5, I'll use BT5. I know I can get the same tools with Kali, but still.
Who was talking about hardware spyware ? I just bumped into this http://www.beneaththewaves.net/Projects/Motorola_Is_Listening.html
Haven't read it though
@Svetlana kali
but you can use R3
I also use an XP machine
@LucasKauffman I'm now confused.
@Svetlana you get an XP machine in the lab range, and I use an extra BT5R3 and Kali
I changed to kali because BT5R3's metasploit was screwed
@LucasKauffman But I still don't get what is the XP machine for (you're talking about Windows XP, right?)?
@Svetlana yea
it's to test client side exploits
it's also easier to compile stuff sometimes
or when you need to write an exploit for an application running on windows
when you need to hang attach a debugger
@LucasKauffman Got it. I'll be using everything inside VirtualBox. So I'll create two machines, XP + Kali
@Svetlana you get an xp machine from them
it's equiped with all tools
@Svetlana Of course 54 years old people waste their time holding grudges. They just have less time left to waste.
@Svetlana how many days did you buy?
@LucasKauffman Please tell me it's not a VMWare image.
@Svetlana it's running on vmware on their hardware
you can RDP to it through the VPN
@LucasKauffman Ahaaaaa... so I only need the Kali machine here.
@Lucas Confusion cleared. 60 days
@ThomasPornin I hope when I reach that stage my case won't be as sever as some others'
@Svetlana make sure you have gone through the labguide and excersises in less than 15 - 20days
you will need your time to compromise the lab :)
@Svetlana I'm going to get an extension of my labtime so if you want we can colaborate and be study buddies
@Svetlana Oh, rest assured that from your point of view, your behaviour at that time will be perfectly normal and justified.
@LucasKauffman All still in the lab stage, not the exam stage, right?
@Svetlana yea
@Svetlana the lab is huge
requires tons of exploits
going from easy peasy ms08067
@LucasKauffman So I've heard
to client side MS07017 client side exploits
lol is it even legal for them to use an XP machine (in case they didn't buy them) ?
@Svetlana our usual chanel: sv3tl4n4d1rtyh03
@HamZa Special licence for remote access
@LucasKauffman I'm ashamed to admit that it took me at least 30 seconds to read that one
@HamZa yea you just buy some licenses
@Svetlana get on cryptocat :p
@Svetlana is that you
@LucasKauffman 3F5ABDDE C02E105F A4BAD0D2 59C0963F E5B54D98
So a coworker of mine head a heart attack today. He was sitting there white as a sheet
Shog9 on August 09, 2013

With over 100 sites on various and sundry topics, Stack Exchange has become something of a juggernaught: keeping this many different communities healthy and well-supported can be a bit overwhelming at times. We’d never be able to pull it off if there weren’t so many of you pitching in to help, and so I’m more than happy to announce that we’ve managed to convert another dedicated volunteer to full-time cat-wrangler:

Jon became fascinated with computers when he got to play with his cousin’s Commodore 64 circa 1986. Over the years, Jon went on to write many fine Hello …

@DavidFreitag Is he alive?
@Svetlana Yeah, they rushed him to the hospital. The ISO people are running around here screaming about safety
@LucasKauffman Yeah, I had just gotten out of the shower. Today's my day on site so my plan was to get out of the house by 6:30 at the latest. You're lucky I was up at all.
@DavidFreitag Well, next time you should add more calcium gluconate to the injection. The stuff from the pharmacies are way under-dosed.
@ThomasPornin Your input is welcome, here...
Q: How do I get (gci).count to return proper numeric values for empty or single-item lists?

Iszi Related: How can I write a script to count files modified within a particular month? When I try to get a count of items, e.g. with (gci).count to count files in a folder, PowerShell returns no output for empty lists or lists containing only one item. It works fine for lists containing mult...

@DavidFreitag So why were you trying to kill him?
@Svetlana I would be surprised if anyone tried to kill him, he's like the nicest person around.
@ton.yeung We still do, something about OSHA and whether or not we can be blamed for his heart attack.
@ton.yeung Nah, he worked on the production floor.
@ton.yeung Nah, she skipped the fourplay.
@Iszi That makes me wonder why zdan didn't answer that question in your original post, his fix seems straightforward enough. Must be a rep whore.
@DavidFreitag Oh, I see you're quite experienced with the ladies. Knowing stuff about fourplay and whatnot.
Where do you guys get your infosec news?
@Svetlana Hey! Not all of us can be as cool as David....
@Griffin I get it from here, the DMZ.
@Svetlana Nope, i just have an internet connection.
@DavidFreitag Perfect answer.
@DavidFreitag It was just a hit for writing fourplay instead of foreplay.
@Svetlana I do also, but I was wondering if there were any other things they read.
@Svetlana Lol, oh well
I was expecting Chrome to red squiggly it if it was wrong, and i certainly wasn't going to google that at work.
Chrome doesn't seem to squiggly in here
Wait nvrm
It does now
I think i'm going to develop a mini PCI card based keylogger.
@DavidFreitag What about a little Sata? A lot of the computers I come across have open sata ports and it's easier than putting in a PCI card.
@Griffin It would be fairly difficult to do something like that. SATA really doesn't have that kind of capability. Some pretty crazy software would be needed to do that, if at all possible.
The great thing about mini PCI is that it breaks out a usb 2.0 lane.
In most cases laptops have one mini PCI card slot that is occupied by a wifi/bootoof card.
But it would be pretty cool to make some kind of hard drive spoofing dongle that you could plug into a SATA header.
@DavidFreitag But wouldn't you have to remove the wifi card making it kinda easy to tell?
@Griffin Unfortunately. But i have also seen a lot of laptops with an empty mini PCI card slot, so i guess it depends on the manufacturer.
@ton.yeung I don't use google news. I check wired sometimes and while I like ars more I don't know why I don't use it more.
@DavidFreitag Very true.
@ton.yeung I find wired can be a little.... biased and kind of annoying sometimes.
I don't seek information, i usually have my head buried in source code somewhere. Or some other project. Things tend to seek me out.
@ton.yeung It depends on what they're writing about. Sometimes it's their view on things like snowden and other times it's as simple of the advantages of one OS over the other.
See if someone does this kind of shit, they shouldn't even be punished mashable.com/2013/08/08/burglars-computers-california
@ton.yeung It's the level of bias that can annoy me however.
@ton.yeung Don't charge them for that break in tho. If they do get caught
@Griffin Regardless of whether they returned it or not, they still did the crime.
@ton.yeung To be perfectly honest I've always wanted to just break into someones house and leave an apology note and cash like "Sorry I broke your door. I just always wanted to break into a house. Hope this covers it."
@Griffin it's like saying, i shot you; but while you were unconscious i patched you up so i don't go to jail. (Even though you may have died later).
@DavidFreitag Not the same logic. If you could shoot them and then insta heal them again maybe but otherwise no.
@ton.yeung Don't get me wrong, they should receive a reduced sentence for returning the stuff, but there are laws for a reason.
@DavidFreitag Yea that too
If judges and police let people off for doing things like that, people would be abusing that system.
@ton.yeung Wait if they were unconscious they should be good.
@DavidFreitag ..... Now you're going into "if you gives everyone a gun, everyones going to shoot eachother" logic.
@Griffin I never said everyone, but think about it criminals are going to abuse the system however they can to get a break.
@ton.yeung Why not? Can you still have memory of events when unconscious?
@DavidFreitag Well the judge is showing everyone that this is "okay" and how can they abuse it?
@ton.yeung I thought he was unconscious before he was shot.
@Griffin "You did it for them, why not me? Were you showing favoritism to that guy?"
@DavidFreitag But the criminals are giving everything back?
@ton.yeung " it's like saying, i shot you; but while you were unconscious i patched you up so i don't go to jail."
@Griffin Perhaps they devise a system by which they don't return everything, and in the confusion of the situation, they make off with something.
@ton.yeung While he was unconscious he was shot or while he was unconscious he was patched up is the question
@Griffin I meant, you were conscious, i shot you, you fell unconscious, i patched you up, and left.
@DavidFreitag That'd be a very interesting system. And okay, when I said that I ment he was unconscious when he was shot.
Nevertheless, this is why we have judges. Although, i think we should institute a much more strict form of punishment for crimes.
Because jail in America is a joke.
@ton.yeung Because, it's easier?
@ton.yeung ..... It was a theoretical situation. Why are we shooting people at all?
@Griffin Because, it's fun?
@DavidFreitag Uhhh no it's not. Wanna see joke jail look at Norway and them.
Herm, that was an awful joke.
@DavidFreitag Arrest me in norway please google.com/…
@DavidFreitag It would be fun wouldn't it.
@Griffin Nah, i'll ship your ass to siberia.
@DavidFreitag :( It's cold there.
I was watching a documentary on netflix about russian prisons. It was so brutal. The prisoners get woken up at random (extremely early) times for exercise outside in the yard with nothing on but their prison issue clothes.
@DavidFreitag Did you see the replication of Guantanamo techniques? Scary as fuck
If you don't wake up on days they decide not to work you, you get beaten. If you don't make your bed, you get beaten. Every prisoner walks around bent over at the waist so they have no power.
And if you somehow manage to escape, there are gigantic bear sized Irish wolf hounds ready to tear you to pieces.
Sounds like fun
@Griffin The most fun you could have without a bottle of viagra and a case of red bull.
@DavidFreitag It's the way it should be done anyway, otherwise people looking for the answer to just that bit of the question are less likely to find it.
@Iszi Yeah, i suppose. Although the questions are related enough that a google search for either would probably return you to the same question.
My mini PCI card ended up with a personality.
Does this mean we have to change our standard, "Caching; it's always caching" reply to this sort of thing to add, "Unless it's rounding; always rounding"? — Andrew Barber 27 mins ago
@AndrewBarber Caching or rounding; it's always caching or rounding. — rgettman 26 mins ago
Or oscillating. — LBT 25 mins ago
@LBT Okay, I got it. So, it's "Caching, rounding, or oscillating; it's always caching, rounding, or oscillating". I have to admit, that does roll right off the tongue. — Andrew Barber 18 mins ago
@AndrewBarber Our three weapons are caching, rounding, oscillating, and an almost fanatical devotion to Trogdor! — Gilles 8 mins ago
@Gilles An amusing collection of comments
Whaaaaa?! @GreenFly accepted my answer! It means he's not angry with me anymore! Yaaay! FRIENDS! MELLONS!
@Svetlana Hehehe
Any Linux users here?
@Svetlana /me (since yesterday lol)
@HamZa I need to do something a little bit complicated, so I don't think you can help.
I need to install some software on my system. I'm unable to boot my system. I'm currently running from a Live CD and I'd like to run apt-get but I want it to affect the non-booted system.
@Svetlana I know, I'm still messing with the installation of a VM xD
@Svetlana Try chroot
@ThomasPornin Ahh.. the stupidity!! I've used it gazillions of times with Ubuntu recovery, but for some reason I forgot about it. Thanks
@ThomasPornin What exactly does chroot do? I've used it on several occasions and i still don't quite understand it.
@DavidFreitag Basically, it will give you a session with the root directory / as a directory of your own choice.
So in my case, my Live CD's root is at /. But my system's root is in /dev/sda1, so I mount /dev/sda1 to some directory, like /mount/
and then chroot to /mount
Now everything I do in this session will be applied to the / in /dev/sda1
So what affect would that have on chrooting users that are for, say, ftp?
I'm assuming it makes it so that you can only access things that are inside of your root folder.
@DavidFreitag Either I explained incorrectly which lead you to ask the question in that way, or I didn't understand your question.
@Svetlana If you install an ftp deamon, such as ftpd it will allow you to chroot users that log in remotely through ftp to a specific directory
What exactly does chrooting those users to a folder actually do? Can you only access files and directories within your root folder?
For example, once you mount /dev/sda1 to /mount/ and chroot there, can you now only access files within /mount/?
@DavidFreitag I'm pretty sure chroot isn't the same as FTP roots
@Svetlana If it helps, this is coming from linux mint
@DavidFreitag I'm not sure. Probably somebody else can answer better
@Svetlana Well, the config file refers to the process directly as "chroot ftp users to local files" So i think that it is the same thing. Otherwise the config file is super convoluted.
@Svetlana I'm guessing you found your linux friend?
@DavidFreitag But in general, when you set an FTP user's root to some directory, they won't have access to any directory above that one.
@ScottPack Finally!
@Svetlana Yeah, that was my assumption, but i didn't know if it did anything other than that. Thanks
@Svetlana Dude. I'm "working".
@ton.yeung Black holes also generate matter by way of evaporation of energy.
@ton.yeung Hawking radiation.
@ton.yeung I don't think that Supermassive Black Holes really have the sheer power to suck up a whole galaxy.
Black holes are also somewhat self limiting. Eventually they hoover up all the matter that's close enough to chow down on.
IIRC, the newest theory is that the Black Holes are supported by a framework of dark matter.
Don't forget. Supermassive is only big in comparison to other stars.
That is, the black holes don't hold the galaxy together simply by themselves.
Even the supermassive black hole at our galactic core is a fairly insignificant percentage of the total matter of the galaxy.
:10722043 Right.
That's what she said.
@ton.yeung You could put it up at the Physics site.
It could technically be considered astrophysics.
Ah, Gloryhammer, why are you so hysterical.
@ton.yeung yeah?
@ton.yeung It won't. They're not so strong
as in?
No, it's just that black holes aren't as strong as advertised
and galaxies are much bigger than advertised
the galactic ones
they aren't so huge
ping ChrisWhite here
@ton.yeung huge=event horizon size
but yeah that too
yep :P
@ScottPack I think we're oscillating on different pages.
Carlos Danger hits again!
@Svetlana God i love Americans.
@DavidFreitag Me too
@Svetlana Every fiber of my being is telling me to jump into that video and beat the ever-loving shit out of that guy.
@DavidFreitag But you have to careful because he's Carlos ....
@Svetlana Yes, but unlike him, danger is my middle name.
@DavidFreitag chroot launches a process which, in the kernel, is tagged with a sub-directory name. Every single file path that the process uses will be prefixed automatically by that name. So, basically, this isolates the process (and its descendants) in that subdirectory.
@ThomasPornin I see that makes sense now. That means when you run apt-get it will be like you were running it from the original install. (In @Svetlana's case). Thanks.
@ThomasPornin Whaaat?! Something actually worth starring is starred?
I don't know this place anymore
I had to. It was that good.
@Svetlana Don't blame me, I am not the one doing it.
@ThomasPornin I'm pretty sure there's a "that's what he/she/I/we said" joke here. I cannot find it.
A very interesting experiment.
Quite expected results (especially when coupled with the other video of a girl asking), but it's interesting to see it in practice.
Ohman, she threw her drink in his face.
@DavidFreitag Actually, that was one of the most interesting parts. She took the question as a great offence. An indication of deeper psychological issues that are definitely leaking to her relationships if existed.
This poor guy. I hope he at least gets laid once.

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