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Happy Deepavali
@TheLittleNaruto In your answer to Bhujanga stotram you have quoted about another meter which is not Bhujanga prayatam
Adi Shankaracharya was not the one who defined it.
Q: Intolerance to accept Sanskrit language in India

user26375When one Hindu male person wants to discuss about Hindu religion alluding Sanskrit together,it is seen that the faces of Hindu females are contorted with rage.Do this sign not show that sometimes Islam is their safe haven.Hinduism and Sanskrit are inseparable. Hinduism and Sanskrit are essential...

1 hour later…
@NogShine Deepa + Oli = deepavali :P
@Pandya bursted crackers?
@AkshayKumarS no, lighting, rangoli, puja and sweets :)
@Pandya Full day yesterday here was crackers.
@AkshayKumarS Deepa + Avali = Deepavali
@NogShine No not avali. Its Oli = light
@AkshayKumarS here also, will be more tonight. (I meant I don't burst)
@AkshayKumarS Avali means a series. Deepavali means series of deepas
@NogShine what you say also correct. What I say also right.... Deepa Oli means festival of lights...
Do you call it Deepoli?
@NogShine Not Deepoli..... I will write in Tamil and English....
தீப + ஒளி = தீபாவளி... Deepa + Oli..... festival of light and sound!
1 hour later…
@Pandya Done answering. Give me feedback how it is.
@AkshayKumarS आवलि Avali is Sanskrit word which means series or continuous.
@NogShine Nice!
@TheDestroyer yes agreed after I read. I said from Tamil
3 hours later…
@NogShine You're right. Yours is better. +1
I'll correct that in my answer
2 hours later…
Q: who was the writer of the sahasranamam

ssr1012I know that Vishnu Sahasranamam told by Pitamaha Bhishma to Pandava's however Who was the writer and making of hard copy of the same to do chanting this mantras and when?

Q: What is the Hindu(mainly Vedantic) opinion of lying to do good in the world?

Chakrapani N Rao Manu Smriti (4.138) सत्यं ब्रूयात् प्रियं ब्रूयान्न ब्रूयात् सत्यमप्रियम् । प्रियं च नानृतं ब्रूयादेष धर्मः सनातनः ॥ १३८ ॥ satyaṃ brūyāt priyaṃ brūyānna brūyāt satyamapriyam | priyaṃ ca nānṛtaṃ brūyādeṣa dharmaḥ sanātanaḥ || 138 || Speak truth in such a way that it should be...

Q: Are dinosaurs mentioned in any Hindu/Indian scriptures?

Viper91Which scripture, if any, mentions dinosaurs or something similar like dinosaurs?

Q: What are the benefits of chanting the Rudrashtakam?

Tiger ShroffThe Rudrashtakam appears in the Uttara Kand of the Ramacharitmanas, and I have heard that every line of the Ramacharitmanas is a powerful mantra (would like it if someone could verify this too). So what are the benefits of the Rudrashtakam? Does it carry any special ones apart from those of the R...

1 hour later…
@TheLittleNaruto Thanks. Okay.
@Hinduismbot Same question was asked in the past and closed as scientific speculation in the past. cc @Pandya I am doing the same now.
Q: Yugas and Dinosaurs

user3750229I have heard about the 4 Yugas, the Mahayuga and how Brahma created everything and how many human years is equivalent to Brahma's 1 single day. But to which Yuga did the Dinosaurs belong to?

There was other post too
50 revival badges \o/
3 hours later…
@Tezz @NogShine Happy Deepavali
@KrishnaShweta Happy Deepawali to you too...
How are you?
@KrishnaShweta Thanks. Wish you the same.
I came to know you joined Twitter @Tezz How is it?
@KrishnaShweta I'm all fine... how are you?...
@NogShine Thanks!
@Tezz I'm fine too
@NogShine I'm not using it... just joined... so can't tell how is it... haha..
@KrishnaShweta how is Lakshmi Puja going on....
It's going awesome
@Tezz Did you tweet something? Whom are you following?
So many prasadam to eat :D
@NogShine Congrats!
@NogShine No, I haven't tweeted yet... regarding follow also I have followed by searching terms like consciousness, philosophy etc...
@KrishnaShweta haha.. so people are offering you... salutations to you from my side too... D:
@KrishnaShweta :D
@Tezz lol
@KrishnaShweta haha....
@Tezz What the meaning of D:
@KrishnaShweta understand it as Devanagari D with two Visargas after it.. The twoVIsargas after it denotes the Unmesha and Nimesha.... due to which this Universe unfolds and dissolves...haha....
@KrishnaShweta Simply a wrong typing :D XD
But you have used single visarga
@KrishnaShweta Visarga itself means two dots placed vertically... haha
@KrishnaShweta Now, you tell the meaning of :P ... does it mean that Akshara Varna are formed after creation....
@Tezz So, how about you?
@Tezz haha
@KrishnaShweta This time I'm listening to Sri MahaLakshmi Sahasranama...
Oh! That's nice
@Tezz you put only two dots which means one visarga. Two visargas means four dots should be there.
@KrishnaShweta I just heard the name.. 'Vishnu Chetana'..... consciousness/awareness of Lord Vishnu..
@NogShine Oh I didn't notice that I've written two Visargas above ... I now understand what @KrishnaShweta was saying above.... haha..
@KrishnaShweta now what is this... does it represent Pashyanti vaani which can't be expressed in letters just can be seen....
You can interpret it however it seems to you :P
@KrishnaShweta so it is like a mirror... what I see so I see... haha
Haha yes
Keep visiting this chat room @Tezz
You are talking with me after a year I guess
@KrishnaShweta Oh I now understand why people are offering Prasad to you... You have become completely mystical.. You have started talking such things which can't be expressed in words... Once again my salutations to you... I too offer you Prasada from my Manasa state...
@KrishnaShweta If I was regularly talking this message wouldn't be here... but this message is already here... does it mean that I was destined to talk after this long time... haha
Ask a boon :P
@Tezz OMG lol
@KrishnaShweta Give me a boon that I can become aware in Jagrat Swapna and Sushupti states.... and may I experience Turiya and Turiyatita states...
So it be! :)
@KrishnaShweta Blessed am I that I'm able to get such a majestic boon... Glory be to you! Glory be to you!! Even after the words 'So it be' you have again gone beyond words... first there is line and below it is bindu... and after it there is Visarga and again after it there is Ardhachandra... looks like it is some mystic form of Omkara...
I'm sleepy.
Good night
Now it's 11:40 time has come I should dissolve from INternet..
Haha you were also telling Good Night.... D:
@KrishnaShweta Good day... Bye...
Q: Is Brahman sentient in Advaita Vedanta?

Arthur CarneiroIf Brahman is Consciousness and Omniscient, then he should be sentient also since both are indiscernible.

Q: Relation between Laxmi poojan and returning of Lord Rama on the same day

babaIs it just a coincidence or is there any relation between Lord Rama returning to Ayodhya from 14 years of exile and the worshipping of Goddess Laxmi on the same day i.e. Diwali

3 hours later…
Q: Which Manusmṛti verses were written exclusively for vaiśyas and śūdras?

sv.In his column What exactly is the Manusmriti?, Devdutt Pattanaik makes the following claim. Of the nearly 2,500 verses, more than a thousand are for brahmins, more than a thousand for kings, statecraft and governance, only eight for vaishyas and two for shudras. Clearly, the focus is not the ...

Q: Reference to China in Manusmṛti?

sv.In his column What exactly is the Manusmriti?, Devdutt Pattanaik says the Manu mentions China. Which verse(s) is he referring to? Manusmriti was composed roughly around 200 CE (Common Era). We know this because it refers to Saka (North West tribes) and Cheen (China) who established contact wi...

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