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I really cannot fathom why this question was closed:
Q: What are the 12 names of the the apostles of the lamb?

guerrier And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. (Revelation 21:14 KJV) Apostle means pioneering missionary, disciple or teacher, and by that train of thought, every missionary, disciple or teacher could be called an apostle. Theref...

How can a question that is directly related to a statement in the text of Rev 21:14 be closed for "Questions including a biblical text but that are not seeking an answer about ① the history of that biblical text itself or ② the meaning of that biblical text either in context or through a process of arriving at a particular interpretation of it are off-topic."
Clearly the OP wants an answer about "the meaning of the biblical text" where it states that "names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb" are in the foundations. How can that possibly be considered off topic for this site?
I'm voting to reopen.

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