@ScottPack LinkedIn isn't telling me that you're in that dude's circle. However, if you know anything that could help me get a contact at Nixu Oy, it would be fantastic.
Hello I am looking for some Search Engine Optimization tools. My problem is Google actually finding the IP from which we are doing and we are unable to continue optimization.
So I am looking for some tools (whitehat/blackhat) for Search Engine Optimization.
Thank you.
@Adnan if not, then we can give it a shot, can't hurt.
@kiBytes Very good. Open eyes are always more fun. What topic?
> "However, using recent advances in polynomial-time Bojangle projections, we demonstrate how a set of peers who are frenemies can exchange up to five snide remarks that are robust to Bojangle-chosen plaintext attacks.”
@Adnan - for whatever reason (iPad crapness probably) that link doesn't work for me. What is the guy's name? I'll use the LinkedIn app to try and find him.
I have simple situation, we are in IT center and I need to develop a simple one form 4 fields that contains a salary field, I need the programmer of our IT center could not know the salaries of other employees when he checks the database and the application he created
@Adnan I'm in the same boat. I've only ever applied for jobs where I either had an in, and they approached me, or there was an open posting.
@Adnan In this job search I did start applying to positions I didn't necessarily want, but was qualified for, so I could get a call with an internal recruiter.
@Adnan Then talking with them they would get an idea of what I could do, and wanted to do, then would put me in for other not-posted positions.
Does LinkedIn let you request introductions with that many layers of separation?
I don't think I've ever applied for a job. In this industry anyway. So I'm not 100% sure of best prep. As an employer I can give you loads of advice as to what makes the process easier for me though
Oh - that reminds me. One of the fans started chatting me up after the gig on Friday... I am obviously old and married, because I ended up coaching her in career planning...<sigh>
to be fair though - I got a half hour chat with a gorgeous woman, so I'm quite happy with that
I had to laugh when she thought I was in my late twenties, though - obviously ancient. I may have shocked her with my true age. (Not sure she knew that many digits existed)
@TildalWave Whole new place. I'll be the Sr. Security Engineer at Carenection. They're a bit of an internal IT consultancy for a family of healthcare companies.
Primarily supporting a place that operates video call centers of language interpreters for low English proficiency or hearing impaired patients in hospitals.
@TerryChia, some git stuff I'm not grokking. Wtf is the purpose of the staging area, and why does one need to git addevery frikkin time? What's wrong with git commit?
so far, all the non-trivial differences between them, hg seems to be making so much more sense to me. Strangely, git claims these differences are what give it the (aparently) opposite benefit.
on the other hand, there is a lot of people that they just work till have everything fixed, so this is a way to let them organize their commits in an easy way (they can add and then review the files added and so on)
@ScottPack I've known that as "medinet" but I guess that term is obsolete by now since if I google for it there's loads of companies that claimed that for their name
@kiBytes you're missing my point. I guess its because I'm coming from Hg, and you're used to explaining it in comparison to SVN... commit - a makes sense to me. I dont understand add / commit (without -a)
@AviD ? I'm not sure where you are confused.... the staging area allows me more flexibility by selecting which changes I want to commit. If you don't want that selection, use git commit -a which commits changes to all the files tracked by git.
@AviD If I modified three files, A, B and C, and I want to commit the changes to A and B in one commit, and the changes to C in another commit, the staging area allows me to do it.
@AviD If I modified three files, A, B and C, and I want to commit the changes to A and B in one commit, and the changes to C in another commit, the staging area allows me to do it.
@Adnan @Simon Finland vs Canada in hockey tonight at OG If you guys wanna provide some national pride fight I could enjoy here, I'll fetch me popcorn and crack open a beer or two
@avid that was what I wanted to explain: if you have a project with a thousand files modified and you have to fix "this one bug" which consist in modifying four other files this allow to add files as you edit them, which will allow you to identify them easier. (And not having to look for the full modified list of files)
@kiBytes ahhh, okay. But I still think thats stupid, you never know what your next commit will be until you do it. File selection should always be during the commit, not weeks before.
@ScottPack need I remind you, you are not a developer?
And seriously, why are we arguing about hg vs git? Both is great, both has pros and cons compared to the other. Thank god we aren't using svn and be done with it.
another question. Git claims they dont store diffs for each commit, but full snapshots - and go on to explain the benefits compared to SVN which stores only diffs, such as faster performance, etc.
Hg, on the other hand, says they dont store full copies of each version of the file, but only diffs, as opposed to SVN which stores full copies of each version. This gives many benefits, including faster performance, etc.
> Git doesn’t think of or store its data this way. Instead, Git thinks of its data more like a set of snapshots of a mini filesystem. Every time you commit, or save the state of your project in Git, it basically takes a picture of what all your files look like at that moment and stores a reference to that snapshot.
> To be efficient, if files have not changed, Git doesn’t store the file again—just a link to the previous identical file it has already stored. Git thinks about its data more like Figure 1-5.