@Gilles Y'know. I'm not sure, i just did it when i saw the cute avatar for copy, and naturally the opposite to copy is paste. Yeah. Copyin' and pasting @copy @paste seems appropriate.
@D3C4FF I have to review my friendships then, because I thought that's what friends do to each other ... or, at least, that's what they had me believe all this time :)
I'm a little teapot, Short and stout, Here is my handle (one hand on hip), Here is my spout (other arm out with elbow and wrist bent). When I get all steamed up, Hear me shout, Tip me over and pour me out! (lean over toward spout)
"867-5309/Jenny" is a song written by Alex Call and Jim Keller and performed by Tommy Tutone that was released on the album Tommy Tutone 2, on the Columbia Records label. It peaked at #4 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and #1 on the Billboard Top Tracks chart in 1982 (see 1982 in music).
The song caused a fad of people dialing 867-5309 and asking for "Jenny".
"There was no Jenny," songwriter Alex Call told a Tampa, Florida, columnist in June 2009. "The number? It came to me out of the ether." However, on March 28, 2008, Tommy Tutone lead singer Tommy Heath stated on the WGN Morn...
written in 1982 and I remember it from when it was fresh on the charts ... and all the boys knew this phone number LOL :((
We have removed the subsite. I am in the process of removing code for all subsites (it was the only instance in production) to greatly simplify many areas of our codebase.
facebook.stackoverflow.com was always an experiment, one we hoped would work out - but it didn't. The quality on the faceb...
I recall an SO user's profile saying something along the lines of "FB doesn't provide support so I have nowhere to go I know you guys aren't FB support bug plz plz help me"
@CharlesHoskinson pcap from a device inbetween your PC and endpoint. Compare the traffic you see there to the traffic you see when its not running the VPN connection
@Adnan trust me, i know that better than most people. but as soon as you start disregarding the value of even a single life, you end up on a slippery slope.
@LucasKauffman :P I'm never usually on this side of these types of arguments, usually I'm the first to say 'its just a dog' but the whole sequence of events felt very avoidable.
@ManishEarth Well you wouldn't know where to start, or if it should be a vertical or a horizontal impalement. Or maybe a cross-section?... neah, not a nice picture :)
@ManishEarth You're gonna be here for the CTF this Friday? I'm stuck with some lame project, I hope I'll manage to get rid of it by then :(
Much as it annoys me though, I respect their need for it. Similar to the fundraising seasons for many lisener/viewer-funded broadcasting stations. I should probably donate sometime.
At least with Wikipedia it doesn't significantly impede your ability to enjoy their regular content. TV & radio station fundraisers really suck.
@LucasKauffman I'm trying with Burp right now and it's a bear. I really wish OSX let me set proxy settings per applicaiton instead of relying on global for everything
@ScottPack we use Burp for all our web app pentests, it's also very extensible, we've got a few inhouse built plugins for it which makes decrypting and altering certain variables on the fly real easy
@LucasKauffman In my case I really just want to watch a single exchange. It looks like Burp is really cool, but also seems a bit heavy for such a small task.