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11 hours later…
so i made this, i know a lot's missing
@AnujKaithwas what's it for?
as in, what is the application of the gfx?
I just want to know what's needed more. I am trying colors for the hill things, and the walls of the palace
no application, practicing it :)
phew, that's a toughie
hehe -- more a bug than critique: you mirrored the outer towers, but with that, the shadows got flipped as well.
so the right tower's shadow is the wrong way round
oh damn!
hehe sorry :|
besides that... I think it's a bit flat, but that may just be the style
then again, I'm not that much of an illustrator myself (more a designer), so I don't know whether you want to listen to my advice :P
yeah, i made it flat style
but it contradicts, it since the back has a gradient
indeed -- if you go flat, go all-out
and i tried with a flat background, but it looks weird
you can still add flat nuance in a flat background -- just don't use a gradient. Use shapes of slightly different blues
actually it's those clouds that might be taking off the appeal
okay, i will do that
total flat is better :)
what do you think about the palace?
i will just make the top of the outer tower hollow, so that the sky is visible, like those besides the dome
it's... elaborate :)
that's good?
if that's what you're going for, yes )
no, i mean, does it look good to your eyes?

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