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Mornin' All
@RoryMcCune yes, yes it is.
@AviD how would you know from your lair? Do you have a periscope perhaps?
@RoryMcCune hehehe
I'll have you know I was outside twice today. Once I even left the neighborhood.
Had to go renew my drivers license :-(
@AviD ooh. I've been on my travels this week, been to a load of areas of Scotland I've never seen before (which was lame, I really should have been up that way as it's not really that far..)
"renew"... well they suspended it, because I didnt do the corrective drivers course... so I had to get it temporarily reinstated. :@
@AviD tut tut
@RoryMcCune hehe, yeah they always say the locals see less of the area than tourists...
@RoryMcCune and, for the record, I do have a window, it even gets some direct sunlight sometimes...
@AviD probably true, well at least I can say I've visited loch ness, and morayshire now
@RoryMcCune oo, did you ride it??
... her?
@AviD no sightings while we were there, probably on her holidays
maybe hibernating...
should check for hibernat.sys file ;-)
@AviD geek joke!
Back in Belgium :(
hey. anybody ever figure out a good greader replacement yet?
@AviD I went to newsblur, the pay-for version seems reasonable and has mobile apps.
ooh not sure
only tried the iPad one so far..
nm I'll check, looking at it now...
@LucasKauffman with fire?
also want one with a proper w8 app/desktop prog, dont like reading in the browser...
Preferably or with the Loch Ness monster if you manage to restore her from hibernation
@AviD BTW you tried the 8.1 preview yet? the missus has installed it on desktop and surface, liking it a lot so far
@RoryMcCune no, I dont have time to play with previews... as much I'd like to.
I'm waiting for gold...
@LucasKauffman done
@RoryMcCune are there any real differences?
I figured its mostly some spit'n'polish... with a few of the sharper edges cut down.
A start button I imagine :p
@LucasKauffman actually, thats not quite the case, from what I heard...
it's more of a kinda-sorta situation.
@AviD more flexible start menu and customizations, start button is back (kind of), metro is more flexible, new apps...
@RoryMcCune well, apps is always good, flexible is good.... cant say I care about the kinda start button though.
Anyone over here tried your hands at bitcoin mining before?
@TerryChia yes
on a cpu
@ManishEarth hah. how long ago was that?
Probably made like a hundredth of a cent
Half a year ago. It was only for experimentation
@ManishEarth Cool. I'm trying my hands on litecoin mining now.
dunno, it always seemed to me a bit like a pyramid scheme....
@TerryChia nice
In another few hours I will have earned $2. :O
Probably not worth it.
@AviD I'm just fascinated with the concept. They make the crypto uncrackable (even in the future), simply because it is more lucrative to use your computing power to help the system.
yeah, thats a cool angle from a social engineering perspective (well, at least until someone does manage to find a shortcut).
Quantum computing introduces issues
and sure, the crypto design is really interesting - as far as the "distributed transactions database" goes.
but as a monetary ecosystem, it feels sleazy.
I don't participate in it, but I just love the design
@AviD Meh. Currently it is used a lot for sleazy purposes (read: .onion sites)
tbf, I dont like the govt controlled system that much more - but if you're going to reinvent currency, do it right.
What's wrong with this method?
It's completely independant of any controlling entity
@ManishEarth which, govt or bitcoin?
@AviD bitcoin -- "do it right"
For that matter the govt ain't that bad either. But every decision they make changes the buying power of your pocket, not something that's always fun.
@ManishEarth ah, yeah except for the pyramid aspects...
the early adopters are "worth more", simply because they came in early?
and the govt - well, it goes back to any govt controlled commerce...
@ManishEarth ha! yeah, that....
@AviD Yeah, but that's only for the early adopters. Now it's no longer a surefire way to make money -- it's easy to lose money by investing in it too
interesting, perhgaps after I finish reading that I will think differently, it is possible I just dont know enough about it.
@ManishEarth exactly. doesnt seem to far of daytrading, but with cpu power...
and the longer you wait to get in, the less your "time" is worth.
@AviD Though I think it only talks about ponzi, and makes a few passing mentions of pyramids. The blog's written by @DavidPerry (Bitcoin.SE mod, also well known in bitcoin circles), and is quite wel written
@AviD Not really, considering that most people keep upgrading their hardware
well I would consider ponzi as a subset of pyramid, so it should answer me well enough.
@ManishEarth that too.
@AviD Think of it as the people working at the mint getting a salary :P
> The pyramid scheme, for example, is almost identical to the Ponzi but new investors are solicited by old investors rather than the person at the top.
Bit coin mining was profitable because not many hashes were known
@LucasKauffman ?
Oh, the difficulty level you say?
Is litecoin something new?
BTC mining was easy in the very very beginning. But once the difficulty level kicks in, the system adjusts itself to maintain a constant difficulty/profitability.
@ManishEarth hmm, well then bitcoin would be less ponzi, more pyramid... ;-)
@LucasKauffman Not really. There are many alternate systems. Namecoin is bitcoin-like but also is a DNS server
@AviD yep
@AviD The person at the top has gone missing :P
I mean I have servers running on idle ATM better put those to good use
from what I've seen bitcoin mining is out of range of the casual participant now, with people getting custom ASIC rigs
the trading aspect is massively risky very volatile and when there's a problem the trading can lag heavily
the big money was made back with bitcoins were only worth a couple of cents each
anyone who cashed out at the top ($200/coin) made mad cash!
I wonder how you explain bitcoins to taxes
I also wonder how much money laundering is done using the system
well TBH I think that the tax reason/money laundering is another reason to have concerns about using bitcoin as there's indications that the US government are going to crack down on it, which will make getting cash into/out of it tricky...
@LucasKauffman I think it's the same as currency trading?
@TildalWave that would probably depend greatly on the local government.
@RoryMcCune yeah, they'll probably try - which will result only in difficulties for US citizens only, and most of those would just find an alternate outlet.
ie. use it for trading and purchases, not as a BC-to-USD cash flow.
@AviD well sure... but should be there somewhere with the rest of currency trading... here you can trade all you want (EU still didn't pass that tax on it AFAIK) but once you declare it as income it's a matter of income tax
@AviD well problem is if they tell mastercard/visa to block BC transactions it causes problems world-wide. It's nasty having to rely on US companies for a system like credit/debit cards....
but I read they're planning some tax on transactions... IMO utterly stupid and will lower our competitiveness on financial markets, but I never expected any better from EU anyway and it wouldn't really hit me as surprising if they did
A financial transaction tax is a levy placed on a specific type of monetary transaction for a particular purpose. The concept has been most commonly associated with the financial sector; it is not usually considered to include consumption taxes paid by consumers. A transaction tax is not a levy on financial institutions per se; rather, it is charged only on the specific transactions that are designated as taxable. So if an institution never carries out the taxable transaction, then it will never be subject to the transaction tax. Furthermore, if an institution carries out only one such ...
There's a paragraph or two on proposed European Union financial transaction tax
@RoryMcCune yeah, but I'm sure there will be a way around that. e.g. use it for online bc-supporting sites only...
paypal competitors... (non-us based, of course)
@TildalWave except that currency trading is highly regulated and monitored
@LucasKauffman Yeah, it's a new blockchain. Each litecoin is $2~ compared to the $90-100~ price of bitcoin.
@RoryMcCune ASICs are still in "beta".
@LucasKauffman Yes, and this is also how I read this proposal. The 0.1% doesn't seem much but it would give governments a better overview of financial transactions. Basically, it's not about the money that would trickle into countries' budgets with this, but the ability to force additional control where they're probably not within their rights to enforce it
@ManishEarth well there are shipping products like the butterfly labs stuff mineforeman.com/2013/05/15/… but yeah early days for them. however once they're on the scene I can't see too many serious people staying in the game with CPU or maybe even GPU powered rigs
FPGAs maybe
@RoryMcCune Yeah, but butterfly labs is iirc still not o the open market
Yeah FPGAs
@ManishEarth well they're taking orders (rather then pre-orders) on their site, but how quickly they're shipping is another matter...
huh maybe they got out of beta
I'd really like to play with an FPGA though. Not mining, just fiddling around. Our institute has a course (in the elec department, so not too easy for me to take) where there's tons of fpga hands-on. Might be able to audit it
Q: Can SHA-1 hash function produce "non-random" digest

NinvehSHA-1 message digest produces outputs that appear to be a random distribution of hex characters. My question is this: Is there a non-zero chance to see a digest that looks "non random", let's say after applying the hash function on 2^80 arbitrary strings? and if there is, is it practical to see o...

dunno what to make of it... this is essentially asking what random is, no?
or actually quite similar to computing bitcoins (?)
@TerryChia cool. of course the return will be diminishing as time goes on but I guess for a while it'll be possible to make money with these.
@RoryMcCune Yeah, but there's really no point in ordering one now since they are just clearing the preorders from last year.
@TerryChia I might get one of the little ones to see what they're like in time. could be handy to have some bitcoins I'm sure (in the UK there's even a pub that takes them!)
It will probably not be worth it by the time you can get your hands on one.
Afternoon all
It's British grand prix time
@TerryChia actually reading this thegenesisblock.com/category/mining-2 it sounds like even small ASIC miners won't get a lot done in the future...
@RoryMcCune Yeah, it will get progressively harder as time goes by. I think the idea is to hopefully make enough with your existing miners to justify buying new ones in the future.
@TerryChia hmm that sounds like a game that only the hardware manufacturers will win ultimately...
can't help thinking that the EU are going to have to respond somehow...
@RoryMcCune Yup. I'm just going to mine for today to see how it's like. No way I'm gonna commit to it long term.
@RoryMcCune jeebus almighty quick, post a rep train question before some non-IT security guy posts a really bad one and we won't be able to get rid of it again, like that PRISM one!
"What are the implications of U.S. taps on the average German internet user?" :))
@TildalWave wait, is that q you want him to post, or the "really bad one"?
@AviD just a joke, I'm sure anyone from here could come up with a lot better question that could gather relevant answers.
@AviD And it's not just Germany either according to that article ;)
@RoryMcCune they will probably ban wigs, toupée and other hairpieces to prevent US spies like Ryan Fogle from moving around EU so freely :)
Q: My old email has totally crashed

Tee Jaymy old adelphia email has crashed on me & I been using a new gmail account for some time, I have been playing Robinsons from my droid phone & just replaced my phone. My game will not transfer (or i just cant figure out how to do it) & I do not have access to the old email and cannot remember wh...

burn it
@TildalWave meh, didnt bother reading it... its not exactly news
@AviD dunno publicly admitting that Germany and France are treated differently to the UK/Canada/Australia/NZ in terms of spying effort is likely to put the cat amongst the pigeons a little....
its dem dang forners, cant trust em cuz dey dont speak good english
never trust nobody who dont speak english right.
pool time! laters
@AviD oh god that's me in trouble then!
@AviD gee I just brought a bucket of water for the missus' feet in the room when you posted that :))
mmm I think I burned my wireless card
@LucasKauffman How..?
@TerryChia I don't know, I increased the TX power (AWUS036H) and suddenly I smell like an electricity brun
next thing I know my wireless card won't connect to any network anymore
so first I thought it might be windows
so I plug it into BT
Q: Is it possible to make money independently?

VolatileI've come to a sort of cross-roads in my life where I have to consider what I want to focus on "exclusively". I have always felt like information security would be my ultimate career path, but lately I have been considering getting into indie game development. I like creating stuff and if I coul...

The dude is answering his question himself
which shows some major errors in dmesg
@LucasKauffman Ouch. At least they aren't that expensive to replace.
@TerryChia the problem is that it was my backup plan
I just came home from spain to find one of my homeplugs malfunctioning
@LucasKauffman Ouch. :(
so I can't play any games at the moment (this internet is my mobile)
@LucasKauffman with home plugs I've found that turning them off and leaving to cool for a little while can help, so that might work :)
@RoryMcCune nah it's toast, it was plugged in and felt completely cold, no lights burning
I always have spare wireless cards. I think I have 3 sitting around at the moment. One Alfa card as well as two TP-LINK ones in addition to the one on my mobo.
@LucasKauffman ahh bummer :(
hopefully, if I get lucky, they will deliver my new pair tomorrow or the day after
mmmm maybe I can bridge the wifi card in my laptop to my network
lets see
I need to get round to flashing my Nexus 7 with the Pwnpad ROM.
I bridged my laptop's wireless connection to my bedroom network
@LucasKauffman You have a bedroom network? :mrgreen:
Who the fuck are these clowns? They're reviewing a sport car and complain because you cannot get an automatic transmission.
As Jeremy Clarkson would say: IRRELEVANT.
I was wondering, is it possible to have a PNG version (transparent background) of the Sec.SE logo. Any ideas?
Perhaps our Photoshop expert, @Tilda, have some ideas?
@LucasKauffman The number of results returned by preg gif on that image URL is too damn high!
Well, since it's that dry around here, I thought some instagramming would change the mood a bit.
To a fine a week. Cheers!
Well, that didn't work. Laters everybody.
Haha. See ya.
2 hours later…
@RoryMcCune heh, yeah do scots count?
@AviD I think so.
heh, thats particularly amusing, my window is pretty narrow so its only showing "Scot" for your name...
Diz 'at pure techt Ah coont an aw, 'en?
@ScottPack wotcha
@Adnan run me through it, I didn't read all the transcript
oh I have that @Jin sent it to me on request...
I have PSD files also but they come with a copyright warning we're only allowed to use it for sec.se promo obviously ;)
@Adnan shot the CP99 today, a bit of hard squeeze on the trigger
my groups were a bit off, but I did manage to get them in the circle at 10 meters (7 x 7 cards)
it does allow for relatively accurate shots when shooting fast
@LucasKauffman 10 meters? 10 meters??
dont think I've ever shot anything that close.
ah well, I guess thats a pistol, I'm used to rifles...
@AviD It's a pistol and the cards were made for 10 meters :p
hmm, actually I do remember my dad taking my to the pistol range with him when I was a teenager, but even that 10 meters was probably too short.
He carried a Magnum 357....
yaknow, Dirty Harry style :D
@AviD dirty harry didn't have a 357 :p
also shooting a 357 is like firing a small hand canon o.O
@LucasKauffman "most powerful handgun in the west". Sure he did.
S&W 29
@AviD harry had a 44 magum
@LucasKauffman oh yes it is. had to use smaller bullets in the range, otherwise it would go right through the reinforced walls... not to mention the kickback in the hands of a teenager.
as promised
I'm pretty sure he had a Smith & Wesson model 29-2
@LucasKauffman not bad
@TildalWave yea, .44 caliber rounds
@AviD yea but needs improvement
@LucasKauffman always does... ;-)
I tend to shoot to the right, need to adjust the sights to shoot a bit lower and a bit more to the left
unless youre robin hood, of course
vice versa
@LucasKauffman damn, youre right... had to look that up, of course
now I'm confused... could be what my dad has too, or it could be I was always confused about dirty harry....
@AviD iirc a .357 is more lethal than a .44
@LucasKauffman not according to dirty harry!
"being as this is a .44 magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and will take yuour head clean off..."
@AviD He had a long barrel one in that movie, no? That's the first movie? And a short barrel in other movies?
@TildalWave I think it was long barrel in all of them, no?
well my dad does....
@AviD No the pool one was short I'm pretty sure
@LucasKauffman aww its cuuuute!
you could stick that down your shorts and it would barely leave a bulge!
so, same as now, I guess... ;-)
@TildalWave guess I gotta watch them all again, then!
actually did watch good bad and the ugly not too long ago...
hmmm dunno now is there a medium length barrel magnum 44?
doesn't look neither short nor long one to me, or it could be the angle :O
oh its long enough....
@TildalWave but isnt that what she said?
@AviD hhee
hey, anybody here happen to use outlook with gmail?
@AviD yea
Is it me or they hasn't been many quality questions today?
@LucasKauffman do you use google calendar with it, too?
@AviD I use google calendar but I use it straight in google, not through outlook
@LucasKauffman oh :-(
haven't thought about it :/
I'm trying to consolidate emails and calendar accounts... not as smooth as one would have hoped.
the way its been is I need to check more than one place before scheduling anything... not quite optimal.
and it seems like google does not support updates to the calendar via non-google UI...
btw that also means, if I'm reading gmail emails in outlook, any calendar invites I get will get saved to the outlook calendar, not the google calendar.
ya know it occurs to me that I've not introduced the room to the cultural sensation that is Mr Ivor Biggun youtube.com/watch?v=nkqfa-kaRFM is a good example (NSFW lyrics)
or perhaps youtube.com/watch?v=ln4QojnG7G8 (NSFW lyrics again)
If anyone is working on sunday, poor blokes :p
@LucasKauffman yknow, there ARE some countries where sunday is a regular work day....
well ya never know, if nothing else at least it warns the NSA analysts looking at it
@AviD like Israel?
@LucasKauffman like Israel :-)
well, its still cool, we have Fridays off instead...
I believe most muslim countries are the same, but I could be wrong.
just wrote my 350th answer on here
alsmost at 500 at serverfault
@RoryMcCune did you know we got rebranded? It's just EY now
new logo:
@LucasKauffman bet ya' that logo wasn't cheap...
@RoryMcCune tons of graphics artists :p
actually it isn't cheap because they need to rebrand, everything.
@RoryMcCune and so the cycle of overpriced/undervalued consultancies continue...
ooh they have twitter and facebook accounts now!
I did get a lot of old stuff they had with the old EY logo, like golf balls and a towel to hang in a toilet room
From the EY_Belgium twitter account "The more ethical the #leader, the most substantial and long lasting will be the legacy of their organisation. RT if you agree"
interesting that it only got 2 retweets...
@RoryMcCune ah well :p
Hahahah @lucas - I remember the millions they spent rebranding the last time. At least the beam and the colours appear to have stayed the same this time
@TildalWave Oh yes the PSD would be great (or at least a higher res PNG), and yes they're for Sec.SE promotion.
@LucasKauffman That's a pretty sweet group. Not bad for this gun. I think after sight adjustment and a few more shots it should be all broken in and ready.
@Lucas What kind of pellets did you use?
My heard hurts.
So I'm gonna game to cure my headache.
@Simon Nothing better than your socialist Canadian medical marijuana for your headache.
@Adnan How do I get my hands on that?
@Simon I don't know! You should ask your buddy Barack Osama!
He's not a buddy of Canadians!
(I'm just testing this whole Obama-is-a-Muslim-Build-the-wall-Vaccinations-cause-mental-illness thing)
I bet some marijuana would help though, no idea why.
@adnan .177 diablos, flat heads
@LucasKauffman Great choice for cards
Yea bought everything at waffensport schneider
Pretty good shop they have tons of material
@LucasKauffman Well, they've given you a quite nice deal on the pistol package.
Ordered a laser for it on deal extreme
@LucasKauffman I think the laser is more adjustable than the open sights on that pistol. Don't forget to show off the results when you get it!
Will do ^^ adjusting the sights is a bid of a pane, you need to pull back on the slide and then adjust some screws, bit impractical
@LucasKauffman I heard it doesn't have elevation adjustment (up/down), only windage (left/right). Is that true?
Yea I think so, need to check to make sure

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