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"What is the most conductive, most flexible material you can think of? You probably have a roll of it in your kitchen." electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/248300/…
Dang, I don't have a roll of T-shirt fabric knitted out of fine silver wire in my kitchen.
800-thread-count wire-mail T-shirt, I want one!
3 hours later…
Folks, I've got a few questions about chopper-stabilized OpAmps. LT1052 is a venerable example of a chopper-stabilized OpAmp.
Does it make sense to use a chopper-stabilized OpAmp as a transimpedance amplifier (TIA) ?
I didn’t find any notes saying that it’s impossible. But neither could I fiund an example of a TIA made with a chopper-stabilized OpAmp.
Does a chopper-stabilized OpAmp naturally have low 1/f noise (pink noise) ?

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