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2 hours later…
7:30 PM
I was wondering if turning off a router every night for security, since nothing on your network can get "hacked" if your router is off. But will power cycling it every day damage its components or is it safe to do
7:52 PM
@LukeF Turning the router on and off once a day shouldn't damage it.
It may experience more thermal stress, however this likely will not manifest as a problem during it's useful lifetime.
8:38 PM
Hey Rdtsc, I understand the thermal issue but don’t components always experience thermal stress, if it is under heavy load and hot and then not under heavy load it causes a temperature change so does the temperature of the room, so is this something to worry about?
9:28 PM
@LukeF Components experience mechanical thermal stress due to expansion due to heating
2 hours later…
11:39 PM
Everything is a cloud application; the ping times just vary a lot.
I'm looking at you, Altium.

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