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I want to read Vedas. If available in Hindi That would be great.
2 hours later…
@TheLittleNaruto Get the Cosmic Prana into your body. You will know all Vedas by yourself :P
@TheLittleNaruto Yes, visit couple of answers to:
Q: Translation of Rig Veda by an Indian author

Amit SaxenaTo extend my question here, I am looking for a translation of the Rig Veda by an Indian author. A translation either in English or Hindi would do. I found one in Hindi by Ramgovind Trivedi, but it is not that great either.

@AkshayS A question for you:
Q: How did Rishis perform Tapasya (transcendental meditation) so that they heard Shruti/Veda?

PandyaThe oldest and primary scripture we do have is Veda and we know that ancient Rishis heard Veda in the state of Tapasya directly from Ishwara and that is called Shruti. But one question often comes in my mind - How did they perform Tapasya (Dhyana or deep mediation), since they had no scripture (...

Also read the last line @AkshayS
@Pandya me about Tapasya??? I havent reached till that stage.... BTW, do you know within 3hrs Shiva linga darshan you can get?
@Pandya Yes... @Pandya you can hear the Cosmic sounds as you progress in meditation when mind is completely calm and still.
@AkshayS You told to get Vedas through meditation. So, my query is related how Rishis got Vedas and is it possible for us to get Vedas (Shruti) today also?
As some believes that it's impossible to get Vedas directly in KaliYuga. Though I think nothing is impossible.
@Pandya see my next comment. Yes its possible. By the way the Agamas for temples which are prescribed - especially the rituals which they do in Shiva temple at night before closing, are all recevied from the natural existing of Cosmic sounds
@Pandya that is because our inner nature is now polluted with influence of Kali. If we can qualify ourself to the state of Rishi, we also can get. Its about our mindset, preference, eligibility
Q: What are some of the key verses from the vedic scriptures that are qupted by different samparadaya's to describe the parabrahman?

AmbiIn few upanyasams by Srivaishnava scholars, on the question of what is Brahman, I have come across this verse from Taittirīya Upanishad - Yato vā imāni bhutāni jāyante; yena jātāni jivanti; yat prayantya-bhisamviśanti; tat vijijnāsasva; tat Brahmeti. What are some of the other key verses that ar...

@Hinduismbot -_-
1 hour later…
I want know Ramanjur 48 sedegral names is is this true Under Ramanjur 48 sedegrak WA there or not is this true I want know life history of Ramanjur
Please help me to know what are names of Ramanjur sedegral I want know their 48 history names and life history please answer this message
#SaveSabarimala #FridayThoughts What we instil in our children will be the foundation upon which they will build their future. Nourish them with good values from a very young age. #FridayFeeling #AyyappaJyothi https://t.co/1Xw7dks1Kz
@AkshayS Have a look at this ^
@TriyugiNarayanMani I asked you to answer some questions and you answered mine. :)
@NogShine ohoo... But from what I see in last 3 years, parents are nourshing young children with how to stay wealthy in society and how to earn respect from leaving India and settling in UK US......
There are too many back talks even among relations.... Even relation has gone worse... I feel like vomitting on this kind of living what I saw in last in last 3 years withouut fundamental values of life
@AkshayS It's true.
@Pandya Thanks. Checking
@NogShine Ha ha. Also another.
btw, "important, best, key, great" all these words are subjective and gives out opinion based answers.
Clarifying why a question is suitable and why a question is not suitable is considered a waste of energy and struggle to achieve something...uff.. where is self moderation. How can users know how closing, reopening and moderation work?
How is Gau mother of Rudras, daughter of Vasus or sister of Adityas? Can you back up that? — Sarvabhouma 16 mins ago
HELLO Guys 🌸
@NogShine It will take time to find all references for backing up.
I will update when found
@SwiftPushkar Hello
I can not see our granthpala @BhargavRao anywhere. 😀 is he on Holiday ?
@TriyugiNarayanMani Yes , hows cold over there?
@TriyugiNarayanMani Ok.
@SwiftPushkar Very much. Temperature going down to 3-4 degrees in night
@NogShine But since Rig veda says, so there must be some references somewhere.
@TriyugiNarayanMani Yup , over here its 10 , but at other places here its much lower , i guess because of much more industrial activity in my city .
@TriyugiNarayanMani Yes.
@TriyugiNarayanMani You wrote other answer also? Which one? Vanara answer?
@SwiftPushkar Yes
@NogShine Lord Shiva
A: What do we gain from chanting the names of Lord Shiva?

Triyugi Narayan ManiThough, there are numerous scriptures have glorified the name of Lord Shiva in detail but since you are asking for specific gain of chanting his name, so I am answering only that. By chanting the five-syllabled (Namah Shivaya) mantra, even the fallen people (those who do not deserve holy rites) c...

@TriyugiNarayanMani But almost every week we are getting the news of high level of pollution in ND , how you people are coping with that? The situation is same here but not like ND. But in next 10 years we will be facing same problem. 😣
@TriyugiNarayanMani now I remember. Seen that already.
@SwiftPushkar Looks most Atma loves Kaliyuga :P
@Hinduismbot btw, how do you people think this can be improved? Is this suitable as too broad or POB? @SwiftPushkar @TriyugiNarayanMani @AkshayS
@AkshayS HAHA , no one can escape the wrath of kali , only Hari can save us.
@NogShine I think some soft corner is needed in q. like these. , it will bring some new verses in front , and ans. will be related to all sects as well.
@SwiftPushkar That's one part but I also meant on population increasing. Most Atma likes being in Kaliyuga - easy compared to other yugas to go back to Parabrahman :P
@AkshayS YES, But you know its much more easy to reach him in Kali as well , because Only Naam-Japa can grant us the the Moksha. And company of Hari.
@SwiftPushkar But all the sampradayas? There can be hundreds of verses. It also asks for Vedas, upanishads. Why only soft corner this single question? Not for all other questions while closing? That is why I am asking for improvement so that the scope can be narrowed down.
"Same like asking some good verses in Vedas describing God".
All POB and too broad should be reopened then.
@NogShine Yes , i think user also is saying that only 2-3 are needed , we can post many answers and cover all possible verses. And yes , i am talking about soft corner to all previous similar q. as well 👍🏻
@SwiftPushkar Hanuman through his continous Dhyan on Sri Rama, Rama nama is fully vibrant in whole Cosmos. So simple chanting of one time Sri Rama itself protects you from negative forces
@SwiftPushkar These days its normal. But during time of Deepawali it was extreme
@TriyugiNarayanMani Yes , due to crackers , in winter most cities also face problem of Smog , we i think previously talked about this , in Vedanta and philosophy . :-)
@SwiftPushkar That is what Too Broad means. The answers do not stop with 2-3 verses and there is no stopping at a single answer. If there are 500 mantras like that in Upanishads and Vedas, every user posts 10 mantras. There will be 50 answers? Still the answers will be incomplete. The question should be limited so that answers should be addressing that. These are list questions. Suitable option is to close as too broad.
@NogShine Yes , you are right in some exceptional cases we must close the q. as too broad. I agree with your view.
@SwiftPushkar If the question is limited to a sampradaya with removing subjected, we can reopen. Like your question about saints is reopened and answered.
Q: Bhakti Parampara saints from South Indian states

SwiftPushkarI am familiar with some of the Bhakti Parampara Poet-saints from Western and Northen part of India and their works. Some of them are -: Saint Dyaneshwar - commentary on Shree Bhagavad Gita (Dyneshwari, Bhavarthdeepika) Saint Tukaram - Abhanga , Kirtan (community-oriented group singing and danci...

@NogShine But I think this is not what we mean by too broad , too broad means the topic itself is broad , but here we can write as many verses as we can , in future also , the possibility of increasing answer ratio is here in such questions as well . Because we will get many answers. :-)
in Vedanta and Philosophy, Nov 8 '16 at 10:28, by SwiftPushkar
@TriyugiNarayanMani - oh , that's really good , i also visited delhi 2-3 times. I think this is the problem of all major cities of india due to vehicles and industries.But espicially in north the smoke becomes "Smog" due to winter fog , and then its turns problematic.
@SwiftPushkar Too broad means a topic which needs extra guidance and not fit in answers. Let there be any number of answers, the complete topic will not end and can't be answered. Letting these question open will give rise to more and more such questions and these are not good for answer ratio either. If a question asks for more topics which can't fit in some number of answers and needs more and more detail, it is too broad.
@NogShine Yeah , that is what i exactly mean , the topic is endless , like Brahman 😀
require too much guidance for you to answer in full, or request answers to multiple questions.
@SwiftPushkar Busy with SO
@NogShine Yeah , i was also guessing the same , hope that his studies going on well or may be over also , i don't know.
@SwiftPushkar Yes, you are right
@NogShine Why did you disconnect your SO account?
@TheLittleNaruto you mean hidden? It is not disconnected or hidden.
@NogShine 😁
2000 Unanswered questions OMG.😮
@NogShine You have an SO account as far as I remember...
@SwiftPushkar All blames on you :P
@SwiftPushkar Need to go for a tour again. I searched for some during his Winter Bash. Also for answer ratio. I wrote 5 answers on a day ^-^
@TheLittleNaruto Yes, I do.
@TheLittleNaruto haha yes , i accept the accusation.
@SwiftPushkar haha
@NogShine But it's not connected with other accounts of SE sites.
@TheLittleNaruto is it not visible in my network profile?
@NogShine nope
@NogShine Yeah that's great 👍🏻 may be i am not in that much flow after vacation , but will catch up speed .I was not travelling but some IMP family work came up. :-)
@SwiftPushkar anything new ?
Are you getting married or something ? :P
@TheLittleNaruto New Year is coming , i am anticipating much from it.
@TheLittleNaruto 🤣
@TheLittleNaruto It is showing. stackoverflow.com/users/9379355/nog-shine
@TheLittleNaruto Already married. :D
Congratulations! @SwiftPushkar
@TheLittleNaruto Thank you 🌹
@NogShine OMG....
I thought you were 18-yr young blood
@AkshayS Not me.
@NogShine ok sir :P
@SwiftPushkar You are right person. Let's bring a rule on "whoever says wassup will be banned" :P
@AkshayS xD
Time for some outside work. See you soon..... SHAMBO SHANKARA!
@AkshayS Jai Mahakal
@AkshayS Narayan! Narayan!
Hi @Zanna @SwiftPushkar
@RaRe Yes , Hiii :-)
@SwiftPushkar are you coming from a break? I haven't seen you for longtime
@RaRe Yes ,you are right . I was not present for some time . :-)
Yes, I didn't see from the time I created my account, only recently I saw you. Many top reputation accounts are also not much active
@RaRe Yes , The high reputation users are not much active these days , but they are in background doing their work of moderation , fixing the policies , voting etc. and their suggestions and experience is also useful in operations. New users also need to be given some preference otherwise no. of good users who are actually contributing will also not increase. More the active community menbers more better the site will be.
@RaRe hello :)
Q: Who is the Kuladevata for Alanes family?

Smart003If the family name is Alanes and Gotra is Durvasa, who will be the Kula Devata for that family?

Voting to close the above question as personal advice question .
1 hour later…
Q: Can I eat non vegetarian food while doing Raja Yoga?

hanugmIn the chapter II : THE FIRST STEPS of Raja-Yoga non-killing is one of the requirement of Yama step Râja-Yoga is divided into eight steps. The first is Yama — non-killing, truthfulness, non-stealing, continence, and non-receiving of any gifts. Next is Niyama — cleanliness, contentment, au...

@AkshayS I think you should rename your name to Cosmic Akshay! Haha
@Pandya haha... why?
By the way,
A: Let the users know why a notice is put on their post.

PandyaWe should guide new users by referring them to appropriate help center links (and FAQs if required). If a user doesn't know answering question and his/her answer looks like discussion or comment i.e qualify as "Not An Answer" then we should refer him/her to tour page and how-to-answer page. If ...

@Pandya -1 already :P
by you? :p
I'll let you know about the answer.
Have you read the full answer? @NogShine
BTW, I don't understand the DV on the question. It means there is telepathy between the user and moderator?
@Pandya Yet to answer me
I didn't know that happens. :o
@Pandya I didn't like major parts of answer. Case 1 and 2. I didn't mean a general comment. I meant something like which part needs more references.
@Pandya You thought I saw your name and downvoted...?
and moreover, @Pandya I think there is no need of your answer now because, your answer and my question says the same thing. So, my proposal is getting downvoted. So, it means we need not to do anything.
@NogShine Then CASE-III is what you're looking for.
I don't understand when a question and answer which says the same are getting totally opposite response.
I don't think you understood my points in the question correctly.
You wrote something else. That's why I downvoted.
I included other things so-that visitors can get clear idea on different cases.
By comment, I don't mean "cite your sources" or "Good answer". I meant something like You have provided some sources for major part of the answer but your portion for "XYZ is present in Ramayana" needs citations.
3 mins ago, by Pandya
@NogShine Then CASE-III is what you're looking for.
@Pandya Not satisfied. It is not possible for each and every word you speak.
There is a partiality regarding this. You know.
@Pandya NogShine is perfection.... He always looks for perfection :P
@NogShine As I said, it's bit subjective
@NogShine "However it's not so strictly like you can't utter a single word without reference! "
just "you should cite source whenever you make any claim"
This doesn't happen in the case of high rep users. They have sentences like I will search for sentences later. Only happens with low rep users.
@Pandya The same applies
So, who are 4 voters? I can assume 3 (diamonds) because I asked about their actions.
@NogShine For example I have to add post-notice for following part upon the flag /cc
"The only time that a dream may be real is when the Lord himself comes to you in a dream" - What's the source for this? Your own blockquote refutes that last statement. — sv. Dec 19 at 0:42
@NogShine talking about downvoters to your question?
@NogShine I think this is not a proper way to query such an assumption :(
@NogShine Just because you asked their actions doesn't mean they will downvote your meta post. Your post misses some important points especially how can comments be repetitive. Pandya addressed them in his answer.
Q: Death shradha puja

NadiyaMy grand mother is 85 expired today she don't have son's she just have a daughter that's my mother as my mother health is not good people and relatives said she should not do any last rights neither my dad can do people said it will be bad for their kids and for their home so they didn't perform ...

@NogShine I do not understand why that question would be downvoted. But I did not think the question was a criticism of moderators in particular. Certainly if someone is flagging they should know why they are flagging and preferably do something other than flagging if there is anything they can do themselves. It is usually unreasonable and unfair to mods to flag things on the basis of a vague feeling that something ought to be done about something
3 hours later…
5 hours ago, by Nog Shine
Understand what is sarcasm or fun @Pandya and @TheDestroyer ?
Q: Why some families are not allowed to celebrate vinayaka chavithi?

user2225190I observed that like my family, there are other families who are not allowed to celebrate Vinayaka Chavithi. Not allowed to celebrate means we are not allowed to put ganesh statue at home or perform special pujas which will be done on that day. We are even not allowed to donate to the chavithi st...

@Zanna This is not at all a criticism of moderators. I didn't even ask a question at all in my post. The question is not understood properly by neither users nor the moderators who replied or answered the question. Downvotes are common for me. When someone reads my question properly, they will understand what I mean.
@Pandya Show this to my answer here.
A: Is there any goddess named Pataal Bhairavi?

SarvabhoumaYes, there is a goddess named Paatala Bhairavi. She is a fierce looking form of goddess Bhairavi, who is one of the Maha Vidyas. There is a temple dedicated to Paatal Bhairavi in the town of Rajnandgaon in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh. The temple is Barfni Dham. The temple is constructed in...

Where is it?
@Zanna I asked users and moderators to leave a comment which part the answer needs more references. When we flag for citation banner, user should say for which part banner is needed. Now the mod and users only know which part needs references. Not other users as flags are private. This was a discussion post. But @Pandya understood it as feature request and said that would be . >_>
@Zanna I suggest you to read this question from MSE for understanding why downvotes or upvotes are given on Hinduism Meta.
Q: The bikeshed problem and Stack Exchange

shooshIn short, the bikeshed problem: If you go before the Board of Directors and ask for 1.5 billion dollars to build a nuclear reactor, no one will review or discuss the details of the plant. They will assume that experts have been over every inch of the plans, and not want to look ...

Only the question. Not the answers denying the problem.
@NogShine yes. I wrote message @ you. But I wrote it only to agree with you. Because in your question you are saying people should explain what's wrong instead of flagging and expecting telepathy by author.
@Zanna They can flag too but the one who should improve the question is the author. Let the author know what's the problem. Apparently, some users still want to run to the head master go to moderator for everythin forg solving problems instead of talking to author.
that's what I mean. People flag instead of doing something they can do themselves
Perhaps they know some technique like telepathy
this leads to many silly flags
@Zanna But as I see, the mods still want flags.
many things in queues for mysterious reasons
@NogShine sure. Flagging means even if all your own efforts were in vain, something will be done at last
I'm not saying people shouldn't flag
just that they should apply mind first
@Zanna Haha. where are the eforts? Just flag. No vote, no comment. FLAG
Mods will take care of everything!
@Pandya Do you know cricketer Kapil Dev? He comments in Hindi during cricket matches.
Your recent meta answer reminds me of that commentary ^
@NogShine this is true, but I don't expect people to downvote just because they can't be bothered to read, unless they are doing so based on the user or existing votes, or comments
@Zanna Very much true.
Nov 14 at 14:16, by Nog Shine
@MetaBot This proves blind voting on Meta again. Just wait.
voting story: I once wrote an answer on Ask Ubuntu meta. It was a short answer for me but of medium length for the site, not a cursory answer but one with explanation. Our most legendary mod commented on my answer only to say my answer was right and he agreed with it. Which received more upvotes? The answer or the comment?
@NogShine please sleep at least by 11. U r always late to sleep
@AkshayS Not today. Sorry. Not in a sleepy mood.
@NogShine when you were in sleepy mood before? :P U r always late
@NogShine translation please!
@Zanna If I start pointing out mistakes point to point in recent meta answer, comments will not be suffice. An answer would be good. There are own definition of NAA and misjudgement of question and giving again broader guidance to take help center. What is the need of all this ruckus when someone had already readhelp center? Again which help center article? There are many points.. but there is only 1 DV that too from me.
@NogShine Is this also a "sarcasm or fun" like previous one?
@Pandya Kind of. Your choice how you take it. But the answer doesn't give much of a clarity and it's unclear. I repeats the same thing which is a problem. I didn't understand what you said.
@Zanna Comment got more votes?
3 mins ago, by Nog Shine
@Zanna If I start pointing out mistakes point to point in recent meta answer, comments will not be suffice. An answer would be good. There are own definition of NAA and misjudgement of question and giving again broader guidance to take help center. What is the need of all this ruckus when someone had already readhelp center? Again which help center article? There are many points.. but there is only 1 DV that too from me.
Btw, I found you also said my answer is giving definition which is against Stack Exchange guidelines.
@Pandya Yeah.
@NogShine I added one strongly recommended to add comment part.
@Pandya Why only recommend? Why not ask users as enforcement?
> Though there would be lesser chances - If it's the case of an experienced active user (having good reputation) when no source/reference is cited in the answer then we may not need to add comment since s/he would be aware of the post-notice very well.
Ok finish this Panchayat....I ll see you tomorrow...
good night
How can you assume that the user will know everything?
@AkshayS It's not Panchayat.
@NogShine ok.
@AkshayS "Panchayat" Haha. I thought that is Gujarati word only.
somewhat familiar word even to me...
A user with more than 40k didn't know how citation banner works. So, how can you mods assume that they will know all the users with good rep (~<1k) wil know? @Pandya
@Zanna Namaskar!
35 mins ago, by Nog Shine
@Pandya Show this to my answer here.
:) hi
hmm I don't know the proper reply...
@NogShine we can't force people to comment though
@NogShine Actually I want to de-emphasize those things added as miscellaneous part.
@Zanna Then why to flag so that only mods know?
@Zanna No problem, you can just reply as it is (Namaskaram!) or in your words :)
@Zanna Namaskar is the reply.
thank you
@NogShine I didn't understand
@NogShine Oh! I just see your that answer has post-notice. May be because you have not cited any source. will check tomorrow probably...
@Pandya Moreover, citation banner is different for each post. A user may give sources in the answer in one answer but doesn't give them in other answer. So, when citation banner is put, Which part needs citatios? That has nothing to do with user activity. A normal "cite your source" doesn't work. We should be specific. That's the whole point of my meta post which you missed in your answer.
@Pandya It has sources.
Q: How do non-Advaitin defend Advaitin argument that difference need not be taught in scripture?

krrIt is daily experience that we all are different beings , therefore scriptures will be purposeless if they taught that is very obvious. Hence, the actual meaning of scripture must be some unknown thing, that is non-difference, everything is one brahman. Therefore duality is not logical. How do ...

@Zanna If one doesn't let the user know what is the problem and say that to mod who is not the problem solver, what is the point of flagging? E.g: If you want someone to address your problem, you should talk to them only. Saying to yourself doesn't help.
@NogShine Link to Wikipedia?
@Pandya There is a temple where goddess is worshipped. Youtube Video, Wikipedia. Wiki is last preference
So every time I should ping one of the mods to know what's problem and why a citation banner is there on my answer.
And the reply isn't guaranteed. Isn't this great?
Imagine with every user.
@Pandya Link to wikipedia and temples are valid sources according to faq.
and another thing is we can explain and reason our answer with logical inference.
But banners there also. No proper comment
@NogShine Hmm. In this case, I think comment would be useful.
A: "Cows are sacred" & at the same time "It's only a sinful soul which gets born as an animal" - How to deal with this apparent contradiction?

IkshvakuThere is no contradiction between those two verses. A contradiction is something like "A is B" and "A is not B". That is a contradiction. In this case, cows are sacred for a reason altogether different from the reason why they are considered sinful births. Being born as a cow is a result of sinf...

@NogShine whenever you had problem understanding one of site's feature or any actions, you can post a meta question.
@Pandya with no answer guaranteed. Answering in comments again.. and reasonless downvotes.. why not participate in chat here? This more easier than writing big meta post.
@NogShine I remember you rejected my eidts.
@NogShine Yes I agree with you...
@Pandya The answer was already proper and the edits had nothing related to animal birth being sinful. Why does it have a banner?
@NogShine Participating in chat is also fine and also no need to write big post with tldr every time. small to-the-point post will also work.
@Pandya and you guys write a comment and don't answer it. There are many such posts.
I think some moderator should answer this question because the action proposed is taken but the flag was declined due to misjudgement of the question and flag. — Sarvabhouma Nov 19 at 8:18
> Opinions are ok, if backed up with logical inference or scriptural inference. Otherwise, they need to be avoided.
@NogShine Even the flag is declined, finally the right action has taken, right if I am correctly remembered?
@Pandya The above one is explaining why using logic and real life examples (not personal experience). Which are sources. I don't know why there is a citation banner and for which part sources are needed.
@Pandya Yeah. the question was why that was declined.
@NogShine It may be by mistake or misunderstanding. (I don't remember who handled that flag, but will try to have an answer) :)
@NogShine like that?
@Pandya Then that is what I'm expecting but a mod answers in comments. That is not a good example when one mods says write answers and other uses comments.
@Zanna Yeah.
Does the moderators need sources for "There is no contradiction between those two verses. A contradiction is something like "A is B" and "A is not B". That is a contradiction."? in case of that answer or cow birth is a result of sinful birth? @Pandya
@Hinduismbot This needs clean up cc @Zanna
@NogShine "Does the mods need..." before I check the history of action taken to that post, let me clear that Moderators don't need or want anything, the site is run by users of community, not mods.
@Pandya Hahaha
I am not joking :(
Show me a comment by a non mod under that post which part needs reference. One says that should be in chat. That looks like a proper answer.
@Pandya If I see a citation banner within half an hour that too in a First posts, I can't think users run it. No self moderation. Users run for mods for everything.
@NogShine have suggested but I don't know what the title should be - hope someone else will fix
@TheDestroyer You didn't understand my question at all. "Your post misses some important points....." Where did I say comments can be repetitive. How did you assume that I'm asking for "cite your sources"? If the question & answer are same, user is same, comments will be repetitive. But the answers are different and the users are different, claims made are different. Because not every answer gives the same claim. Banners are becoming repetitive here. Comments won't.
Good night!
good night :)
@Zanna Yeah. The title is a bit difficult
I don't know about the topic. I am only familiar with grammar
@Zanna Someone improved the title already.
it looks good now
it's very nice to see mods being helpful and willing to discuss here
@Zanna O.O
My whole rant is because mods are not participating much on chat when asked about moderation. :P
hmm you succeeded in generating some though
@Zanna after so much of struggle posting meta and pinging mod numerous times...
unfortunately I was only here just now, so I didn't witness your earlier struggle. Sorry if I'm misreading the situation
In general people on AU behave deferentially towards mods. Some of the mods work hard (as they should) to discourage that. It's good that you challenge mods and don't defer to them
After people thinking it's a long repeating debate or thinking I'm trying to prove my point to achieve something..
also it's good (as a user) to see mods wanting to understand and compromise and having a helpful attitude
@Zanna I also respect and support(ed) them numerous times. But situations like this draw more attention.
@NogShine yeah :/
This user's profile has some interesting memes
When I don't show difference with them, it always means I show deference to them.
Also, it's not like I always support or differ with a specific mod. I differed with every current mod.
by defer I mean, give preference to their opinion over your own, assume you must be wrong if you disagree with a mod, etc
but like @Pandya said, mods should be accountable to the community, not rule over it and be deferred to
I even differed with a CM once. But that was a shot
@Zanna Yeah. I mean the same.
Jun 20 at 16:50, by Nog Shine
Jun 12 at 6:03, by Nog Shine
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 13 hours ago, by Catija
There's no such thing as "official" moderator guidance... heck, I'm not even sure there's such a thing as "official" CM guidance...
See the words of a CM who was a mod when she spoke that. ^^
:48272586 I'm equal to everyone ;)
2 mins ago, by Nog Shine
I even differed with a CM once. But that was a shot
*Short It's my good friend whom I differed with ^
@NogShine unfortunately most people on SE forget that, because SE is extremely hierarchical in its design. IMHO those users with power ought to be very mindful of that. IMHO this is the reason we struggle to make it feel "welcoming"
@NogShine this user can not be corrected I think. Just check his answer. hinduism.stackexchange.com/questions/31645/…
@RaRe You can click on share under question or answer and post exact link also.
I don't think this is an answer, but to be honest I wasn't able to understand the question
"We shall overcome some day"
@Zanna Me neither. The question is unclear too.
Q: How do non-Advaitin defend Advaitin argument that difference need not be taught in scripture?

krrIt is daily experience that we all are different beings , therefore scriptures will be purposeless if they taught that is very obvious. Hence, the actual meaning of scripture must be some unknown thing, that is non-difference, everything is one brahman. Therefore duality is not logical. How do ...

Yes now it appears good
appears good?
@NogShine this is common advaitic argument, it is simply that why should scriptures teach what is known to us
@Zanna I meant copy pasting the link appeared good not the question
@RaRe Scriptures say almost like we should eat and drink, we should take bath morning and attend natural calls daily. Why is it saying when we know it already? Body clock is enough.
@RaRe oh you wanted it to onebox. Yes that only happens when the link is the only thing in the message
Now the user may think I downvote their question. I actually didn't do that. Comment and downvote came at the same time.
you can also post a hyperlink with the syntax [text](link)
@Zanna OK I understood
@Zanna Agree!
@TheLittleNaruto :)
@Zanna "With great power comes great responsibility"
@NogShine the argument is only with regards to the relation between jiva and brahman, as per upanishads
@Zanna How did you earn this new hat ?
Seems like a secret hat
I got an Enlightened badge
but it was not for a new answer :(
some old accepted answer reached a score of 10
I should try to write some new answers
How do we earn this Enlightened badge ?
@NogShine your fame will spread
do you have rubber ducky hat @TheLittleNaruto ?
@NogShine No. Do you?
@Zanna I must have earned this badge. Let me check
@TheLittleNaruto Yeah on multiple sites. Write a question with title, tags and body (not gibberish text) and then discard it. You will get it after some time.
(sorry for double ping)
@Zanna A double ping is not a problem for a Shadow's den RO. ;)
@RaRe Sure.
@Zanna You don't have to be too formal. It's fine.
@NogShine hehe
@NogShine Thanks let me try
@Zanna Are you aware of Shadow's den chatroom ?
I am fond of Rubber Ducky hat haha
@TheLittleNaruto not at all!
Check Meta SE chatrooms
You'll find it
But do read the info of the room
partly because it reminded me of the April Fool I enjoyed so much
I didn't find it... I guess idk how to search for rooms properly
I am going to take a little exercise. Perhaps I will find it later...
Check second room "Shadow's Den"
@Zanna do you answer questions on this site too?
@TheLittleNaruto I see!
@RaRe I answered one hahaha
I am definitely a learner here
of course, I am a learner everywhere. But elsewhere I also know one or two things XD
@Zanna the numerals question?
@Zanna I don't see you there.
@NogShine as per vishistadvaita, paramatma is inside atma or in the heart of our body?
@TheLittleNaruto I haven't gone into it yet because I'm going AFK for a while now. Will look in probably tomorrow :)
Oh Okay
No worries! Hope you'll like it. :)
@RaRe God dwells inside us. In our heart in the form of Antaryami.
@Nog I did as you had told. It's been more than 5 min, didn't earn that duck hat. Does it take more time ?
@NogShine inside us means inside soul or inside our body in the heart?
@TheLittleNaruto Did you click discard?
I did.
Then wait for more time.
Dec 8 at 9:54, by The Destroyer
If one is not happy with Devanagari, they can read in any of translieration scheme.
He never said, he is imposing or something, he just mentioned it is widely used and accepted script; it doesn't mean that scriptures written in other languages/scripts will/should be ignored. ^^
Not again :/
I just found a word "impose". Couldn't resist. :)
Every answer will have that script and they are not okay to change it for others who can't change it or remove it, That is imposing only.
Read the whole conversation.
@NogShine Do you mean they didn't even add the English Transliteration ?
@TheLittleNaruto No. Edit wars and edit wars when added that by removing Devanagari.
I am not following. More insights please
Dec 8 at 10:30, by Nog Shine
Adding Devanagari as compulsory for the interest of some users looks bias to me.
Follow this ^
Too long to read
I started feeling sleepy
However I don't see why did you make an issue at first place when Pandya clearly told to welcome all script scripture as long as English transliteration and Translation is provided.
Anyway Good Night
@TheLittleNaruto ah it might well be that I misunderstood what every person in that argument was proposing. I certainly continued to find that rather difficult to understand throughout.
Possible positions that might have been being taken:
1. Transliteration is not needed because everyone who knows Sanskrit or has interest in knowing it knows (or should know) Devanagari anyway
2. All posts should have Devanagari for the benefit of those who can read it
3. Only English and Latin transliteration should be used and other scripts are never useful and should be removed
I disagree with all those positions
however mostly people were saying things that seemed sensible and right to me
Very often I open my mouth when I should not @TheLittleNaruto :/
but perhaps sometimes stumbling into a debate cluelessly has the effect of encouraging people to explain themselves in a simpler way. Maybe Pandya and The Destroyer making efforts to explain their position to me helps other visitors as well as me. Chat is indelible and citeable after all. If not, well, it did help me
@TheLittleNaruto do you mean you wanted to take the opportunity to use it? :)

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