@JBH "There's supposed to be a purpose in the asking - and the OP did not include any such purpose." see there is the real issue you had, and I agree that this is a reasonable interpretation of the question.. And pointing out the real issue would help the OP to fix those issues much faster.
Just as an analogy, suppose you get a parking fine in your inbox but there are only vague hints at time and place where you have offended. So now you have to find out what occasion the authority means on your own before you can even judge for yourself if the fine was warranted or if you want to fight your case. Also it makes it much harder to adjust your future conduct as to not offend again
13 hours later…
@datacube Let's be honest with one another. I made a point. Sometimes I have the time to crank out three comments worth of explanation and sometimes I don't. The OP had the right and privilege to question me about those points. The OP didn't and for all I know they understood my misgivings (more likely they didn't care, which is far more often the case). Our discussion is about your concern that my concerns didn't meet your expectations. I regret that! But unless you can show me...
... in this comment chain where the OP granted you the right to speak on his/her behalf, this is nothing but just between you and me. As ever and as always, the OP has the ability to read the Help Center, study the Meta comments, and ask questions on Meta or in Chat. No one is obligated to explain a down vote or a VTC, even though it's my usual wont to try. At any time the OP could have edited the post to improve it and I would have gladly changed my vote. As of this comment, the post has...
... never once been edited. Personally, I'm glad to see you're involved in the effort to update and improve the Help Center. Because the real problem here isn't that I left a short comment, it's that we have an inadequate method for helping new users understand our limits and expectations (some of which, IMO, should change).
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Feb '2427
Discussion on question by Stephen: In…
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