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Q: Designing a secure information system

SamCould someone please provide me with some guidance for a system I am designing... A general overview of the system is that it is to store information on staff and "customers" - this information must be completely secure as it is highly sensitive! Staff must be able to access this information r...

too broad (the question, I mean, the title obviously is), or migrate here?
@Gilles IMO, it's not necessarily to broad. He's not asking how to build the system, but specifically for guidance on choosing the model. I think that's appropriate.
@Xander thanks for the second opinion, I've flagged it for migration
@Gilles I'm a computer engineer. I'll agree this is off topic on here (posted this before I knew about sec.se). However, information security is a pretty broad term, and certainly covers aspects that involve development. There are developers who write cryptosystem code. There are also developers who write exploit code. The term for non-developers in infosec is 'script kiddie', not 'highly qualified professional'. — root 11 mins ago
Getting a pedicure like a boss.
hi all
Hello there talfiq, blessings be upon you
@Gilles the man is a computer engineer, we don't have a lot of those on these sites so don't question his authoritaah
@RoryAlsop Wow, that's crazy!
Nice video, love the sound of the engine.
What is the average age here? hehe
@Lamia that depends if you count @RoryAlsop or not
@LucasKauffman 42?
@Lamia the answer to live the universe and everything
@LucasKauffman and without counting him?
@Lamia I'm 23, Adnan, Simon, Terry, ton must be in their 20's as well
@HamZa and @ManishEarth are in their late teens
@LucasKauffman so most of you are students?
@Lamia I think @ManishEarth, @HamZa and @Terry are, @Adnan is both student and working, I know me and @Ton are also working
then there's @TildalWave and @Poly which are in their 30s I think
and @RoryAlsop and @RoryMcCune are about 40 I think,
@ton.yeung you're on your way back then
@Lamia how old are you?
@LucasKauffman 20
@ton.yeung yea you old fart.
@ton.yeung downhill.
and most of u has IT related majors?
@Lamia I've only done my bachelor
might do my master next year
@LucasKauffman what is it going to be about?
@Lamia security, it's a master at Royal Holloway
I am graduating next year but I am not sure if I should continue to master or only work on getting security certificates
depends what you want to do
if you like studying I'd just get a masters
if you are tired of it you should start working
I like both actually :p
But someone told me security guys do not really need to get a masters. He thinks security certificates are more convenient
you need both
I have no interests in getting a phd
what masters can you do?
@ton.yeung but for getting a job a higher degree is often considered a plus
Sometimes your experience is more important that ur degree
@ton.yeung ah our masters are 1 year atm
I want to get CISSP certificate
After, I don't know 4 years maybe hehe
@Lamia CISSP is not really that good, I'm going to get it as well because it's considered an asset
The Lamia
@LucasKauffman Why?
@Lamia because the examination is multiple choice it cannot test for practical experience
@ton.yeung The Lamia, they used my name in their story :P
if you want a good certificate try OSCP
@LucasKauffman Yes you're right
@ton.yeung I am serious Lamia is my real name :D
@LucasKauffman I'll read more about it
@ton.yeung yea because you are sold to clients with them
@ton.yeung depends on the industry
@ton.yeung Yes I am a girl!
@ton.yeung Yes of course they did
@Lamia you could do SSCP I as well I think
It is an Arabian name
@ton.yeung it depends on your job as well I guess, often if you want to start as a security officer you would need to show that you have experience, so often they require you to have CISSP and/or CISA
@Lamia you eat children :O
It has many meanings, full lips, edge of a spear, tree with dense shadow
@LucasKauffman LOL I dooo
@Lamia which one do you prefer?
@LucasKauffman hmm maybe edge of a spear
@Lamia are there actually a lot of girls in Saudi Arabia who study computer science/security?
@ton.yeung LOL
@LucasKauffman No, not really. IT yes but not security
I know when I was in Turkey most CS students were girls
and I know our office in Jordany also has a lot of women
@ton.yeung Yes there is.. lots of them
@ton.yeung Girls are actually better than guys here :P most of them are developers and DBAs actually
@ton.yeung you mean users?
LOOOOL We can handle that
@Lamia are there a lot of women in management positions in IT in saudi arabia?
@LucasKauffman I'm not sure but yes I guess
@ton.yeung ginni rommety
last month I was training at IT department in a hospital, and the director of The information Security administration was a woman but she left :p
@ton.yeung my manager is a woman too
@ton.yeung she's well formed yes.
she always wears like high heels
like really high heels
So you guys prefer to have woman manager?
Despite her look, who is better to deal with
@Lamia depends on the subject
she is less technical more like compliance
but it's an asset when having to deal with BOFH because those often get shy when dealing with her
bastard operator from hell
That is a good answer
I actually like to lead, sometimes I imagine myself as a manager but I don't know how is it going to be
@ton.yeung what about the attitude
@Lamia It's nice, I've done a few projects as SPOC between the company and client due to all other managers having been occupied
Single Point Of Contact
@ton.yeung Does it matter?
@ton.yeung si
@Lamia you need to have good people skills
@LucasKauffman for what?
Good to know ;D
CTOs at work maybe
@ton.yeung CTO technology related? I don't know
I actually have no idea lol
all the C-levels
Oh.. I think I'd prefer being a CIO then
Hehe, one day :p
I don;t know actually what am going to do
I'm.. but maybe I'd rather being at the technical side more than the management
I don't really know
you mean in general?
well, I think only things related to studying. My grades, the project that I've made.
Developing software..
Not really
I enjoy doing presentations
I wish I could be a famous speaker
@ton.yeung my dream job is actually to work at Cisco or Google :p
of course
THeir achievements
@ton.yeung I can't think of one, being able to provide new technologies and applications with high quality, number of customers who use their services around the world.. mmmm having all that with 0 debt < This one for google :P I don't know
And I like how they can keep and manage their business..
It was an interesting talk, I learned a lot from it. Thank u both of u.. gotta sleep now
Night :D
1 hour later…
This is what it looks like to race a Formula Jaguar single seater @DavidFreitag
and an Ariel Atom - with a fun spin on lap 4:
@LucasKauffman Good choice! I know a few people passed through there, and the odd prof
1 hour later…
@LucasKauffman I work parttime and study ...
@TildalWave @Xander @D3C4FF @tylerl please don't migrate crap
This question appears to be off-topic because we are not psychic and can't possibly know the answer. — Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams 3 mins ago
@RoryAlsop how fast did you go with the atom?
¡Hola amigos!
@Adnan heeey
@Lamia Like Lucas said, I work and study. About 30% study and 70% work.
@HamZa What's going on here?
@Adnan nothing special
Holy!! That shitty question is still on the top of the SuperCollider!
@Adnan obfuscation ?
@HamZa Yuuup
and I'm gaining my sweet easy-earned non-deserved rep!
@Adnan lolwut 50 upvotes ? It's quite easy to get rep here ...
@Adnan I actually upvoted it :p
So are you at work ?
@HamZa Yup. Chances are whenever I'm asked the question the answer is very likely yes
@Adnan Hmm I can't quite remember what your job was ?
@HamZa Most of the time I do development work (Desktop applications with HTML5, you know, multi-platform). About once a week I get some security-related task (code audit, secure configurations, very basic stuff)
@Adnan nice
@Gilles I didn't think it's a crap question actually
@TildalWave how ?
@HamZa Well the answer should point out that in free AVs some functionality might be missing, or thereabouts... and it's not a crap question because I've had many asking me same one before, so "not crap because it needs to be answered" (if it wasn't before already)
@TildalWave well, what about the first part of his question ?
@HamZa it's a layman's question, I don't see how it isn't a legit one... it doesn't cater us pros, but that doesn't make it a bad question IMO
@TildalWave Well if you want a canonical answer then it will be too broad
@HamZa At that level? Man, just drop OP a few lines, that should do it. Is everyone as lazy as I am? :)) (I have heat as an excuse :P)
@TildalWave Well for me it sounds just logical that it depends on the AV used
And while we're at it... they might get different updates... for example, PC 1 updates through server A, PC 2 through server B, server B didn't yet get the latest updates from server A... It might happen, I've seen it before. But of course, they both update to same versions eventually
AVs usually cycle through servers, or select a random one from the list
Well can't be helped :p
@HamZa That's just it, not everyone is capable of applying logic to processes they don't understand, or know enough about.
@TildalWave Yeah, sometimes I forget that fact ...
@HamZa I can. I've set on PCs of peeps that were asking me similar stuff to update every hour, instead of default once a day. I've never heard them complain later on... oh, and sometimes I add a few more reliable servers to the list manually from the pro version ;)
@TildalWave lolz
ok, 300 rep to go for the 1k !
Q: MYSQL hashing security levels

DanJust a quick question regarding writing to a database and password security. I am using a little bit of code that I will show below to create a hashed password for my users. Is this a sufficient level of password security? If not, how can I upgrade my idea? <?php //Start session + connect to...

^ do you guys think it's suited for Sec.SE or codereview ?
@HamZa CR, given that it's presented as a wall of code
@Gilles ok thx
@TildalWave it would be a valid question if it was about a specific AV. Every AV can do this differently.
@Gilles Then add this to your answer :P Look, I realize it's too broad and should probably be closed as such, but we've so far commented on the question here more than in the actually question, and that's not really helping OP. And I don't wanna defend some borderline interesting question too much either LOL I thought it might be worth moving it to SU so it gets some answer from the more general perspective, but maybe I was wrong, it happens.
So...what's about to happen in Yemen?
@lynks hmmm ?
@HamZa All western nations are telling their citizens to leave Yemen.
@lynks I'm not following the news ...
@HamZa Ahh, I live on the news, I have several news apps on my phone and check them all at least 5 times a day.
@lynks well I don't ... I feel just sick if I follow it ..
@HamZa Yeap most of it is pretty terrible, and biased, and often fabricated. But it's addictive.
Don't worry, ASP.NET doesn't support SQL Injection; only PHP and JavaScript do. — Adnan 39 secs ago
what xD?
Today in the php chatroom ...
in PHP on Stack Overflow Chat, 2 hours ago, by chirag ode
i am very confuse with sql injection...how can i use it?..and where i must use it?
@HamZa amazing
Don't worry, ASP.NET doesn't support SQL Injection; only PHP and JavaScript do. — Adnan 3 mins ago
3 mins ago, by Lucas Kauffman
Don't worry, ASP.NET doesn't support SQL Injection; only PHP and JavaScript do. — Adnan 39 secs ago
That made me proud of myself
30 secs ago, by HamZa
3 mins ago, by Lucas Kauffman
Don't worry, ASP.NET doesn't support SQL Injection; only PHP and JavaScript do. — Adnan 39 secs ago
@lucas I probably peaked at 120. They aren't that fast, they just get there very quickly. These ones will do 60mph in under 3 seconds
@LucasKauffman You know, SQL Injection comes built-in with PHP. With other languages you have to install the SQL Injection plugin yourself
@HamZa Oh, I've just noticed that Lucas posted it as well
It was an overheard al qaeda message apparently. The US reckoned it was an immediate threat so closed embassies in the middle east and started flying folks out of danger
@lynks terror alert:
> The US state department has told citizens and non-emergency government staff to leave Yemen "immediately" due to security threats.
> This was prompted by intercepted conversations between two senior al-Qaeda figures, including top leader Ayman al-Zawahiri
@TildalWave Positive press for NSA wiretaps!? What good timing! xD
@lynks Now they only need to have a "leak" that the conversation was captured using PRISM.
So this is where @ThomasPornin has been rt.com/in-motion/bear-us-restaurant-cctv-064
@lynks hehehe that bear looks like he/she's after the scrap metal more than scavenging for food in the container :)
@TildalWave It's a little scary how effortlessly it drags it around, I mean I know it has wheels, but it made it look light.
@lynks and the bear looks around for any signs of being observed too ... it's really cute and smart also, taking the container to a more peaceful location :)
@TildalWave @ThomasPornin is known for being quite smart.
Afternoon all
Nooneraft, Rory.
Roonerall after.
Has there ever been a question about hosting a web server on your own private connection? If not, would it be helpful?
@Simon you mean at home ?
@Simon Helpful in what?
@HamZa Yes.
@Simon how would it be related to security?
@Adnan I don't know, maybe awareness of how it could be used to MitM and stuff like that.
@Simon If it's serious, then no. You don't have 100mbps connection :)
"how can I keep it secure" would be too vague.
Or maybe how could you isolate the server from your other machines?
@Simon Start from the top and explain more.
@Adnan I'm covering your ass in the SQL injection question, hang on.
@Simon I don't think many ISPs will like that. :P
@TerryChia My ISP allows me to host one :P
@Simon Woah, cool.
Yeah :)
You can probably host it in it's own subnet and firewall the crap out of it.
@Simon My ass is properly covered.
@Adnan You can never have too many ass covers.
@Adnan You got some tight security :)
@Simon Yeah, I think it wasn't a good idea to post that comment.
Well, the comments are gone now.
It's not even a good question, a few google queries and you would find the answer.
I think comment like that involve inside jokes (PHP-related humour) that we have here in the DMZ shouldn't real spill out to the general public. It might mislead many people.
I apologize.
You should only apologize to the dude who thought it was the end of the world.
@Simon Well the dude in question hasn't visited the question for about 2h. So I assume he didn't read @Adnan 's comment ...
I meant the guy who commented to criticize Adnan.
@Simon ow, didn't read that ...
What did he say ?
At first, he said that ASP.NET was vulnerable to injection. Then, I told him he was being sarcastic.
@HamZa He rightfully said that I shouldn't joke about these things.
And then that ^ yes.
But in a wall of text.
Hmmm, yeah ...
Well sometimes I also get tired from some questions and starts somehow trolling ...
Once my comment got flagged lloll
Especially a typical SQL injection question.
@Adnan, I really should have hopped on the rep train.
hey @Adnan @Simon
its me Jai ....
Ahoy Captain.
@HamZa Hey !
Mr. Pack, how's the new house doing?
@Simon Hwahahahaha
@ScottPack Helloo
@Adnan you left early last night to dream ? :P :P
Moving sucks, but we at least have all the rooms usable.
Still have some projects to do, some furniture to buy, and organization/unboxing to happen.
Fuck me. The ban or delete question will be a rep train too, I bet.
@Simon :O
@Simon This time I used bold font. Should work marvels.
@ThomasPornin Good idea.
I actually have something to add to the answer so I will post something too.
@Simon I'll see if I manage to hop on it
Hey which train :D
@Simon VTCed as primarily opinion-based.
I think @AviD should put the tag on that one.
There, I posted my answer.
@ThomasPornin I used your tactic, I bolded something.
@Simon No no no. Thomas bolding was good. Yours is bad.
@Adnan I know, I'm gonna remove it.
The thing is, people don't read. They don't read the question, and they don't read the answers. When they see a bolded part, their eyes automatically go there. They no longer have to feel guilty for voting without reading. They feel as if they can get away with it because they understood the premise of the answer, which is the bolded part.
I'm gonna bold my whole answer.
I do that with security advisories in the company all the time. People know they should read the email, but they don't. By bolding the important parts, they read them to get the feeling that they did what they should.
@Simon If your answer is one line or two, yes, do that.
Use <h1></h1> lol
Blargh, it might not be a real rep train, boo.
@Adnan Make it go like "choo choo" please.
Choo choooo
@Simon Sorry, that question isn't bad enough
@Simon Thomas said that good questions don't make it to the SuperCollider
That must be right, I never saw the question "why did the chicken cross the road" in SuperCollider.
@Adnan Is that Thomas Pornin's Law #1?
@TerryChia I think that Thomas' laws #1 to #5 are related to life in general, and the rest are about cryptography, security, and other stuff.
Thomas Pornin's Law #1 - You MUST talk about Thomas Pornin.
I read many times here about reptrains or rep-trains. what does that mean?
It's a train full of rep! An opportunity to get a good amount of rep from a question featured in SuperCollider.
@Simon what is rep? what is supercollider?
You need to explain
@Adnan Baby don't hurt me
@Adnan I know what is rep
I'm not stupid
@GreenFly 20 rep of pushups :D
@GreenFly Whoa! Take it easy, I was just trying to help
@GreenFly You're still hating me for that edit?
@Adnan Oh god, what did you do?
@Simon He suggested an edit, I rejected it. He wasn't very happy about it.
How dare you.
@Simon I thought it wasn't a good edit. I still do.
@GreenFly This is the Super-Collider
Questions that make it into the super collider tend to create loads of not-particularly well-deserved rep for those who answer. So, they are called rep trains.
The idea is that you jump on the train by adding an answer, and wait for random people to start upvoting you.

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