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Wow, some serious stuff went on the last FBI Tor bust.
Some really organized and smart IT work.
anybody accessing THW can check it at THW/index.php/Talk:Freedom_Hosting
> The 0day exploit code executed some functions that revealed your public internet IP address, MAC address, local hostname (such as "LarrysPC") and what Freedom Hosting site you were browsing (they used a unique UDID for each compromised website) and sent it all to a clear-net IP in Washington.
Didn't it exploit an old version of FF though?
@Simon According to that advisory, the version is 17.0
@Simon But you see, the point here is that normal Firefox is updated automatically, but Tor Bundle Firefox is updated by downloading a new bundle.
So it's very likely that a lot of Tor Bundle users were affected
@Adnan That reminds me...I need to check and see what version I have.
@Xander Just check that THW article (after checking that you have an updated browser) to see the forensic precession they were after.
They wanted to know that you, specifically you visited website A, B, and C.
@Xander I have never had occasion to actually use TOR.
It's like walking through the mall with a trench coat and sunglasses; if I want to remain anonymous, the last thing I want to do is paint a sign on myself saying IM BEING ANONYMOUS!!
@tylerl I've never really needed it for anything, as I'm one of the least anonymous people on the Internet, but it can be interesting to play with from time to time, and I tend to prefer being as patched up as possible.
@tylerl You (tylerl) become anonymous by doing one of two things: A- Become faceless, or B- Use somebody else's face.
Tor allows you to safely use one of many faces, rendering you practically faceless.
Will people know that you're hiding something when they see that you're faceless? Of course yes.
But there's no way around it.
@Adnan Or C: paint your face with camo paint and duck behind the potted plants. No one will see you!
@tylerl That will immediately turn into 'A' once you decide to actually do something like to go to the store to anonymously buy an item.
One of the funniest parts in that THW post was
> If you have CP images on your hard disks, immediately use a 3-pass eraser.... may God be with you all.
@Gilles Pffft.. he can just put it in a box with a cat.
@Gilles Sure he can, as long as it remains unobserved, right?
@Gilles 'cihdl norp'
@Adnan then he'd either have the password or not have it, but he wouldn't know whether he has it. Subtle difference
@Adnan is that Finnish? Oh
@Adnan Yeah. That's actually a big issue.
@Adnan he might want to ask a Catholic priest for help with that
@Gilles Reading his comments, I see that not knowing things has never stopped him.
@Gilles unless he's dead?
or a Schroedinger's cat
@TildalWave as in two people can keep a secret?
@Gilles One of them must die! LOL
@Adnan I have been analysing the shellcode that was used in that 0day. It's pretty ingenious stuff.
So i found a metal band that uses no instruments but the drums.
It's actually pretty good.
@DavidFreitag I'll see your instrumental, and raise you a watermelon
@Adnan What's THW?
@tylerl That's hysterical. Is that your kid?
@DavidFreitag Naw. It's my friend's.
@tylerl That is genius.
@tylerl I am indeed entertained.
@DavidFreitag I didn't like them
Not metal enough
Not even close
@Adnan Opinions are like assholes.
@TildalWave The Hidden Wiki
Well, lets think about it. How metal could you possibly get without any instrument other than the drums. I'd say they are about pushing the limits.
@DavidFreitag Porn stars need to bleach them....?
@AviD Silly, porn stars aren't people.
@ScottPack I see what you did there.
@DavidFreitag neither are assholes.
@AviD We all saw what he did there
@Adnan fine, I'm slower, but its only cuz its late, I'm tired, and hungry.
@AviD Good point, so that must mean porn stars are bleaching opinions everywhere.
@AviD It's alright. Here, we accept everybody.
@DavidFreitag excellent.
@AviD Do you know what Halawa/Halava is?
@Adnan yeah, not a fan.
my kids like it. on occasion.
@AviD I'm unable to find it here. Do you know any English name for it?
A name used in Europe, maybe.
you talking about this, right?
Halva (or halawa, alva, xalwo, haleweh, ħelwa, hulwa, halvah, halava, helava, helva, halwa, halua, aluva, chalva, chałwa, " हलवा", "حلاوة", "חלבה","হালুয়া," "ܗܲܠܘܵܐ") refers to many types of dense, sweet confections, served across the Middle East, South Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Balkans, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Malta and the Jewish world. The term halva ( / ALA-LC: ḥalwà), meaning "sweet", is used to describe two types of desserts: *Flour-based – This type of halva is slightly gelatinous and made from grain flour, typically semolina. T...
@AviD Yup
theres a list of names there....
Have a good... rest of the day everyone. I'm out.
you could try kosher supermarkets, its popular there.
@AviD I pretty much tried them all. Nobody recognized them in any store
at least in USA, american jews love that crap.
@AviD Ooooooh.. that's a good idea!
really? interesting.
I could buy some here, and mail it to you...
@AviD Aaaaand, of course, we don't have kosher stores in this city!
@AviD Nah, it's alright, but thanks.
I'll check ebay
are you looking to try it, or just really want it?
@Adnan I was half joking... not sure at all it would survive the journey.
@AviD I want it. I haven't had it in ages
@AviD Found some ebay.co.uk/itm/…
cool. Looks like there is a pretty big difference depending on locale.
@Adnan Token appearance away.....!
Howsit all?
@D3C4FF Oh that was because I saw a video that reminded me of you
@Adnan Haha, what video?
@Adnan Sweet! I can wall run approx double my body height if the surface is good, here we don't have such nice walls but i reckon with some practice I could do something similar :P
@D3C4FF :O
@D3C4FF That looked very difficult to me. I attempted that a couple of times, but I was unable to get myself to go up. I've always ended up going 40 degrees away from the wall.
@Adnan Yeah, the trick is timing your feet to kick up rather than away, otherwise your doing a 'tic-tack' between two walls.
And actually getting your arms up is the bit most beginners struggle with, cause if they get the feet right, they put there arms out to stop them face planting into the wall, but they need to throw their arms up at the right time to get that extra momentum
Ya gotta commit to it and expect a face full of concrete if you fuck it up ^_^
@D3C4FF you do some freerun ?
@D3C4FF Yeah, I happen to leaning more towards concrete-less face state.
@HamZa More parkour than freerunning
Which just means i do less tricks n shit :P
But its more practical imo
@D3C4FF well still awesome
@HamZa :)
@Adnan Would you go for ubuntu LTS ?
@HamZa I only install and upgrade to LTS
Who's talking about Halawa <3
@Adnan Hmmm
You must try it with cheese spread :p
@Adnan would you create 2 partitions one for the OS and the other for the data ?
I get "Could not locate remote server"
@Lamia Really? It sounds disgusting with cheese
@HamZa I'm not sure what you mean, but I always have 1 partition for / and another partition for /home/
@Adnan Try it with la vache qui rit
@Adnan ok, clear ... Gotta google things up since I'm new to this ... Usually I setup a VM or use unetbootin
or any cream cheese
@Lamia (fubar)
does anyone of u here use multi-monitor ?
@Lamia at work maybe ...
I once went to my boss house and saw his desktop. He had like 6 or 8 screens connected to it lol
I planning to do it at my -home- workstation :p but I'm not sure if I really need to or not
@Lamia I think 2 is more than enough.
two or maybe three
@Lamia Well I got a laptop, so it's a pain to connect a monitor each time ...
I don't know why I need it, I think it's cool and u know I can use one for Windows and the others for linux
@Lamia Yes. 2. I wish I had three or four. I'll get around to adding more someday.
I hate laptops
@Lamia Well I need it for school, it's better than carrying a desktop :p
@Xander And how is it, would u recommend it
@Lamia Absolutely. It's a massive improvement.
@HamZa I have one for school too but I barely use it, only when I need it. I don't know why I hate the turn-off-turn-on process :P
@Lamia I always use "hibernate" :)
@HamZa it takes time too :c
@Lamia only when you shut it down, which is ok ...
Specially when your laptop is not that fast
@Lamia llol wait, what are the specs ?
@Xander so what should I have to do it
@HamZa of my laptop?
@Lamia yeah
@HamZa I don't remember lol
@Lamia lolwut
The worst laptop in the planet
@Lamia Not much. If you have a video card that has outputs for at least two monitors, which most do these days, you're set. Buy a second monitor, plug it in, and you're done.

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