@Simon Kali should be fine in a VM, things like aircrack might be tricky depending on the wireless card/VM software, but you shouldn't need that for this course...
I know some developers double up apostrophes to mitigate SQLi. (This is when the input is ' so it becomes '')
Is there a way to beat this?
This is on MS SQl Server.
So, I've got this idea for a short story. Some researchers find a forgotten manuscript hidden locked away in an ancient tomb. While they are working on it one of them pastes part of the text into a Facebook announcement and Facebook automatically translates it. This links Facebook to the nether r...
I will sit, I will arrange the track with placeholders, I'll replace the placeholders with sounds and do the sound design, I'll FX up all of the chains and then i'll mix it down
I have a base template that replaces the default "new project" which has "the first 10 steps I always take when making a project" but nothing actually arranged
Yep. Source: my buddy blowing up 2 engines, me driving one that drains oil (even after getting the head gasket job done, because every single 2.5L will need a head gasket job, too) and the various Subaru communities that I've been involved with.
dear santa, please bring me the severed heads of the office team. can you pin their mouths into frowns too? I've been really really good this year! Love, ohnana