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^^^^ Right, so if asking a question that has already been asked produces a duplicate, doesn't asking a question that's already been asked three times produce a ... I dunno ... quadruplicate? A "triple duplicate" would require a total of six questions, no? (I know, I know -- it's just a change from dots ... or white noise in @PaulVargas's case.)
@Davïd :-P
@Davïd Fortunately, I can do this:
Hi Peter, and welcome. Right now this makes a quadruplicate with the following three prior questions: “My son” in Hosea 11:1 quoted in Matt. 2:14-15 and How can the flight to Egypt in Matthew 2:15 be a fulfillment of Hosea 11:1? and What hermeneutical principal did Matthew use in 2:15 when quoting the Tanakh? Please take a look at those and see if you have your answer. — Susan ♦ 1 hour ago
@Susan Yup. Edit powers on comments.
@Davïd I’ve thought about it, and I’ve decided that 4 questions actually produce six duplicates: AB | AC | AD | BC | BD | CD. If a duplicate is a pair. n! / [k! (n-k)!] <-- variables corrected per wikipedia notation.
It only takes 3 to produce a triple duplicate: AB | AC | BC
@PaulVargas My very favorite part of being a mod. :-)
@Susan :-)
3 hours later…
@Susan Super powers.
@Susan Say wha? But are AB, AC, BC, etc. actually commensurate duplicates? Surely you need A/A', B/B', and C/C' to get three duplicates, and that's six questions. And what our "Peter" has made is A/A'/A''/A''' = four questions, so the aforementioned quadruplicate.
@Susan And doesn't the "AB | AC | BC" scenario actually produce a triplicate, if A=A, and B=A', and C=A'' = A/A'/A'' = triplicate, rather than a triple duplicate which is A/A', B/B', C/C'. (Is this fun?)
@Davïd OK, call it A, A', A", A'''. And if they're all duplicates of each other, they don't need to be different between the sets (A vs B) in order to label the pairs as duplicates. Eh?
@Davïd You're trying to do something with language and I'm trying to do something with math and we're getting all confused. I'm confused. I don't know math or English, actually.
@Susan Eh?
@Susan Clear as a whistle!
@Susan "...they don't need to be different between the sets (A vs B) in order to label the pairs as duplicates." > although, truth be told, I am feeling just a little hazy on this now.
Possibly we've taken this one as far as it needs to go . . . mebbe.
@Davïd Well, I don’t know English just now, so talking to me isn’t likely to clear anything up.
(I can edit comments, though!)
@Susan You appear to be reasonably fluent and coherent, so there must be something I'm missing. Btw - my own sense is that there isn't a general question that's openable in the question to which your comment in question is attached.
@Susan Mighty impressive, that. And you can probably delete stuff from this chat room. Power.
@Susan and btw - did you even notice"Stack Egg"? It caught my eye as being a bit persistent in the sidebar, but otherwise totally clueless me.
Was just trying to see if Meta had any light to shed on multiple duplicate terminology. I turned up "triplicate duplicates" in the -3 answer in that Q&A, but that's it.
@Davïd I still think it says “stack EEG”. Something about three capitals is not how “egg” is supposed to look (“Egg,” ok). But no, I have no idea what it’s about. I imagine if you follow some clicks you could find out.
@Susan Either that or do the dishes. (A.k.a. "washing up".)
It's the dishes, I reckon.
@Davïd Did I mention that I haven’t slept for a really long time? I have no idea what you’re talking about. Maybe I’ll just delete it and that will solve the problem...
@Davïd By the way, the Hebrew proposal is down to 13 questions needed. In five months. I think it’s going to make it!
@Susan Ahhh - well that would explain it :) Hope you get some soon!
@Susan <<<--- Isn't that message supposed to be "pinned"? Doen't look pinned.
@Davïd Somebody thought its pin-span was up.
@Susan I just tried re-pinning, but ... failed. Ah well, not like this room is unaware ... or very busy.
@Davïd Do pins expire?
@Susan I forgot to include my proposals. The problem is getting more votes. More votes require more users that want to vote.
@PaulVargas "forgot to include my proposals"?
@Susan Yup. In the «Propose an example question».
@PaulVargas Oh, I get it. (I'm especially slow today, sorry.) Is it too late for some reason?
@Susan too late? ... For add new questions? Humm... «You can create 5 more questions for this proposal.»
@Susan By the way, where is @Davïd?
@PaulVargas Oh geez, I'm really not doing a great job with communication today. Everything you've said makes sense.
@PaulVargas um.... not a question I can answer. Or maybe I just didn't understand it. ;-)
@PaulVargas Well, I was in the kitchen ... but now I'm not.
@Davïd @PaulVargas I was about to say that.
@Davïd Hey! Also do you have culinary skills? ;-)
@PaulVargas I make a mean scrambled eggs.
I'm fortunate to have people around who do have culinary skills. My cleaning-up skills are exemplary, though.
@Davïd By the way, is WLC public domain?
@PaulVargas I think not - but see the further information for details. I'm not sure I'm clear on what license applies to what files - it needs a closer reading than I can give it now.
@Davïd I'd like to create an application for Android with a parallel.
@PaulVargas Nice. :)
@PaulVargas It looks quite permissive to me. But I expect the downloads have LICENSE files included?
@Davïd Good! - Now I just have to get the Greek text of the New Testament. Perhaps the SBLNT. I have not reviewed its license type. Of course! Use personal or free distribution (Google Play).
@PaulVargas Or Westcott-Hort 1881? A decent text, though it won't satisfy those who think that the latest edition of UBS/N-A is the only thing worth using. (Which for scholars, is probably true.) But for a good, "convenience" Greek text, it would be worth a look.
@PaulVargas + SBL GNT license. "The SBLGNT may not be used in a Greek-English diglot without a license, regardless of whether such work will be sold or given away. Diglots containing the SBLGNT and a language other than English may be produced for free distribution."
@Davïd Oh! So ... RVR1909 + WLC + SBLGNT → Okay, I think
@PaulVargas It would seem so.
(RVR1909, spanish version public domain)
@PaulVargas In the left column of this screenshot, I assume?
@Davïd That's right. While there is no restriction, it could be any permutation.

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