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oy, @Lucas, @Lucas, @Lucas....
@terry which hat whoring q?
@kalina is there a hat for being reversed, or the target of a reversal?
not that I know of, there might be?
@AviD I've been thinking about @Thomas' take on the rep-whoring
The actions that merely result in gaining hats, I think they're alright.
He mentioned the thing about "permanent" damage. Rep-whoring questions and answers fall under that category
@Adnan but thats always true, not just for hats.
and, though we may not like them, they are valid (if almost borderline) questions that do bring in a lot of users.
@AviD However, and I'm sure we all agree, the problem became considerably bigger with the introduction of hats.
in general, yes, but not for the craptrains.
@Adnan as @Thomas pointed out, as long as there is no REAL damage, it is probably not something to bother about, let it slide.
It's just a lark, all in good fun.
But thats the point - Thats exactly why I voted against hats.
spam alert ;)
everything becomes too playful.
on the other hand I dont want to get all stuffy like arkade and Server Fault.
are you sure?
click that again.
I'm getting old
yknow when you get old, you don't change. You just get more so.
@AviD Well, in that case, I have a plan for badge and rep farming once the Winter Bash is over. There want be any damage, no busy queues and no more work for the mods. Just all in good fun.
Oh, that's gonna be fun.
yeah, thats what I'm worried about.
@AviD If it's okay now (and, clearly, it's okay), then it should be okay later.
at least the hats are limited in time, and they go away and calm down after a while.
I'll protest the shit out of this.
@AviD Noooope.
While hats go away, the byproducts (rep/badges) stay.
@Adnan not necessarily - there is a difference between "always okay" and "okay for the duration of 3 arbitrary weeks".
@Adnan yes yes, that part is true, but its always the case.
@AviD Exactly. Since it's always the case, why worry about it, right? Nyahahahaha
you fat bastard!
@AviD Actually, I'm about 5 kilos extra fat of my optimal weight. So, in a way, you're correct.
@AviD go ahead, say it, more so what?
@AviD +1 for the HTTPS cookie answer. I can't believe @Lucas got it that wrong.
14 mins ago, by AviD
oy, @Lucas, @Lucas, @Lucas....
@TildalWave whatever you are.
@AviD Why haven't you downvoted his answer?
@AviD that's ... scary
I guess I should....
Of course you should. That'll do 3 things
- Push him to correct it
- Push him to delete it
- Tell others it's wrong
I'd rather get him to fix/delete it.
@Adnan I prefer the soft touch.
Comments, chats, ....
@AviD Once it's fixed/deleted, the downvoted will be taken back.
because I know him.
@AviD I prefer the way that is better for the site and its users.
@Adnan aaaaand my way worked.
@AviD Wait, you're even a bit younger than I am, so why are you teaching me about old age? I thought that's for @RoryA to tell us :P
@AviD I see this regardless of that. We know @Lucas, and we like him. I personally like the dude. However, when it comes to the site/rules, nobody is exempt.
on the other hand, only reason I bothered answering is because of his answer...
*warn us about
@TildalWave You are way too young for @RoryA to teach you about old age.
@Adnan oh no, not what I meant. What I meant was, I can talk to him.
before taking action.
@AviD Jiha! Got it
Oh, looks like he deleted it
I've learned over time to try the soft, human way first. Then go balls out and slice him to pieces.
1 min ago, by AviD
@Adnan aaaaand my way worked.
is what I meant...
@TerryChia Did you check my profile? I'm not so sure about "way too young". Younger yes, too young perhaps, but not way too young.
@TildalWave no, same age.
@AviD Well, I downvoted and commented. That also means my way worked.
as I've said, how old you are is less about your age, it is more about how many kids you have.
@Adnan haha, okay, lets ask him.
ohhh @luuuuuukaaaas, @lucas!
@AviD Happy birthday then! why does this feel like a deja vu?
@TildalWave The only reason @RoryA has 42 in his age is because his real age causes an integer overflow on the field.
@AviD He's jelly of my girlfriends, he's not gonna admit that my way works.
@TerryChia that was my joke :P still, 42 answers nearly everything
@TildalWave not how many kids I have. Thank the lord.
@AviD I thought you're getting close to that number?
@TildalWave heh, not quite. Sometimes feels that way, though.
Huh! How did I miss this?
13 hours ago, by ManishEarth
There once was a man named @Simon / Who was as sour as a lemon / With @kalina he flirted / The site he deserted / That despicable man named @Simon
Also, the number of pinned messages we have is too goddamn high!
@AviD Tell me something, what do you do there for Xmas? I mean, do you have anything? Some other celebration in its place, or just "joining in for the fun of it"?
@TerryChia thats a good point. Imma unpin some crap.
@TildalWave Xmas is a (pseudo) Christian holiday, as I am not, the answer would be: "nothing at all".
@AviD Never understood/liked that show.
@Adnan I think that clip explains it all.
@TildalWave and for that matter, I'm not joining in at all....
only thing I get, is quiet from my international clients ;-)
@AviD Ok... you know what I meant? I'm not religious either, but it's still a family celebration for us back home. But I didn't mean so much you and your family in particular, I meant what's the feeling around your place, any change at all or just trying to avoid certain districts?
i.e. how the city feels like
@AviD heh that's not too bad either
I used to go to Chinese restaurants for Xmas because I just couldn't stand all the euphoria surrounding it
@TildalWave neither. That would apply on Jewish holidays, or even Islamic ones.
Christians are very very limited here.
There are some big non-religious Xmas parties in some of the seedier Tel Aviv pubs, but I dont go there anymore anyway.
@AviD How so? You mean there simply aren't many?
@TildalWave yeah. There are maybe a handful of areas that would be termed "christian neighborhoods".
@AviD mmmm seedier Tel Aviv pubs :) sounds fun
I mean, there plenty coming and going, but no big concentration.
My father works in the tourism industry, so he does bring Xmas cakes to the Christian travel agents and group managers.
and good to know, I might need to escape it all some years... I hold on pretty good this year, but that's because I barely had the time to go out
also, most years there is an uproar in the media: The gov't cuts down trees from the forest, and brings them to give out free to anyone who is wanting an Xmas tree.
Forgetting that the forests do need trimming every so often....
@AviD meh that's just courtesy it's probably the other way around too for Hanukkah and so on
@TildalWave oh hang on, this time of year is a huge target for christian tour groups - yknow, touring Nazareth, Bethlehem, Old Jerusalem, etc.
@TildalWave yeah, exactly. But I grew up eating Xmas cake on Xmas. (always a couple left over...)
@AviD yes that I know, but that's not Tel Aviv
@TildalWave hahah, no, not so much.
well cakes are good
OK sorry if you found this too inquisitive, but that's just me... I just shoot, apologize later :)
@TildalWave Too easy....
So I'm not going to say it.
@TildalWave not at all!
@TerryChia What? TWSS? Would that even make any sense? :O
feel free to ask anything....
@TildalWave Nah, not "TWSS". But cmon! "I just shoot, apologize later"? :P
Hehe yeah, I do :) always. Some don't like it, tho I didn't really think that you'd mind... frankly, I'm getting only more curious about other cultures, I used to just not care much about that before, kinda casual liberal and now more annoyingly curious :)
@TerryChia figure of speech
@TerryChia Were they telling gaming stories about their characters?
@TildalWave Sure.... ;)
@RоryMcCune That list is what got me fed up enough to make the calendar.
@ScottPack Wrong person.
@TerryChia I tried to tab complete too aggressively.
@ScottPack what is the criteria for your calendar?
Man... you know it's not a good thing when you have 20 such lines in your codebase.
> # TODO: Remove pokemon error handling
@TerryChia Gotta catch 'em all!
@TildalWave ah, the chess game. Classic.
@AviD Hehe. Indeed.
Hmm, the new Mac Pro is limited to 64GB ECC RAM. Seems kinda limited for a workstation machine.
@AviD It's primary focus is for information security conferences. I generalized it to things that would be particularly interesting to those people.
There's already so many of the former that I didn't want to end up filling it up with all tech conferences. That would just be too busy.
@ScottPack global? how big a conference?
e.g. OWASP chapter meetings...
@AviD We need a Finland chapter
@Adnan start one up!
@Adnan oh hang on, there is one: owasp.org/index.php/Helsinki
@AviD Ewww.. Helsinki! It might as well be in Turkey
and Norway has 2, and Sweden has 3... ;-)
@Adnan so, start another... what part are you in? and would there be enough interest there?
@AviD Global yes. I think the smallest I've put on were the BSides
Unless it's a relatively big event I'm thinking chapter meetings might start a bad precident.
@ScottPack ah. Still very much "conference" and not "meeting".
I think it makes sense.
I can see a situation where a chapter meeting might be a Big Thing, such as where it drifts into something more conference like with possibly a slightly different format.
nah, dont get into it, I dont think those are usually of enough interest or importance to warrant tracking it.
@AviD Maaan.. there's nothing in Finland. This place is the shittiest place in Scandinavia, yet everybody pretends it's the best.
@Adnan "everybody"........?
@AviD Everybody in Finland*
* who isn't Swedish-speaking Finn
@Adnan ah, of course.
@AviD I'm imagining a situation where there could be something akin to a OWASP Europe Chapter Meeting that took place over the course of a day.
@ScottPack You can add Syscan and Blackhat Asia in there actually.
Here the ISSA chapter meetings are, essentially, half-day conferences.
@ScottPack yeah, thats already a proper conference.
@TerryChia You got links handy so I don't have to go dig them up?
@ScottPack I see you already have Blackhat Asia in there. Syscan link is here. syscan.org
@AviD and whenever somebody criticizes something in an attempt to fix it or make it better, the best response is "At least we're not Sweden".
I've been trying to not avoid global events, I just don't have quite as much exposure to them.
Some of the things I've put on there are only because I've heard them mentioned on podcasts as places the hosts would be attending.
Unlike the name suggests, it's completely SFW
Hm. Fedora 20 is surprisingly stable for a week old release. Much better than Fedora 19 so far.
@ScottPack Did you know Fedora has a new experimental package manager?
@manish no 5 rep cap hat this year
In an ideal world this thing would be a webapp where each event is a separate ics file with tags with things like size, region, specialty, format, community/vendor-focus, etc. Then a user could present a list of search criteria and it would combine the separate events into a customized calendar.
That's a fair bit of development effort, and hosting, that I'm not willing to dig myself into yet, or ever.
@TerryChia No more yum?
@ScottPack Nono, yum is still the main one. The new one is called dnf (for now). fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/DNF
It's apparently an experimental fork of yum that they hope to use in Fedora 22.
@TerryChia Lame
Last day before 2 crazy party weeks!
Can I follow you twice?
That's not me
Oh, lmao.
That's some dude out in Utah that works for Cisco or something
I keep getting emails for him.
It's really frustrating.
Ah yeah, the dude that I once found.
That's what you get for having an awesome name.
A week or so ago I received an email asking me to review their book.
@Adnan you rang?
@LucasKauffman When?
@Adnan like you pinged
ah yes I was wrong
removed my answer
FINALLY! A decent looking music app for Linux.
The new gnome-music app is pretty good.
You're decent looking.
@Simon Thanks, but I'm not @ScottPack.
Hi my absence, @Simon got so desperate that he started hitting on @TerryChia
It sucks to not be @ScottPack, I know.
@kalina I don't hit on anyone.
you just did
it's just there for everybody to see
@kalina Why are you talking to your absence? It makes you look crazy.
These blackberries are teh shit.
@Simon Is that company still around?
@TerryChia Clearly you're on a mobile.
@ScottPack What?
@TerryChia I'd totally get the Z10 if I could install Android on it.
also, I duno
@TerryChia Autocowreck.
I must have started typing something and then didn't pay attention to backspace
@kalina Just like when you didn't pay attention to the proper spelling of "dunno".
@Simon since neither are a word, just SHUT UP BEFORE I SLAP YOU
Awww yeah, S&M.
@kalina Go ahead and slap him anyway.
@AviD you rang too
Do it hard.
@AviD what can I do you for?
and fast
and deep
Too far (get it?)
Kanye West version of Daft Punk's?
work it make it do it makes us harder better faster strong more than hour our never ever after work is over
Cosmic Gate tomorrow will be awesome @@@
work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger more than ever hour after our work is never over
Then on the 26th W&W, 27th Tommy Trash + Laidback Luke
and on the 28th possibly Zany if I feel like the 4 hours drive is worth it.
+ deadmau5 will be in town on the 2nd + 3rd.
you only yolo once
before bursting into flames and dying horrifically while the rest of the world laughs at you
@kalina What the fuck, you just caused me a brain seizure.
@Simon that wasn't very hard, was it?
inb4 twss
because yes, as a matter of fact I did say that
@kalina You get a star anyway.
@TerryChia A strange assertion. Personally, I listen to music, I don't look at it.
Dayum, let's try to find out what kind of music Bears listen to.
@ThomasPornin synesthesia
@kalina I gotta experience that one day.
@Simon rammstein
pls no
Rammstein are amazing live
In fact Ich bin ROAR
@RoryAlsop Do they kill random people in the crowd?
why are all of my stars about hardness
I didn't notice. Was too busy having my eyebrows burned off
you're all perverts
@kalina Breaking news.
@Simon "When I listen to Wagner, it makes me want to invade Poland."
@kalina Says the biggest pervert here
@ThomasPornin "... who is primarily known for his operas"
@Adnan I am not perverted, I am angelic
^ loljk
Angelic my ass.
I am angelic! I have wings and everything
I thought you stopped taking drugs.
@LucasKauffman Did you ever listen to Armin van Buuren's early stuff back when his artist name was Gaia?
@Simon The reply to that is gonna be @Lucas-ping-worthy
Pretty good stuff.
@Adnan Well, I guess I did ping him ô_ô
Wagner's orchestral pieces are pretty epic
@CodesInChaos For some reason, I've always preferred Brahms' orchestral pieces
@CodesInChaos Any Wagner's recommendations?
@Simon And by "flag" you mean "non-flag close vote"
@TerryChia Only on the field? I thought it was on the universe?
@ScottPack That's what you get for having high rep, sucker.
They call me the bug fixer.
But they don't know that I caused them.
using "yolo" should be a bannable offence
@kalina I'm using #yolo, not yolo.
same difference
@kalina It's not the same. Making it a hashtag should double the penalty.
Get an anti-#yolo room.
@ScottPack Mind adding it to the room description?
@Simon It's called "The DMZ"
@TerryChia well, it is the same, but the hash tag acts like a multiplyer
@kalina Agreed. :P
wow, that worked
If @Simon uses #yolo, he will have to cover an all expense paid trip to Canada for one of us in here to kick him in the nuts.
@TerryChia The anti-yolo sentiment?
@ScottPack Indeed. :P
room topic changed to The DMZ: The first breach costs you an arm.... [double-entendre] [food] [libations] [nono-yolo] [rory] [security]
@TerryChia let me do that, I've had more practice kicking people in the nuts
I have the technique down to a fine art
kick him so hard his grandchildren will feel it
@TerryChia s/one of us/each of us
@kalina hmmm. There's at least one hat that's not yet been seen. Shog posted 10 hints and I have 9 hats (one is a mod hat which may not count)
We can try to match hat to hint later. Can't do it easily from mobile
The doge/pony/autobots ones are not real hats
@ManishEarth Hints?
@Iszi yeah hints
@kalina Link?
@Iszi no
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, Dec 17 at 16:19, by SPArchaeologist
•...then I took an arrow to the knee.

•Earned ten of the most meaningless points on the 'Net

•I live... AGAIN!

•He ain't no drag

•from JBM to JWH

•Humpty Dumpty, or perfect in every way?

•There are only so many people capable of putting together words that stir and move and sing.

•You look like an absolute idiot.

•You may have to go to Puerto Vallarta, break the law and then fight extradition to get over this one.

•Solve these riddles and it's yours
bit of a different vibe than the original...
@tylerl incorrect
@RоryMcCune I didn't say that it was morning. Just naming time periods
@tylerl nice catch
what's new?
@tylerl just finishing my last job for the year, looks like I've sold my old house, and everyone on the DMZ seems to be obsessed with hats :)
@RоryMcCune The hat thing is so ephemeral that it seems marginally pointless. You spend the whole month collecting hats, which then permanently disappear once the collection period has ended.
@tylerl true indeed...
@RоryMcCune Congratulations!
@ScottPack ta will be a big weight off the mind once it goes through. Was unexpected, as the place looks a bit barren now we've moved out. We were actually about to pay to get an interior decorator to tart it up, so glad to have avoided that expense!
@RоryMcCune No doubt.
@RоryMcCune "pay to get an interior decorator to tart it up" -- apparently you have a different definition over there about what a "tart" is.
@tylerl heh uk phrasing to "tart something up" is to make it pretty/shiny but has the other meaning of a tart as a lady of negotiable affection...
over here, that sort of decoration would probably make it more difficult to sell.
Honestly, I think both definitions work given the subject matter.
In the US "to tart something up" has a big of a connotation towards the skeezy but we are talking about real estate after all.
@RоryMcCune Half of all English world have as alternate meaning "a lady of negotiable affection" !
@ScottPack well if I was to use a more recent uk'ian phrase we were going to get "house doctored" after the TV show of that name.. basically nice neutral colours and tasteful ornaments, the kind of stuff you see in show houses...
@ThomasPornin One can always determine the important features of a culture by their vocabulary. How many words for "snow" do the Aleutians have, and how many words for "cheese" the French?
@RоryMcCune It's called "staging".
@ScottPack actually our house doctor person did use that phrase, so now I know where she got it from..
It's a common term in the industry, I don't know that it came from anywhere in particular, but certainly predates much of the popular appeal of shows like that.
@ScottPack ah but I think it's a US'ian phrase, I've definitely never heard it in the UK before...
Ah, ok.
and the house doctor person is a US'ian
so that would make sense...
weird fact of the day "North korea and norway are only separated by one country"
shh! he comes
@RоryMcCune Which country? Cearly not overland. I suppose maybe you could get there by going through only one country's air/seaspace
@ScottPack russia
Well, maybe not air.
What about China?
North korea has a land border with russia and russia has a land border with norway...
I missed that sliver
Damn, that's a small ass border.
Down by Vladivostok.
I'm guessing it's cause russia wanted a port on the pacific that wouldn't freeze up all the time...
Also, that's a fantastically fun word to say.
@ScottPack also a cool thing is that you get a couple of trains and go all the way from Scotland to Vladivostok
Q: Can anonymizing techniques make you less anonymous?

tylerlThere's a recent report in the news of a Harvard student who emailed in a bomb threat so as to postpone year-end exams. According to the report, he carefully covered his tracks using the best technology he knew about: he used a throw-away email account, and only accessed it over TOR. It turns o...

mildly discussional, but there is a clear question at the end.
and also damn interesting
(title is a bit of link-bait)
@RоryMcCune That could be gobs of fun.
I'd really like to do a train trip sometime.
@ScottPack yeah the trans-siberian does look like a cool experience, you can also go from moscow down via mongolia into China which would be cool too..
There are some guys from Quebec talking about doing an organized train trip trip to either PaizoCon (Seattle) or GenCon (Indianapolis) and having it be fun informal convention on the way.
@ScottPack nice idea!
Why can't you de-star a post?
@Simon you can
Not unstar, de-star!
uh... hello simon.
Yeah... sorry.
@Simon rough morning?
So, I'm officially accepted at University. PHEW.
@ScottPack One. Plus 999 to mean a specific variety of X
@Gilles Its exaggerated. There are only 56 "Appellations d'Origine Contrôlée" for French cheese.
This is a list of cheeses from France. Traditionally, there are from 350 to 400 distinct types of French cheese grouped into eight categories 'les huit familles de fromage'. There can be many varieties within each type of cheese, leading some to claim closer to 1,000 different types of French cheese. In 1962, French President Charles de Gaulle was famously quoted as saying "Comment voulez-vous gouverner un pays qui a deux cent quarante-six variétés de fromage?" ("How can you govern a country which has two hundred and forty-six varieties of cheese?") Protected designation of origin Under ...
As for Inuit names for snow, despite the myth, they don't have 1000 names for it.
@Simon like... for starting university?
The actual count being close to 400.
@tylerl The way things work here you go to College after High School, which usually takes 2 years and then you go to University.
@ThomasPornin 56 according to the police, 1000 according to the protesters
So, I took Computer Science at College and now I'm taking CS again at University to get a higher degree.
@Simon Which University ?
@ThomasPornin Concordia
@Simon so does that mean you'll be moving out?
that's a big step
@tylerl I'll be driving to school for the first semester and then I'll move out, yes.
@Gilles I would count that.
Am I being unfair in this comment thread?
Maybe that's how you see it :) (which gives us a nice insight about you). I just see it as simply answering a question posted without posting a two page report about the details. — user34483 19 mins ago
@ScottPack funny, she never said that
Well played.
@ScottPack no. I flagged as VLQ
^ Me too
Took you a while to figure it out, noob.

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