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Hey guys, does anyone know the API name of IT security in security exchange?
Trying to make notification app for mac, but cannot find the security shortcut in the api of stack exchange..
@tiroshboaz security
it's the same part as what you have before .stackexchange.com
or what you have before .com for the sites that aren't under the stackexchange.com domain
working now. will upload to github the final result for all the osx users
@Gilles 10x
I am, once getting, stuck in the whirlpool of Windows Update.
Why, oh why, does it send me a brand new update, only to inform me at the next iteration that it needs 78 security updates ? Couldn't it send me an already patched version in the first place ?
@Thomas Welcome to the wonderful world of iterative updates! Apple is only slightly better because they release service packs more often.
5 hours later…
@LucasKauffman That edit you reject on Serverfault w/ the link was a good edit.
Quick survey guys: For pen testing needs - do most people use an existing distro like BT5 or customize their own favorite distro from scratch? What are the pros and cons to each approach?
@jmort253 My hunch is that a majority of the followers of this proposal weren't in for the security aspect nor for the repurpose aspect, but for the ESR meaning of hacker (i.e. “I'm too l33t to call myself a programmer”). — Gilles 17 secs ago
I don't get him. Why is he hanging on for dear life to his proposal?
1 hour later…
Q: Determine the encryption mechanism used to decrypt data

ABYI have an input software. The data is stored in a file in C drive. The file is password protected. When I put in the password it asks whether I want to enable a content. I say yes. It says something about VBA macros. I say yes again. It gives me the data in a different format. Now because of the ...

narq / off topic
1 hour later…
next Friday I'll have been a Sec.SE member for a year! :)
@Polynomial And STILL no fanatic badge. :P
yup. I'm on 80 days
I get it 3 weeks on Monday
In other news - I'm really liking Arch Linux so far.
1 hour later…
@Gilles They clearly tried to do too much. The Repurpose/MITHacker sides could have been interesting, but clearly the vast majority of interest was from the sec.se overlap segment.
@ScottPack I'd really like Repurpose to succeed, but its current definition is pretty crap
@Polynomial Uncontested.
Scrolling through the committers I saw this.
> "I would like to see security hacking site, which will help to exchange hacking and antihacking experience!"
> Beginner or LearnerSep 28 at 11:39
Ugh. I forgot chat markdown assplodes on multiline.
Oh well.
He even has an account here!
> "I am looking at a possible career in ethical hacking, so this would be an amazing resource!"
> "I'm an enthusiast and want to research the area to close the security holes in current systems."
> "I want to see growth in the area of penetration testing, help teach where I can, and learn what I don't already know."
@Polynomial I think not to cryptomigrate the CBC/AES one - it's not a heavy q about how crypto works, its some of the simplest basics every infosec pro needs to know.
@ScottPack people enjoy getting excited. Doesn't matter about what.
@AviD My point is that the majority of committers who have actually left a message are talking about how awesome it would be to cover topics that we already have here.
@AviD fairy nuff.
@ScottPack yes, of course. So?
At first glance I thought that was an 'm'
@ScottPack LOL! Of course you did.
@AviD Goes to show how much of a dupe that proposal is. Could also be a bit of a marketing problem.
Some of those folks want the content that we have, they just don't know about us.
@ScottPack when the German language proposal was going up, I saw several commiter messages along the lines of "I dont know german and have no interest in it, but lets get this proposal going!"
@ScottPack or, as you noted, do know about us, and want to back another proposal anyway.
It's all about being on the winning team.
I have a problem with this one.
Q: How are public/private keys used in code?

TarI have a question about public key encryption. Say I have a string: "Hello, everyone." If I am choosing to use a cipher to encode/encrypt this by just shifting the letters around X places, it is easy to figure out what the key is due to things in the english language like LL, OO, etc. Taking a...

got a flag requesting a migrate to crypto, but I'm not sure.
that is, sure its on topic there, but my comment to @Poly applies here too. But more than that, it's kind of a crap question.
legitimate in that it is a complete newbie question, but the mistaken assumptions seem to poison the rest of the question.
Thoughts, anyone?
It's probably a simple "Let me wikipedia that for you" q, anyway.
yeah, I don't really understand what he's asking.
it's really vague and confusing
@AviD he needs an introductory lecture on cryptography
I don't have the courage
@Gilles exactly.
I think the question should stay here, it's too basic to migrate to Crypto
"I assume <these 20 random and incoherent points> to be true. As such, <false assertion> must be correct. How does RSA work?"
that's pretty much a summation of it
@Gilles quite possibly. On the other hand, as it stands now, its not a great question for here, either.
@Gilles Maybe he should take the stanford crypto course
'tis free :)
@Polynomial well, yeah, sort of. But for someone who knows nothing of modern crypto, these are fair assumptions.
If someone studied e.g. Vignere, or even Ceaser's Cipher, and thinks modern crypto is similar - it's not so incoherent.
@AviD Sure, but they're false and misleading. It makes his question difficult to answer, because we have to spend time debunking each individual presumption. It'd be much easier if he'd just asked "how does asymmetric crypto work?" and let us give him the answer.
@ThomasPornin does Cryptography have any basic FAQ on the meaning of modern crypto?
@Polynomial True. and there in lies my rub.
@AviD Can you make a synonym of ?
btw, I dont think he necessarily meant asymetric crypto, like the rest of the question I think he was simply confused, and misused the wrong term.
preferably with the non-abbreviated name as the display name
yeah, it was just an example.
@Gilles for sure. which as the real one, and which the synonym?
@Gilles ah. usually I would agree, but pki is definitely the more common term?
@AviD at the moment PKI is the primary one.
@Polynomial but which should be...?
PKI is unambiguous, and much shorter. I think we should use PKI.
at the moment (well, until a few minutes ago) was the only one
so if you typed “key” then the tag wouldn't be in the completion list
I think the non-abbreviated name should be the primary one
if it were ambiguous (e.g. FUD - fully undetected vs. fear, uncertainty and doubt) then I'd say go for the non-abbreviated
because if you see “public key infrastructure”, it's immediately clear what it means
if you see “pki”, you need to expand the abbreviation
but since PKI is a well-known name, and the more common name, I'd say go with the abreviation
@Gilles Then should we have Advanced-Encryption-Standard for AES?
@Polynomial no, because AES is a proper name
PKI is an abbreviation
@Polynomial oh snap. @Gilles do you want some Aloe Vera?
and certificate-revocation-list for CRLs?
cuz you just gots burned.
@Polynomial yes
@AviD I just refuted an invalid argument
I think at some point we have to say that the abbreviation is prevalent enough to warrant being the primary name.
@Gilles you said yes. That's not a refutation, even though I might agree with you. :)
look at StackOverflow, for example. they have JRE, rather than java-runtime-environment
@Polynomial @Gilles I think often that point is when more people know the acronym, but have no idea what it stands for.
@Polynomial jre is the name of the program. It's a proper name.
usually I would definitely go for the expansion, but there are sometimes where not so much.
@AviD I doubt it, for pki
and if there's a doubt, we should go for the unabbreviated name
@Gilles It's not, really. Same for JVM: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JVM
because if you read “public-key-infrastructure”, you can see it's p-k-i
whereas if you see “pki” you have no idea where to go
but if we add the synonym, with PKI as the primary, it still appears if you type "public" or "key".
and it highlights the "see also" line.
same goes for java-virtual-machine -> JVM and java-runtime-environment -> JRE on SO.
@Polynomial yes but that's not the point I'm making
@Gilles What is the point you're making?
6 mins ago, by Gilles
because if you see “public key infrastructure”, it's immediately clear what it means
2 mins ago, by Gilles
because if you read “public-key-infrastructure”, you can see it's p-k-i
the interesting point really is, it's become modmoot, anyway.
I know what PKI is, you know what PKI is, AviD knows what PKI is.
most people know what PKI is.
if someone doesn't, they can hover the tag and read the description
strangely, it didnt make it a synonym at first, but that's been modfixed.
@Polynomial right, but he's talkign about searching for the tag, not about having it.
if you search for the tag, you'll get the synonym results too.
anyhoo, afk. review time!
@AviD no, I'm talking about having it
@Gilles if you're looking at either tag, it's irrelevant, because they are both self-referential (or rather, each-referential).
you were saying about if you type key, this should pop up... that's when you don't yet have the tag, to look at.
@AviD The other side of that is that those committers either forgot about us or made assumptions about our on-topicness. Like the SF guys who figure we're a 90% dupe of them.
@ScottPack yeah, there's that too.
like "ah, security, you guys are just firewalls." < waves hand dismissively >
@Gilles, @Polynomial, @AviD: here is my authoritative opinion: the proper tag is .
@ThomasPornin The bear has spoken.
@AviD Not per se. There is a FAQ entry which says that questions which could be answered only with a whole book are too broad.
@ThomasPornin actually I meant an actual frequent question addressing this, i.e. with a canonical answer, not a meta/faq.
while I dont think that q requires a whole book (at least not at the level he was asking), it is very much an "Introduction to Crypto" type question, not even "Crypto 101".
does crypto.se have any minimal boundary of "too basic" questions?
I know its not like Theoretical Computer Science, but then at sec.se we pretty much discussed being open even to the most basic of simple questions.
@ThomasPornin what about this one - it's definitely more crypto.se than here, but it's not a fantastic question, IMO.
Q: Could the Enigma algorithm be classified as a Feistel network?

SwaroopGiwaliThe Enigma algorithm is a encryption method that was developed (I believe) by the Germans in WWII. It went a little something like this: When a letter was typed on the keyboard of the Enigma machine, it was first sent through the first rotor, which would shift the letter according to its present...

@AviD Well, no, no limit on the "too basic". But there are the usual restrictions (not too broad, no shopping list...)
@ThomasPornin right, thanks. So what do you think about that intro to modern crypto q?
Well, I think it is a question which is very broad, but not off-topic for crypto.SE.
It is still a question which can have as answer only something like "hey, you know, queen Victoria is dead, and Science has advanced a bit"
@ThomasPornin lovely. Can you post that one? :)
I know the content is ontopic, for that matter it wouldnt be offtopic on sec.se either - it was more a question of how to handle such a wide , clueless, but legitimately basic q.
I think it needs a rewrite, and then figure out where it would be better, here or crypto. anyone wanna take a shot?
@AviD Incoming.
@ThomasPornin excellent, +1 for cutting off the "too wide" aspect very well, +100 for snark.
though now I'm thinking, as it stands now, it's pretty much NaRQ....
Still an question, though, and as such valuable for my next gold badge.
on the other hand, much as @Polynomial had the basics of SSL canonical question to feed you, perhaps we need a canonical "how is encryption works" type q too...
@ThomasPornin badgewhore.
@AviD Be happy that I motivate myself with yellow smudges on a screen, instead of feeding on the soul of the damned.
@RoryAlsop Well, it looks like the question I was going to ask on Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair would be off-topic. :-(
@ThomasPornin indeed.
I am not yet convinced that those little yellow smudges are not akin to ears of the damned's souls.
Eh, quick question. Is there a way to create a link on linux to point to a website?
My brain is pretty dead right now. I can't remember the solution.
@TerryChia Do you mean in HTML with an anchor tag?
@rox0r Any easy solution will do. Be it scripts or whatever.
I'm confused though. An html link presumes an HTML document which doesn't matter what OS you are on. Are you talking about something other than HTML documents?
@rox0r Eh forget I ask. Stupid question. I should go sleep. My brain is dead lol.
@rox0r A link. Like a link on Windows. Something you'd have on your desktop.
@TerryChia Is this what you're after?: ln -s /home/mysite mysite.com
not a HTML anchor.
akkkk - 165 unread messages in chat - sheesh
keep the noise down guys - some of us are trying to work :-)
@RoryAlsop lol, same. just saw the backlog.
Disclaimer: Not tested, pinched from a stackoverflow post
@RoryAlsop @JeffFerland @AviD This was proposed to close as NARQ, but my vote is for Too Localized. Your call, but we're up to 4 votes - want to top it off?
Q: Determine the encryption mechanism used to decrypt data

ABYI have an input software. The data is stored in a file in C drive. The file is password protected. When I put in the password it asks whether I want to enable a content. I say yes. It says something about VBA macros. I say yes again. It gives me the data in a different format. Now because of the ...

@RoryAlsop You won't have a backlog if you constantly check back. ;)
@TerryChia aye - was driving for 4 hours today...keeping up is tricky
@Iszi boom
I think symlinks could work, but you might need to NFS mount the remote site first. ;)
@rox0r yeah. figured that. i'll just bookmark the damn page.
@RoryAlsop you ninja-ed me.
@TerryChia heh
@RoryAlsop you dont get to go boom, if you dont use the hammer.
being #5 is nothing special. Even @Iszi can do it.
@AviD no boom? denied!
@RoryAlsop I'm having a patience shortage today. Thoughts on this one?
A: How is an X509 certificate signer verified?

ansurI can't respond to comments so... This question is language-agnostic. When people say 'ssl certificate' or just 'certificate' they are usually referring to an x509 certificate, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X.509" Very well. In that case, then, let me clear up a few misconceptions you seem to ...

it was originally flagged as not an answer... which is pretty much so.
@AviD Agreed.
The only time he ever asks a question is his first post and all subsequent posts are more like "this is how it is" even though that isn't how it is.
This line surprises me coming from a user making his first ever post on ANY stackexchange site.
@AviD yeah - I want to move it to a comment, but as it will truncate I'm trying to decide what to keep
@TerryChia, @rox0r: your pictures are too similar. This is confusing. Stop it.
@ThomasPornin Well, I was thinking of using a panda bear as my avatar...
@rox0r You are free to use whatever picture you want AND THEN TO ASSUME THE CONSEQUENCES.
@rox0r pandas are not bears.
wait, I think I'm talking about koala bears.
it seems that panda is greatly overused, in the animal kingdom
@AviD but they are food, right?
@RoryAlsop nothing better than a bbq panda.
@TerryChia once de-furred, right?
@RoryAlsop maybe. the fur does give it a nice flavour sometimes.
@AviD Pandas taste like bears.
Giant Pandas annoy me. It's almost as if they are doing their damnedest to go extinct but we keep jumping in to stop it.
@rox0r Bear musk reminds me of some of the clubs I was taken to in college.
@rox0r Really ? Usually, an animal's taste depends on what it eats. Will a bamboo-eating bear taste like a seal-eating bear ?
@LucasKauffman herro
you bin watching too much South Park?
No would love that, I'm on audit training :(
@LucasKauffman heh - fair enough
I understand completely
@LucasKauffman You...you...you auditor.
@ThomasPornin That's just setting up for a real nasty "your mom" joke.
wasn't there a qotw author selection right now ?
@ThomasPornin I don't recall seeing the popup.
@Iszi I think I saw one half an hour ago.
@ThomasPornin yep - I saw it pop up. This week the choice of topic is definitely the SSL post
the upside is that we could do this as a straight drag and drop from the existing answers :-)
@ThomasPornin That would be about the right time. I'm not much a fan of the topic suggested in the Meta thread (#38).
Unless anyone wants to expand on the rather light answers we have at the moment - such a lack of detail :-)
Ok, I can do the SSL blog post.
What is the intended publication date ?
btw, and I'm admittedly saying this as pretty much an outsider to this whole bloggy thingy, it seems to me that the current format of a new meta q for each qotw post is highly inefficient, and not as effective as it could be.
my suggestion for new qotw meta posts:
@ThomasPornin Friday
Although you have so much in there we could have a couple of blog posts on this topic if you wanted
I have to logout; I might be back in a few minutes if my latest sneaky plan works well.
see ya.
have one, single qotw post. everyone and anyone can suggest q's to it; voting as per usual. every week, the top voted answer (question) is popped off the top of the queueue, and deleted.
or, not necessarily the top-voted, but weighted according to that.
that way you dont have to keep so much track, we dont have to keep looking for new questions (if it was appropriate last week, it will probably be good for next week too...), and there will probably always be enough in the queueueueue to choose from.
sure, every once in a while, we should cull the consistently low-voted posts. and yeah, mods will see a whole big pile of deleted answers.
still, I think a much better process, for some not-insignificant value of "better".
@ThomasPornin hmm, I guess we'll be hearing @TomLeek's shouts any minute now.
I'm back. It works !
Instead of RDP-ing into a Linux machine on another continent, I am now RDP-ing into a WinXP VM which runs on the Linux machine which is on another continent.
WinXP is much more integrated with RDP; the interface is still insufferably slow, but it is still quite better than previously.
I lost font antialiasing and half my RAM in the process, but I am still quite happy with it.
@RoryAlsop I'll try to do something a bit higher level (not "how SSL works" but "why does it work at all ?")
Anyone has good tips on how to make a WinXP use less RAM ? I have 512 MB for the VM, and I want to leave as much as possible for the Hog (i.e. the Web browser).
@Thomas start with shutting off all extra services.
I remember there was a guide - by black viper - of which services you can safely shut down.
Also you can tweak the vm settings...
I seem to remember, with enough fiddling, getting XP (pre-SP1) pared down to <100MB RAM usage.
@RoryAlsop it's quite funny to see people turn their heads when you say you have never done book keeping in your life
@ScottPack I didnt choose the auditor life, the auditor life chose me
@RoryAlsop but it's nice to meet all the new people, get to know new people. Since I worked there for 2 months a senior from financial audit and me had a nice conversation, they really want to have better ties with ITRA
I only got bollocked for not wearing a tie :<
hahahaha - I insisted on never wearing a tie if at all possible, and always wearing at least one earring
just on principle
@AviD that could work pretty well
I'll write that into next week's one
it also means I don't need to do all the messing around to avoid the dupe filter
yea at ITRA nobody wears a tie
not even some directors
I missed the train this morning. I missed the train 4 times.
@LucasKauffman Had a chat with one of our auditors yesterday. Even though he is a CPA he's never worked outside of audit, and this is his first job wearing a tie.
@JeffFerland Good, 2 more misses and you would have had to reload.
@JeffFerland you were drunk, otherwise there is no logical explanation
Q: Trusted Computing Base, independence/can they be aggregated?

Neygona AlesbuIf I have a system with one component A and the TCB is {A} and I have another component B with a TCB of {B}, if I were to place the two components together would the new TCB of combined components be {A, B}? In other words, is the TCB of {B} independent to its external surroundings and therefor...

does anyone feel capable of writing something interesting about this?
if so the question should be migrated here (or to CS?)
@AviD I found the guide; I am disabling some services...
On the plus side, I got my font antialiasing back.
@RoryAlsop btw u wear earings :D?
I knew u were badass but not that hardcore
Hrm. This is an annoying situation. Mr. Smith does a task on a monthly basis, which occasionally has an adverse effect on some systems. We'd like him to modify that task so that it does not impact those systems in future months. He says he can do that, but would need us to remind him every month. Would setting up a recurring Task in Outlook, assigning it to him, and adding a Reminder to it be too passive-aggressive?
whatabout s/mr.smith/newguy/
@Iszi He wants a reminder ? Outlook is meant to be the alpha and omega of reminders.
@LucasKauffman Unfortunately, he's not in our org.
well you send mr smith a nice attachment
causing his screen to flickr with a dancing banana
@Gilles Seems to me my Q would be TL.
@Gilles How would you suggest I tag it?
@Iszi I'm sorry, you must be confusing me with someone who knows something about that site
All I know is that it's for US IT workers to bitch about their colleagues, bosses, employees, interns, and other work relations
non-US or non-IT office workers are tolerated
expertise not required
sacre blue @Gilles
Well, here it is then.
Q: How to respond to a colleague who asks for a recurring reminder to modify a recurring task?

IsziA colleague has a task that he does monthly, which recently has had an adverse impact to some of my systems. I've asked him to modify his task so that it will not include those specific systems any more. He's said he can do this, that's not a problem. However, the unpleasant part is that he sa...

Thought about adding the "Seriously?" guy, but then thought better.
I had a french guy presenting today
everytime he said area
it reminded me of this:
@LucasKauffman tssk
that's not the real pink panther
I know, but still it was really funny
although nothing as sexy as a french girl speaking english
No. The real pink panther is Peter Sellers
old pink panther movie
Q: Can you decode this string?

bpqaoozhoohjfpnThe encryption app that we are using seems to generate the same output for the same input. That is bad right? I'm not smart enough to understand the scheme being used though. 616099D42B067FE178D7878638BD78CD3001E6814D3493D201066EF011A844BBCC6F876E484CAF47B68B33E252BCF8E6

yeah, I was pondering whether to close as NC, NaRQ or TL
@Gilles or dupe.
it's been done before.
though I think there is an underlying question there, that would be a good q. however, it is not what was asked, and there is not enough context to get it right ourselves.
@AviD I did check if it was the decoded base64 from the earlier one
@Gilles hahaha
so yeah, I'm having a hard time hammering that one.
just cant decide...
should be possible to mark more than one issue with a q...
The RPG chat has an easter egg where you post d6 (or d42 etc) and you get a random number
there should be a chat easter egg to get a random close reason, only if you have enough rep to vtc on at least one site
@Gilles Sorry, I'm not aware of such a thing as a d5. Maybe do 1d10 and divide by two if >5?
@Iszi maybe you mean mod 5.
or rather, mod 6.
@AviD nope, mod 2
@Gilles for a d5??
Welcome to Coq 8.3pl4 (June 2012)

Coq < Goal 2 * 5 = 10.
1 subgoal

2 * 5 = 10

Unnamed_thm < auto.
Proof completed.

Unnamed_thm < Qed.

Unnamed_thm is defined
yup, 2 * 5 = 10
huh wuzzat now?
@AviD I proved that 2 * 5 = 10
@AviD whereas 5 * 5 ≠ 10 and 6 * 5 ≠ 10
you want the proof?
no, I guess I just dont understand WHAT THE FRAKK YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.
@Gilles You used Coq. It would be difficult to find a more convincing proof that you are French.
I was referring to this:
@ThomasPornin yeah, I'm a Coq person. I never really got into HOL.
15 mins ago, by Iszi
@Gilles Sorry, I'm not aware of such a thing as a d5. Maybe do 1d10 and divide by two if >5?
@Gilles most French people are ;-)
@AviD No, mod 5 indeed. Mod 5, you get a value from 0 to 4; 0 is also 5 is you want a traditional d5 (a Fortran die).
@ThomasPornin ah, so it should be (x mod 5) + 1
didnt consider the 0.
then again, neither did the aztecs.
@AviD Yeah, but they're dead.
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

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