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Q: All of my files has been disappeared

elias douDear friends yesterday I came against with a problem that never have been faced the last 15 years I use Ubuntu. I was trying to repair linux-image-header because a had dpkg warning message during update via terminal. Suddenly I lost Downloads, Common Share, Music, desktop and every direc...

I cannot see how making package changes would cause user files in $HOME to get lost, unless you're suffering disk failure or another hardware type issue. Have you explored your hardware health? (RAM problems can cause wrong operation for example; a disk failing etc). If you'd been specific as to what command(s) you executed we have more details; plus details of your actual file-system(s) involved; but your details remind me of a poor mount causing part of your file-system to be shadowed .. thus I'd re-check what you did & ensure it wasn't the result of a mistake you made.
I have seen all these topics. The problem is that the lost files can't be located anywhere. Like never been exist. I cannot restore even a specific one txt file or pdf.
The only chance is the hardware failure. I cannot explain in other way. If we suppose the mistake factor I could restore files via testdisk or photorec. But not..No result. All files has been disappeared like never has been exist. Unless there are somewhere I cannot imagine or don't know. Have you seen something like that issue?
The next step is that I ll replace my ssd disk with new one, clear install Ubuntu 23.10 and then I ll mount the previous disk on a docking station as external so that I try to restore via testdisk or photorec. I cannot do something else.
smartctl will report evidence of hardware failure
Thank you very much for your assistance. I ll inform you about results.
Exactly what did you do when "trying to repair" that package?
I moved linux-image-headers to tmp folder. Before that I was trying to purge it. I tried to repair dpkg with no result. Everything was started with notification dpkg: too many errors, stopping while I was trying to update via terminal. Terminal showed the faulty situation with the particular linux-image-headers.
I replaced the ssd disk with new one ssd. I have clear installation Ubuntu 23.10, now I am going to try restore lost files with testdisk from old ssd disk. Will see.
How have you "moved linux-image-headers to tmp folder"? What is the exact path of the folder you moved or the command you used (did you move the wrong folder)? Note that /tmp's contents are deleted on every boot
I can't remember but I ll find it. I remember that after doing this I had no notification for the particular linux header. That was I thing the moment I saw my Desktop with no files or shortcuts. Then reverse the command. I moved headers from tmp to original position. But the bad thing had already happened. No user files no mounting and all these I told in my history.
Finally I reset my user filles folders with the command I tell in my first post, but there was nothing inside folders. So I lost all of my files.
All seems to me too much strange for me to lose my files. It is like it never existed. There are nowhere.
Perhaps you misplaced them. Do find / | grep -i regex_pattern_matching_one_of_your_filenames'. If not, stop using the disk, which will overwrite more of your deleted files
Find commands didn't work. I have already tested.
Weird, as linux kernel images don't touch /home. Did you overmount the directory? Look in mount and see if anything looks different from before
Maybe.The first weird thing I noticed after moving headers to tmp was, except for missing files on desktop as I said, that appeared the snap folder in my desktop down right of it.
But there was nothing iside snap folder dealing with my lost filles.
If photorec/testdisk didn't work, the only remaining possibility is that you have two disks and were looking on the wrong one. If not, your last hope is to take your disks to a data forensics / data recovery company.
Does this answer your question? How to recover deleted files?
I have three disks. One of the is Ubuntu file system. There is no chance of wrong disk. The point is where files has gone? I have no words. I ll try to recover the disk mounting as external to see if I find something examining at the same time for hardware failures.
grep -a -B 25 -A 100 'containing string' /dev/sda1 > result.txt That was the last command in order to find even one txt file with no result.😥
Trying to repair is vague; for us to fully understand you need to be specific with commands. You also mention a move, which can have effects if done incorrectly but gave no specifics (no command) to show what you did. Your description implies you (OP) made a mistake, or suffered from a hardware failure (ie. you've not been regularly assessing your machine health regularly)... If you know when it was done; did you explore system logs at that time for clues?? We're limited to whatever details you provide and your question is still very vague.
sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get --purge remove && sudo apt-get autoclean sudo apt-get -f install sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo dpkg --configure -asudo dpkg --purge linux-image- sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -f install
sudo apt --fix-broken
sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-headers* /tmp
sudo mv /tmp/linux-image-headers /var/lib/dpkg/info
I hope I became more specific, now.

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