I don't understand. How is "if we reversed the genders and created a gender-analogous situation, it would be unconscionable to make the joke", not clear and obvious evidence of sexist bias to you?
Women aren't allowed to be the butt of the joke, full stop. Men are, in certain circumstances. Quibbling about the nature of those circumstances is just that, quibbling. It doesn't negate the obvious bias.
This bias is against men, because it allows for harmful treatment to be visited upon men.
To be inured from a harm that befalls others, by virtue of status, is privilege.
The power here comes in the form that the advertiser is prevented from contemplating the joke on women.
It is power wielded by feminism qua social force, over content creators.
And it is backed up by implicit threat of "cancellation".
As for "accountability", that's simply irrelevant to anything anyone was saying.