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@AviD Is this dude in your LinkedIn circle? linkedin.com/profile/view?id=9538699
It says that he's on 3rd level of me with you somewhere there. I'd appreciate any contact to the dudes at Nixu.
Same for @RoryA
You guys appear to be in his circle.
What about me?
@AviD I'm not sure you're capturing the full meaning.
@ScottPack LinkedIn isn't telling me that you're in that dude's circle. However, if you know anything that could help me get a contact at Nixu Oy, it would be fantastic.
@Adnan If they're not in my networks then it's probably not worth bothering with.
@ScottPack :O
That's the workplace for information security in the whole Nordic countries.
So I assume their primary product is battle-axes?
@ScottPack and custom-built Koskenkorva
Makes sense.
Well, enough work for today. Have a nice week, everybody.
G'night sweetness.
3 hours later…
1 hour later…
Burn it
Q: tools for SEO(Search Engine Optimization)

rajagenupulaHello I am looking for some Search Engine Optimization tools. My problem is Google actually finding the IP from which we are doing and we are unable to continue optimization. So I am looking for some tools (whitehat/blackhat) for Search Engine Optimization. Thank you.

2 hours later…
yes, it was
@ScottPack Of course I am.
@Adnan never heard of him before, or Nixon Oy. Seems he's connected to somebody I met a few years ago, don't think I could help much.
You could send a LinkedIn request for introduction, and I could pass it along. Might have better luck via @RoryAlsop.
@AviD Alright, I'll wait to see what the @RoryA thinks. Thanks, Avi.
Threat: The Mossad doing Mossad things
with your email account
Solution: Magical amulets?

Fake your own death, move into a

@RоryMcCune I've read that before but in a blog post, not a PDF ... where's it gone? It's been Mossad'ed?
@avid @TildalWave et cia, I am happy to tell you that I discussed the topic with my colleagues and they opened my eyes =D
@Adnan if not, then we can give it a shot, can't hurt.
@kiBytes Very good. Open eyes are always more fun. What topic?
> "However, using recent advances in polynomial-time Bojangle projections, we demonstrate how a set of peers who are frenemies can exchange up to five snide remarks that are robust to Bojangle-chosen plaintext attacks.”
ahhh riiight
@kiBytes that'd be a great name for an episode of [favorite scifi show]
@AviD he's not considered the funniest guy over at MS for nothing
nice post, @Gilles
@Adnan - for whatever reason (iPad crapness probably) that link doesn't work for me. What is the guy's name? I'll use the LinkedIn app to try and find him.
@TildalWave yeah, that first section could have been on Cracked.
Any crypto paper with homicidal maniacs, russian mail order brides, and humans shipped in a box - WIN.
And I'm just on the first page.
@AviD That sounds like something Tom Leek would write.
@TerryChia I know, right?
Or Cracked.
@AviD I would love to see a crypto article on Cracked actually.
Seriously, James and @Tom should get together and write the worlds best crypto article on Cracked evar.
@TerryChia there was a halfway decent not-so-crypto one, with a guy from White Hat.
@AviD Link if you can find it? I might have missed it.
easy, search for "hacker": cracked.com/…
yeah, its not really crypto. it's "white hat hackers"
@AviD Oh yeah, I saw that.
I loved that short video they made about hacking in movies as well.
Have a look to this, maybe you can guess what this user really wants
Q: How to hide the sensitive data from the developer of the application and the DBA of the database

user39814I have simple situation, we are in IT center and I need to develop a simple one form 4 fields that contains a salary field, I need the programmer of our IT center could not know the salaries of other employees when he checks the database and the application he created

looks reasonable - he wants to control access to sensitive data so that the admins and dba's can't see it
a common challenge in many environments
from small businesses to enterprises
Yes I thought he was meaning during the development life cycle
his English isn't great - I'll maybe get time to edit it
You know, an Spanish (like me) reading English from another country with a different language is a problem xD
@RoryAlsop I don't have access to the full name, but it says "Kim W."
I work a lot with Germans and French and the English as vehicular language is a bit of a problem xD
@AviD Yup, any shot in the general direction is a good shot.
@Adnan - that'll be Kim Westerlund. He's in my 2nd tier - hang on and I'll see what the route is
Ahh - so the two guys I know on the ISACA Finland board know him
Not too sure how useful an intro I could give - what do you need?
@RoryAlsop Basically, I'm drafting an open application to that company (Nixu) and I'm looking for anything that can help.
I have no idea how to approach this. I've never tried to get a job at a place where I have 0 contacts.
To everybody: Any suggestions on that? Perhaps @AviD, @Scott, @Xander, @RoryM
@Adnan I'm in the same boat. I've only ever applied for jobs where I either had an in, and they approached me, or there was an open posting.
@Adnan In this job search I did start applying to positions I didn't necessarily want, but was qualified for, so I could get a call with an internal recruiter.
@Adnan Then talking with them they would get an idea of what I could do, and wanted to do, then would put me in for other not-posted positions.
@ScottPack The issue here is that they don't have advertised open positions, but they're encouraging open applications.
Does LinkedIn let you request introductions with that many layers of separation?
I don't think I've ever applied for a job. In this industry anyway. So I'm not 100% sure of best prep. As an employer I can give you loads of advice as to what makes the process easier for me though
Don't be a dick?
Oh - that reminds me. One of the fans started chatting me up after the gig on Friday... I am obviously old and married, because I ended up coaching her in career planning...<sigh>
@RoryAlsop hahaha
I've obviously lost my touch
to be fair though - I got a half hour chat with a gorgeous woman, so I'm quite happy with that
I had to laugh when she thought I was in my late twenties, though - obviously ancient. I may have shocked her with my true age. (Not sure she knew that many digits existed)
The mask helps cover up the wrinkles.
no wrinkles required - yet
@RoryAlsop no career advancing moves on her part?
@RoryAlsop Did you give her family advice as well?
@TerryChia why would he give advice to her family?
@ScottPack did I hear you swapped jobs? Congrats!
@AviD Oh, yeah. Thanks!
I start on the 3rd.
thats like, 3 weeks away! A lifetime!
you're a zombie till then?
So I'm going through this week and next to make sure everything is documented and up to date, as well as any kind of knowledge transfer.
Then I'm taking a week in between to, hopefully, get a fully fleshed out 1st draft of my thesis banged out.
@RoryAlsop I think so. at least it used to. Worth a shot, anyway...
@ScottPack Grats! Swapped for new position or altogether a new place?
@TildalWave Whole new place. I'll be the Sr. Security Engineer at Carenection. They're a bit of an internal IT consultancy for a family of healthcare companies.
Primarily supporting a place that operates video call centers of language interpreters for low English proficiency or hearing impaired patients in hospitals.
@AviD To quote @kalina, "..."
@TerryChia Punctuation matters, b*ch.
Where is @kalina anyway? Shouldn't she be counting down to something or other right about now?
@TerryChia She's busy on meta.SR as far as I can tell.
@TerryChia, some git stuff I'm not grokking. Wtf is the purpose of the staging area, and why does one need to git add every frikkin time? What's wrong with git commit?
@AviD So you're a git commit -a kind of guy?
@ScottPack learning the diffs between hg and git.
one doesnt want to git like it was hg.
@AviD I came at git from svn and have actually grown to like the git add thing.
With svn you end up with a freaking bajillion commits, because committing more than 3 files would likely crash the db.
so far, all the non-trivial differences between them, hg seems to be making so much more sense to me. Strangely, git claims these differences are what give it the (aparently) opposite benefit.
@RoryAlsop Oh, please do. I'd love to hear.
@AviD You might want to commit file a without commiting file b when both files are in the staging area.
@ScottPack sure, well, svn sucks everything.
@AviD This way I can more stage my commits into logical clumps as I'm working on something.
Or like what @ScottPack said, git commit -a.
okay, so whats wrong with just committing the files you want to commit?
@AviD That's the thing, a file being in the staging area does not mean I want to commit changes to that file.
I think it depends a lot on how you're using it too.
this has to do with people that have bad habits
@ScottPack Sounds cool. Can't say I know much about "telehealth" I've never even heard of this term before. Is that similar to "medinet"?
Files in the staging area basically means git is tracking that file.
why do you need to first stage file a, then commit it? isntead of just commiting file a....
@AviD If you're doing automated build/testing based on commits then you only want to commit when you're totally done.
on one hand you can fix whatever meanwhile working in other problems so you can just "add the files to this specific fix" and then commit
@TildalWave telehealth is just the new buzzword for remotely assisted medicine.
@AviD As long as you track files with git add, the file is always in the staging area unless you remove it with resets.
(this is the very same of selecting just the files you want to commit, just a different way of doing that)
@ScottPack of course. Not clear on why the staging in between, though.
@ScottPack ah that's it then
But if I change the contents of that file, that does not mean I want to commit it in the next commit, I might want to leave it till another commit.
@TildalWave Whether it's video conferencing with a specialist, instead of an office visit, or robotic assisted surgery with a surgeon in another city.
@TerryChia supposedly, you need to git add for every change to the file, even if it was added and committed before.
on the other hand, there is a lot of people that they just work till have everything fixed, so this is a way to let them organize their commits in an easy way (they can add and then review the files added and so on)
@AviD You don't have to, and that's what git commit -a file1 file2... does. It stages and commits all at once.
@AviD No. git commit -a commits all the files in the tracking area (or whatever the specific term is, i can't remember).
@ScottPack okay. So what is the point of git commit WITHOUT -a ?
@ScottPack I've known that as "medinet" but I guess that term is obsolete by now since if I google for it there's loads of companies that claimed that for their name
Long story short, it allows you to organize your commits better (instead of adding files and files, which is usually hard to review)
@AviD Read what I've already said.
@AviD I can CHOOSE which files I want in the next commit by individually staging them with git add [file].
@AviD I'll go to the potty and we can discuss when I'm done. :)
@ScottPack tmi
@ScottPack git -a is for convenience. Maybe it is easier to git -a because "it is only this file"
@TerryChia fine, but why do I have to stage them, in order to choose to commit them?
Sorry, I meant @AviD
@kiBytes you're missing my point. I guess its because I'm coming from Hg, and you're used to explaining it in comparison to SVN... commit - a makes sense to me. I dont understand add / commit (without -a)
@AviD ? I'm not sure where you are confused.... the staging area allows me more flexibility by selecting which changes I want to commit. If you don't want that selection, use git commit -a which commits changes to all the files tracked by git.
@AviD it is a way to be able to prepare easily a commit
instead of having "the longest line"
you can add one by one the files you want to add
and after that you can easily review added files
remove or add again
or you can use it MEANWHILE fixing a thing
I touched this file "I add it"
@TerryChia but why did they make it that way, instead of just making git commit allow me to choose the changes directly?
I touched that "I add it"
@AviD If I modified three files, A, B and C, and I want to commit the changes to A and B in one commit, and the changes to C in another commit, the staging area allows me to do it.
@TerryChia fine. and in hg, commit allows me to do it.
what benefit is there in breaking that up into 2 commands?
@AviD Ask Linus? Seriously, I don't know the reasoning behind the design decisions... I can only explain how it works.
@avid easy
@TerryChia ah, well I was asking the why....
1 min ago, by Terry Chia
@AviD If I modified three files, A, B and C, and I want to commit the changes to A and B in one commit, and the changes to C in another commit, the staging area allows me to do it.
@AviD how will you do this in hg?
In big systems you might have a dirty copy meanwhile fixing "whatever"
"tones and tones of changes"
@TerryChia AGAIN, in hg commit allows you to do this directly.
and then I have to fix one very
when you commit, you can choose to commit fileA and fileB, but not fileC.
@AviD Choose how?
I have never used hg.
At least more than a cursory glance.
in the GUI, of course ermm, on the command line, as parameters.
@AviD do you need me to continue?
@RоryMcCune You never know with some people.
(maybe we are a lot of people to try to explain the same thing)
@kiBytes Right.
@AviD Seriously, is it really that big a difference..?
@Adnan @Simon Finland vs Canada in hockey tonight at OG If you guys wanna provide some national pride fight I could enjoy here, I'll fetch me popcorn and crack open a beer or two
is the whole purpose of the staging area, so that you dont need to add all the files to the commit at the same time?
@AviD yes
@TerryChia no, its not....
And to allow you to do the things easier
@kiBytes I'm sorry, that's stupid, and its a crutch. I'm not buying it.
@AviD So I'm not sure why you are looking for an explanation beyond "Linus liked it that way".
Really, git has tons of weird design decisions.
I'm not calling you stupid, of course @kiBytes, I'm calling @Linus stupid (in this case) ;-)
You will never finish if you want to question them all.
@TerryChia because they claim that this gives the benefit of the opposite result, as far as I can see.
and, mocking aside, Linus is not stupid. I find it more likely that I've missed something, or just havent understood it properly yet.
@avid that was what I wanted to explain: if you have a project with a thousand files modified and you have to fix "this one bug" which consist in modifying four other files this allow to add files as you edit them, which will allow you to identify them easier. (And not having to look for the full modified list of files)
I went through the same cycle when I moved from CVCS to DVCS in hg.
@AviD Ok, I just thought of something. In hg's way, if you want to select 8 files to commit out of 10 you will have 8 parameters.
The thing here is that it let you "track" your commits before doing them
git allows you to do it 2-3 at a time with git add.
Which is waaaaaaay less confusing when dealing with large amounts of files.
Personally, I just use git commit -a and be done with it.
@TildalWave No need. Of course Finland will win :D
so, is the staging area bascially a cache for the command line parameters....?
because that I can understand.
still think its stupid, but it fits their design philosophy.
Not only that @avid it really allows you to organize the way you want to commit in an easier way
in Hg it is less critical, since for such common operations there is really no reason NOT to use the UI tools.
(easier not faster)
@Adnan you'll watch it?
@kiBytes this I am not convinced of, since you can do it all in the same way via hg commit anyway.
@TerryChia looks like I'm heading that way too...
@AviD yes, but with more than one tool (you will need a text file or something) or doing WHEN you commit
not whenever you want =)
@AviD See, git is build for a world where developers primarily work in terminals with vim and emacs. It's only by accident that it got so huge.
@kiBytes I didnt understand?
You can do the same with HG by commit the files you want to
(the same as in SVN)
@TerryChia right. Hg can work like that, but IDEs are so much more betterer.
@TildalWave I don't think so. I'm not much into hockey.
but I can't mark a file as "I will add this in my next commit" unless I type it on a text file or something
@AviD I have not found a single IDE that works decently with C.
This is what git allows me: "done with this file, mark it for the next commit"
@kiBytes WWHHHYYYYEEEE do people keep bringing up SVN, as if thats something to try for, when I thought we've left that all behind...???
@TerryChia oh please.
@AviD (I have to use SVN in my enterprise :( )
@AviD Time to change to methinks.
@Adnan What are you into then, from winter sports? Biathlon is pretty cool to watch for me from those I'd think you might like (involves shooting LOL)
I don't use IDEs anyway, so it's all command line baby.
@kiBytes ahhh, okay. But I still think thats stupid, you never know what your next commit will be until you do it. File selection should always be during the commit, not weeks before.
@ScottPack need I remind you, you are not a developer?
@AviD and for that you have tools in git as well
@AviD Annnnnd the staging area lets you remove things from it....
so you can rebase and rebase and rebase...
and add add add...
oh dont get me started on rebasing.
@TildalWave Hehehe.. actually Biathlon is pretty much the only one I like.
@AviD Oh heavens no. I never need reminding of that.
@avid It took me some time to get used to the git-hype-thing...
And seriously, why are we arguing about hg vs git? Both is great, both has pros and cons compared to the other. Thank god we aren't using svn and be done with it.
@AviD I just have to look in the mirror and contemplate my reasonablness.
but I think I'm getting the point of the staging - it doesnt actually store the files, right? just marks (pointers?) to the changes to be commited
@TerryChia While the entire world has moved on past svn I don't really get all the hate. It did what it was designed to do incredibly well.
@TerryChia not at all arguing, I am trying to understand.
@ScottPack But what it is designed to do well isn't what developers need.
@ScottPack so do flaming anal probes.
@Adnan they you better switch the telly on, the 12.5 km chase is gonna start soon
@AviD I am not sure about that, I guess it just mark it (because I believe you can edit a file again and you will commit the final document)
@TerryChia Think about the time that svn came out. Wait, I don't think you were born yet.
@AviD Think about the time svn came out. It was intended to be a drop in replacement for cvs but fix some of the inherent problems that it had.
@AviD It does store something, in the .git folder. But no, it's nothing permanent until you commit.
I am just gonna tell that when SVN was dying my enterprise was migrating from CVS to SVN
@ScottPack as Linus said, "CVS done right" is a stupid idea.
@TildalWave It's a bit problematic to watch sport events while dealing with freaking WPF!
But it did serve a fantastic purpose in the meantime while broader solutions were being crafted.
So I believe I will have to wait until next major changing rules version control system appear to change to git...
(or hg)
okay, I think I've got the idea of staging. And the commit -a lets you work around it, if you want to.
Yes, mainly for scripts or very easy commits I do not encourage it =P
@kiBytes Wut? I use it all the time.
@TerryChia it is ok, it works =)
Commit often and you won't have 100 modified files lying around...
another question. Git claims they dont store diffs for each commit, but full snapshots - and go on to explain the benefits compared to SVN which stores only diffs, such as faster performance, etc.
@TerryChia depending on the project that could not be so easy =D
Hg, on the other hand, says they dont store full copies of each version of the file, but only diffs, as opposed to SVN which stores full copies of each version. This gives many benefits, including faster performance, etc.
@Adnan hehe yes, that would be :)
@kiBytes no, if you are working on so many concurrent different bugs / features, you should have been branching more.
@kiBytes Checkout local branch, commit often, rebase before pushing. I do it all the time...
Seriously, that's the whole point of a DVCS.
so @TerryChia - hg and git have directly conflicting statements regarding data storage. I am having difficulty reconciling them.
@AviD I'm not too aware of the internals stuff. You might need to search on SO more.
@AviD Two competing standards have different core functionality? Say it ain't so!
The main benefit vs SVN for git is that after cloning the repo, the entire history is local to your machine.
So checking out branches etc doesn't incur the network penalty.
@ScottPack no no, my point was: Git says snapshots because faster, Hg says diffs because faster.
@AviD one of them is lying =)
I believe that having the full copy is faster
And since commits are based on timestamp and a hash it makes merging divergent paths a bit easier. No revision number collisions to try to rectify.
@TerryChia PLEASE will everybody STOP comparing git to SVN, I have no problems there. I am comparing git to hg.
@AviD but svn! :P
@kiBytes I guess it depends for which operations.
@AviD They're probably both right, depending on which operation they're optimizing on.
@ScottPack same as with hg....
@AviD git doesn't do diffs because git doesn't track files.
@AviD Sure.
@ScottPack I guess thats the point.
git tracks the data.
@AviD Most probably.
@ScottPack Wait a tick... since when did get approved as a room topic?
@Iszi Since I approved it.
@TerryChia good point, but its still semantics. Hg tracks changes.
@AviD From a user perspective it's all semantics, yes.
@ScottPack But... why?!
@AviD I think we've come to the conclusion that the primary difference between hg and git is internal.
@AviD And stage+commit v. commit
so a git repo would potentially be huge, right? if a 2-byte change causes the whole 20MB file to be re-stored all over again...
@Iszi Why not?
@AviD No....
@AviD Oh no
> Git doesn’t think of or store its data this way. Instead, Git thinks of its data more like a set of snapshots of a mini filesystem. Every time you commit, or save the state of your project in Git, it basically takes a picture of what all your files look like at that moment and stores a reference to that snapshot.
> To be efficient, if files have not changed, Git doesn’t store the file again—just a link to the previous identical file it has already stored. Git thinks about its data more like Figure 1-5.
@AviD It's much much MUUUUCH smaller than SVN
@Adnan Are you mocking me? I think you're mocking me.
@Adnan TWSS!
@AviD No, I'm being serious.
unless it is a stinking pile of cow turd.
@ScottPack I'm sure there's really too many reasons, but it's too early.
@AviD SVN is a godsend compared to your face.
32 secs ago, by AviD
unless it is a stinking pile of cow turd.
@TerryChia heh, okay nice one.
@TerryChia fine - but if 2 bytes were changed in a specific file, that whole file is copied again?
@AviD Do you know how hard links work in a filesystem?
@ScottPack hard links point to files. but I just changed a file.
so it cannot point to the same file.
unless it is at a disk block level.
@AviD Kind of.

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