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@RoryAlsop How did it hold up?
@Xander This is the same conclusion I came to
@Xander But I didn't know enough to know if I was right, so I didn't bother posting it
Q: Is System Recovery a Good way of Kicking Hackers out?

JohnI think my pc was hacked. I had a system recovery image on my pc since I bought it. So I did it and it resets my computer to like I just bought it. Does this mean that if my computer was hacked now its safe ? Is system recovery image a good way of kicking hackers out ?

@MarkBuffalo a university team came up with some good things. This wasn't hack as in attack, but hack as in 'innovate'
@MarkBuffalo hahahaha a "Chumbawumba situation"
@RoryAlsop :D
Q: Why can't the FBI read the key embedded in the iPhone's secure chip/ROM directly from hardware (silicon)?

user9806As far as I understand, the 4 digit passcode is combined (in some fashion) with a key stored in secure read only memory (e.g. secure enclave chip or similar), where it is directly embedded into silicon wiring to help prevent unauthorized reads. But no matter how strong or multi-layered or compli...

wtf is this even possible
@Ohnana Yes.
Seems WAY easier to just bypass the rate limit if you go that route...
@Xander followup: are there any real-world constraints that make this unfeasible?
@Xander NOTHING'S SECURE runs around screaming
@RoryAlsop I take it you like that song?
@MarkBuffalo tubthumping? yeah - always good fun
Yep. I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down!
o lawd roro is working on a story
@Ohnana Probably not in a cheap device like a this. This is why @ThomasPornin mentioned earlier that a TPM is basically a smartcard, and defeating a smartcard takes some skill and some thousands of dollars. Which, in the scheme of things, is not a lot. Far less than the Government will spend in lawyer salaries on this case, for instance.
@Simon Security is not binary.
@Xander You're not 0 or 1.
@Simon If you wish to view it that way, then yes, the correct conclusion to draw would that in fact you are correct. Nothing is secure.
@Xander If the FBI has any sense of competence, then they already have the hardware and know-how, or they are currently training.
Either way, the San Bernardino case has long transformed into a mere pretext.
@ThomasPornin See my answer to that question. I don't think it's a question of ability at all, but this happens to be a particularly good test case, politically speaking.
Frog in the frying pan
@MarkBuffalo Did you just call da bear a French frog?
omg Markus what is wrong with you?
Matt Sherman on February 18, 2016
Spoiler: It’s hard! Here’s what we’ve learned.
@Simon just realised I changed the pinwall story, huh
sorry your bromance with mr buffalo had to come down
12 mins ago, by Simon
o lawd roro is working on a story
but hey at least @lady.doughnut got to see if first
@Simon what do you think of my new magnum opus then, it's a story of a tigger disappointing a pony with some suggestion of xander being a third party to the whole thing
Since it's about the tigger, it sucks.
@Simon even if it's a story about him being bad in bed?
Recruiters keep asking me on LinkedIn to help them find talent
Yeah, let me take the time out of my busy day to help you find talent because you're too retarded to do it yourself.
@MarkBuffalo for decent commission...
@RoryAlsop Well, a lot of these fools are grasping for straws
"oh, we think you'll be a great fit for our ui developer role"
@MarkBuffalo I get a lot of "you are ideal for this senior audit role" - really? did you read my CV at all?
"We see you worked with @Simon 10 years ago as a php developer... we think you'll be a good fit for our Magento role"
Ya, they don't even bother to read the CV
You wrote "djanjo" in one of your answers to refer to "django", noooooooooooob.
@Simon Thanks. unchained.
@MarkBuffalo lol
If none of you stop, you know what's gonna happen.
@Simon Donut wrestling?
@Simon we'll make fun of your mom?
That's it, I'm calling the pls police.
@Simon and the waaaahmbulance?
and the whaaaaaambulance, yes?
o ffs roros
did I do that right? Learn't it yesterday from a roro
Any idea why Mozilla plugin check (mozilla.org/en-US/plugincheck) would persistently tell me that my Silverlight is outdated and then suggest same version I have installed as the latest one?
@TildalWave It's outdated because you shouldn't be using it. Uninstall it.
@MarkBuffalo LOL I'm fine with that
VTC badge \o/
vtc badge?
the silver one for review tasks
oh right
was hoping they'd suddenly added a new badge
@TildalWave = uninstall
@TildalWave UPDATE IT
@TildalWave don't use silverlight noob
@Ohnana I need it on this setup
there's another set of numbers
@TildalWave HAHA
/points @TildalWave and laughs
it's actually 5.1.30514.0.95743218614447563
@Ohnana it's a VM box :P
@Ohnana how mean, we have people with adobe acrobat reader and flash installed in here
I think a couple of people even use IE as their browser
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@Ohnana you spongy aquatic creature!!
most importantly they run it as administrator
@TildalWave quite
don't you @AviD
I want to. the thing. where..., sleep
@Simon nothing to update, it already is
@TildalWave Yeah, seriously. Why's there an Update Now button? Should be a "GET IT OUT" button. Hell, shouldn't even be a button. Should just do it for you automatically. Friends don't let friends do Silverlight.
@TildalWave UPDATE IT
@TildalWave Writing "WT*" is a double-euphemism. "WTF" is now too explicit ?
@ThomasPornin dunno, I think it should be judging by some recent SE blogs, but enforcing that has avoided the DMZ so far
@Iszi dude, I have way more serious shit on this VM than a bleeping Silverlight
I don't care how safe it isn't
> Stable release 5.1.41212.0
Microsoft Silverlight is an application framework for writing and running rich Internet applications, similar to Adobe Flash. A plugin for Silverlight is available for some browsers. While early versions of Silverlight focused on streaming media, current versions support multimedia, graphics, and animation and give developers support for CLI languages and development tools. Silverlight is also one of the two application development platforms for Windows Phone, but web pages that use Silverlight cannot run on the Windows Phone or Windows Mobile versions of Internet Explorer, as there is no Silverlight...
@Iszi huh? then why does it say I'm up to date when I go to MS site?
@ThomasPornin WT*!
@TildalWave MS
@TildalWave #microsoft
did you try turning it off and on again
When one thing says it's right, and another says it's wrong, you go check a friggin' reliable source.
@Iszi You're friggin' reliable.
you're friggin'
You have fully used your vote allowance for today
no more stars :(
OK, so I go to MS Silverlight site microsoft.com/silverlight, and hit that "download now" button ... installer says "The same version of Silverlight is already installed." microsoft.com/getsilverlight/resources/help.aspx?errorID=1514
I give up
Who even patches all of their stuff anyway
I'm not patching it for the patch, but to get rid of some error
so you're not patching it for the patch, but you're patching it because of the patch
I guess it'll take me less time to just bypass that
@kalina because of the signature
NVM I'll go around it
are we speaking the same language? I don't understand what you're saying
too long to explain
I'm whooping some ass
too long?
some ass?
some lame dev ass
you're doing which lame dev's ass?
@kalina The hell? @TildalWave? Are you at least giving @LucasKauffman a reacharound?
Are they hot?
@kalina LOL give it a rest will you? Some internal POS needs POC
you guys are nuts, and sick
Oh, sorry. I mis-read lame as llama.
@TildalWave some internal point of sale requires a proof of concept?
Because llama makes it better?
is that a euphemism?
are you doing a sales girl?
@kalina This is the DMZ...
Nah, not gonna finish that sentence. You know it.
the first breach costs you an arm?
nuke it from orbit?
@kalina the other meaning of POS urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pos
@TildalWave Pain of Salvation?
@TildalWave Port of Spain, Trinidad?
POS, Pos or PoS may refer to: == Business == Point of sale, location where payment is accepted == Health and medicine == Point of service plan, a type of managed care health insurance plan in the United States Polycystic ovary syndrome, a disease of the ovaries == Linguistics == Part of speech, the role that a word or phrase plays in a sentence Sayula Popoluca (ISO 639-3), an indigenous language spoken in Veracruz, Mexico Poverty of the stimulus, a linguistic term used in language acquisition and development == Music == P.O.S (born 1981), or Stefon Alexander, American hip hop artist...
papa of simon
P/OS an operating system of DEC Professional PCs?
penis of simon?
I'm not gonna get any work done will I? :))
Positively Outstanding Service?
pls of simon
Parent Over Shoulder?
patent of simon
Oh, we missed the more obvious Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
@kalina OMG I actually remember that.
POS sucks :/
@MarkBuffalo shit sucks?
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
Ponies in Outer Space
@Iszi PCOS.
nice try but no
what site is this chat room an extension of?
@Ohnana Not according to teh Wiki.
@TheoclesofSaturn you'd never believe us if we told you
@TheoclesofSaturn kindergarten.stackexchange.com
@TheoclesofSaturn dunno, but Information Security is an extension of this chat
i feex!
@kalina SHADDUP
@TheoclesofSaturn We're all security guards
@kalina mmmm pie
@MarkBuffalo LOL. Yeah, that 'splains all the free time we have on our hands, to be in here.
People respect expect us to be robots that are configured only to speak about InfoSec.
@Iszi I finished all of my work far earlier than I should've
@MarkBuffalo TWSS
maybe we should rename the chat to ground zero
@Simon People who obviously don't read the room description.
pls that statement is gender neutral
I have something incredibly important to tell you and you all need to pay attention
I have nacho pringles
Feb 2 at 1:03, by Ohnana
welcome to the DMZ, there is no topic and no one can hear you scream
they're nom
@Iszi Remember when was up there? Those were the days.
nobody remembers those days
the yolo days were a dark period in the history of human existence
let's not go back there
@Simon No. Those most definitely were not "the days".
It made great content for failarmy.
@Iszi Actually, you're right, I probably was still with my ex.
better than inventing somebody
@MarkBuffalo keeps inviting new people in here
we should ban him
hey @kalina one q for you... I noticed that lots (most?) of games have a rather low dynamic range when it comes to color reproduction, even if played at maximum quality and the monitor and graphics card are definitely capable of a lot better and I'd see that in, say, other 3D demos on same hardware ... any idea why that is? It has something to do with games being made for other platforms?
wow that's probably a way more technical question than I can answer
I can't see that as being due to performance
@TildalWave You're a rather low dynamic range
but I'm going to say it's due to artist's lack of creativity
at least once upon a time it was due to technical limitations but now there are several colorful games but mainstream FPSs tend to be grey or brown and most other games have their specific color palettes as well
I thought it might have to do with color gamut for other output types
like, they're not made for sRGB
the problem you have with reproducing color exactly is that everybody's panels have slightly different calibrations and some just aren't really calibrated at all
@kalina yeah but it's not just ambient lighting, aka "atmosphere" and such... things are literally "washed down" if you know what I mean
The "washed out" look adds to realism
I guess it could be the same answer as for music, most music is written to sound good on the average set of speakers
@kalina then why wouldn't I have any of those issues with non-game 3D stuff?
but I'm still going to stick with "by choice" / "artists"
@TildalWave are you kidding, I have six "identical" panels that all output slightly different images
I kinda didn't like the games but some Batmans had that well made
and most others don't
@kalina I mean I don't have any such issues on same hardware with "some, few games" and have never experienced it with raytracers and such
r u 12 son
@kalina Wait. You're a game developer?
@MarkBuffalo nope
two pcs, three screens per pc
2 pcs 3 screens
For a moment there, I thought you were working on the world's first science-based dragon mmo
@Simon me no but someone that would play it yes
because any kind of daw basically needs it
and well, I wanted to try gaming across three screens
incidentally even the games that support it do a sucky job of it
I have 3+1 screens and barely ever play games
that's 3 same ones, one on the side for background stuff
3 screens on my work PC. No game-related stuff here.
Actually feel a little cramped with my laptop+1 screen at home.
didn't even know I can attach so many monitors but apparently I could have 6
3 screens 1 cup
or 5... forgot
Do we have a canonical answer for "Security implications of using self-signed certificates" anywhere?
Q: Why does a government website have a self-signed SSL Certificate?

php99The website iad.gov was created by the NSA & DoD. It has a self-signed SSL Certificate. They even have a page explaining how to import the root certificate. https://www.iad.gov/iad/help/certificates.cfm what would be the security implications of the NSA using a self-signed certificate vs. buyi...

@Iszi yeah doesn't it go something like "Don't do this or a bear will eat your face"?
why don't we have the [tinfoil] tag in our topic?
@MarkBuffalo Because it's a fucking retarded term.
There, I said it.
@MarkBuffalo because [tinfoil] isn't a tag, is
@DavidFreitag I already forgot how to tag.
Joke's on you, @Simon
Still on me, then?
God damn taggers marking every public place they can...
<= William Taggart
@RоryMcCune Yeah, that's totally what we need to happen. Get @ThomasPornin to nom on the NSA.
Anyone wanna cap off the re-open on this?
Q: Is there a way to privatize my actual location from my ISP?

AviAre there any ways to privatize the actual location of the ISP. Some of them use this information for many purposes. So even changing it to a different location will be acceptable. In addition, I would like to know how can the ISP know what is you current location?

@Iszi check yo link
@Ohnana FTFY
Didn't it used to only take 3 votes for re-open?
(Makes sense that re-open should require as many as close, but I thought it didn't.)
Nevermind... I break all da rulez, even my own.
[tag: Can you use spaces?]
Nope. Markdown fail.
Let's make a Chrome plugin that sends everything to chat in a tag.
Could probably do it in tamper monkey
yes, set aside a delimiter to use to signal that the next byte is encoded as hex
and make a plugin to decode it on the other side
then everyone can think we're excessively weird if they visit!
tail -100f corn.log
You people need help.
whoops, wrong window
A PGP plugin for the chat?
@MarkBuffalo ಠ_ಠ
@Simon LOL send a PGP key for each message
@Ohnana A new challenger has appeared.
[tag:( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]
ah it doesn't like the parens
Oh right I knew that
It doesn't like any symbol.
Even markus can do it
What don't you silly fuckers understand about alphanumeric.
@MickLH Dash
okay they're fine
underscore is totally a letter
winning, underscore is our hex escape now
somebody write the plugin, somebody who is also not me
Write what now?
@DavidFreitag Hook the send function on this chat, convert all non alnum characters and '_' into "_XX" hex escapes, and send the message as a tag instead
ځ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°ڔ
@MickLH I have no idea what any of that means
[tag:﴾ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°﴿]
@DavidFreitag It's basically a recipe for being a complete boss (incl. applesauce)
̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
He looks too unsure about the situation, I could take him.
Q: Good Icon for depicting Intrusion Prevention System

RhondaI am developing PowerPoint slides and am hard-pressed to find an icon that accurately depicts an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS). I see some appliances, but am looking for something that gives meaning to IPS. Firewall has many such icons depicting a fire in front of a brick wall, but what abo...

primarily opinion based
that is offtopic as fuck
Somebody post that gif
we don't do pretty pictures here
٧ery good.
A: Good Icon for depicting Intrusion Prevention System

MickLHClearly, this image depicts all aspects of intrusion (and its prevention) accurately and concisely:

@MickLH I post this image frequently
lmao, you just got carpet-bombed by @Ohnana and the crew
thug life
hahahahaha the OP took it seriously, 100% worth it
@MarkBuffalo i didn't downvote
but we do try to be more high-class than that on the site
so plz delete
Well it was my first post, I had to make it count
Yeah, you will want to delete it quickly
@MickLH ah, that explains why it got jumped on -- people in the first post queue
It's ok, I don't offer myself as a security guy. I'm just capable of it because I have basic intelligence
So, luckily, my ego is unharmed by having to delete my answer.
I do not like your avatar
Are you not a believer?
8 bit gore. interesting.
I am, it just seems like an offensive way to depict something people believe in
It is!
I very much enjoy language lacking in sugar coating
If you have a better suggestion, I'll gladly steal it
Not quite sure what your intent is
But perhaps if I understood that better, I might be less offended...
To me, this seems like open mockery
To some extent it is, but not of the belief itself
A: How to prevent restrict access to a web application to authorized devices only?

TomoMihaAh, why everyone is so afraid of this security stuff? Come on, like there are people willing to crack into your web apps, seoriosly. You are watching too much movies. Use simple htaccess basic password protection and remember its passowrd / save it (or dont) on every browser.

It's more meant to offend people who do not wish to acknowledge the "darker" sides of the topic. It's an expression of being frustrated with people wanting to "pick and choose" elements they want to use, while ignoring other aspects of the religion.
I think if you claim to be of some religion, then you should take the religion in full. Anything less is simply an ad-hoc set of "religious beliefs", which is not much different from making shit up and choosing to believe it unconditionally
Good point
picks up rock
Hey MichLH... come here... we're gonna go get stoned.
lol seems legit?
@Ohnana Nice job. 10 reviews today
Oh you actually have more than that. They are separated into categories...
HHi gang
@JukEboX Hi! Baby yet?!
@MarkBuffalo no not yet. We thought yesterday morning but it fizzled out. SHeis getting really frustrated :'(
I do have what might be a security relevant question
Q: Can't Access C$ Over Domian

JukEboXI am trying to access \computer\c$ When I do that it shows me the login box and says "Access Denied". I am a domain admin and on all other machines when I do \computer2\c$ it normally works. For this machine I have tried. net use \\address\c$ user:computer\admin And it said successful. When ...

Did I forget any detail with that one?
@JukEboX spellchecking
(sorry, I know nothing about the topic)
@Gilles thanks
> If you doubt my credentials, Google "cybersecurity legend" and see whose name is the only name that appears in the first 10 results out of more than a quarter of a million.
I'd slap John Mcafee in his stupid face for free
> And why do the best hackers on the planet not work for the FBI? Because the FBI will not hire anyone with a 24-inch purple mohawk, 10-gauge ear piercings, and a tattooed face who demands to smoke weed while working and won't work for less than a half-million dollars a year. But you bet your ass that the Chinese and Russians are hiring similar people with similar demands and have been for many years. It's why we are decades behind in the cyber race.
Russia is offering that much? Hmm
He's going to use social engineering to decrypt the iPhone? lmfao
@MarkBuffalo maybe they're offering a half-million rubles?
@MarkBuffalo just fuckin stare at the phone menacingly until it unlocks
that's USD 6.5k

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