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@Tezz @TheDestroyer What do you think about chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/30399266#30399266 ?
@KeshavSrinivasan ok; by the way, In people born in Kali Yuga are able to attain Brahman and Moksha then I think why not able to hear Shruti?
@Pandya I believe they can also hear Shruti in meditation...
@Pandya as the answer mentions "But some in their new birth...." that some part is sufficient...
@Pandya we can also believe we are in 'Dwapara' yuga by following Sri Yukteshwor theory...
@Pandya I think different meditators get different truth....
@Pandya for eg Vyasa by meditation believes in eternal Soul... Buddha by meditation discards eternal soul ...
@Tezz why different truth?
@Pandya all are true to some level... personally I believe Advaita is reality... other are just philosophy...
; What is Sri Yukteshwor theory?
@Tezz beyond to beliefs, I'm talking about realizing the truth by Tapasya (deep meditation)
like ancient sages (Drashta of Veda) realized
@Pandya read this answer for Sri Yukteshwor theory...
@Tezz Yeah, his theory makes sense. The only difficulty is tracing Kalki avatar. Swami Vivekananda might have given a hint on that by saying 24 tirthankaras of Jainism corresponds to 24 avatars mentioned in Bhagavatam and that includes Kalki. Jainism mentions about Siddhashila, the abode where tirthankaras go, I think Siddhashila is nothing but Kailash where it is known that most Siddhas reside so he could be present there. — Chinmay Sarupria yesterday
@Pandya on what would you meditate... what would be your object of meditation...?...
@Tezz that's I am looking for. Because as we know Sages meditated and get the knowledge of Vedas and that's why they called Drashta of Vedas.
See they didn't read Vedas, they got Vedas in deep meditation.
So, irrespective of knowing the Vedas, I am thinking Is it possible to got the Shruti with the help of deep meditation?
how about it?
@Pandya I don't think it is possible in Short period lifetime of Kaliyuga... we may proceed through Kriya yoga, Hatha yoga anf Kundalini Yoga...which are shortcut...
yes, actually by-passing Shravan, Manan,..... way of Scripture, this sounds like short-cut
@Pandya but it may also be possible when we reach deeper meditation.... as few minutes in deep meditation are counted as thousands of years...
@Pandya are you thinking to try getting Shruti through meditation...?
why not!
I think everyone should try
what do you think @Tezz
@Pandya establish yourself as Brahman by negation used in 'Nirvana Shatakam'.... then why do you need Shruti...?
well, I am thinking that irrespective of any scripture, Is it possible to get the Knowledge of The self and Brahman by deep meditation?
@Pandya I think it's possible...
@Pandya but how to start...?
@Tezz don't know efficiently; do you know how to start?
@Pandya I just think just by controlling breath and then controlling mind... we will get light of intellect then... then from the light of intellect we will get knowledge of Atman/Brahman....
@Pandya so, I think it's possible through mind control...
And can you imagine about how sages (Drashta of Veda) did it (without ant scripture!)?
@Pandya able to make mind still through practice will lead toward Samadhi ... and I think we can get truth from it....
@Pandya as I believe in Kundalini Shakti... I think they got knowledge from that...
@Pandya do you believe in Kundalini Shakti...?
@Tezz and that truth will be absolute/ultimate (not should be different as discussed)
@Tezz sure, yes
@Pandya yes, I think that truth will be absolute... but in the world confusion will still be there... as we can't satisfy other people...
let us satisfy ourself first!
btw, controlling mind, etc. are described in Raj-Yoga...
@Tezz there may be "no other people" after getting the truth!!!
@Pandya I get amused with the fanciful interpretation of Visistadvaita and Dvaita philosophers... as we know from principle 10 Upanishads they call Brahman by the name Brahman only... they don't call Vishnu/Shiva etc... why? Because Brahman is 'Avaktya'.... So I get amused when commentators superimpose this 'Brahman'... with personification....
@Pandya yes, you are right... you should read book 'Talks with Ramana Maharshi'... It is excellent... Have you read it...?
@Tezz Ok. Thanks, I'll.....
Do you know/practised Raj-Yoga?
@Pandya yes, I think Raja yoga is best among yoga...as the name implies it is King of Yogas...
@Pandya I somehow practice Raja Yoga...
Do you practice...?
no, want to...
I earlier asked question (when I didn't know):
Q: What is Raj-yoga? Is it related to Jnana-Yoga?

PandyaThere are three known classical yoga viz. Karma, Bhakti and Jnana. I recently found Raja-Yoga in this answer. So, What is Raj-Yoga? and Is there any relation between Raj-yoga and Jnana-Yoga? Also I want to know Upanishad or Vedanta view on Raj-Yoga.

@Pandya I think one should do "Soham" meditation before trying Raja yoga...
@Pandya yes, I am That... (meaning)
nice to talk with you @Tezz (will meet) good-bye!
@Pandya ok... bye....
2 hours later…
@Pandya I also have same opinion of @Tezz. I think we can also achieve liveration via Karma Yoga but will be very difficult. Finally we need Atmajnana or self Knowledge and we can get it by doing it. Yoga Vasista explains seven steps of wisdom. But as said by @Tezz I think raja Yoga is easiest way but what if Vasanas are strong?
@Pandya I think all these Dvaita Philosophies are also true but i think ultimate one is this Advaita one where we wake up from dream.
@Pandya I think Dvaita liberations will stop suffering but we need to climb the ladder to highest one. Just like how Rudra takes people to Kailasa and they may need to mingle with highest form of Sadashiva and same is the case with Vaishnava Philosophies in different terminology. I'm not really sure what happens here whether they mingle with Rudra or go to Kailasa in Subtle body?
@Pandya I personally don't believe in yukteswar theory. I believe that this is Kali Yuga. In kali Yuga we will have tamas and this is exactly how the world is now. These inventions doesn't make this world as Dwapara though Dwapara has "Rajas and Tamas". Actually, a user (Ravi J) posted some interesting points that " people of Europe and America" could be descendants of Danavas or Danavas born in Human form. "Rajas" way of life and movies with lust are self evident.
@Pandya People of Arab could be Daityas as they involve in inter state conflicts. They have Tamas. India was Satvic before with little Rajas before arrival of Persians. Next it turned to Tamas after persians entered this Subcontinent and later when British arrived it turned Rajas and still people of India are Rajas and indeed they are becoming more Rajas. Inventions are good but lust is also Rajas and this is evident from our movies and way of life.
So, I don't believe this Yuga theory of Yukteswar.
See comments of this Question.
@Tezz If you want to understand Shankra's Advaita Properly, i suggest you to read Yoga Vasista. Though this text didn't answer the question " Why pure consciousness (Brahman) has some disturbance (which they call Maya or dream)?"
@TheDestroyer I have read maximum portions of Yoga Vasistha...
@Tezz Did Vasista Muni answer that question?
@TheDestroyer Regarding how Avidya came in Brahman... read the book 'Talks with Ramana Maharsi'... I have given link above to @Pandya... he gives nice answer....
@Tezz He escapes by saying that We should not question about unreality.
@Tezz Ok. Thanks and rest all things are very clear to me.
@TheDestroyer there
Asker: if God is everything then why there is suffering and ignorance

Ramana Maharsi: see who is suffering?... where is there Avidya?...
@TheDestroyer I'm highly convinced with answer of Ramana Maharsi... in fact there is not Avidya and ignorance at all....
@TheDestroyer when we go deeper and deeper by self enquiry... we will realise there is no Avidya and suffering at all...
@TheDestroyer Regarding vasanas overcoming while practicing Raja yoga... it's very difficult to control mind... so we should first control Prana to achieve mind control... so Prana and mind control are recommended....
@Tezz Can you tell me page no?
@TheDestroyer also see here...

 हिन्दी मंच

Discussion related to Hinduism in Hindi (Note that chat.stacke...
@TheDestroyer I forgot the page no. Of book.... I'll tell you when I find...
@Tezz Pg No- 14
@TheDestroyer page no. 61 is also good concerning predestination and free will...
Actually, however, the question of free will or predestination
does not arise at all from the point of view of non-duality. It
is as though a group of people who had never heard of radio
were to stand round a wireless set arguing whether the man in
the box has to sing what the transmitting station tells him to
or whether he can change parts of the songs. The answer is
that there is no man in the box and therefore the question
does not arise. Similarly, the answer to the question of whether
the ego has free will or not is that there is no ego and therefore
@TheDestroyer yes, it's in page no. 14
@TheDestroyer I think it's more precisely in another page...
@Tezz Not fully satisfied. May be by only Atmajnana we can understand properly.
@TheDestroyer yes, through Atmajnana only there can be proper understanding
@TheDestroyer but self enquiry ultimately leads to Atma jnana...
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@TheDestroyer ok; thanks for sharing your views. actually the topic of my discussion is Hearing Shruti , 2 and getting/realizing the truth without/irrespective/independent to the Scripture.
@Tezz on you comment:
What do you think about soul in bacteria and viruses?... also in animals which can divide by fragmentation...? — Tezz 4 hours ago
you may be interested my old question.
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SwiftPushkarWho were the cooking Masters (MasterChefs) from Epic Mahabharata and what are their stories. Where on can find their stories ?

in correct link in above line ^^. I mean this question @Tezz
btw, now, I don't concentrate on such topics. (that's my oldest active question on site and @Keshav welcomed me)
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