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@copy you didn't say hi! :P :))
@D3C4FF hi
@copy hi
Actually, I'm the one who has to rage
@Gilles Y'know. I'm not sure, i just did it when i saw the cute avatar for copy, and naturally the opposite to copy is paste. Yeah. Copyin' and pasting @copy @paste seems appropriate.
@copy too late :P gotcha!
hi :)
I just hope there isn't a user @paste somewhere that's getting pinged evermore
@copy Appropriate! I lulzd
@TildalWave No wai! I don't mean to annoy @copy. @Copy is my friend!
@TildalWave Also, good morning
@copy And hello
@D3C4FF I have to review my friendships then, because I thought that's what friends do to each other ... or, at least, that's what they had me believe all this time :)
@TildalWave lulz ouch
@BadgerGirl where abouts do you reside?
Damn it Badger is in here
@Griffin O_o
@D3C4FF She hates me.
Why would she hate you?
She is mean to me
She yelled at me.
@Griffin proof?
@D3C4FF Scroll up like forevers.
I don't feel like finding it.
@Griffin I scrolled a fair way up. No mention.
Did you deserve the yelling?
@D3C4FF I don't know. You'd have the scroll up a lot of days ago.
@Griffin ceebz, i'll wait for @BadgerGirl to come and yell at you and explain :P
@D3C4FF Yea because now I forget. All I know is she yelled at me once :(
@Griffin you sure it wasn't one of those pleasant dreams where you were worthy of a girl's attention for a change? :P
@D3C4FF In Mexico.
@Griffin And I don't hate you, why would you think that? :(
@BadgerGirl Did you yell @Griffin? :P
I don't remember doing that but maybe I did. :(
@BadgerGirl @Griffin oh noes! lack of certainty in every direction!
@D3C4FF I thought you Oz guys should be used to that :?
@TildalWave You can never be TOO used to it :P
I want to go to Australia.
@BadgerGirl You should! The DSD (our NSA) bakes you cookies!
@BadgerGirl Should we go to Australia?
@copy That's... creepy.
did someone mention cookies?
@copy Let's go to Miami instead.
@BadgerGirl But free baked goods from spy agencies!
Fine, @copy let's go to Australia too.
@BadgerGirl @copy Yay! More friends!
> No payment required. It is forbidden to retry with valid parameters causing a conflict in the request. If not found, your cookie is gone. OK?
@TildalWave Correct!
Cool cookie eh?
@D3C4FF 418. Please 420
@TildalWave Would you define your self as 'short and stout'?
I'm a little teapot,
Short and stout,
Here is my handle (one hand on hip),
Here is my spout (other arm out with elbow and wrist bent).
When I get all steamed up,
Hear me shout,
Tip me over and pour me out! (lean over toward spout)
Please enhance your calm! :))
What's your phone number D3C4FF?
@BadgerGirl 867-5309
@ScottPack heh Jenny
didn't hear this song in ages, shame really I'm rather fond of it
I'm old :(
"867-5309/Jenny" is a song written by Alex Call and Jim Keller and performed by Tommy Tutone that was released on the album Tommy Tutone 2, on the Columbia Records label. It peaked at #4 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and #1 on the Billboard Top Tracks chart in 1982 (see 1982 in music). The song caused a fad of people dialing 867-5309 and asking for "Jenny". Creation "There was no Jenny," songwriter Alex Call told a Tampa, Florida, columnist in June 2009. "The number? It came to me out of the ether." However, on March 28, 2008, Tommy Tutone lead singer Tommy Heath stated on the WGN Morn...
written in 1982 and I remember it from when it was fresh on the charts ... and all the boys knew this phone number LOL :((
@BadgerGirl Which one do you want?
And why? O_o
She wants to call you. chat.stackoverflow.com/…
@copy Woah wut?
@BadgerGirl creepy...
Some of us call it friendship.
@D3C4FF Hey there, long time no see :)
@ManishEarth Yeah, i've been pretty busy as of late :)
Just in time for the next CTF i see
When they run ruxcon here in Australia, i'll have to see if i can find a way to open it up to you guys :P
Maybe i'll drop a RasPi in their network gear and hook it up to 4G :D
@D3C4FF SSH tunneling
@ManishEarth Yeaaaa!
Or that
Just give us root accounts on your machine and we'll do the rest. It's OK, we won't rm -rf /. I promise!
@ManishEarth Its a rasPi, what do i care? I'll just re-img it if you burn it :P
@D3C4FF Oh, but we can do more subtle things than that
@ManishEarth But i don't care? Then you loose your platform. I'm running off my lappy... :P
@D3C4FF No, we won't destroy the platform. We'll use it as a gateway to greater things
(...and finally the world!)
@ManishEarth Pwning the CTF contest :D
After that
Pwning a different CTF contest?
Pwning you... From the Pi we probably can (somehow) get to your machine
(NTLM relay, maybe?)
(Or brute force ssh)
@ManishEarth Not my windows box!
Or we can just keep a persistent ARP spoof on :P
The possibilities are endless!
@ManishEarth I'm not sure why you think i'll be located near this box. But your welcome to wreak havoc with it all you want :D
Especially considering that at this point in time it is a mere figment of our collective imagination.
@D3C4FF Oh, OK. We'll ARP spoof Australia then.
@D3C4FF lol
@ManishEarth Lulz. Carry on!
I wonder if there's any way to get yourself in the /0 subnet.
(as in a subnet mask)
Spoof all the things ! (.jpg)
Yes that
Or this?
@JeffFerland pwnable! :D
oh fuck markdown
@JeffFerland see chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/4?m=10155362#10155362 . apparently that happens a lot on SO :P
@D3C4FF ohhhh
@JeffFerland Oh wow
@ManishEarth I wonder when she said she went to the helpdesk... helpdesk where? Best Buy? Her employer?
@JeffFerland developers.facebook.com/support , though how she ended up there is another mystery
see also
A: Facebook partnership and subsite no more?

Nick CraverWe have removed the subsite. I am in the process of removing code for all subsites (it was the only instance in production) to greatly simplify many areas of our codebase. facebook.stackoverflow.com was always an experiment, one we hoped would work out - but it didn't. The quality on the faceb...

I recall an SO user's profile saying something along the lines of "FB doesn't provide support so I have nowhere to go I know you guys aren't FB support bug plz plz help me"
Its amusing how they wind up on SO
> I won't even go into the calls we get at the office from people locked out of their facebook accounts.
@ManishEarth that link doesn't work for me
@D3C4FF Course it doesn't
I guess it's OK to share the contents:
user image
See last comment
@JeffFerland See the comment thread on my answer below that :P
@ManishEarth Very nice
@ManishEarth Ya'll!
2 hours later…
Ciao Ciao
I have a quick question
How can I verify that the packets I'm sending to my VPN are being encrypted?
Use a packet sniffer like Wireshark?
@CharlesHoskinson Yep
Do it from somewhere inbetween your PC and end point VPN device
(a switch/router/firewall inbetween somewhere)
But how would I verify that the implementation is properly encrypting the packets?
@CharlesHoskinson Can you read the content of the packets? Y/N?
No, but that doesn't mean its a proper openVPN implementation
@CharlesHoskinson Well that wasn't your original question was it?
I was hoping for a plugin or some sort of script that compares the plaintext with the ciphertext
-1 For ambiguity.
My apologies
been a long day
@CharlesHoskinson pcap from a device inbetween your PC and endpoint. Compare the traffic you see there to the traffic you see when its not running the VPN connection
If wireshark shows you something like this: wiki.wireshark.org/OpenVPN
then its all good.
As for if your implementation is strong or whatever, that's a different question alltogether and not a 'quick' question :)
Thanks, you have been very helpful
No worries. Feel free to upvote the hell out of all my sec.se posts :P
@ManishEarth I call abuse of mod powers!!!
I call good business
Well played sir. Well played.
@D3C4FF you can edit it back, you know :P
@ManishEarth actually, it appears i cannot. ._.
probably the >5m thing
fixed (again)
@D3C4FF Also, note that I see custom flags in chat too :P
@ManishEarth Whats a custom flag?
The chat fag thing you did
@ManishEarth Oh right, when i said 'ABUUUUSUEEEEE' xD
Yeah i figured
Yeah that :P
morning :)
2 hours later…
There is too much fucking rage for me to fucking type fua09h34 uyqithn
Just watch the fucking video youtube.com/watch?v=WDBZr4ie2AE
@Griffin Meh. That guy was clearly not following the rules
It's a bit harsh, but he got in the way. Then his dog got in the way. Not really the dog's fault
damn... he TOTALLY missed the point of entropy.
2 hours later…
@ManishEarth i disagree, if someone interferes with an operation, they get shot?
@Polynomial you're into electrics right? i have a quick question
@D3C4FF I thought we live on ambiguity here? :O
@lynks It's not a person. It's a dog. People can be told to back off, dogs can't.
@ManishEarth sure, but execution?
Not easily
@lynks I agree that he should probably have tried something else
@ManishEarth dont they have tazers? or couldnt they have given the guy a chance to control his dog?
@lynks Not all of them
They sort of did
@Griffin Oh no! A dog got shot! The end of life as we know it!
The guy panicked
Who cares!
@Adnan I think you'll find most people care.
They took out guns just in case, the guy panicked, and the dog went even more crazy
@Adnan its not about the dog, its about the massive failure of the police. American cops are so trigger happy.
@lynks Flash news: People and animals die all over the world every second. We just pretend to care about the ones we see on videos
I feel for the guy, I really like dogs
@Adnan trust me, i know that better than most people. but as soon as you start disregarding the value of even a single life, you end up on a slippery slope.
@lynks How is that a failure? It was pretty obvious that the dog was about to attack.
@lynks agree with you on that
@Adnan It's not about the dog, it's about sending a message
Look, the guy was panicking, an this made the dog even angrier. That much was obvious. To me, it looked like the dog was poising to attack
@ManishEarth from a UK perspective, just the idea of cops with guns is weird to me.
@lynks Oh come on! Slippery slope! Duuude! As a species we're already at the bottom of that slope.
We've already dug 1000km below the slope and we're there
@Adnan yeah we're not doing very well, but all we can do is keep trying.
@lynks Yeah, with people dying of hunger, child molesters, burning people alive, etc. we draw the line at a fucking dog!
@LucasKauffman lol I've just understood it
@Adnan its not about the dog, its just about making sure we are still capable of caring.
@lynks If I have the time, I'd list for you about 5 examples of things I've experienced that'll make you forget the whole concept of caring.
to be honest the dog wasn't a chihuaha either, if that thing is jumping on you or tries to bite you I'd feel threatened as well
@lynks Have you ever had a dog that size ready to pounce on you?
I have
@LucasKauffman I'd shoot 100 dogs if they threaten my life without blinking.
it was a massive dog
(no, nothing happened to me, the owner got a hold of him and the dog and I became friends :P)
But it's shit scary.
I don't know, I'm not some hippy animal-lover, but something in that scene just felt evil.
@lynks Tree hugger.
@lynks I think the evil part was where he kept shooting instead of shooting once
no I think they might have been able to resolve this differently, but it was a stressful situation and personally I wouldn't know what I would do
Though to be fair an injured dog can be worse
@LucasKauffman :P I'm never usually on this side of these types of arguments, usually I'm the first to say 'its just a dog' but the whole sequence of events felt very avoidable.
@LucasKauffman exactly.
nothing is as dangerous as a wounded cornered animal
I'm with @Adnan. And I'm printing that on my t-shirt too :P
Well, @RoryM. I think you will be happy. I'm finally attempting to use Ruby for a project. :P
not really though
@LucasKauffman Well, I can't honestly say python is better till I tried the alternatives right? :P
@TerryChia true
The ruby syntax really reminds me of bash.
@TerryChia have a look at code school they have a nice introduction (RoryM gave this to me as well)
@LucasKauffman Will do. I'm actually going through the intro on the Rails site.
damnit lotus notes
Morning gents.
@Simon morning.
@ManishEarth Well you wouldn't know where to start, or if it should be a vertical or a horizontal impalement. Or maybe a cross-section?... neah, not a nice picture :)
@ManishEarth You're gonna be here for the CTF this Friday? I'm stuck with some lame project, I hope I'll manage to get rid of it by then :(
What do people actually use for proxies these days? It looks like Paros and WebScarab are both old and busted.
@ScottPack dunno, Burp or Fiddler maybe?
Oh god, it's that time of the year again: fund raising for Wiki.
I'll try to not visit it for a while.
@TildalWave Never used either, but I'll try them out.
@TildalWave I've got a website that seems to be redirecting in a funky manner that I want to review.
Burp works nicely.
I assume PortSwigger is the developer?
Burp proxy is included in the free version.
@Simon Strange. I don't see it.
@Iszi I can't see it neither now. Let's hope it stays that way.
@Simon Actually, I was hoping to see if AdBlock Plus catches it.
@Iszi Oh. Well, it's a banner at the top of the page.
Much as it annoys me though, I respect their need for it. Similar to the fundraising seasons for many lisener/viewer-funded broadcasting stations. I should probably donate sometime.
At least with Wikipedia it doesn't significantly impede your ability to enjoy their regular content. TV & radio station fundraisers really suck.
@ScottPack Burp or ZAP, if you can't afford Burp get ZAP
@LucasKauffman You know, someone should make a proxy named Fart.
So people have an option between Burping and Farting.
@LucasKauffman I'm trying with Burp right now and it's a bear. I really wish OSX let me set proxy settings per applicaiton instead of relying on global for everything
@ScottPack There is a slight possibility that launching the application with the http_proxy environment variable defined might do the trick.
OS X still includes some Unix parts, after all.
@ScottPack There is only one bear ^
@ScottPack we use Burp for all our web app pentests, it's also very extensible, we've got a few inhouse built plugins for it which makes decrypting and altering certain variables on the fly real easy
tbh it's wort every single buck
@LucasKauffman In my case I really just want to watch a single exchange. It looks like Burp is really cool, but also seems a bit heavy for such a small task.
@ScottPack well you are kind of using a tank to squash a fly :p
@LucasKauffman Precisely my point.
I'm not German!
@ScottPack Is the exchange you are monitoring going to a Polish site? Otherwise we can argue about that
@LucasKauffman Why isn't scottpackfacts.com up and running?
@Simon Because we haven't even gotten ThomasPorninFacts.com up yet.
@LucasKauffman I think it's a Polish site that redirects to one hosted in France. So maybe you're right.
@Iszi Well, there wouldn't be much stuff to add in there other than: He writes crazy-ass answers.
We may need to get Matt Inman to get us some images for thomasporninfacts.com
As soon as his Canadian citizenship is processed we'll need to switch him to this.
user image
You get -1 rep for downvoting an answer? That shows how much I downvote.
@ScottPack What are you implying, sir?
@TerryChia w00
@Simon That Canadians have mullets. I wasn't trying to imply anything.
@RoryMcCune You're a bit like Darth Sidious and @TerryChia is Anakin Skywalker :O
I'm Obiwan Kenobi
@LucasKauffman nonono I'm like yoda :) hmmm perhaps not I'll be macu windu
@LucasKauffman ah no if you're a pythonista you have to be one of the pythons
@RoryMcCune nah @RoryAlsop is Yoda (age and all) :p
I'd go for john cleese if I was you
Alright ladies. Time to put your lightsaber sex toys away.
@LucasKauffman I loved the live version they did where they cut the whole thing short...
@ScottPack My mullet is longer than yours.
@RoryMcCune @ScottPack can be Jar Jar.
@RoryMcCune "I've hacked your website" -> "'t is but a scratch"
@Simon That's by definition true. You are Canadian. I, however, am no longer a Kentuckian. Therefore existence of mullet is longer than non-existence.
@ScottPack And it does mean that I am cooler, right?
@Simon well you come from the country with the coolest band in the world...
@Simon I wouldn't quite go that far.
so that has to count for something
@RoryMcCune Metaltech isn't Canadian.
@RoryMcCune Simple Plan? Oh, I'm funny. Which band would that be?
@ScottPack ok 2nd coolest
@Simon NoMeansNo
@RoryMcCune Ben Folds is Southern.
@Simon Justin Bieber.
@RoryMcCune haha that's a good one
They don't seem to be very popular. Do they pronounce "about" as "aboot"?
@Simon hmm not sure I've heard a song with that in it. They should be more popular than they are... have been doing punk rock for over 30 years!
@RoryMcCune MetalTech ==> youtube.com/watch?v=VmUGe8KDdGI
@RoryMcCune Wow, talk about an unsuccessful career. Ok, I'm just being mean :)
@LucasKauffman lol they even look a little like rory with the mask on!
@Simon tut tut money ain't everything..
What would Thomas be regarding Star Wars?
@RoryMcCune That's what my parents have been trying to teach me.
@LucasKauffman Rancor.
@Simon FWIW I'd say that getting to do something you enjoy for 30+ years is a big win :)
@RoryMcCune That's why you should always marry for love.
@RoryMcCune That is indeed true.
@ScottPack true 'dat
@ScottPack Do you live in Disney land?
@Simon Too hot.
@ScottPack No, you're thinking Disney World
@Iszi That's too hot, too humid, and inscects big enough to haul away young children. Disney Land is still too hot.
Someone had a bad experience at Disney land!
Never been, actually. I just know where it is.
Daddy Scott Pack, can we play baseball after dinner?

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