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btw: would questions about loudspeaker enclosures be better fits here or on Engineering.SE?
4 hours later…
@Shalvenay Depends on the question. If it's an audiophile question, you could even try Sound Design SE.
7 hours later…
@NickAlexeev well, it's definitely not audiophile-grade sound I'm after :P (only have one waveform I need to reproduce acceptably, and "acceptably" is governed by a FFT, not anybody's ears)
@NickAlexeev to speak more directly to "depends on the question" -- its mostly a matter of acoustics, the speaker isn't even 1lb so mechanical issues aren't a huge concern
7 hours later…
I was wondering if someone could help me with a datasheet i have troubles understanding
3 hours later…
@BartekBanachewicz uh, link the D/S and fire away with your Q?

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