@raz Probably because it now has three deleted answers from new users.
@Gilles Yes, this. @raz
@raz This question is protected to prevent "thanks!", "me too!", or spam answers by new users. To answer it, you must have earned at least 10 reputation on this site.
@raz Gotcha. I'd say that most questions that end up protected are those that hit the super-collider, and draw a lot of views (followed by uneducated answers) from users of other SE sites.
i want to change a mac address to floating point number.
i tried using IEEE 754 converter online but it says "the value is out of range",
how can i do it in a proper way?
@Adnan How 'bout: Convert it to a floating point, and then convert that to a string, and then get the ASCII values for each character, and then store that as a CSV string?