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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 20:00

@TheLittleNaruto but in the book it says that Arjuna requested sree kirshna to be on his side .On that day's dinner sreekrishna declared himself as Arjuna's sarathi
So, it is next sunday not tomorrow.
If my interview goes well today, I'll be starting my Summer job on the 18th
@RubelliteYakṣī :D
@RubelliteYakṣī Good Luck Gal
@RubelliteYakṣī Interview?
What timezone is yours? @RubelliteYakṣī
@Akash.B Yes it's correct.
@NogShine Central. But I am never sure when is Central Standard and Central Daylight Savings
@NogShine btw, kaala is having a low rating
@TheLittleNaruto thanks
@RubelliteYakṣī All the best.
@Akash.B to work at girl scouts camp this summer
@RubelliteYakṣī oh I see
any way goodluck from me too
@Akash.B Could you find my answers in the above chat?
thanks everyone ( ^^)
@RubelliteYakṣī ah yes thank you
@Akash.B of course!
17th June Sunday evening 7:30 PM IST is it okay to everyone?
By the way, is there a way to ping everyone who is in chat right now? For example Discord has @ here for that (I added a space just in case it works here too)
Unfortunately, no.
@NogShine okay
@NogShine It will be 9:00 am of m first day of work there, Also I don't think there is internet access there. But, I need not be included
@NogShine yesterday we disccussed about that temples right?
@NogShine ok, ty
@RubelliteYakṣī 17th is first day of work? You have interview on 18th right ?
Oh!, sorry, you are right. I was thinking 18th
@Akash.B Yes, I remember about those temples.
I have interview in 2 hours
@RubelliteYakṣī Which kind of job is it btw ?
8 mins ago, by Rubellite Yakṣī
@Akash.B to work at girl scouts camp this summer
7:30 PM in IST is 9:00 AM saturday to you.
@RubelliteYakṣī You have interview on 18th? We are chatting on 17th.
:45069605 I only got 4. I will not include the first since it was answered here, so that makes 3
13 mins ago, by Rubellite Yakṣī
If my interview goes well today, I'll be starting my Summer job on the 18th
6 mins ago, by Rubellite Yakṣī
Oh!, sorry, you are right. I was thinking 18th
Oh! Got it
@NogShine how can lightning strike on temples?
@NogShine I think I am behind 12 hours, not 36 :p
The event will be 30 minutes. If the flow goes on, the chat will continue but the event ends.
@RubelliteYakṣī lol
Can't correct it now.
@NogShine according to me lighting is caused by activities of Indra ,isn't it?
@Akash.B Do you assume it is good or bad? Maybe it just is.
@RubelliteYakṣī bad
To me it would be logical that shrines to storm deities would be common in storm-heavy areas. Isn't lightening from Rudra?
Lightnings, rains are under Varuna. Indra is god of powers and king of devatas. If king orders, others will follow. So, indirectly it is Indra but the deity is Varuna.
@Akash.B Good/bad is part of the illusion. Things just are. It's only our mind that judges them to be good or bad
@NogShine I still don't understand how this is part of the domain of Varuna
@RubelliteYakṣī Yes, what we like is good and what we don't like is bad. That is the way world ends.
@RubelliteYakṣī there is nothing logical about god everything is magical about him
@NogShine Yes, and what we like isn't always what we need.
@Akash.B I disagree. God is beyond logic, but also within logic
Logic is based in cause & effect. Cause & effect is one of the most basic laws of the Universe.
So, when acting in the Universe, even God is not immune to cause & effect
@RubelliteYakṣī I can't go behind loigic
@Akash.B Why?
I have a real life experience
The chat event is scheduled on 17th June 7:30 PM IST @Pandya @TheDestroyer @TriyugiNarayanMani @LakshmiNarayanan @BhargavRao @SwiftPushkar @KrishnaShweta @RubelliteYakṣī @TheLittleNaruto @Akash.B @ABcDexter @AnkitSharma @Sid @SuryaKantaBoseChowdhury @RakeshJoshi
@Akash.B Is it not logical?
@RubelliteYakṣī once there was a time I believed there is no god, by reading many theories formulated by many scientist
according to logic there is no god
@Akash.B Okay. But they are only using logic of what can be perceived by the 5 main senses.
Q: Source of Sanskrit shloka - Avidyayam Antare Vartamanah Svayam Dhirah Panditam-manyamanah

Uday KrishnaShloka अविद्यायामन्तरे वर्तमानाः स्वयं धीराः पण्डितंमन्यमानाः । दन्द्रम्यमाणाः परियन्ति मूढा अन्धेनैव नीयमाना यथाऽन्धाः II Transliteration Avidyayam Antare Vartamanah Svayam Dhirah Panditam-manyamanah Dandramyamanah Pariyanti Mudha Andhenaiva Niyamana Yathandhah Translatio...

@Akash.B No, according to phenomenal logic, there is no evidence for a god. It doesn't mean there is not one. It just means we cannot say one way or another by using the rules of phenomenology
@NogShine what is the use of this event really?
@RubelliteYakṣī I see
@Akash.B Also, your decision to not use logic based on their specific use of logic is itself the logic you used to make that decision.
@Akash.B For knowing how the site is going on and to know where we can improve. It also increases community spirit.
That is, "A because B" where A = "I don't use logic" and B = "logic is used to deny God." So, see. Even that is logic, cause and effect
@RubelliteYakṣī ohk
@NogShine ✨🎆🎉🎈🎊🎈🎉🎆✨
7 mins ago, by Rubellite Yakṣī
So, when acting in the Universe, even God is not immune to cause & effect
@RubelliteYakṣī ^^^^
Isn't these laws made by him?
What kind of leader would create a law that can be broken by himself?
Devas have dharmic roles to play and they have karma of sorts
So, cause & effect apply to them
@RubelliteYakṣī you gave me the answer before I ask you question
why sorry ?
it is good
Oh? I thought you meant I should have listened to you better to understand your question ( ^^)
I'm not the best listener
But, I'm working on it
@RubelliteYakṣī that's what I meant
@RubelliteYakṣī time to sleep
@RubelliteYakṣī The deity of rain in the Vedas is Parjanya. He is one of the adityas. Varuna is also one of the adityas. In the puranas it is said that Lord sun takes up 12 forms of adityas in each month. As a form of Parjanya, he showers rain. Varuna is also identified as rain god. The relation is due to their brotherhood and being adityas.
Nog Shine has added an event to this room's schedule‌​.
@Akash.B Good night
@NogShine Registered.
@NogShine Parjanya is like "blessed rain," right? I mean, rain which is good for the fertility of the land. This is different from the storms (Indra, Maryuts), yes?
Parjanya ?
What is that word? Never heard of it.
I have to run to the pharmacy, be back soon
Parjanya is the vedic God of rains.
@NogShine Ok , its good that there is enough time , we can expect good participation , call keshav also. :-)
@SwiftPushkar We should ping him in Vedanta room
@NogShine Yup
If this goes well, we can conduct more. What we need are active mod and RO
@NogShine ok..
@NogShine Yes , it will go well , but instead of everyone talking at the same time , we can listen to each and every individual users opinions and then ask him doubts about that. Then only it will be a true discussion , unlike previous events where evryone was talking simultaniousely .
@SwiftPushkar Yes, there should be a free discussion.
@SwiftPushkar That would be kinda impossible over chat.
@NogShine No what i am saying that we can allot some time to individual user and all simultaneously will be listening to his suggestions . In between no other user will chat , and after that we can ask him questions about that later on ,after event.
@NogShine excellent suggestions can be voted by giving Stars 😀
@SwiftPushkar Giving individual time to a user is not possible within time limit. We can follow if three are talking once. Some people will ask and give ideas. Others will also give their opinions. Stars can be used for excellent messages but that should not be done for every message.
@TheLittleNaruto agreed
@TheLittleNaruto Lets give that a try , we can extend the event also if good participation is there , no need to restrict it just for one day , as its the core issue. :-)
Chat event goes on automatically. We need not to plan specially for that 😁
@NogShine 🤔 wondering abt. wht that mean.
@NogShine Only 30 min. Why , should be at least of 90 min .
@TheDestroyer @Pandya What u think ? on above .
Q: Cannabis and scriptures

KumarDo any of the scriptures mention anything about Bhang or marijuana. I am aware of the atharva veda reference.

@SwiftPushkar It's due to previous chat experiences. Many left after 30 minutes
And two people chatted on an event.
We can continue after 30 min. That's not a problem
@NogShine Yeah , but previous events were carried out over multiple days , and this is single day event , so at least 2 hours should be there .
@NogShine ok , that is true
what you people think ? above
@SwiftPushkar It just means very deep thinking thinking is not needed for that.
@SwiftPushkar done
@TriyugiNarayanMani But destroyer also answered the same.
@Pandya Is racing ahead , Bravo , it will be HNQ.
@NogShine I don't know why I was not able to see any answers at that point of time
Deleted mine's
@TriyugiNarayanMani Oh , it happens , never mind , i usually do same think , BTW nice try . Keep it up :-)
@TriyugiNarayanMani Caching may be
@SwiftPushkar thanks
@NogShine yes
@SwiftPushkar "Alcohol and drugs are known to induce Rajas & Tamas Guna and hence are to be avoided if one seeks Sattvik qualities." This cannot be true for all substances as soma was an intoxicant
in Vedanta and Philosophy, Jun 1 at 4:11, by SwiftPushkar
@Pandya I don't know how i misunderstood the question . I simply read "from "Mahabharat instead of "OF" , and started to write answer , but got the mistake in time. 😀
What is HNQ?
@TriyugiNarayanMani See above :-)
@RubelliteYakṣī Yeah but it was ritual intoxicant and in some cases only smelling of that was allowed . :-)
@SwiftPushkar Comment added
@NogShine oh. okay, thanks
@SwiftPushkar Yes. That doesn't alter my statement.
@RubelliteYakṣī Mention and sanction are almost some. When we find mention of them, we obviously say if they are allowed or not. The OP obviously wants to know the sanction too.
@NogShine "Do the scriptures mention monkeys?" This doesn't ask if it is allowed or not. It just wants to know if, and by implication where and what.
What is allowing monkeys?
what is allowing marijuana?
You know what it is
For example, it could mention that it grew wild in some region but not talk about sanctioned for use or not
@NogShine exactly what i said .:-)
@RubelliteYakṣī Yes , but if they are allowed , that means there is mentioning of that , so both posts come to single point at last. — SwiftPushkar 2 mins ago
Also, marijuana is hemp. Not strictly a "drug"
@SwiftPushkar The other question is about all drugs. This is about a specific plant
@RubelliteYakṣī We don't go that deep. What species it is. The question is about taking marijuana. Marijuana is a drug where the OP lives
All in all, I think many active people close questions too easily. It is only your presumption that the intent of the questioner is the same
@NogShine Again, it is used for hemp
@RubelliteYakṣī Haha we don't have the mechanism to identify each and every intoxicant type separately , so for the sake of easiness , the word intoxicants covers all forms , otherwise there will be hundreds of similar questions uses will ask 😀
One problem I find with "vote to close" is that votes not to close do not count for anything. That is, it is impossible to vote for keeping something. You can only vote to remove or ignore :/ It means it is very easy to close anything
@RubelliteYakṣī Again, if the question is not clear, you should not vote to leave open. You should ask what the OP wanted to know. It is clear for us that he is asking about it.
There is Leave Open.
@SwiftPushkar Look at it this way. If someone Google's "What does Hinduism say about marijuana?" then the question you linked will never come up in the search results. Thus, closing the question about a specific thing makes the answers harder to find for those seeking answers.
Remember, SE doesn't just exist to help members of SE, but also people who are just curious and searching through any search engine
@NogShine Leave open, though, does not effect its chances of staying open. It might as well be "close" or "ignore"
@RubelliteYakṣī Duplicates are indexed on search engines. It will take you to that dupe question.
@NogShine If something is not clear, one should ask for clarification before voting. If OP doesn't clarify, THEN you vote to close for being too broad, etc
@RubelliteYakṣī see all modern forms of drugs were unknown at vedic and later times like "Scotch whisky , LSD , cocaine etc. Besides that some plants were not native species so cant cover all , only indian subcontinent types , and again they can be grouped simply as intoxicants , in spite of type , the use is same.
@RubelliteYakṣī Three leave opens will make the question out of review and it will not be visible to the reviewers. Later, the votes start aging. After some days, the votes will be gone. There is an effect.
@NogShine Yes, but a vote to close discourages other similar questions. So, in this instance both "drugs" and "marijuana" (and "bhang") will result in a search hit. But, if someone wants to know about "magic mushrooms" it will never come up in a search because no one will ask (because duplicate questions are discouraged)
@NogShine I stand corrected. I didn't know that.
@SwiftPushkar But, plants and fungi may have been. You are making a straw man argument
Also, if someone asks, "what do the Vedas say about LSD?" The answer is easy, "Nothing. It's a modern invention."
@RubelliteYakṣī No problem. That is the reason voting in reviews is important than not to close.
Furthermore, in English at least, intoxication can mean many different things. For example, LSD is called an intoxicant by some even though it is non-toxic and non-lethal even in extreme doses.
@NogShine Can you say this another way? I don't understand "voting in reviews" vs "not to close"
@RubelliteYakṣī In any case the previous question can be updated , so to avoid multiple splitted questions on same exact issue. .. So no fear of discouraging users will remain.
@RubelliteYakṣī LSD is an intoxicant in my country.
@RubelliteYakṣī Voting in reviews means going to review page and voting to leave open. Not to close means looking at a question with close votes and not doing anything.
BTW will say Good Night to you guys , BYE TC ... :-)
Good Night!
Have a good day @RubelliteYakṣī
@NogShine Oh, yes. I see
You guys have a good night!
@NogShine This is not how to use that # :/
@NogShine Exactly. It is non-toxic, tho
@NogShine @SwiftPushkar Good Night
@RubelliteYakṣī You too ?
But it's morning there isn't it ?
@NogShine perfect, thanks!
@RubelliteYakṣī Thanks you!
1 hour later…
Q: Is it needed to add something from our end when Question can be answered directly from Scriptures without any explanation?

YDSI see few upvoted comments on my answer: "You can just paste a link of chapter number in comments instead of just copy pasting totally..." "Pure copy paste. Is there anything from you in the answer?..." "Anyone can do copy paste. What is your effort here?..." Well, what to say when no effort ...

00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 20:00

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