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05:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@Adnan Wie veil für die Hündin?
for those of you who don't speak German, Hünd is "dog".
you can guess what the -in suffix does.
Well you basically said "How much for the bitch?"
oh and, viel*
at least according to Google
I can be creepy in German too.
Im Weltraum, keine hört dich schreie!
tbf I did need to look up "space" for that one.
usually I say "Im meinem haus, keine hört dich schreie!"
then chuckle maniacally.
*shifty eyes*
There's absolutely no way you can be creepy in Finland
you guys have Ensiferum, so they automatically blow the ratio.
anyhoo, 17:05 here. time for home! :3
laters all .o/~
@Polynomial: back from meetings... and: "monarchs of the science of secret"
That's actually a good example of how a cryptographic algorithm can horribly suck; it should be used in crypto classes.
which algo?
The one in his CTF challenge
It is somewhere in the chat logs, a few hours ago
And @Polynomial added the important information that the key has length 18 bytes (exactly).
@ThomasPornin how long did it take? im going to do hit it after work.
@Adnan in an ideal world, you wouldnt be using PHP on your production server ;-)
@AviD, :O ! How dare you say such thing?!
and, in an ideal world, you wouldn't be using SVN...
Wow. Never thought I'd appreciate a Microsoft commercial like I do this one.
You want us to have a proper building process?!
@Adnan ideally. even more important is a proper programming language. ;-)
By the way, how old must you be during a certain decade in order to be called a "child of" that decade? I was born early-'80s, but I'm pretty sure I relate much more closely to the '90s.
@AviD, one time after the other, he kept stabbing me with his knife.
No homo!
@Iszi, if you're 12 in a decade, you're a child of that decade.
@Iszi I was born in the mid-70's, but I'm probably a child of the 80's.
Taking into account the '80s reached Israel in the early '90s.
my "formative" years were the '90s, though.
@AviD, the years in which you started "stabbing"?
Also. with all this discussion of bands and such, I'm surprised noone linked to Map of Metal.
@Adnan heh. I've always been one to speak truth to impotent power-apparent.
I like the ä in mäp
@Adnan That seems pretty reasonable.
@ScottPack Unfortunately for me, this means I'm a child of the 00s
@Iszi it does make one smile, doesn't it.
@Adnan and it makes @TerryChia a child.
@AviD, by this rate of stabbing soon you'll qualify to be a Finn
@Adnan heh. Over here we call them "Morrocans". But that's racist.
Damn! The word racist is over used!
@Adnan Could be worse, you could be a child of the 80s.
@AviD When did you move over there?
Unless you sincerely believe in the superiority of a race and/or the inferiority of another race mainly because of their, well, race, you're not a racist.
A sentence that doesn't fall under that definition, shouldn't be tagged as racist.
@ScottPack mid/early 80s.
but I was a young'un then...
@AviD You still a US citizen?
@ScottPack yup
taxes and everything :S
Terrible. Just terrible.
@Adnan you're racist for saying that.
what about Denmark in SatW? Is that racist?
@AviD, link?
@Adnan hah! you should know....
ftr, I disagree with your definition. Any recognition of "race" beyond the purely genetic, is racist.
any contribution of "race" into a value judgement is racist, IMO.
there are of course varying levels of racist, and tbf not all forms are necessarily negative.
So if I make disparaging comments about homo erectus does that make me racist?
For example, a genetic biologist would necessarily be professionally racist.
@ScottPack heh, no, that's sexist.
@AviD I disagree, different peoples have different ways of life, this can have a huge impact on their opinions, cultures, traditions, feelings, thoughts etc. saying that race is purely a genetic thing is wrong imo.
@ScottPack Dude, I don't want to hear you talking about a gay guy's penis. Ever.
You people...
Homo erectus (meaning "upright man," from the Latin ērĭgĕre, "to put up, set upright") is an extinct species of hominid that lived from the end of the Pliocene epoch to the later Pleistocene, with the earliest first fossil evidence dating to around 1.8 million years ago and the most recent to around 300,000 years ago. The species originated in Africa and spread as far as Spain, Georgia, India, China and Java. There is still disagreement on the subject of the classification, ancestry, and progeny of H. erectus, with two major alternative classifications: erectus may be another name ...
reminds me of that scene on Friends....
Ross: "Joey, Homo Sapiens are people". Joey: "Hey, I'm not judging!"
@lynks thats not race.
@AviD Not that there's anything wrong with that.
thats culture / nationality / religion / politics / upbringing / etc.
@AviD given that most people identify with their 'race' to some small degree, it isn't entirely nurture. I have friends that are technically german, so they drink more beer and do german things, despite never actually going to germany or being around german things.
it applies to race too
each of which would have more effect on opinions, cultures, traditions, feelings, thoughts etc than purely race alone.
oh noes, did I put "purely" and "race" next to each other?? I call Godwin's Law on myself!!
@ScottPack wrong show.
For me, the sentence "People from Nepal usually have bad smell" isn't racist.
@lynks ah, thats ethinicity, not race.
But saying "My race is better than theirs" is racist.
@AviD It's more regionalist.
@ScottPack okay, I can accept that.
@Adnan right, because of "usually", and you implicitly refer to a certain ethnic / culture / traditions / etc.
@AviD yeah you're right i suppose. i do agree with adnan that 'racist' is a massively overused term.
if you said "All black people smell bad", that IS racist.
Just like the whole "Southerners are ignorant, inbred hicks." thing. You're classifying somebody by their geographic location not any kind of ethnic or genetic markers.
the generality, and there is no ethnic group or culture there.
@AviD %s/there/here/
On the other hand "Black people from Harlem are smelly and poor", that's not racist.
@ScottPack sure, but would you agree that there is a trend? the same is said about the uk, except it's upside down :P
@AviD but you specified black. Are white people from Harlem also smelly and poor?
@lynks Trends, like most statistics, are merely inventions of the analyst to promote their own goals.
@lynks dont disagree there. Like "ironic".
I don't know, I just don't like it when people throw the word "racist" all the time. It makes it difficult to evaluate actually racist statements and situations.
@ScottPack "there" in that sentence...
@Adnan there are white people in Harlem...?
@AviD I was attempting to make snide remarks implying that your homeland is devoid of culture, tradition, or discernable ethnicities.
and that usage promotes a culture of over-sensitivity to almost anything
and stereotypically speaking, the "whites" and the "blacks" kept to themselves, different gangs and so forth. so different cultures and etc.
@ScottPack ahhh. heh. riiiight.
@Adnan oh for sure. especially in the US, there are people oversensitive to anything.
Right, and on that note, time to go back to work.
And even now in Europe, slowly people are forced to adapt to this oversensitivity
also if you state a stereotype, that's not racist, but if you claim/believe the stereotype is true, it usually is racist.
I mean, I'm of an Arab background, but I hate it when people overreact to anything. I'd say it has more to do with "pussiness" rather than political correctness
@AviD Not quite. It's racist if you presume a stereotype to be true, for a given person or group of people whom you have yet to interact with.
i guess if i saw a black friend of mine eating a watermelon, it wouldn't be racist to point out that on this occasion he is fulfilling a stereotype, and to find it funny. however i probably wouldn't dare to attempt such a joke...
i.e.: "I believe a lot of white people from the south talk with weird accents and love NASCAR." is not racist, but demonstrates belief in a stereotype. However "He's a white person from the south, so he must have a weird accent and love NASCAR." is racist.
@Iszi and if you've interacted with them, then its no longer racist?
@Adnan oh I agree with that.
its the constant preoccupation with saying the right thing, or he said the wrong thing, or whatever.
what's that sarcastic term they used to use for it back in the olden days?
oh yeah, political correctness. Crap.
@AviD Point being that the interaction should prove/disprove the stereotype, for that particular case. If you attempt to impose the stereotype upon the person without first understanding that they may or may not fit it, that's racist.
the point that I meant is that a stereotype is always true, thats racist.
@AviD, that, I agree with.
not that such a stereotype exists, or that there are those that fit the stereotype, or even that there are enough to give just cause to the stereotype.
Like saying all Swedes are gay.
I mean, as @Adnan would say, who cares? Move along.
@AviD I think we're transmitting the same data, just with different encoding.
@Adnan Except for the busty women.
@Iszi yes, I dont think we're in disagreement.
@AviD They're gay depending on the situation. If you go talk to them and they come to your place then they're alright.
@Adnan Or all Scots play with their sheep too much.
Any other case, they're gay.
So I find it interesting that all Finns go around saying that all Swedes are gay.
@Iszi that's a very nice way to put what all Scotsmen do
I mean, it's probably true, but so what? No business of mine.
@AviD, in the city in which I live, we have a street, that street has a few universities.
@AviD I find it amusing that all Israelis seem to believe all Finns think that all Swedes are gay.
On the right side of the road there's the a Swedish university
@Iszi well, we all read SatW, so yeah :)
on the left side, a Finnish one
At 8:00 when people are going for their classes, you can clearly see what I'm talking about.
On the right side, smiling people, well-dressed, very fashionable.
about the gayness?
On the left side, poker faces, hungover, poorly dressed
hehe. but that's probably more cultural than anything.
might also have to do with the quality of the school.
or even one bad apple in one of the schools.
Won't say which one.
Not really, it's just that Swedes usually know how to enjoy life
Which makes Finns furious
@AviD, do you guys have VAT?
@Adnan ... of beer? Yes.
and also the tax.
@AviD, damn! Why did I think that Israel is in the Euro zone?!
because it's totally in europe
@lynks Say about 30-40 minutes for the whole. Most of the time was finding a stupid bug in my code (I wrote 'i' where I should have written 'k').
@ThomasPornin ok thanks, as I say it's on my list for this evening (alongside this years GitS teaser). If I manage it in anything up to double your time I will consider it a success :P
I thought Israel was just New Jersey overseas?
@ScottPack Technically, a specist, not a racist -- and only if you are talking about a moral difference.
@ThomasPornin I'm not sure we can discuss the morality of homo erectus since clearly they had none.
@ScottPack Nicely done, but not racist nonetheless. Technically.
"Race" is a word which more-or-less maps to the biological concept of "sub-species": individuals which are recognizable as distinct on phenotypic criteria, but are still interfertile.
@ThomasPornin Can't you just have fun for once and stop being so bloody French?
@ScottPack Being French is fun.
@ThomasPornin You and @Gilles.
It is like making a joke which nobody gets.
Must be something in the baguette.
@AviD I would disagree. Genetics tend to be all blurry when you get within a given species, which is the point where you can define sub-species, aka "races". You say "race" for cats, dogs, horses and humans; "sub-species" for the other animals.
Alex Miller on January 28, 2013

Welcome to Stack Exchange Podcast #41, featuring Joel Spolsky, Jay Hanlon, David Fullerton, Kyle Brandt, Nick Craver, and Geoff Dalgas, with Producer Alex calling in from Denver!  We have a bunch of systems administrators and the like here, because we are in the process of moving datacenters to our new home in New York City.

So what’s involved in the move? We hired movers to do all the de-racking and truck driving, so the work done by SE employees involved laying everything out and then wiring it back up. …

It reminds me of a joke: A journalist asks Ray Charles about whether it was a hard life to be blind; Ray answers: "it could be worse: I could have been black !"
Not a very good joke.
I heard a good anecdotal joke the other day; Neil Armstrong had a habit at dinner parties of telling long-winded and un-funny jokes about being on the moon. When his audience would groan at the terrible punchline, he would sit back and say "well, I guess you just had to be there"
It's ok, my girlfriend didn't laugh either.
What ? It is funny !
@ThomasPornin lol
winning, twitter just moved my account to a username i've wanted for ages. i didn't even have a trademark :P
Evening All
Trying out satellite broadband tonight
it's actually reasonably useful
better than expected.
LOL :op
3-5 Mbps down 1 up, 950ms ping
so not call of duty worthy
but fine for browsing/downloads
@RoryMcCune So just a little slower than my 28ms ping, 71Mbps down and 37Mbps up.
yeah, not quite there yet but better than the 0.5/0.25 very flaky connection my in-laws were getting over ADSL...
I'm on "fix all their network kit" duty tonight for the new network
having to install a 228MB printer driver ?!?!?!? just to move it to the new network
Doesn't look like speedtest has my favorite I2 location anymore. I wonder what that would have looked like.
@RoryMcCune Totally is. It would be the equivalent of this:
you're just deliberately linking me to youtube vids that'll be slow to download here now aren't you ;op
the irony being of course that I got kicked off the network whilst typing that..
@LucasKauffman I saw one of those before the problem seemed to be that they weren't comfortable to sleep in...
also in general I'm a little dubious about technology hardware kickstarters, there have been a lot of people who have underestimated the problems involved..
@RoryMcCune it would be nice if it actually worked, I would be able to sleep better and faster
@LucasKauffman Looks like a geeky version of having a purring cat on your lap.
@LucasKauffman indeed it's a nice idea, perhaps worth trying sleeping with an ordinary eye mask on first, to see if you can sleep with it on...
@ThomasPornin or reading security standards with a cup of hot chocolate...
@RoryMcCune mmmm hot chocolate
I could have a cup now :(
@er4z0r You should be able to accept the answer. If there's something going on, it's a bug and I'd like to figure out why you can't.
In case I wasn't clear: there is a NEW vulnerability in Rails 2.3 and 3.0. The fix from a week or so ago doesn't cover you.
^ Did I read that right? There's a new RoRy vulnerability?
my favorite framework is looking pretty shoddy right now.
@JeffFerland better link:
@RoryMcCune Well I hope this one comes off: kickstarter.com/projects/1655017763/…
wonderfully overpledged, so they should be able to do something
At least the Elite one should just happen
How do kickstarter protect from scammers who just want to run off with our money, I wonder
05:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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