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@Xander @TildalWave thank you for the explanation. it is very clear now
@GreenFly and rep whores are people that have the majority of their reputation gained through such rep trains... @Adnan for example :P :))
@TildalWave I don't acknowledge it as a joke. It's simply the truth.
@Adnan then it is for most of us anyway, like it or not
@TildalWave you don't add fancy pictures to your answers like @Adnan does ...
More than 30 of my answers have 10+ votes on popular questions.
@HamZa Wrong! I do... just not so much here, or they're not all that appreciated LOL
A: What is the difference between Exploit and Payload?

TildalWaveI prepared an easier to read version of the diagram (I believe). It's following same basic principles the @D3C4FF's excelent answer does. I was tempted to go with his analogy first, but I thought it wouldn't be appropriate due to recent events and for the current global political climate. The t...

@TildalWave I actually upvoted it :P
for a few minutes, it even had a negative score, because I obviously stepped on someone's toes LOL
@HamZa I do add a lot more photos / pictures /... to answers on Space Exploration tho. I just don't have so many IT Security related materials to share, but it obviously comes easier to some, like @Adnan, that probably saves them in xxx folder
@TildalWave @Hamza You must not forget my mad Paint/GIMP skills
(double facepalm)
@HamZa Whaaaaa! Those illustrations are awesome!
@Adnan You have the nerve to actually mention Paint in the same line with GIMP? Traitor!
@TildalWave You've already seen my Photoshop skills. I use all graphic applications for the same tasks, redacting personal information, drawing arrows and circles, and making cheap illustrations
If the application can do that for me, then it's the same as GIMP/Paint/Photoshop
@Adnan well I could analyze data packets in notepad too, but I don't
When someone's last name is Null
Q: How can I pass the string "Null" through WSDL (SOAP) from AS3 to ColdFusion web service without receiving a "missing parameter error"?

billWe have an employee whose last name is Null. He kills our employee lookup application when his last name is used as the search term (which happens to be quite often now). The error received (thanks Fiddler!) is <soapenv:Fault> <faultcode>soapenv:Server.userException</faultcode> <faultst...

^ lol
@ton.yeung That's amazing!
This actually happens? For real? I thought it's just a XKCD comic and maybe a part of an easier CTF challenge to warm things up
Is anyone here religious?
@Griffin Yup.
Hmm I'm surprised there's 2.
Oh, that one caused confusion. I'll remove it
What? No like surprised there's 2 people.
@Griffin Did you expect more?
@Griffin /me too +1
@Griffin NO no, there's only who answered so far, @Xander
I actually expected far less.
I said AviD as a PHP joke.
@Griffin Faaar less than 2?
What? -5?
Wait HamZa seems to be in here
I'm looking at a percentage.
@Griffin Also, what do you mean by 'religious'?
@Adnan I can't really define it but general.
@Griffin what's the point of your question ?
@HamZa Idk I was just wondering. See I get bored sometimes.
@Griffin are you religious ?
I bet you'd say no
@Adnan or !yes lol
Nah, it's far more likely that he'd say no
@HamZa No, kinda. While I am kinda agnostic I lean heavy atheist. I guess just because I look at the current choices and I dislike all of them.
@Adnan You're right.
@HamZa Yet I still can't disprove the existence.
This is the internet.... the chances of me saying not increase 10 fold.
@ton.yeung Unless you're dealing with math....
@Xander I have a feeling that at some point you'll get on this. Remember, @Griffin is 17
@Adnan I feel as if my age is being used against me. However it does amuse me that I'm pretty sure you didn't have to look at my profile to recite that.
@Griffin I actually went to your profile to check it. I was thinking either 15 or 16.
@ton.yeung I have to agree with you on the proofs. Also I know. I dislike the age thing.
@Adnan :( Why? Cuz of how I act?
@Griffin Yes.
@Griffin can't be helped, we all went through that ...
@DavidFreitag </3
@Griffin Partially, but mostly because I asked you before and you answered 16
@HamZa Went through what?
@Griffin We all did
@Griffin age discrimination
It's an internet right of passage.
@Adnan Ohhh yea, my birthday just happened, so yea.
@DavidFreitag Lol no, a lot of the older people didn't have the internet so they got around it. Damn cheaters.
I'm actually a year behind physically and 2-3 mentally :( .... when I say mentally I mean socially.
@ton.yeung What club?
@Griffin No, don't worry. That's exactly something a 17 year old would say. You're perfectly on time
@Griffin The club.
@Adnan I've been tested :P.
@DavidFreitag @ton.yeung I wanna join the club :(
Nowadays social ineptitude is acceptable.
@DavidFreitag To some degree.
@Griffin How can you test a social age?
@Adnan ? Sorry, I don't follow. I've been on a call, so haven't been paying attention.
@Adnan They put you in different situations and see how you react.
@Adnan It's based on how you interact with people socially. @Griffin did you take the MMPI or something?
@ton.yeung Ummm you'll most likely get in first.
@Griffin That sort of mentality will get you nowhere.
@DavidFreitag I actually don't know. But I'm staring at the wiki for that and that looks cool. Also I'm talking about his age advantage :P
@Griffin Wiki for what...?
@DavidFreitag MMBI
@ton.yeung Yet I have nothing to sell.....
@ton.yeung I would but I have more important things to do. Like tell you how I have more important things to do.
@Griffin I see, it has well over 200 questions involving visual, vocal, and auditory tests to compile your intelligence
@Griffin Like that. It screams "Hey everyone, im 17!!!"
@DavidFreitag I find that kinda cool.
@ton.yeung I think it's some kind of ceremonial mass murder.
@DavidFreitag I was kidding :P @ton.yeung It is the passage into a world of knowledge. While withheld from being a "valid" resource it is quite valid.
Idk about you guys but I find wiki to be quite valid. Especially with the fact that they cite the fuck out of every living thing
Keep in mind, that every down votes of my answer instead up my answer. Don't You know? Hey, greyhounds of Babylone, your motions are proof of your lose in this battle. RSA is a trap. — ramjet 6 hours ago
@Gilles What the fuck didI just read.
Pretty sick picture
@Gilles Seems like someone is using a very poor Russian to english translator.
@Gilles Well, that's it, I won't be using RSA anymore.
@DavidFreitag Based on his name, it's Hindi to English
@Adnan I was thinking he meant ramjet
The ramjet was invented by a Frenchman
I don't know what we're talking about but hi scott :)
<3 you scott
Back off, he's mine.
@Simon You wanna go? We can take this into the server room
Damn right I do.
Ladies. Please.
Let me get a drink first.
Sorry doing something else.
@Simon Don't make me hack into your mainframe and use my worm to destroy your CPU :P
@Griffin Awwwh, how cute! You call it a worm
@Adnan LOL
@Lamia Psssst
@Adnan I am watching
@Lamia You don't want to see that
Griffin using his worm and all
His wormy worm
@Lamia So how are you today?
His wormy worm
@Adnan Good, how are you
I didn't finish my article yet hahaha
Fucking Windows unstable piece of junk full of shit.
Sorry, daily rant about Windows.
@Lamia I'm excellent. It's alright, you'll finish it very soon.
I wanna marry DJ Stephanie.
Don't tell my gf.
@Simon I don't know, have you thought it might actually be you?
@Simon It's alright, she will never know.
@Adnan Never.
@Adnan For some reason, I feel like she's gonna know now.
@Simon Trust me, she will never know.
Sorry still doing stuff
@Adnan You're so evil.
@Simon Whaaaa?! I'm not! I was just playing on the likelihood of you having a girlfriend.
Here we go, Adnan is laughing at me again.
@Simon It's alright, I still love you. There there
It still says 590.
I almost cried when my boss said that the DB called "test" was probably created to test something.
Of course he was just being funny.
@ton.yeung I don't get you
@Lamia He wants you. Badly.
@ton.yeung Ahha LOL I do that a lot
is it forbidden ?
@HamZa I'm back
@ton.yeung Hahaha
@HamZa You've just licked your own genitals.
@Adnan beurk
It may just be me getting old (and probably is) but this place is getting more random by the day!
@HamZa By replying to your own message, I meant.
@ton.yeung ah good stuff, one less thing to blame on my increasing years :)
@RoryMcCune true but not random enough as /dev/null :)
This room is now about the women we'd like to marry.
@HamZa /dev/null is extremely predictable isn't it, surely you want /dev/urandom :)
I'll start: DJ Stephanie.
@Simon let me google that :o
@HamZa Don't make me post the picture I took with her.
I have no clue what the fuck is going on ^.^
Alright, it can be about the men you want to marry if that floats your boat.
What ever blows your dress up.
I am confused.
This chat does not suit me at the time I guess. I must come back later
My mood in this channel when you guys discuss stuff I don't understand. Which when it comes to serious conversations is like 95% of the time youtube.com/…
@Lamia lol after fotoor ?
@Griffin If people discuss things you don't understand, whip out your worm. I mean wikipedia.
@DavidFreitag Lol that was a joke.....
@DavidFreitag I will however beat them with a wet noodle.
@HamZa Nah, I already finished fotoor :p
@Lamia ah right ...
@Griffin Kinky.
If only you guys knew.
@Lamia We can make it about guys we want to marry.
She has an Italian accent.
@DavidFreitag ;)
@Adnan that sounds... lol.
Damn it! I cannot think of a guy whom I want to marry.
Think about a woman then. Usually, it's a good sign.
@Adnan what not even @ThomasPornin so you could get your hands on his rep score :op
@Adnan I'm single and ready to mingle <3 And since @Simon stole @ScottPack from me I'm desperate.
@Griffin lolwut
@HamZa You may never understand....
@Griffin Well hello there... you're legal in Finland, btw.
@Adnan Guess I'm moving to finland
@Griffin Yea, but you're only 17. Sad day.
@DavidFreitag Apparently I'm still legal in finland so who cares?
@Griffin Apparently so.
@Griffin Even 16 is legal here
@Adnan She has an Italien accent, she does.
@Adnan Marriage or sex?
Just remember, it's legal somewhere.
@DavidFreitag Hmmmm I guess. Except most of the time it's in the middle of the atlantic.
@Griffin Still counts.
@Griffin that escalated quickly
@ton.yeung DJ Stephanie!
Have you not been following my obsession?
@Griffin Sex.
@Adnan Oh that's legal here too.
@Griffin But if the other person your teacher, then you must be 18 at least.
Ofgourse i am french, why do you sink i have dis outrageous accent you silly english knnnnnnnigits.
@Adnan Oh if the other person is a teacher it's just shammed.
@DavidFreitag Honestly, Asians pronounce it "sink" too.
@Simon Duuuude. Just go to Italy!
@DavidFreitag They don't speak like that. Spent a week in Chicago with Hombeline. And before that 2 weeks at my house with her.
@Adnan But how will I contact her?
She retweeted 2 of my tweets, is that good news?
@Griffin They who? I was quoting Monty Python.
@DavidFreitag They just say "stupid boy" a lot. Are very abusive, and odd.
@DavidFreitag I was talking about the french.
@Simon Go to Italy and find someone with Italian accent. I hear it's not very difficult there
Then choke them with pasta
@Adnan I want one that produces Hardstyle.
@Simon So you want a guy with an italian accent?
@Simon Is that a sex thing? I don't know what you young people are into

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