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@Pandya Haha
2 hours later…
translate: राम
@TriyugiNarayanMani @Tezz @AnkitSharma Delete vote on this one. Cleaning the site.
2 hours later…
the mantra for getting nice husband is "BEAUTY-PARLOR" :) — SwiftPushkar Jun 20 '16 at 17:33
@Sinister Don't touch questions with answers (which has upvotes).
@Sinister Why are you so much interested? System will delete automatically.
@TheDestroyer Don't touch?
@TheDestroyer System doesn't delete those questions.
@Sinister By doing this, you are depriving of content from site which may be useful.
@Sinister If a question is eligible for deletion, system will delete.
@TheDestroyer How are off-topic questions useful?
It was an off-topic question. That shouldn't be answered first of all.
@Sinister It's like comments of personal opinion based questions. They are useful, at least for some.
@Sinister Some users may not know exact rules when they just join site.
@TheDestroyer System does not detet many questions. That is why we are given delete privilege.
@TheDestroyer That was not answered in early days.
@Sinister You are not supposed to delete everything.
Manual deletion is enabled in many sites.
Q: How does deleting work? What can cause a post to be deleted, and what does that actually mean? What are the criteria for deletion?

jjnguyWhat circumstances can cause a question or answer to be deleted, and what does that actually mean? How can a post be deleted? When can't I delete my own post? Can I see a list of my deleted posts? How can I undelete one of my posts? What does deletion mean for a post? How do votes to delete wo...

@Sinister Refer this. System deletes many questions.
@TheDestroyer I am not deleting everything. I am deleting closed off-topic questions with -1 votes.
@TheDestroyer That is why they should read help center guidelines..
@TheDestroyer So, you say personal advice questions are useful?
@Sinister Instead of deleting, you can edit and make it on topic,
@Sinister That question can be savaged.
@TheDestroyer Isn't that a personal advice question?
@TheDestroyer Such questions effect the site quality.
@Sinister We have edited many such questions in past or informed OP to edit it.
We should close off-topic questions and not edit or answer them. I know we are helping users but here, site's quality should also be taken care. @The
@Sinister Lol. How does that effect site quality? That questions can simply be edited to Astrology based question if OP replies. Quality depends on answers. Not on questions. Low quality questions will be anyway closed or deleted or improved.
Also, answering comments to POB questions. How are they helpful?
@TheDestroyer LOL. Questions also have quality.
See the reason for upvote or downvote.
@Sinister May not be helpful to you. But helpful for OP.
1 min ago, by The Destroyer
@Sinister Lol. How does that effect site quality? That questions can simply be edited to Astrology based question if OP replies. Quality depends on answers. Not on questions. Low quality questions will be anyway closed or deleted or improved.
@TheDestroyer We are running a site here.
Read this again.
If many personal advice questions are flooded, what is the use?
@TheDestroyer Answering in comments is condemned by SE.
Comments are not fetched by search engines. Questions and answers do.
If a question is closed as POB or personal advice and answered in comments, what is the point of closing them? @TheDestroyer
@Sinister These issues have been discussed on meta. Please see relevant posts,
Q: Are we allowed to answer personal-advice questions that have been closed, in comments?

sv.I'm noticing that while some questions are closed as off-topic (specially, the personal advice ones) by moderators and also through voting, the discussions are still going about under the question in the comments section. Now I understand the need to keep the comments section of closed questions...

A: When should I post an answer and when should I post a comment?

Robert CartainoNote: Its important to understand why users post answers as comments and why it's a problem. So I'm including this answer to provide a bit of background and context to this discussion. Some users don't understand the difference between an answer and a comment. The comment text box is the first...

> - Comments cannot be properly vetted (voted on for correctness).
- The information in comments is not editable by the community.
- Comments are not easily searchable. When users are looking for your content, they are less likely to come here to find it.
- When users see that a question has been answered in comments, they are less likely to contribute proper answers.
- Questions with comment-based answers remain marked as "unanswered" by the system, so that does not bode well for the community.
First we have to check whether the question is helpful for the community or not. We can discuss personal advice in chat rooms.
In the first place, as a moderator, you have to tell the users not to answer off-topic questions. But you are saying, that they don't know the rules. How is it supported? @TheDestroyer
@Sinister Did you forget our delete policy converts answers without sources to comments?
Why didn't you mention it when we proposed it?
In most of the case, OP doesn't reply if he gets an answer in the comments. He ignores. They reply thanks and leave the site forever.
@Sinister See, if comment has useful information we can post such info in comments.
Q: Please change the guidance for "convert to comment" to emphasize that this should only be used for comments posted as answers

Shog9Moderators have long had access to a tool for converting answers into comments. The guidance for this tool reads as follows: Answers should be converted to comments when they contain useful information, but do not answer the question. This sets some pretty lenient requirements for the use o...

@TheDestroyer Comments are originally for asking clarification.
Not answering the questions.
@Sinister "Useful info" may or may not be exact answer and that's the reason we even allow "some kind of sharing useful info" in comments.
@TheDestroyer I don't remember it. Can you explain?
Are you saying this point?
> If the answer remains unchanged within prescribed time span, it can be flagged for deletion and/or deleted or converted into comment by moderator
@Sinister You should have opposed converting answers to comments? But you didn't. Why? You were saying comments are only for asking clarifications.
@Sinister We need to edit our policy if we have to strictly follow that rule.
Q: When should I vote to delete a question?

OakMy question is simple - when should I cast delete votes? I've recently reached enough rep on one of the sites to be able to cast delete votes. I am not sure when a question is supposed to be deleted as opposed to just remain closed. What criteria should I use when deciding whether or not to cast...

@TheDestroyer ^ See answer by Robert
He says we can delete off- topic questions.
Because we can only ask clarifications in comments.
@TheDestroyer There is a feature request regarding that.
Q: Fixing comments in 5 minutes. Intrigued? Let's discuss

Robert CartainoI made a quick change to Area 51 recently, and it had a profound effect on how people used that site, so let's discuss. Background: The basic building blocks of every SE site are the QUESTION and the ANSWER. They are clearly portrayed as such, so if anyone puts "something else" in that space, ...

See this ^
@Sinister See, simple rules is this. First try to save the question and if not possible deletion follows.
@Sinister Since this question can be saved easily, we can put efforts to make it proper rather than deleting as it will be useful.
@TheDestroyer Saving off-topic questions is different. If someone posts a question. "Help me. I have a weak mind". How is that helpful to the community?
Even the reason for closing is wakeup call to OP and others to edit it. Else, they would have opted for deletion.
@Sinister Read body. It is related to Astrology.
@Sinister He is asking for remedies according to Hindu Scriptures and Astrology?
I asked him if he doesn't edit or reply, you can use your votes.
@TheDestroyer "Jyotish says that I have a weak chandra who is with rahu in 12th house and currently running rahu mahadasha". So, are we giving astrological suggestions?
At least, till then it will be useful for some.
@Sinister He will remove it if we ask him. Obviously we are not giving any suggestions.
It has been over a month.
@TheDestroyer How long should we wait?
@TheDestroyer Also, I asked @Pandya about this one some days ago. I think there should be a meta post asking users not to answer duplicate or off-topic questions. Because, those questions shouldn't be there at the first place. Users should VTC instead of answering them.
Ok. I will stop discussion with you. Use deletion votes.
@Sinister Btw, what is your view on policy ? May i know why you didn't oppose converting to commentrs?
Well, I didn't support that answer.
@Sinister But i didn't see any comments of you mentioning above objection that comments are solely for clarifications?
@TheDestroyer Because I didn't comment. :P
@Sinister I am wondered why you didn't comment. Because you are the one of members on site who knows meta rules properly. :)
@TheDestroyer Conversion into comment and answering in comments are different IMO. If one writes complete answer or posts a source in comments and says "Refer this link", that is not constructive.
@Sinister But still rule is rule. We should follow rules when you are so strong about POB
@TheDestroyer I was not aware of the Meta.SE then. I opposed because it says delete all the answers without sources and gives less time for the users to add sources.
@TheDestroyer I didn't get you.
I have no problem with the citation banner. But a week seems less to me. I would say a month.
We discussed in chat rooms If I remembered correctly. You asked for users opinions in chat rooms. @TheDestroyer
@Sinister It's not about citation banner but about converting comments. I would appreciate if you leave comment saying this can't be allowed as you were opposing comments in POB and stick hard to that rules of "comments"
Bye! Will discuss with you later.
@TheDestroyer I am not opposing conversion into comment. Conversion into comments and answering in comments are different IMO. I am talking about answering an off-topic or POB questions in comments and writing answers directly without using close vote.
@TheDestroyer Bye. We will discuss later.
Also, Pandya's answer says delete or conversion into comments. It is moderator's choice or content in the answer which makes an answer comment(I don't know about this one).
@Sinister What i'm saying is: You have to stick with one rule that don't allow answering in comments (as per Meta Site). You can't allow it at one place and be lenient at other place. Since you have said comments comments are only for clarification, i thought you would oppose it in all cases.
@TheDestroyer I am opposing answering questions in comments eventhough when we have proper sources.
@Sinister Not about it. About POB and other cases.
@TheDestroyer Yes. I am opposing answering off-topic questions in answers and comments.
They should be closed IMO.
@Sinister It looks like you are not getting my point. Do you stand by rule of "comments are for clarifications" or not?
@TheDestroyer "Comments are for asking clarifications, constructive criticism and adding minor information" from the help center. I stand by these. But what is happening is Users are adding total info instead of minor info.
@Sinister Going by this, you should oppose converting to comments right? But i see your opinion is different on it.
@TheDestroyer I don't know what are the rules for comment conversion. Moderators have some information when to convert and when to not. Don't they? I don't have idea regarding this one. "Also, Pandya's answer says delete or conversion into comments. It is moderator's choice or content in the answer which makes an answer comment(I don't know about this one)"
You should discuss that when you downvoted. — Pandya ♦ 58 secs ago
@TheDestroyer ^
@Sinister Do you know about hinduism.stackexchange.com/help/roomba ?
Q: Who is Ishwar according to Advait Vedanta - Lord Shiva or Vishnu?

Rohit.Ishwar is Saguna Brahman who has created the world out of Maya according to Advait Vedanta. Although Ishwar too is illusion according to it, who is Ishwar actually - Lord Shiva or Vishnu as both can not be Ishwar of same creation. Or none of them is Ishwar?

@Rohit. ^^ Why're you creating Dvaita (Shiva & Vishnu) when you're talking about Advaita?
Q: Which are the crimes in which people becomes ghost and for how much time?

IkuWhich are the crimes in which people becomes ghost and for how much time (references will be surly better then personal openion)? I asked about suicide but looks like if someone kills you and you die with some desires (lol, actually I think then everyone will become ghost, who don't have desires...

@Pandya I have replied already. :-)
3 hours later…
Ishvara (Sanskrit: ईश्वर, Īśvara) is a concept in Hinduism, with a wide range of meanings that depend on the era and the school of Hinduism. In ancient texts of Indian philosophy, depending on the context, Ishvara can mean supreme soul, ruler, lord, king, queen or husband. In medieval era Hindu texts, depending on the school of Hinduism, Ishvara means God, Supreme Being, personal god, or special Self. In Shaivism, Ishvara is synonymous with "Shiva", sometimes as Maheshvara or Parameshvara meaning the "Supreme lord", or as an Ishta-deva (personal god). In Vaishnavism, it is synonymous with Vishnu...
I've found that Shiva vs Vishu debate have been occurring for centuries.
You'll also find many questions on this site engaging in that and people are found always be interested in that!
People sometimes try to prove either of one Supreme.
I think Shiva/Rudra, Vishnu and Narayana are very subtle and philosophical concept to be understood properly.
There are many scriptural source and their interpretation results in supremacy of either of one (but not over another).
One should not think of demeaning either of them while believing or interpreting another supreme.
Ekam Sad Vipra Bahudha Vadanti.
So, I suggest/advice not to focus much on debate or waste time in debating whose sole purpose/intense is to just prove supremacy of either of them over (and hence demeaning) another.
If you want to be philosophical and/or spiritual, focus/concentrate/meditate on Brahman.
@Pandya Buddhism is mentioned in Puranas. Does this mean Puranas are not older than Buddhism
Q: What is the varna of a Kayastha?

Surya Kanta Bose ChowdhuryKayasthas are said to be descendants of Chitragupta, the deity responsible for recording sins or merits of every living being. Kayasthas are usually referred as the scribe class. Their varna however is very disputed. In Bengal however, Kayasthas are said to be separate to of Brahmins as Bengali B...

Ah this question is haunting me
Q: Can a son of a Vratya initiate?

Surya Kanta Bose ChowdhuryAccording to the Manusmriti, a Vratya is one who has not undergone upanayana (initiation) within the prescribed time limits of respective varnas and hence a Vratya becomes an outcaste. This is mentioned in Manusmriti 2.39: After those (periods men of) these three (castes) who have not receive...

Q: Did Indra kill his step-mother Danu, the mother of Danavs?

Dr. Vineet AggarwalLike Aditi, the mother of Adityas (including Indra), Danu is one of the wives of Kashyap Rishi who is the mother of Danavs. This Rigvedic Verse that describes the killing of the dragon Vritra by Indra says: 8 There as he lies like a bank-bursting river, the waters taking courage flow above hi...

Q: Location of each Khandas within Bharata Varsha

AjayHere in Sri Caitanya-caritamrta says 9 Khandas are there within Bharata Varsha and name of those Khandas are given in purport. Now my question is which portion of Bharatavarsha is what Khanda?

2 hours later…
@Pandya I am not establishing someone's supremacy. I am just trying figuring out about Ishwar in Advait Vedanta.
Btw, I follow Kashmiri Shaivism onle. @Pandya
1 hour later…
Q: How can one remove evil spirits?

Surya Kanta Bose ChowdhuryHow can one Hindu protect himself/herself from evil spirits? How can one perform exorcism in Hinduism?

Q: Is Sanatana Dharma anti-foreigners?

Surya Kanta Bose ChowdhuryThe Sanskrit word ''mleccha'' is used to describe foreigners. In various Puranas we find verses anti-mleccha verses. One such example is from the Kalki Purana where Lord Kalki is predicted to kill ''mlecchas'': adhuna kahkula ndsavatdro bauddha pdsanda mlecchadindnca vedadharma setu panpdland...

Q: How can Advaita's Nirguna Brahman even exist?

IkshvakuAccording to Shankaracharya, Ishvara, the world, and Saguna Brahman, are ultimately unreal. Only Nirguna Brahman is real. But what does it mean to be Nirguna or "without qualities"? Something that has no attributes or qualities is something that doesn't even exist, because it cannot be proven.

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