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Sure, @Iszi may be the 3rd on that ranking, but I wonder what his rep/character count is :)
Yay - xkcd alerts!
Well, that was rather unexpected behavior.
1 hour later…
@ScottPack Third, which ranking, huh?
@StackExchange Woohoo! Thanks, @ScottPack!
1 hour later…
Sigh. mybart.org hacked by anonymous, who note that "none of the info, including the passwords, was encrypted". djmash.at/release/users.html
2 hours later…
@Iszi Joel Spolsky was Program Manager on the Microsoft Excel team between 1991 and 1994
@AviD Did you take that from my paranoia=11 answer?
@nealmcb Not supprised. Last technical encounter I had with BART they were running a signaling protocol on the track at 300 bps.
Posted by Jeff Atwood on August 15th, 2011

Who would win in a fight between a Gorilla and a Shark?

OK, maybe you’re thinking that’s a ridiculous question. Perhaps it is. But various forms of this question get asked all the time. Consider this now-ancient Stack Overflow question titled Python v. Perl:

Okay, so I’m finally making the jump into scripting languages and I have decided to focus on either Python or Perl. The problem is: I don’t know which to cut my teeth on.

Most of my programming experience is in C, Java, and C++. There’s no specific task I would be learning Python/Perl for, other that possibly applying it to my dev work to make life easier in general. …

2 hours later…
hi therer
1 hour later…
@RoryAlsop @AviD was uneasy with that question, because it seemed rambling and pointless. I would have closed as NaRQ too.
Hi @GrahamLee! what question?
Q: I'm owned. I think there is spyware on my ubuntu machine

name-widthheldA group of people (not the government) posts certain uncommon phrases that I use in my emails, as well as follows me on sites I visit. I also believe they have access to the microphone/webcam. I don't blindly download things from the internet. It was running 10.04, but recently (this month) I u...

Oh I think I flagged this one
But as off-topic.
Would have call for migration to SU but there is no migration list ATM.
hm. I've two-factor authentication on gmail now. Could be nice to have it for windows logon screen.
Good morning
I'm not sure it really belongs at SU either. I was tempted to migrate to skeptics.
Hi @Greg
Hi @Greg
Using OAuth for the first time today
Q: Are there state-of-the-art techniques or theory specifically for attacking passphrases over passwords?

hippietrailWith passphrases becoming more and more common based on length being more important than complexity, I'm assuming there must be some work going on involving techniques aimed specifically at cracking / auditing passphrases which would differ to some degree from the traditional methods for attackin...

Q: Are there some good papers (or discussions) on using Markov chains or Hidden Markov Models for password auditing/cracking?

hippietrailAs a programmer and language enthusiast I've been very interested in Markov chains for some time. Considering the influence of natural language on password and passphrase selection (by humans of course) I would like to know the state of the art in applying Markov Chains and Hidden Markov Models t...

Seems very close. Can't say it's a dupe, but at lesat I thing the newest (1st posted here) should refer the second.
1 hour later…
@Iszi @Rory linked off to a query on the data site. It spits out the top 500 users sorted by average score per answer. I.e., how good a quality answerer are you -- data.stackexchange.com/it%20security/s/95/…
I made the rep/character joke since your questions have a tendency to be rather...verbose. :)
All that migration chatter brings up an interesting question.
Where should our dumping ground of shite questions be? SO uses SF, SF uses SU...so which one should we use? I could go with Skeptics, but it seems a bit of a stretch.
golden Rule: Do NOT migrate crap
Golden rule 0: do not write crap ;)
@ScottPack Are the query results affected by the rep daily cap ?
@thisjosh Huh? Not sure I follow how that relates...
@thisjosh not sure you need to know where a train is at 300Hz, let alone more frequently
of course, it helps if you know that the signal returns are all due to trains, and that all of the trains are identified...
@ScottPack Wow. @RoryAlsop has got to be, by quite a margin, the top answerer based on answers posted alone - but he's #21 in rep per answer!
S&M, here?
Q: I am thinking of taking a 5 day chfi course - are they worthwhile

PaulI am interested in the area of computer forensics and would like to get to a basic level of competence quickly. A qualification would indicate to me I had got to the first rung. I would not necessarily want to take a job but it's an interest. So ... Is there any advice of chfi, and the fast co...

@Mvy S&A (Subjective & Argumentative) really. Kinda developed around here the same way "pwned" came into existence.
Well I was wondering if we shall close this one or not. Does it relates to an online course?
Y'know, too many people with their minds set on
Oh, wait... I see. Seriously, what's up with people that don't capslock acronyms? Been trying to figure out what the hell a chuh-fee is for the past ten minutes.
@Mvy I think it runs probably afoul of rules on S&A, NaRQ, and (sort of) "shopping".
...and I still don't have close-votes? Man, I need to answer some questions or something.
Well last time we agreed to accept a question on education if it was available worldwide
@Mvy Link?
Q: Distance Education Programs in Digital Forensics

PetroEkosI am looking for a distance education program with the end product being a Masters of Science in Digital Forensics. I looked through the site and did not find any results, and was hoping since most people here are in the industry, someone might know a couple more. I only know UCF's Msc in Digita...

Does not seems to interest answerers though
@Mvy Further justification for close on this one. They're both pretty much the same question, just with slightly different goals in mind.
well..so dupe?
@Mvy I don't think I'd say they're dupe. Just... what's the term these days? "Not Constructive"?
Actually, yeah. They're pretty much dupe, now that I re-read.
One guy wants a CHFI, the other is looking for a program in "digital forensics"... Close enough.
Ok go for it.
@Mvy Go for what? All I can do is flag - can't even vote-close it! And I definitely don't have a mod-hammer.
@Iszi I flagged it
Although I will be flagging as "not constructive" on both.
That they happen to be duplicates really doesn't matter much if neither has value to this site on their own.
Humm. I'm thinking whether CW would be appropriate here
@Mvy Different question?
No same. To make a list of courses review
I'd say no. If the question isn't even getting one answer to begin with, CW isn't going to help it any.
But maybe it's not worth it
@ThomasPornin Based on the SQL, it shouldn't matter. It looks like it just does a simple post score average.
Okay, I may be mis-remembering something. But, could someone explain this to me?
A: How is it possible that people observing an HTTPS connection being established wouldn't know how to decrypt it?

Jeff FerlandI think of the six answers already up, gowenfawr's explains it best. Read that first as this is simply an addendum. On Diffie-Hellman Several answers mention Diffie-Helman exchanges. These are implemented in a minority of exchanges. A DH exchange is signed by the server's key to prevent a MITM ...

Here, it's said that D-H is meant to prevent MITM. But, in previous studies, I could swear that I'd either read or been told that D-H is specifically vulnerable to a MITM attack?
@Iszi You sure about that?
The vulnerability being that the two parties don't authenticate to each other prior to key exchange.
Well, I must say: DH does not authenticate
@Iszi I can explain it (since I said it)
The DH exchange can only be authenticated when signed by the RSA key
RSA key that needs to be in a certificate and signed by a Certification Authority.
Or in another authentication scheme.
... or previously known, at least
HMAC maybe. That'd work too.
Anyway you can be sure that the public key belongs to the right person
Be kind of backwards using a symmetric signing, though. I guess that's why I've never seen it.
@ScottPack So, you gonna build that query?
@Iszi It already exists, but I can't seem to find it now.
Oo! I have it on my screen at home. Let's see if this fancy dancy FirefoxSync thing works
@ScottPack Never did the tab synching. Usually if something's on my screen at home, I just RDP to it.
You Windows people :)
Or you could SSH, or VNC, or whatever you *nix guys do...
Sometimes I read my emails using grep...
I would have to VNC, which I just have never much liked doing.
I was a big time mutt fan until I started having to access shared mailboxes. I started hitting my limits of interest in fiddling.
@JeffFerland There is an enhanced version called PAKE
@Iszi The real nice thing about the tab sync stuff is that I have access to the tabs on systems that aren't running. Like my laptop, which is sleeping my bag.
It is key exchange with password-based authentication, but not vulnerable to dictionary attacks
@ScottPack Ah yeah... that's cool. That's kind of the whole reason I was thinking about WoWLAN yesterday. Sometimes I put my laptop to sleep at night and forget to wake it in the morning before I leave for work.
So, for now I have to use Wo3G (a.k.a.: Call the wife).
@Iszi I leave one system on all the time, but it's my general purpose media/git/web/junk server. I'm fine with the user systems sleeping whenever they want.
Anyone else seeing something wrong with this statement?
"Within a single cable, each colored pair will also have different twist lengths based on prime numbers so that no two twists ever align."
Wait... what?
Oh I get it
Or I think. What is bothering you @Iszi?
@Mvy The "...no to twists ever align" part. Though it may be possible to prevent this for one cable up to a certain length, I doubt it's possible to guarantee it for any given mass-produced cable or bulk cable.
This especially if you're relying on the twist length alone.
What you should actually be doing, I think, is using the same twist length but staggering the first twist.
I won't argue on this. I'm not very proficient in cable manufacturing :P
(i.e.: Twist every 0.5 cm, start blue at 0 cm, orange at 0.1 cm, brown at 0.2 cm, etc.)
@Mvy I'm no expert on the topic either, but I'd think this is just a matter of plain logic.
I wonder how the twists are done by the way
@Iszi No, that's bad. Then you get the same wave building but with a different phase
That would basically make a twisty en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beverage_antenna
@JeffFerland Ah, so it's not just about twists coinciding with each other, then?
If you have twist that are multiple of each other, that may interfere as well
Like with notes and harmonics
Maybe I'm just mis-interpreting the "no to twists ever align" bit. I took it to be meaning that a twist in pair A should never occur at the same point in the cable as a twist in any other pair.
I think they mean it in term of "frequency"
Think if you twist 1 per cm and 2 per cm on another wire, the mutual crossing will happens in each cms
But if you have prime numbers, this will be more irregular
@Iszi notice in the photo that the number of twists is different for each one. Harmonic interference is a bitch.
@JeffFerland Yeah, I see that. What I'm saying is that, at some point in the cable, a twist in the orange pair will line up with a twist in the blue pair, etc.
So, either the statement is mis-worded or mistaken, or I'm mis-interpreting it.
@Iszi As i understand it, interference will generate extra signals with wave length multiple of the twist length (the length of wire for a full rotation)
You cannot avoid it. But you can limit it
we want to avoid two such signals with the same wave length on two distinct pairs
this will happen necessarily, given a long enough cable
@ThomasPornin Now that makes sense.
but by using ratios which are prime to each other, we can make this "long enough" longer than the actual cable length.
@Iszi So, consider radio theory for a moment here. A 1/4 wave 440 Mhz antenna is an 1/8 wave 880 Mhz antenna. Every other pulse will match up, even if out of phase (sending with, say, a 1/3 separation). A 650 Mhz signal and a 440Mhz antenna will be a bad match, though. Sometimes a pulse will line up, but it will be very infrequent.
We can add: we want to avoid having two signals with a wave length that is a multiple of another wave on distinct wire.
@JeffFerland Yeah, even though I've got my Tech license, there's a lot I need to learn about radio theory yet.
Another factor: Cable length is limited by spec because of two factors: Attenuation and accumulated noise. The longer the cable, the more noise it will collect. The longer the cable, the less signal will get through it.
@Iszi KB1PNB
If the cable is harmonically aligned, it'll get a lot of noise really damned fast. Also, look at balanced / unbalanced lines.
@JeffFerland You on Twitter?
@Iszi @jbferland
@JeffFerland "Jeff REDACTED"?
@Iszi It's just enough to keep Google from making that show up in searches, but make it obvious who I am.
Follow-back and I'll DM my call.
Q: Bothunter and other Botnet Detection software

persistence911Please I am having problem downloading bothunter to be uesd for hunting down botnets on the network. I can seem to get a link from them. Please do anyone know a direct link to get the software . Also are there any good botnet detection software that can be used on the network .

@JeffFerland Aside from being poorly composed and a little ambiguous... why?
Really, the bar should be higher than that kind of answer.
@JeffFerland Yeah, you don't want to give that as an answer, but I don't think we generally shoot down those questions just because they're "simple".
Down-vote, sure. But not close-worthy.
Alright, I'll write something real up...
Slow day at work and all.
Oh, wait... I see the OP's problem.
He seems to be saying that after he submits the request form, he never gets the download link in e-mail like he's supposed to.
@Iszi Noscript?
@JeffFerland That may be creating problems with form submission, I guess. Usually though, you can tell when that's the case though.
@Iszi Yup - like I said quantity over quality:-(
@Iszi that one is Security, right?
@RoryAlsop No. At least, not as I understand it.
Topic 2 is food, 3 is alcohol, right?
So, if 1 isn't Security then what is it?
@Iszi I think you need to rotate that
Traditionally the topics have been: Food, Alcohol, Security - in that order
Hmmm... interesting statistic. I'm going to go read all of Iszi's answers now :)
@ScottPack Then what's this?
Aug 12 at 14:22, by M'vy
Q: How can I harden my drinking configuration?
I've heard food as Topic 2 quite a bit also.
Well, we're talking about counting/engineering and the French
I suppose Alcohol could be topic #1
... wait, are the answers of greater quality, or are they an example of answering popular topics?
It certainly was in the early days of chat :)
@JeffFerland Never can tell around here.
????, Food, Alcohol, Security... wasn't that it
@RoryAlsop I guess that would fit in with what I can recall, since I don't think I've ever heard topic 1 exactly specified.
@Iszi fixed it :-)
I can live with Food being more important than Alcohol.
room topic changed to The DMZ: General discussion for security.stackexchange.com [food] [libations] [security]
@RoryAlsop Well, smut's gotta fit in there somewhere. How else did we end up with S&A = S&M?
@ScottPack So, virtual DEFCON?
@Iszi I think smut fits into topic #3 quite well. Or, at least, based on the majority of my investigations.
@JeffFerland Sounds like a wiener!
@ScottPack LOL as I glance at the "pr0n cabinet" to my left.
I've been told : #1 food, #2 you know what it is, #3 drinks
I think we really need to establish this now, as there's quite some confusion... like, how it's always supposed to be U.S. Eastern time in here.
Sounds like a meta.chat.stackexchange.com post?
In completely unrelated news. I don't much care for writing SysV scripts
No here it's always UTC time : Chat Universal Time
With the French style acronyms. Perfect! :)
(That is for the analogy with regard to the reality... wait the what?)
@ScottPack Good call, there.
UTC -- Chat University Time. ISO -- International Organization of Standards, etc
@ScottPack Strangely enough, "UTC" for "Coordinated Universal Time" is not the English acronym (which would be CUT) but not French either (it should be TUC, as "temps universel coordonné").
It is a documented compromise, meant not to favor English over French, or vice versa.
Leave to it a Canadian to ruin all the fun :)
@ScottPack I am not Canadian; I just live there.
I stand corrected and retract said statement.
Let's say I am not Canadian yet. In a few months I will have accumulated enough residency time to apply for citizenship.
Do you intend to?
Q: Virtual Machines are not safe, yet Amazon uses them

alexy13I'm contemplating the fact about using a virtual machine to "sandbox" servers and programs on my computer. I heard that Virtual Machines can be hacked into,; a simple google search of "virtual machine security"; millions of results appear. I know that pretty much anything can be hacked but why ...

Basically, yes. It is not exclusive with my current French citizenship, so this is like leveling up into a multiclass.
@ThomasPornin Just be careful which edition multiclass rules you use. Additional restrictions may apply.
Ah ! I just noticed that a funded research project to which I am part is scheduled to end on December 21st, 2012. How appropriate.
@ThomasPornin What's that now? ?
@Iszi Makes one wonder what our percentage of regulars are also regular gamers.
@ScottPack How many do we have, that we'd call "regulars"?
@Iszi I leave that determination as an exercise to the reader. That is, I'm too lazy to figure it out.
Well, I see 7 in here now whom I'd refer to as "regulars": Myself, @ScottPack, @ThomasPornin, @Mvy, @RoryAlsop, @GrahamLee, and @nealmcb. Is anyone missing?
Oh, it looks like @JeffFerland stepped out.
Nobody else that I'd put in that category pops up in the @mention autocompletion, so that seems like about it.
So, obviously @ScottPack and I are gamers. I'm guessing based on the "multiclass" comment, @ThomasPornin may fall into that category also. Basing the rest on pure SE site membership (unless anyone else wants to speak up) we also have...
@Iszi How do you define gamers?
@Iszi I am not sure I should count as a gamer. I have never played WoW or any MMORPG.
The only game I have played more or less recently (in the last year, say) are Nethack and Battle for Wesnoth.
@ThomasPornin Me neither. The closest thing to an MMORPG I've played were MUDs.
Got you counted now @Mvy and also @RoryAlsop
@ThomasPornin Oh, Wesnoth - I've gotta play that again sometime.
@Iszi Yeah -- stupid story-telling but tactically interesting.
and addictive
@Iszi - did you mean to miss out @AviD?
@Mvy Anyone with a love for gaming, really. Though, if you want to fit in with the sterotypical crowds, it would be computer/console gaming and/or TTRPGs.
@RoryAlsop Nope. Thanks.
He's apparently been out long enough that he doesn't pop up in autocomplete.
I own a PS3, but the only thing I have done with it is installing Linux.
I was a D&D gamer for 11 years, but ran out of time for it
I was specifically thinking of TableTop, but I suppose there are other games as well.
@Avid falls in under computer/console gaming as well, based on SE site membership.
@Iszi As I recall he also has a regular gaming group for FPS and the like.
Well we have done some RPG over TeamSpeak. So not basically TT but kind of.
Otherwise I'm still playing on my computer.
I would consider myself a hardcore gamer (member of ZiiP gaming clan) who is time challenged - with specific needs: I have a Megadrive with Sonic, a Nintendo just for Streetfighter, a Dreamcast for Amplitude and Frequency, a Wii for Tennis, a PS3 for all the Guitar Hero, Rock Band and driving games, and a PC for COD, Fallout, Batman etc
Although, if you base things entirely on SE site membership alone that puts me also as an avid bicyclist and chef among other things, neither of which actually fits me.
@RoryAlsop ...TF is ZiiP?
Zebras in interesting Pyjamas
it's a gaming group for adults who like games but have families so not as driven as a full on clan
also has a great online shop with good discounts on new games
Coming next should be BF3 and GW2 :P
@RoryAlsop That's pretty much the deal with my gaming group. Only one of them doesn't have kids, so we really only get together for a few hours once a week.
On the plus side, it also means we drink a little more than more "Serious" groups, and it's a 1.5 block walk from my house.
So, out of 8 regulars, we've got... 6-ish either into gaming or actually in gaming SEs. Roughly 3/4 of our crowd is into gaming in some form or another, it seems.
We are kind of into a game card called 7 wonders with my gaming group. Strategic game.
@Mvy absolutely!
@RoryAlsop I had the chance to participate to the alpha of BF3. Sounds promising.
I think we've definitely got the user base here for a .
Now we've just gotta agree on which is what.
or should we never mention which one is which and confuse folks...
Have I asked the question about VMs over RDP in here yet?
@Iszi I'm confused... does that make me a regular or not?
Alright, Windows 7 might be a little bit slick.
@ScottPack That makes Oliver Lalonde look very impressive until you realize his rep comes from question votes. Wonder if that should be tweaked to sum the rep gained from posts.
@JeffFerland Could be. Would just need to adjust the SQL to pull from answer posts instead of all.
Wow, @iszi is more efficient with his character count than I am. That's a little disturbing.
As far as I'm concerned he is Mr. TLDR.
... IT just called and said the firewall was complaining that I was performing a bunch of SQL injection attacks against data.stackexchange.com. Heh.
A similar system resulted in at least one death in Washington DC. "Metro Failed to Detect Hazard'
@ScottPack No, I think @ThomasPornin has taken that title.
If you run it against only users with 20+ posts, @GrahamLee is second most efficient after Bubby4j. (For some reason, I don't recognize Bubby)
@JeffFerland LOL
@JeffFerland Oh, good point. Any way to tweak it so that it's just counting rep from answers? My posts are about 55% Q.
@Iszi sum the post scores
Looking at the code a little more deeply, it would be non-trivial, though likely not properly hard.
Right now it just takes your raw rep and the total number of characters in all of your posts (probably including markdown).
You would have to recalculate rep manually, by snatching up all of the posts that are Answers, then calculate all the rep earned on those posts, then do your division.
@Iszi I'm not sure if you can count the actual up & down votes, and even then there are the "rep limiter"and bounty factors. I'd just ignore that and go with the post score.
@JeffFerland That would be a slightly different measure, but might be more worthwhile.
Anyone tried Firefox 6 yet? Looks like it breaks Java.
@Iszi is it beta or RC? Did not heard of a release
@Mvy It's out.
Apply update
Yeah, did that. Just thought I'd point you to the web reference.
Like I said though, it looks like it breaks Java - reporting the plug-in as not supported and disabled.
And yet... Huh???
The "Java Console" extension is reported as incompatible and disabled - but javatester.org/version.html shows 6u26 working?
Hrm. Looks like the plugin component still works, but the extension's borked or something.
Woo! First day at the rep cap.
@JeffFerland Not yet: apparently, you have 198 points from upvotes
@ThomasPornin Mine says I have 203 rep, and that I have the mortarboard achievement.
@JeffFerland The +15 for accepted answer does not count
The rep cap is on upvotes only; and you must go beyond the cap to have the mortarboard: with 20 upvotes exactly, you have 200 rep but no point lost to the cap, so this does not count as "hitting the cap"
(in fact you have 188)
So you need still a couple upvotes in the next four and a half hours to get your badge
@ThomasPornin I have the mortarboard.
It's on my page. Says I earned that today along with popular question.
@JeffFerland Ah yes. "Mortarboard" is slightly lenient, it is for "200 rep in a day"
The rep cap hitting is for Epic and Legendary
So you have the mortar but not the rep cap (yet)
it can probably be arranged, though
Done: you've hit the rep cap. You are 2% Epic.
@JeffFerland To get the actual counts, use the text report: security.stackexchange.com/reputation
It will give you the number of days in which you hit the rep cap, and the number of days in which you achieved at least +200 rep.
Normally the latter is greater than or equal to the former, unless you were trigger-happy on awarding bounties.
Heh. 2% epic. I need to use that somewhere. "Who are you?" "I'm 2% epic."
Hmm... so if I offer a 100 point bounty, does that mean I can rack up 300 in upvotes?
@JeffFerland No, the bounties are not capped
this means that you can hit the rep cap and still have only +100 for that day
@ThomasPornin Offer, not receive
got it
Apparently the downvotes you receive (-2 per downvote) are under the cap count; but not the -1 when you downvote somebody else.
So much complexity for something that only matters in minutiae
@RoryAlsop Whoever posted that Failbook thing is one sick, twisted, sonofagun.
@Iszi heh - I loved it
@JeffFerland bizarre, isn't it
but the discussions over on mod.so show that many folks find it immensely important
It's like my /. karma... I just wanted to get that over 50 (back in the day... actually, I was there before they capped it at 50)....
10k would be nice too. I have it in my head that's kind of a milestone. I probably would do just as well to find blog post time, but I've been trading that for resumes lately.
hahahaha - I remember those days. Haven't been on slashdot for ages
@JeffFerland seems reasonable
how many interviews left to do this week?
@ThomasPornin looks like I have only achieved it on 2 days
@RoryAlsop 2. Sourcefire was going to be a 3rd, but it looks like they flaked. They gave me a sandbagging of an interview about 6 months ago.
@RoryAlsop So you epicness is 4%. You can still get uppity when talking to @Jeff.
@ThomasPornin excellent:-)
@ThomasPornin @gowenfawr is 8% epic. We are pwned.
@Thomas - how epic are you?
@RoryAlsop 38%
(that's my new chat up line in geek company:-)
Will be 40% soon if I get a couple upvotes today
I have noticed a sharp increase in upvotes for the last 8 or 10 days
as if the xkcd/password question drew a bunch of extra audience
Wish I could show you the analytics page
the graph is amazing
I do not know about you, but I have a nifty key on my keyboard, called "Print Screen"
It is very convenient to make screenshots
we have had a slow but steady increase since Jan, with an increase in growth from March and another in July, but compared to this last week they are almost invisible
@ThomasPornin +1
@ThomasPornin heh - was thinking more about the acceptable use policy for mod tools
new users over last month averages around 30 a day, peaking around 70. August 11th 165 new registered users:-)
@ThomasPornin Congratulations on hitting the ceiling for another day.
@JeffFerland Thanks !
@JeffFerland @ThomasPornin +1 :-)
@JeffFerland will you be upset if I kill the bothunter question and you lose the rep for your answer (it has 1 upvote)
the question is on -4 with one close flag, so I think it's gonna go
@RoryAlsop I voted to close it
hahahaha -done!
I brought it up earlier in the day, but Iszi convinced me to put some effort into saying something in reply. chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/151?m=1642343#1642343
sorry - missed that. Day 2 in new job - all a bit hectic, so I'm not getting much time to check in during work hours yet
@RoryAlsop I look forward to that problem in the near future.
@JeffFerland Definitely the best of luck with it!
Gaming.SE primaries are open now - gaming.stackexchange.com/election
2 hours later…
On the subject of elections, do we still have pro-term mods? I think the mods do a wonderful job here, just to be clear, I'm just intrigued if we've got to elections yet?
I don't think we had elections
The mods are provisional until elections
@Mvy I didn't think so. I just couldn't remember and Rory mentioned primaries for gaming.
I said : I think there was no election.
Q: Moderator Pro Tem Announcement

Robert CartainoThroughout the beta, we need members from the site whose focus is to engage the community, both in community-building issues and site management. That's why we select a few members from each community to act as temporary, provisional Moderators. You can read about the program here: Moderators Pro...

2010 December 15th
Ah I see, thanks
The elections will occur about 30 days after the site graduates
thats what Robert Cartaino said on May 2
When was graduation?
Approx the time of the 1 year anniv?
@thisjosh !! See the blog first post!
well not the first but...
Found it, yess July 12th, that would make @Robert Cartaino incorrect.
thats funny my first meta URL got boxed...
Oh, this is a blog!
Yes, I think it's called one boxing where the chat turns your URL into a clip from the page see my post above 9fingers 15:51
Doing it foor each Q or A or twitter statuses
looks like it is called wither onebox, one-box, or One-Boxing
Q: What sites should have hyperlinking (onebox) support in chat?

Juha SyrjäläSome sites are integrated to chat . What additional sites should the chat support? One suggestion per answer.

Q: What links and sites are handled specially in chat?

Juha SyrjäläThere is special linking to some sites in chat. What is the full list of supported and integrated sites?

It says there is onebox for "Posts from the Stack Exchange blog and the Server Fault blog", but it lists no other blog(s).
Posted by nhinkle on August 1st, 2011

This week’s Question of the Week comes from MaxMaxie, and is about command line usage in Linux:

According to Matt Jenkins, it does indeed. His explanation of why is an interesting read, but the question remains: exactly how much does it slow things down? I decided to find out – read on to see just how much of a difference verbose flags can make.

I wanted to test this on something with a mix of file sizes, so I chose the latest download of WordPress, unzipped it, and performed verbose and normal copy operations on the extracted file in Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.04. The results confirmed what Matt Jenkins told us for Linux, but Windows shows a different story. …

aparently Super User blog works as well
blogoverflow.com blocked as 'Games'
Well I guess blog has to be graduated?
How does a blog graduate?
no luck with gaming.
BTW shouldn't we be doing that in the


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...

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