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A: Sny's Snabdec Puzzles

justhalfFull solution (unsure about 32, and probably 39 and 40). 1. So what's left is probably some missing additional rules to ensure uniqueness in...

#32 and #39 are my mistake, sorry
For #39 you can make the edge red. For #32, need to change the cell placements, unfortunately.
* #32 and #40 are my mistake, but #39 is because the center of the circle must be a lattice point
Oh yah... forgot circle can just cover four points. But this series probly won't continue anyways...
Yea, the circle in #40 can just cover the bottom right two cells. The center is at lattice point.
The dot is just big for visibility purposes. As for #35, that's my mistake, sorry
^ #39 is also my oversight
@SnySmartie for longer puzzles, it's generally advised to start in the sandbox to avoid issues such as this. :)
Wait... I didn't know there is a sandbox. Plus, what's the difference?
@SnySmartie here's the sandbox. It's to help polish questions, so the final version presented here will be of better quality for the general public (of course some of the people who helped in the sandbox would have seen earlier versions of the puzzle, but it's more useful overall for general users of Puzzling)
@justhalf it seems like it is exclusively for riddles?
@SnySmartie the description seems outdated, but people have been posting non-riddle puzzles there (try sort the answers by Date Modified (newest))
well, yes but @justhalf the whole thing is very outdated
the last answer was posted two years ago, and the riddle sandbox chatroot has been inactive for 7 years now
Well, it seems so. I've never really made puzzles here, only solving. But people have been pointing to it all time, haha.
Probably can just use the main chat room then

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