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@KrishnaShweta Here in Tamil "acchi" means finished :P...
@NogShine I think we can quote original text in language, then translation to English?
@AkshayS Original text in which language?
What is "Original"?
We can decide it for Divya Prabandham because it is Tamil.
@NogShine original language. if its sanskrit, first sanskrit as it is, then translation?
What about other works?
@AkshayS There is no "as it is" for Sanskrit. You know. Someone else's script. Vedas were not written down.
Problem with quoting original is again the same "major part is not understood". We quote verses so that we can understand the question or answer better. If that itself is not readable, what is the point of adding?
@NogShine If we look at broader aspect probably I still think your view here holds. Because if its sanskrit hindi, somehow manage. But quoting Gujarati, Marathi texts means? :P
@AkshayS Yeah. Hinduism is not limited to Sanskrit or Vedas. There is so much besides Sanskrit in different languages. Language should not be a barrier to understand it.
If only original is quoted, Ramana Maharshi, Alwar, Nayanar's works will be understood by Tamil only. Nasi mehta works will be understood by Gujarati only. Annamayya's keerthana's will be limited to Telugu only.
List goes on.
But majority means Indians who visit = ~52%. From that, there are states where Devanagari is not the dominating language. So, it is around 20-25%. So, 25% is deserving, why not other 75%. If we assume these 25% will understand Devangari and other 75% can understand transliteration, why not these 25% can learn and use it?
@NogShine I like India Bharat Desha... where many sages saints avatars birth place! We are proud to be born as INDIAN.
@AkshayS Its beauty lies in diversity and accepting everything.
@NogShine haha... yes...
But saying our saints used some language and script and we should also learn it and use it is not a good application here.
They did many other things which we can't think of.
@AkshayS Learn more about Meta policies and Code of Conduct. It will be useful in moderating chat.
You are one active user of the chat room.
@NogShine I will be just user .. no posts of moderation :P
@NogShine Not basically interested....
When @TheDestroyer - Rudra is there why me? :P @NogShine
@AkshayS lol
Room Owners are independent of Moderators. The latter don't visit the chat very often. Sometimes do not visit in few weeks.
@NogShine No Maya can touch me :P
Chat participation from moderators is very minimal here. That is why.
@NogShine why not you then?
@AkshayS I'm already one of the Room Owners. I am thinking of adding new one in my absence.
@NogShine Add @TheLittleNaruto or @KrishnaShweta
@AkshayS You need to redefine Maya then. ;)
@AkshayS No. May be later.
Someone active.
@NogShine they are best! @TheLittleNaruto is active.....
@AkshayS who think Chat is not a waste of time, not away from discussions and reds every message posted. Visiting regularly is not enough. Let's leave it. There is no need to add oneright now.
@AkshayS Naah I am better as a user. Have no interest in becoming a R.O. or a Moderator.
@NogShine single man army. LION always stays single.
3 hours later…
Which lion?
@Zanna @NogShine is LION type- deals everything 1 man
Q: Why is this post so popular on the reddit website?

ramhttps://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/a4adn8/til_that_in_hinduism_atheism_is_considered_to_be/ Seems like atheists / half-baked Hindus love to say 'hinduism accepts atheism', and some even quote Charvaka (charu+vaka - sweet words - basically, do whatever you want). Sign of Kali I gues...

I am thinking about lions in nature programs... maybe you mean something different. Lions hunt alone yes, but they have family life, they depend on each other... when you watch nature shows, you see the male lions lounging around or guarding cubs while the lionesses hunt. And of course, she brings the food for family... but maybe I am saying the wrong thing haha
@Zanna You went deep analysis of Lion. Keep it simple. Lion is single, Nogshine is single :P
Hahaha I am biased because I think the fact of interdependence is probably the most important thing to realise in life. In any situation, I look for relationships. If you have time, who worked so that you have free time? If you have food to eat, who prepared it, who paid for it, who grew it in the field, what rain nourished it and cleaned it, what sun gave it the power to feed you...? That's why I analyse too much :)
@AkshayS He is :-)
@KrishnaShweta ohoo. u r here early today :P
@Zanna you forgot this :P Who are you :P
@TheDestroyer From your reasons what I understood is... The questions and answers should have Devanagari, Transliteration and English translation.
So if at all I find any work which is in other script, i should convert it to Devanagari? That just because some percentage of "Indians" are familiar with it?
@AkshayS Yes :-)
Wassup @Akshay @zanna
@Zanna Basically I bring this because during deep Dhyan, body's sense is no longer there, literally body doesnt exist for you. No mind. All your energies will be rising to head via spine!
@AkshayS What did I forget?
@KrishnaShweta nothing much..... emi cheppandi ?
@Zanna added next..."who are you" :P
@KrishnaShweta still relaxing before breakfast!
@AkshayS em ledu.
@KrishnaShweta avunu :P
@AkshayS ooh I see :)
@AkshayS if energy can travel in spine, body must be there, no?
@Zanna Body will be there, but you wont have any sensations of body. You will completely go beyond sensations, thoughts into a blissful silence which I find it hard to describe.
Point is you will be connected with your real "existence" which is without body, and unlimited, and not this body!
@AkshayS drinking Does the same to you....
@TheLittleNaruto no. Drinking you don't reach meditative state. Even in gancha you reach inner state of mind. That's not meditative state. Second spinal energies flows downwards in those stages.
@AkshayS How do we verify that ?
I say it goes upwards
@TheLittleNaruto haha.. if we think logically easily we know. Simply spinal channels won't rise. Then all drinking persons will get Moksha :P
@AkshayS :D
I was teasing you
@TheLittleNaruto I know. That's why last sentence :P... u r future owner of chatroom :D
@AkshayS lol I would rather delete my account :P
@TheLittleNaruto oops... reputations in danger :P
(the lion also fights only for territory or dominance... for more meat, more mates, more security... not on behalf of others... the lion does not "realise the pain of others" :) )
@Zanna did u see Rajini movie SIVAJI the BOSS?
no I have seen very few movies... what language movie is that? do you recommend?
@Zanna Tamil language. He will say SINGAM WILL COME SINGLE. SINGAM is LION. So related that in comparison with Lion.... Keep it simple. Over analysing not good :P
@Zanna yes.... just a simple relation.. no complication :P
I have one on my window sill haha let me take a picture
haha I am being silly, have to go to work
@AkshayS I missed your reference - my bad, sorry for that
But I'm not talking / analysing to show you are wrong. I hope I won't bother to open my mouth for such purposes. Only to explore what interests me in your comparison. So, I hope you will not be offended. But I shouldn't talk so much...
@Zanna This is nothing to offend or overtalk. Its over analysis :P
Just for fun comparison
@Zanna also best thing in life is to keep things simple. Best things happen in simple way
1 hour later…
Q: Mantroddhāra in written texts - incoding and decoding.

Anna KavalI am working on the traditions of hiding mantras in the written texts: use of prastaara, gahvara, smarana-shabda, bhuta-sankhya etc. The topic can be approached only if we have corresponding commentaries. But I wander which traditions used it most extensively in the past, I.e. 1) could you recom...

2 hours later…
@AkshayS There are other ROs' too. I am only one of them.
@NogShine where were you all these while
Q: Are Bengali Brahmins fallen Brahmins?

IkshvakuBengali Brahmins are known to be lovers and avid eaters of fish. Is this against scripture?

@Hinduismbot edited title lacks sense XD
@Zanna Totally
This person is asking many provocative questions
Some are causing problems yes.
Some are wrongly closed.
We can't close only because we don't like
Well, you are on Hinduism Stack Exchange :/
We can close with hammer here.
No one asks.
@NogShine not replying me :((
@NogShine haha... man today busy
How's everything?
@NogShine if you ask and mean the everything the way I thought, then everything is fyn
@Zanna have u read of Kundalini?
Basically, no. I think I read a little about it in the distant past. Also it has been mentioned off-handedly in this book I am reading at behest of The Little Naruto. Perhaps it will come up again. Here some people practise something they call "kundalini yoga".
What they do in name of Kundalini Yoga ? @Zanna
I have not attended such a class, so I don't know
In current trend as far as I know they teach varieties of Pranayamas but those things certainly don't work for modern trend. And they use imaginary powers of mind to control mind. But sadly nothing will work. There's a key to enter and surpass the body sensations and become one with Atma but those keys are not normally available for current Kundalini Yoga teachers
I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean by "don't work" although I feel I should probably try to understand by educating myself instead of asking about it.
It does not work means Kundalini will not be activated. Because secret of channels is different. With two Sushumna Nadis, whatever we practice and impose restriction on breath will not work.
@Zanna "Kanna Paninga Thaan Kootama Varum Singam Single ah Thaan Varum"
:) thank you
@Zanna whom
for the Tamil
Secret of spirituality and realizing Atma is in head. Not in body. Whatever thing we deal in current world is with body. But reality is different.
Time for bed
ah, good night then, sleep well
@AkshayS Good night sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite
I wonder how one is meant to stop them...
by sleeping tight
this room seems addictive for me. I intended to lurk, but I can't stop talking. Chatterbox. I didn't know I was one of those people who has to say something about every topic, whether they have any useful idea about it or not
Just like me.
But i talk less when I go to new rooms.
It should be like that. See what is happening first.
I used to be frequent in 10 rooms. It is now 6
@NogShine sleep now... drank milk and sleep! Don't come between....
@AkshayS Once I sleep I won't come again. :-)
why reduction of rooms?
out of those 5, one is a trash room. So that makes 4.
2 hours later…
Q: Gunas and Gods worshipped by persons of the Guna

NarasimhamSattviks worship Devatas and divine forms, people of Rajasik nature worship Yakshas/ Rakhsas and the Thamasik natured worship devilish evil spirits. BG. Chapter 17, Shloka 4 So it would appear that the Gods chosen for worship are also indicators of devotees' own nature. It is commonly believed ...

Q: Do the Nagas ever try to conquer the 3 worlds?

IkshvakuIt's well known that the Asuras, and sometimes the Rakshasas, try to conquer the 3 worlds. My question is, do the Nagas, who live Patala, try to conquer the 3 worlds?

@NogShine were you hinting? I'm sure I can be quieter if I try
Q: On which side of the body should we lay while sleeping and why?

MacindowsIs there any preferable side according to Hinduism?

3 hours later…
Q: Why does Vishnu Purana refer to Vrishasena as King of Anga?

Gabriel Alexander Gonzalez AguAs I know, in the Vishnu Purana the royal line of Anga is narrated, but it refers to Vrishasena (eldest son of Karna) as King of Anga, why does he mean so although there is no reference to Mahabharata for such a thing?

Q: Is there life on the other 8 planets according to Hindu scripture?

IkshvakuIs there life on the other 8 planets according to Hindu scripture? I know there's life on the Sun (Suryaloka) and the Moon (Chandraloka).

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