@Simon I grew up a dog person, but our apartment only allows cats, so we got two. They are great. The boy cat thinks he's a dog though. He always thinks with his stomach, always wants attention and roles over on his back to get his belly rubbed
he acts like a dog in pretty much every way other than the fact he knows how to use a litter box
@AJHenderson Anyway wanted to tell you those are pretty common and mostly they'd be dead toes anyway... if the cat hurts herself there it might even stay barely attached sometimes and either you or the vet clips it off, nothing to it. Similar goes for dogs, too
My name's MC Knows Too Many Facts About Bees, Fifty miles an hour is their average speed, A queen can lay about 3000 eggs in a day, Just because I know a lot about bees doesn't mean that I'm gay.
If you rarely get laid put yo hands up, If you're not well paid put yo hands up, If you got a pet put yo hands up, If you got a bad back put yo hands up!
@RoryMcCune god, ours is the same, no toilet paper is safe no matter where you put them... or paper towels
caught her stealing once.. climbed on top of fridge where I hid paper towels and was tearing off sheet by sheet, wasn't even a mess just a nice trophy collection :)
heh ours will go for anything scratchable really. we have new carpet at the moment so had the cunning plan of putting offcuts on top of the proper stuff so they can scratch that!
ahhhhhh - the catharsis of deletion of comments. Sometimes a little spring cleaning does you good. Especially if 99% of the comments had nothing constructive to add to the question/answer
@RoryAlsop yeah, well, since there is basically no other serious video guys and I also can answer some of the sound questions, I end up getting a stupidly large portion of the rep on AVP.
@RoryMcCune I'm actually amazed that Shadow has only attacked the toilet paper once or twice. They love to knock stuff in to their water dish though (aka the sink)
@Polynomial what is this "ring tone" you speak of, all my phone ever does is go "brrrr, brrrrr, brrrrr"
@AJHenderson ah yeah knocking things off is a favourite too. Generally as a means of getting attention or waking us up. Works too if a cat starts knocking your iPod on the floor...
@Simon it's got some pretty good features already (from a performance side it rocks) and architecturally they are trying to do the right things as regards security without sacrificing that performance
@RoryMcCune yeah, we don't let them sleep in our room because they would jump on our faces, but as soon as we open the door in the morning, they are sitting there waiting to get in
@RoryAlsop cats do seem to enjoy licking very random things. Shadow will lick the sides of holes we cut in a plastic box for her to play in
it's very odd
btw, the fact that we have a picture of a death metal band and a kitten licking a vacuum on the same page at the same time just goes to show how awesome this chat is