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Q: Who were the Vedic composers (qualitatively)? This is not a duplicate

Anil KagiI have searched the forum. There have been questions and answers that dealt with the topic, but this is different. I am seeking something different from all that has already been touched upon. I am aware of the fact that Vedas are 'Apaurusheya' and 'Anaadi' and that they were revealed to the sa...

@TheLittleNaruto I'm not in any sense a subject matter expert.
I've nothing that I can contribute outside occasionally giving the mods a hand openly or quietly when they need it.
Q: Did Lord Rama win as a king but fail as a husband? Why or why not?

Udhav SarvaiyaRam was full of different aspects of his life, such as son, friend, brother, king but I feel that he has spread like a husband because who left his pregnant wife after listening to a dhobi though his wife always stood by his side like a shadow.

@JourneymanGeek I know that. :(
@JourneymanGeek You can write answers on meta like you did earlier.
That's what he is telling.
@Nog Morning
@TheLittleNaruto Morning
@TheLittleNaruto hi
@NogShine hi
@Akash.B Hi
ohyou gozaimas
Ohayou Gozaimas
Ogenkidesuka ?
Watashi wa genkidesu
You're learning
who is your favorite hero?
Naruto Uzumaki i.e. Myself
Yours ?
Karna from Mahabharata ?
oh hi
I thought there is some actor in South India movies with that name.
hey noo
I'll teach you 2 more words in Japanese today
what is your aster ism?
those are very commonly used in our general life
okay go ahead
One is Thank you and another is Sorry
For Thank you we say "Arigatou" and for sorry we say "Gomen"
If you want to say Thank you very much, you should say "Arigatou Gozaimas"
Gomen is used when you're too scared to say that lol usually while you did any mistake in front of a gal and started running
Gomensai is formal way of saying sorry
@Akash.B Doishimashite (Welcome)
arigotu gozaimas
@TheLittleNaruto I asked you one question
Which one ?
what is your aster ism?
What is that ?
heard of zodiac?
whats your's
I am Libra.
Balance one.
@TheLittleNaruto how should I deal with bullying in my class?
@Akash.B Simply ignore them.
Or be a man! Deal with 'em. Laugh on 'em.
It is not easy as you say
@TheLittleNaruto how to solve it with ahimsa?
@Akash.B It'll be hard at start, later it'll become easy
If you can tell, How do they bully you ?
They just call me beside and they start to say stupid things about me and my family
What is a solution for it ?
Don't run away. When they call you, just go near to them
and stay there
like you're not listening them at all.
At sometimes I used react harshly with them?
But no use ,they come as a gang
@Akash.B Don't do that
the words they use ,are so hurting
Well... The words are just words. They'll never do any harm to you. Ignore 'em simply.
arigotu I would try
@TheLittleNaruto put it aside
why can't you do a personality test?google.com/…
Only words you should feel devotional are Mantras of your Lord whom you believe on.
Apart from that, every word is useless.
@TheLittleNaruto okay I understand
But above does not mean that words in study material are also useless lol
You gotta study hard day and night
oh how did you know it?
I was gonna ask
What is there to know
Study is part of your survival
No I didn't meant like that
and at this point of time, it's your karma as a student that you must do.
what is your personality?
I am a person with zero knowledge, that's why I always seek for knowledge.
Hey do not think like that
It's not what I think, It's what I am.
lel, yeah @TheLittleNaruto, you should not think like that
If you consider yourself as a zero , then you will not succeed in your life
@DroidDev xD
@Akash.B Zero is not something what you're thinking
yeah @TheLittleNaruto, don't think of yourself as zero. You are minus 5
Zero is something from which this whole universe starts and ends.
@DroidDev Jesus xD
@TheLittleNaruto lel, no, that was big bang
The big numbers always starts from 0
what is a big number?
@DroidDev big bang happened on black hole which was elliptical and zero is elliptical as well
@DroidDev infinity
@TheLittleNaruto yeah, it might be eliptical, but it was not zero. Everything elliptical is not zero, they are elliptical
@DroidDev Zero represents that in the context my current conversation
If you want change from zero to hero ,then change a alphabet
@TheLittleNaruto well...by this logic, you can just say about anything and prove your point. I can say that life starts from 1, and not zero (now is the time to think about your gun, that you were earlier talking about and you'll come to know how life starts with 1)
@DroidDev damn! XD
@TheLittleNaruto What you meant by Xd?
@Akash.B that is a text emoticon for "Laughing"
Man the way you think and come up with counter reply, it always amazes me. @Dro
@DroidDev Is that you on your profile photo?
okay gomensai
I am sorry
@TheLittleNaruto lol, thanks, but you got the point, right?
@Akash.B umm....didn't get it, also, no need to say sorry
@DroidDev That smiley wasn't for nothing. ;)
@TheLittleNaruto haha, cool
@TheLittleNaruto Why doesn't other gods take avatars like lord vishnu ?
Who told you that ?
@Akash.B well...Lord Hanuman was a part of Shiv Ji (AFAIK)
@Akash.B All Gods take avatars. Even Indra had an avatar.
Who was his avatar?
Indra was not a god, he was an angel
more or less A DemiGod!
isn't Devta = Angel?
he is not an angel, he is a deva
Q: Is Brihaspati the one who helped Indra's incarnation Indra Vaikuntha?

Keshav SrinivasanMost people only know about incarnations of Vishnu, and perhaps incarnations of Brahma (which I discuss here) and incarnations of Shiva. But Indra has also taken incarnations, for instance as Vishwamitra' father Gadhi. But my question is about the most famous incarnation of Indra in ancient tim...

@Akash.B yeah well, then there is no god, only bhagwaan
@DroidDev god is bhagwaan
But angel is not deva
Q: Satanic concept in Hinduism

Rafid kIs there Satanic concept in Hinduism?. if so just cite the references. and how you see the Asuran of Purana.

@TheLittleNaruto hmm
@NogShine Hello
@Akash.B who is angel?
@TriyugiNarayanMani Hello.
How are you?
@DroidDev google
@NogShine Fine. What about you?
@TriyugiNarayanMani Same with me. Just thinking about Hinduism Meta
@Akash.B google is angel?
that can also be true though
@DroidDev lol
@NogShine Anything special?
@DroidDev oh man, how many years are you?
@TriyugiNarayanMani about the voting pattern there. Some posts are just downvoted and upvoted without any reason. I don't see any reason for them.
@NogShine Yes. Noticed that.
Not about my recent question about my answer.
@Akash.B well....I just reply with the same logic, as I get replies. You gave one word reply "google", to which I replied like that. If you know the hindi of angel, then you can tell me. I told you what I know. Google I can always do myself, when I have any doubts
I think current focus is on person not on post.
@TriyugiNarayanMani I am starting to believe it.
BTW, how much rep did you lose yesterday?
@DroidDev Okay I am sorry, well that was my mistake
@Akash.B not a problem and no need to say sorry at all. I am cool ;)
@NogShine 75
you are lucky
Haha. It is only 20.
@NogShine checked it
I think user self deleted.
Deleted user voted based on a person yesterday and the votes are reversed today.
Yes. You too noticed !!
@TriyugiNarayanMani May be. I hope there won't be a question again about it. If it is asked, it is duplicate and off-topic both.
@NogShine :0
I have a question.
Where did userXYZ go cc @JourneymanGeek
Which sources are required to answer a question about Saints like Mirabai, Andal, TUlasidas etc?
@TriyugiNarayanMani Their biographies or articles.
@TriyugiNarayanMani We can use any good book describing their life story or is about them , if possible published by some well known publishing house or Math etc.
OK @NogShine and @SwiftPushkar
@TriyugiNarayanMani Yes, I did.
@NogShine Me too
It will not closed as unclear what you are asking. Meta closure is different from main. If it does, I don't know to laugh or cry. See examples [Use OCR to post answers from PDFs which are not text searchable] (hinduism.meta.stackexchange.com/q/616/5212), The copy-paste issue, Hinduism version Private beta extended - please focus on quality Please stay active, atleast till the site is in beta stage. There are many more. — Sarvabhouma 4 hours ago
Meta closure is different from main. Questions can be closed if the answers are same and the also can be closed if the answer is in the question.
That's why I like meta.
More freedom for closure.
@TriyugiNarayanMani Any idea who i he ?
@SwiftPushkar I don't wish to reveal the name.
@NogShine haha ok , just curious , got -40 , but its ok :-)
@NogShine There is nothing wrong
Its second time the same user got deleted.
@SwiftPushkar Anurag Singh
But reasons why they are deleted are unnecessary.
@TriyugiNarayanMani ok :-)
And i also correctly guessed him yesterday as serial voter :-) , but even i did not disclosed it .
@SwiftPushkar We are not talking about voting :)
@TriyugiNarayanMani Yes , i know , my topic is different , since i was not here since last eve. so don't know what happened since then . :-)
@SwiftPushkar No problem
@SwiftPushkar That's why I didn't wish to diclose the name. It is not about serial voting. Just about a deleted user.
Votes are reversed morning
@NogShine You got the point. My bad
@NogShine Yeah , but the name itself got reveled . :-)
ANyway we will close this topic .
btw any new answers or questions?
I answered a question our of nowhere :D
nope , just came online , will need search . All new ones seems to be bit tricky .
Q: Who were the Vedic composers (qualitatively)?

Anil KagiI am seeking something different from all that has already been touched upon. I am aware of the fact that Vedas are 'Apaurusheya' and 'Anaadi' and that they were revealed to the sages by the Gods during meditation. And after revelation the sages gave them to the disciples and people by putting t...

will try to find abt. this one
@NogShine who?
@JourneymanGeek Molly ;P
Molly left long enough ago that her posts are still under her name
We had a user deletion here yesterday and rep lost. That's why that topic
At least reputation shouldn't change
@TriyugiNarayanMani - Yeah in some cases it wont get changed , if user casted too many votes , and impacting whole community etc.
If my account is deleted, many people's rep will change.
@NogShine I don't want to check that
If you're a high rep/voting user and you request account deletion its reviewed
@NogShine Yes , me too , but we are not going to do that for sure , but was user removed or self- deletion , because i dont think its a possible self-delete .
@TriyugiNarayanMani My question was closed hammered as dupe of that question. :)
@NogShine Oh. Didn't noticed that
@NogShine Your question isn't getting displayed :-(
@SwiftPushkar See in linked in the right side bar. One with 3 votes is mine
Q: When a user account is deleted, what decides when to preserve and remove the votes of the user?

Nog ShineWhen a user account is removed (either by request or due to violating the network's terms of service), the users of the site lose or gain some reputation because their votes are also removed along with their account details. From relevant help center page, This message means that a user who...

yeah , but that link is taking us to the other question , not displaying @NogShine question .
Ok. Will join in some time.
@SwiftPushkar Now also?
@NogShine yes
Click on the question from above message. Are you logged in? To which question it is redirected?
@NogShine - I am not a member on META SE , when clicked on your above question the link directly showing below question .
Q: Don't throw away all votes when a user is deleted

Mad ScientistCurrently, when a moderator deletes a user all of the user's votes are removed along with the user himself. I was pretty surprised at this behaviour when I first heard about it, and I don't think it is a good idea to throw away all of the votes just because the user is deleted. Votes are locked ...

@SwiftPushkar Yes, it does. That is why select from right column. All the linked duplicates are present there.
@NogShine -Yes , got it , lots of other same questions:-)
Why is this off-topic?
Q: Was Pillai Lokacharya a descendant of Ramanujacharya's sister?

Keshav SrinivasanThe Sri Vaishnava sect has two sub-sects, Thenkalai and Vadakalai. Vadakalais follow the teachings of Vedanta Desikan, whereas Thenkalais follow the teachings of Pillai Lokacharya. My question is about Pillai Lokacharya. He was a 13th century Sri Vaishnava Acharya instrumental in saving the Sri ...

Someone just downvoted
I don't understand why it is off-topic
not me :-) Those users must be knowing about the topic .
@SwiftPushkar Or they might not like the topic. This is where sectarianism is showing up.
@NogShine But what's new in this question ? already there are several such questions , i don't think the close votes because of sectarianism , but some other technical reason may be , since i don't know anything about this topic.
BTW are you talking about the difference 2 shree vaishnava sects? and that's where sectarianism is showing up.?
@SwiftPushkar Some closed it as off-topic and having nothing about Hinduism religion. It is about history of Sri Vaishnava. So, it is on-topic.
@SwiftPushkar No, it is from users who doesn't like Vaishnavism or questions about it.
@NogShine yeah , looks on topic to me also.
@NogShine ok , but such a case never happened before AFAIK , that's why i said "whts special about this particular question . And there is no reason users should think like that .
@SwiftPushkar There is off-topic vote on a similar question and POB vote on Keshav's questions on Sri Vaishnavism which are neither.
@NogShine Recently casted or when the Questions asked ?
@SwiftPushkar recently. I and other users voted to leave open in the reviews.
@NogShine oh ok , i haven't reviewed much form some days.
will be back .
2 hours later…
Q: Why is there selective deletion of comments challenging the moderators, especially one moderator

moonstar Clearly, there was a conversation between me and the moderator. All comments of mine challenging the moderator have been conveniently deleted by the moderator(s). Only their comments have been retained evidently to showcase their own virtue in this transaction. Without access to the entire conv...

Q: The user "Community"

moonstar Who is this user? What are their privileges If they are a bot, what rules does it follow to react a certain way to a post (Q or A) Who has access to these rules and how frequently are they edited. Who edits them?

1 hour later…
Q: Who are kayasthas?

S K"kayastha" could mean "one who stays in his body". Are they considered kshatriyas? And apparently some of them are "kulin kayasthas". What is their background?

Q: Does the pumsavana seemanta ritual pray for a male child?

S KI think this ritual is performed both in the north and south. The Brahminical Pumsavana has been blended with basically a baby shower. I have heard that the ritual prays for a male child and also says "let female children be born elsewhere". Is this true?

Q: Does the body parts of Devi Sati get cremated?

Vishwanath NI have heard somewhere that, after Devi Sati's dead body (after her self immolation in her own yogAgni) was cut into several pieces by Sri Vishnu's chakra, they fall in various places on earth. For Shakti to get re-united with Shiva, it was necessary for her to re-incarnate as Parvati. For this p...

Q: How Nachiketa got the Enlightenment by the lord Yamaraj?

Yogesh BoradI hear this thing many times. Also, have another question how Nachiketa reached to Yama Lok and met with the Yamaraj?

Q: How come the astras of the Itihasas and Puranas are never spoken of before or after?

S KIn Rig Veda weapons didn't have much power. The notion of astra with supernatural powers doesn't exist in it. Indra's vajra is either a thunderbolt or a club. Greeks had started coming to India by 300 b.c. and the Indians didn't use any weapons like Brahmastra. So these weapons existed (inclu...

Q: VirAja Homa Mantra of Maha Narayana Upanishad

YogyakarthaI would be glad if anyone please post the VirAja Homa Manthra text of Maha Narayana Upanishad in English with right connotation.

Q: why the marriage function the couples to see the sky for vashistar and arundadthi

ssr1012In Hindu's marriage function the married couples are need to see the sky for seeing the Vashistar and Arundhati stars. Why we need to see this and what is the impact on this one.

Q: Is there a committee to hunt for duplicates or is it done on a voluntary basis?

S KWhat is the aim - is the intention to leave a pristine record of this board's findings on Hinduism for prosterity?

Q: What is the meaning of penance?

Ahmed BkhatyIn Shiva Purana this sentence "After taking the permission of her parents and relinquishing all of her ornaments and royal apparels, Parvati went to the same place where Lord Shiva himself had done penance" http://www.gloriousindia.com/scriptures/puranas/shiva_purana/narada_preaches_parvati_does...

Q: How come scientists & electricity came in Vedas?

Rohit. Don't know which Veda it is but talking about electricity.

Q: In which scripture is Vinayaka or Ganesa the supreme deity?

S KThere is a TV serial in which he is Siva and Parvati's son but he is also called the supreme deity. Is it based on scripture?

Q: Can the duplicate-hunting be made self-serve?

S KIt feels like a mongoose-bite when your effort is consigned to the dustbin out of the blue. Why not give a "vet for duplicates" button to the poster so that he can self-censor for duplicates?

Q: Which gods do Vaishnavites believe are only positions attained by Jivas due to Karmaphala?

S KIndra drank Amrita and so he cannot die. How can this be reconciled with "Indra" just being a position? If an Indra or a Brahma dies, would another jiva immediately take that palce? What stops two Jivas attaining one of these positions at the same time?

Q: Are there contempreneous or near-contemporaneous accounts of the embalming of Ramanuja's body?

S KAll we know is that there is a body at Srirangam temple that is claimed to be that of Ramanuja - preserved for centuries using no known embalming techniques. I have read that even some priests at the temple deny this. When was the first account that said that his body was embalmed?

Q: A question about kāla

Aoi. T_015kāla is a sanskrit Homonym word with two completely different meanings, one being time another being black, dark, darkness. I was recently watching a Sadhguru video about space as matter time as darkness. Meanwhile it seems scientists recently correlated both time & dark matter, energy https://ww...

Q: How many Hindu geneology registers are there and how far back do they go?

S Khttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu_genealogy_registers_at_Haridwar#cite_note-dis-3 In general Christians kept better records and gravestones can stand the test of time for centuries. Since most Hindu bodies are burnt, it is hard to see how records going way back could have been kept by Hindus.

@Hinduismbot Indeed a good question.
Good question indeed! — Just_Do_It 20 mins ago
Sock of @TheLittleNaruto detected
Nice one more person agree on that
@TheLittleNaruto 3 more.
I'll try to come up with an answer according to Tantra.
+1 = Good post
See, question like this should be asked only
Because here every philosophy will have chances to share what does it have inside about the question.
Q: Could someone tell me about Radha amd Krishna in the Devi Bhagvata Purana?

VickRecently, I came across the Devi Bhagvata Purana.In it were many interesting and informative texts . However, I am unable to understand the Ninth Canto of the Purana,owing to fact that I find the English used there too "Shakespearean" for me.I can only understand that there was Krishna at the beg...

This is too broad and this is not
Q: Is there any online translation of grhya and shrauta sutras?

Rakesh JoshiI m looking for some translation of these sutras preferably with actual sanskrit verse. There are grhya sutras on sacred texts website but various sutras are combined together and i m not able to find some chapter. English or hindi translations would be okay

@Sarvabhouma it will make too.many questions if i make separate question on every grhya sutra. Anyways you can vote for closing if you want . — Rakesh Joshi yesterday
Well, that is what the site is for
Specific question and not many questions in one place.
He was never at fault. As a community, we should do what we should do.
That is not happening.
Why I made you owner of this room.
All Sutras at one place is too much in a single question
There are many shrauta sutras and Grihya sutras
It will be helpful but specific questions are more suitable. If you want to put all of them at a place, Make a Community wiki. So, are you thinking of making it? Those are fit for list questions like these. Otherwise, it may result in incomplete answers and partial answers. However, it good to specify which Sutra are you looking e.g Apasthambha and makig another post for Srauta Sutras instead of combining with this Grihya Sutras. — Sarvabhouma yesterday
@TheLittleNaruto You never did.
of course
lemme think of an answer first for my otaku friend
There are more than 15 sutras I can think of.
atm I find it too hard to answer, because I need to recollect many things.
Will sleep now,
later @NogShine o/
@TheLittleNaruto Okay Good night!
Q: what is the legal position of "gotras" today?

S Khttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gotra "In the 1945 court case of Madhavrao vs Raghavendrarao, which involved a Deshastha Brahmin couple, the definition of gotra as descending from eight sages and then branching out to several families was thrown out by the Bombay High Court. The court called the i...

Q: Medical Point of view, What not to do for a new born baby in India

user2695713What are the wrong practices that are done in India on a newborn baby, which otherwise the Doctors consider unnecessary or unhealthy? I heard from a friend that rigorous massage, a normal practice in India, of a newborn baby is dangerous!!!, Can anyone name a few more examples that should be avoi...

Q: Where is the PROOF of law of Karma?

user1874594Basic Tenant of Scientific Thinking is Evidence.SHOW ME PLAUSIBLE ( preferably objective & verifiable proof) EVIDENCE. If I stand up in front of you and say “LOOK I AM superman …. I am going to crash through those windows and start flying” …. you will reply ..”did you take your medication for t...

4 hours later…
Q: Among castes eligible to wear yagnopavitam, do different castes/sub-castes wear different kinds of Yagyopavitam?

S KDo scriptures prescribe how the yagynpavitam should be made (number of threads, knots etc.)?

Q: Have the Ramanandis repudiated the influence of Southern Vaishnavites in the formation of their sect?

S KFrom http://sanatan.sdcollegeambala.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/481036.pdf page 133 "In the early 20th century, therefore, the ascetics and bards of the Ramanandi sect finally affirmed their sectarian independence by claiming the unique historical origin of the sect. The mantra was divulged...

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