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Q: Abortion debate - is it unjustified for me to communicate my feelings regarding abortion decisions?

Citizen and SocietyNote-1: Due to the question being subjective and opinion based nature, as well as due to it is touching a controversial issue, I have voted to close my own question, with keeping the existing answers. Note-2: Tl,Dr: This question is NOT about ethics behind abortion. This question is about perso...

Should this be on Interpersonal Skills?
@gerrit No, it is about ethics. Whether I am a stakeholder to say it or not. it is not about 'how' you communicate or whether you have the right to communicate this.
So, you discovered social media. You can delete the apps now.
@Peter-ReinstateMonica Thank you. I am a very confused person and I am constantly praying out of pain and confusion.
@gerrit This is an Indian person using a very unfortunate word choice. Very bad luck. If a US citizen used the same words, they would know what they are saying and nothing “interpersonal” could help you.
@Gnasher729 very honestly I did not knew that some people can find offensive to call embryo a baby and a pregnant lady (future mother) a mother. Because we conventionally say this in our language
People slandering you over expressing the culture you have been raised in have a political and/or religious axe to grind, and are not operating in good faith, but rather out of an emotional knee jerk reaction. As to the questions you are answering, these are in debate in general, and you should make your own decision as to what you believe is moral or ethical about these matters, not be swayed by emotional outbursts on social media.
It is isn't unjustified to communicate your feelings regarding any issue, as such. In my view, it is unreasonable to classify this Question as Philosophy, or anything of the kind
Also, if you'd like, I'd be happy to talk about this topic with you, maybe on discord? I'm not the best communicator but I'll do my best.
@Aequitas I don't know about discord and I don't want to continue discussion on such a painful topic. I am in severe distress due to global political scenario, including bombing and war. Not in a position to have discussions or debates.
@minesong I acknowledge you found it interesting, but for me too it is a very confusing and hard to process that is why I have asked.
I see no question about philosophy here. Why is this question not being closed? OP, please edit to explain how this is a matter for philosophy.
@JamesK If the trolly problem is a philosophical problem, then this question too, is philosophical problem.
How so? Trolley problems are not "real". They are imagined scenarios in which you can discuss how a particular system of ethics applies, and if that system of ethics aligns with your intuition of what is ethical behaviour. This is totally different. This question is 50% "The OP complains about people being mean on the internet", and "45% The OP gives their opinion on abortion". There is (as minseong) says 5% of a potentially interesting question, but it is completely drowned by an argument about abortion. This question is not about abortion So most of the question should be cut!!
@JamesK thank you for pointing out. The overwhelming amount of details is for CONTEXT of this question, not about complaining or interpersonal skills
@JamesK without the cultural consideration and exact scenario, the question would mislead.
How could it be unjustified to communicate your feelings on any subject, unless those feelings were themselves not merely 'unjustified' but somehow illegal… as for instance, if you were inciting hate attacks?
@RobbieGoodwin I explicitly mentioned in the detailed description that I did not knew many things, as well I have been told by social media users that a person without uterus is not entitled to have any say about decisions about persons with uterus. I had no intention for "hate attacks", nor I have any intention for "hate attack"; but when I am truthful to myself, and some people keep suspecting me "somehow illegal" etc etc, would automatically generate hatred and negative feelings in me.
@CitizenandSociety: It's actually very common among native English speakers to refer to an embryo/fetus as a baby if the mother wants it. See, for example, WebMD's Pregnancy Center, which refers to "your baby" and "a growing baby" prior to birth. And expecting mothers have "baby showers", not "fetus showers". It's only when a woman is seeking an abortion that "humanizing" terms like "baby" or "child" are considered offensive.
Yes but how does that matter? How could it not be justified to communicate your feelings on any subject, unless those feelings were themselves not merely 'unjustified' but somehow illegal… as for instance, if you were inciting hate attacks?
@RobbieGoodwin That is what I am asking. Is it justified? I have asked because I was confused. May be you are not confused. You think it is justified. Some other people may not think it is justified. That is why I was confused. Now would you claim that it is offensive for me to feel confused? 🙁🙁
@RobbieGoodwin in case you have missed the previous comment: I explicitly mentioned in the detailed description that I did not knew many things, as well I have been told by social media users that a person without uterus is not entitled to have any say about decisions about persons with uterus. I had no intention for "hate attacks", nor I have any intention for "hate attack"; but when I am truthful to myself, and some people keep suspecting me "somehow illegal" etc etc, would automatically generate hatred and negative feelings in me.
You now seem to be Asking whether your feelings are justified, which is very different from the OQ, which was whether communicating those feelings was unjustified. Can you please clarify which matters to you?
All opinions are equally (un-)justified. You have as much right to yours as everyone else does to theirs (none). That said, you have written a lot of things my mother said to me when I was a child. "It's Complicated."
“The Pro-choice (NOT "pro-abort") position is the widely and internationally accepted standard behaviour and ethics.” This is flatly incorrect. Even pro-choice advocates don’t believe this.
@RobbieGoodwin Oh that was a response to your comment as you were surprised why I was thinking there is a doubt about whether expressing opinion is justified or not. And speculated that if I was saying illegal or hateful things. I have confessed my use of erroneous language that triggered controversy. Still you are saying such comments. How that helps in improving this question or finding an answer?
@JustSomeOldMan WHO, Human rights watch, and most other international law organisations explicitly mention abortion as a human right. They can held countries/nations accountable for breaking international law. As you claim "Even pro choice advocates don't believe this"- where is the proof to this claim?
1 hour later…
@JustSomeOldMan I understand your feelings. But I have thoroughly checked the website of WHO, Human rights watch, etc

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