Currently, flagging a post as very low quality causes two things to happen:
The post is flagged for moderator review
The community user casts a downvote on the post if the flag is validated
Optionally, the flagger can also cast a downvote. Some strange magic happens if the post is subsequentl...
I want to know Its answer for a serious purpose of my research.Can Sanskrit be simply treated as a language the one which is used for communication or It has the satus of more than Language Status.
There was an occasion when Karna was about to sever king Jarasandha’s body into two parts, using his bare arms. But then, king Jarasandha offered his hand of friendship to Karna and the fight ended.
What are the details of Karna’s fight with king Jarasandha?
@STEEL Like I said, if they include the URL to the original article then at least it's not plagiarism - but that doesn't make it a good answer, and I would probably still downvote in many cases. — senshinJun 22 '14 at 20:05
@NogShine well, yes, I know we have such answers. Where users have just quoted paras e.g (Presently I remember) some answers say according to Ravishankar...... (Quoted)...answer is over by Saxena.
@NogShine Even if quote or verses from scriptures may directly answer the question, Those are not good answers because OP has nothing to tell!
@NogShine And I think we have once discussed that. Explanation in OP by her/his own words should be there.
@NogShine we should prefer to upvote answers having explanation from OP over answer having just quotes. Because former shows effort while latter doesn't
If the topic is boring, we can think of something else. But I think chat event will be good. It helps us to rectify what we are missing.
@Pandya Yes, but if I am the only one doing it, that would give no result. Same with off-topic questions and POB questions. Many are voting to balance downvotes.
@Pandya What can we do about that? Can we flag them as VLQ?
@NogShine Yes. That would be great. Earlier I thought of increasing % answer, then QPD but recently (for about more than month), I again started thinking on answering. (I don't brother QPD much now :p).
Our community/site is growing fine but it requires some attention to unanswered questions. From Area51.SE, our site shows 73% answered (1098 questions with no answers) so it needs considerable work:
Also visiting the list of all sites according to percent answered criteria gives an idea ...
In order to improve the percentage of answer, overall quality of the answers and ultimately in the growth of users and site as well in terms of information and knowledge on Hinduism topics, We should recommend users to read some important Hindu scriptures that are mostly used.
We can also apply ...
Btw, in this discussion, I forgot that you're talking about event schedule and topic @NogShine Choose whatever you like. You may decide after reply from others you've pinged.
@NogShine Occasional festival talk or discussion related to growth of community would be fine.
According to Wikipedia-
In one verse of a Rig-Vedic hymn eulogising Sarasvati, she is
portrayed as the one who slayed Vritra. Mention of this occurs nowhere
I think it's not vritra but son of vritra Vetra with similar name
as this story is found in Varaha and Mahabharata to...
@Pandya how one can get 31 reputation on an Answer when after upvoted-downvotes total vote score is 0?🤔🤔 When each upvote has 10 and downvote -2...shall i post this to maths SE :P