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@Simon Welcome to the DMZ
@DavidFreitag Is that a euphemism?
42 secs ago, by David Freitag
@Simon Welcome to the DMZ
@DavidFreitag Is that a euphemism ad infinitum?
53 secs ago, by David Freitag
42 secs ago, by David Freitag
@Simon Welcome to the DMZ
@MarkBuffalo ad nauseam it appears :)
@TildalWave ;(
I knew there's a reason why it feels like Friday, it's because of all the trolls on SE (not here :P)
@TildalWave It feels like Friday because it's dead in here
@DavidFreitag heh maybe but it wasn't dead when I said and still though it's Friday
@TildalWave Maybe for those of you on the other side of the planet
you were around
I think
I have no idea what you are talking about.
5 hours ago, by TildalWave
I mean, being Friday and all
you were here at that time
and it wasn't dead
@TildalWave Actually I was still in bed 5 hours ago
4 hours ago, by David Freitag
@Ohnana wut?
@DavidFreitag maybe, but you posted in the DMZ about half an hour later
@TildalWave Yeah well I don't read the transcript unless there's drama on the starwall
oh man I missed Tom Leek in here? maaaan stupid production :[
OK so what you're saying, if I get you right, is that it got dead inhere as soon as you came here? Gee, I wonder if there's any connection :P
@TildalWave That's not what I'm saying but it's a possible outcome of me showing up, yes
Folks probably just went on enjoying their Friday on a Thursday :D
I was only in here for a bit before I had to go back out and do training on the assembly floor
@DavidFreitag you finally made it as a robot?
@TildalWave No, training the new guys
I'm pretty much the only guy in the company who knows the job well enough
Considering I did it for 3 years
geez dude where's your sense of humor? You do realize I'm just teasing you for the past 10 minutes, right?
I did not realize
@TildalWave if you're good at it, you won't have to ask
I think I need to eat something
Shit I just remembered my name means Friday
Wow I really need to eat something
@Ohnana was that an invitation? :))
@TildalWave EW
@Ohnana Embrace the tilda
I'm an adult ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)
@Ohnana fair enough
@TildalWave lol
last night I'm driving... it's snowing kind of.. 30 something degrees.
and there's thunder... and lightning
@RоryMcCune lookit me i'm yelling at a mod nananananan
Never seen that before.
oooh thundersnow is pretty
@MarkBuffalo Duuuude thunder during a snowstorm is incredibly rare. And very dangerous.
@DavidFreitag we had it here last year a couple of times
Why incredibly dangerous?
@MarkBuffalo Snow conducts electricity
@RоryMcCune That's crazy ;o I've lived in Maine for a long time, and never saw it.
@DavidFreitag That... could be bad.
@MarkBuffalo Yuhuh
@MarkBuffalo yeah it was weird having cold and thunder/lightning
Also, if there is snow in the air it can make the path the lightning takes to the ground extremely unpredictable
and the usual scramble to unplug all the things!!
@RоryMcCune I thought I was having psychotic hallucinations or something... then it happened again. It would sort of oddly light up the whole sky.
And I noticed others were checking it out. I couldn't believe my eyes
Usually lightning takes the least path of resistance i.e. the tallest object around, but if it follows large snowflakes to the ground you can get hit by lightning just walking around in a snowstorm
That's some freaky stuff
Why doesn't it do that for water?
@DavidFreitag well he was driving, in a car, which is basically a Faraday cage....
Yup and you can get ball lightning which is really cool looking
I've seen a few instances of Ball lightning
@TildalWave So it's not immediately life threatening, but he will need to exit his vehicle at some point
Ball rainbow, triple rainbows, the end of the rainbow, moonbows, etc
@MarkBuffalo The moon vomits rainbows?
Google it. Sometimes you can literally see a rainbow from the moonlight
Saw that in the middle of Nevada
@DavidFreitag OK, don't do that if a ball lightning took fancy for your car
@MarkBuffalo you mean the moon dogs?
For some reason that reminds me of the Pringles guy meeting hitler and rainbows... and merging into a jumbo hitler cloud.
@TildalWave TING BU DONG
(I don't understand)
fucking eyelash in my eye
@DavidFreitag Can't drive during thundersnow?
@TildalWave Nope, that's a halo
I've seen that before, but no... not that.
@MarkBuffalo Sure you can, like @Tilda said you car is a faraday cage. This basically means that if your car is hit by lightning the metal chassis will allow the electrons to flow around you without causing much harm
@MarkBuffalo yes but there's fringe diffraction,... with.... rainbows!!
@DavidFreitag this sounds like troll science
@Ohnana Top Gear proved it
i don't know enough about physics to call you all bullshitters :P
@MarkBuffalo nice
Friend of mine killed a dog because of lightning
(Warning: May cause an epileptic event)
She got hit by lightning while petting the dog... and fried him. literally
she's probably lying, but whatever, it's a cool story bro.
@MarkBuffalo Mmmm that must have smelled good
A moonbow (also known as a lunar rainbow or white rainbow), is a rainbow produced by light reflected off the surface of the moon (as opposed to direct sunlight) refracting off of moisture-laden clouds in the atmosphere. Moonbows are relatively faint, due to the smaller amount of light reflected from the surface of the moon. They are always in the opposite part of the sky from the moon. Because the light is usually too faint to excite the cone color receptors in human eyes, it is difficult for the human eye to discern colors in a moonbow. As a result, they often appear to be white. However, the...
@TildalWave The one we saw was in the middle of the desert
@DavidFreitag That's nuts.
@MarkBuffalo I don't see why not, it gets mighty cold during the nights in deserts and I guess the air was humid enough, might have even had tiny ice crystals suspended in the air
@TildalWave It was like 70 degrees
then just humidity
@MarkBuffalo Neuropathy?
Ya, it was after a flash flood we dodged.
@DavidFreitag psychotic
@MarkBuffalo In the end, the mail was fine and the one who opened a bait attachment was found.
@Zachiel all's well that ends well... are they fixing their infrastructure? that's a bit more important than a witch hunt
@Zachiel What happened?
@Ohnana Sounds like a phishing attack, actually
The only way to really stop phishing is by being a tinfoil hattist.
@MarkBuffalo the fact that the malware got onto the network share means that something is fucked up
Yeah, but phishing can do that
Phishing is the single most powerful attack against anyone, imho
having someone click on a link is going to happen, but IT needs to harden against common malware -- like ransomware
and i'll bet my breeches that it was garden variety -- no one hardens, so the pressure to evolve isn't there
If I can get you to open a file, I will be able to take over no matter what kind of controls you're using :x
But I'm not black hat, so no worries
@MarkBuffalo in a theoretical way, yes.
The first victim is just the start
target would be sys admin. it's over at that point
and they WILL fall for it
that is a list of basic hardening techniques
that blocks cryptowall functionality at the functional level
@TildalWave Best way to do it is to just ignore them
@MarkBuffalo well now there's a flag
@Ohnana Yeah, it does
It may just be a wording issue
phrases that make me say that: "I'll just let you think on your own if..." "There's enough in your comments alone to make that strikingly apparent..."
but hostility?
@TildalWave you can still be a bigger person
if i were you, i'd edit, and then explain that i didn't want to be hostile.
@TildalWave lol
haha, dude
You have a nemesis
don't quit dude
@TildalWave you're starting to sound like UV-D :P
@DavidFreitag look, I can spend my time better
go ahead, judge me for it
or give me suggestions
like I care
@TildalWave I can never tell if you're fucking around or not.
I'm just done with Stack
it's pathetic waste of my time
@RоryMcCune Agreed
@RоryMcCune I know, but I don't want to be in a situation where it's expected of me to be polite to them
some other morons can do that
apparently there's loads
@TildalWave yeah that's one of the reasons I would never be a mod. :)
@TildalWave Then ignore that user. If you let them get to you then they win.
I'm quitting this chickenshit outfit
Man, don't let 'em get to you
You can't
@TildalWave See it's reasons like this that I can never tell whether you're being serious or not
I wanna be a normal user that can say to whoever they want to fuck off
How do you become a moderator?
10k rep?
@MarkBuffalo voting
and you need WAY more that 10k rep to be considered... and badges also play heavily
Ah, interesting
It says "access to moderator tools" at 10k
Maybe I'm mixing these two up
@MarkBuffalo yeah, you can do a limited number of mod dudties to take the heat off, but the mod diamond confers it's own powers
@TildalWave It's your decision to step down, but I would let the rage cool down before making any decisions.
@DavidFreitag Yeah, @TildalWave this. Sleep on it...
It's easy to do something rash while you're pissed. Look at me... I turn green. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry...
@Ohnana "I can't comment on what you've heard " <-- perfectly reasonable comment from tildal, "Sure you can" <-- complete asshole response from light-person
Agreed to that... why chase down things you've "heard" if they're irrelevant wastes of time?
@MarkBuffalo no, please don't give me advices what I should do when I'm volunteering my time here
@TildalWave This isn't the first time I've seen you like this, and in each case I think you've eventually realized that the person causing you grief isn't worth leaving for.
@DavidFreitag yes, it certainly isn't, and nothing has been done about it, except a bucketload of calm down, sleep it over,...
no no no no no
you don't say that
problem isn't solvable by someone sleeping it over or letting it go
@TildalWave That's because there is nothing that can be done. No matter who you are there is always someone or something that will get to you. Part of being a mod is knowing when not to take action. This person obviously seems hell bent on antagonizing you, don't let them.
@DavidFreitag sure there is
problem: internet argument. Solution: let it go
but on SE (not the first site I moderate BTW) there's this policy of calling someone else to solve a problem for you if you're implicated... which is an utter BS, basically saying OK you're a mod but we don't trust you
@TildalWave I'm sorry :(
if I'm getting annoyed by someone all the effin time, I can't do anything about it as a mod, but I could as a regular member calling for a mod to help? WTFF?
@TildalWave I don't count choices that aren't made with a clear head. We respect you, and we respect all of the contributions that you have made to this community.
it's not about the community, it's about how they're run
@TildalWave This is the problem with your current thinking. What exactly is stopping you from asking another mod to step in and cool things down?
the fish always smells the worst at its head
@DavidFreitag no other mod is usually around
which is another thing that has been put forward over and over again
and nothing is ever done, because .... protocol
@TildalWave On Sex.SE? Probably. Could you get Shog or someone else to step in? I bet you my left testicle you could.
well guess what, the protocol doesn't fucking work
I love the fact that the person quoted an answer from Physics.SE with one upvote like it was scripture or something.
A: How trustworthy is Firefox?

MidwireLet's be very clear about privacy on the internet. You have none! Regardless of which browser you choose. Now I'll explain: Everything that you transmit from your computer using the internet is captured and stored by various government (sic) organizations. This includes, but is not limited to:...

how do we feel about this answer?
also wtf is with the "government (sic)" stuff
that's how you spell government
@TildalWave If it's any consolation, I recognise that username from days when I had much more rep than I do now.
a deity walks among us!
Several, actually
the hallowed, holy SE DEVELOPER!!!
brb, renaming myself to C-3PO
Since you guys are here, can we all take a moment to check out the comments section here:
A: What will happen to the Russian messages flash drive?

TildalWaveAccording to Spaceflight Insider: ... After that, Volkov was the first to leave the module. He had with him a flash drive containing messages from last year’s 70th anniversary of Russia’s Victory Day. It was thrown retrograde from the space station so as to ensure that it will not colli...

@TildalWave You might want to say that to a user, but we've got a Be Nice policy which you'd be violating. So it'd be best if you didn't
there, no more burden of wasting my time on politeness
maybe I'll even find the time for [sec.se], which is actually the reason why I'm on Stack Exchange in the first place

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