@StaceyAnne and does that work well? or is it intermittent? I guess your biggest access issue is bandwidth access. THat sounds cool, more power to you!
@rawbrawb, I usually end up getting a business visa in any case since they're usually for longer (>1 month) and then if i do end up picking up a client in the country, it's all cool
@KevinMark Speaking of de-bloating, try switching to the FastWrite etc functions if you're using setPinMode or DigitalWrite etc anyplace. arduino.cc/forum/index.php/topic,46896.0.html
@KevinMark No, 490 Hz PWM won't damage the motor. Much lower and it might be problematic, much higher than 30-40 KHz would also be a problem for motors not designed for high frequency PWM.
I need to be careful what I map ports to on the Uno so I can get the most efficient results. It's handling 2 motor drivers, a servo, a GPS, and an XBee module
@KevinMark Oh... hmmm then one thing to check for: The desired RPM (divided by 60) should not be a value close to the PWM frequency. i.e. for a 60,000 RPM operation, 1 KHz PWM can be disastrous - resonance, kaboom.
@KevinMark I usually put together a pin map spreadsheet - scribbling down constraints etc. For instance, the Timer1 is the only one with a 16 bit timer (on the Uno), so I leave its associated PWM pins strictly for high precision timing tasks. ALso, limited pins with pin change interrupt support, so I leave those for that purpose when possible.
@KevinMark It isn't about "too low". It's just that at 60 k RPM, the natural frequency of commutation of the motor would be 1 KHz, or 2 KHz, etc, depending on design. If the PWM frequency is the same, oscillations could get out of hand.
@Rick_2047 @StaceyAnne, The one thing I noticed when you were talking before, StaceyAnne recommended using an IBUFGDS but you never said your board level clock signal was differential...Is it differential or single-ended clock between the oscillator and the FPGA?
Just need to do `wire clkb;` `IBUFG ibufg_clk50 ( .I ( clk_50 MHz ), .O ( clkb ) );` and then use `clkb` everywhere else in your code that you currently have `clk_50MHz`.
And clk_50MHz is the one you reference in the UCF file.
I was taught vhdl by a company in the defence industry, so my code is almost completely made up of synchronus processes. with some asynchronous glue on the side. no formal HDL training in college or anything
hey guys I removed a pin from my design and deleted the NET statement from the .ucf document, but now its giving me error for that pin " Constraint <NET "sclk" S>: NET "sclk" not found."
@ThePhoton, for now I think the spartan is going to be fine, a couple of my projects are spec'd for spartan. I might end up buying a beefy virtex board down the line if the need arises
@ThePhoton, but you're right, virtex devices are a whole other legue
Yes, I tried with two arduino and the same thing happened. I'm testing to make sure that there's no issue with my other XBee since that's what's connected to those pins
it's definitely been the longest so far on this trip. most of the time it's taken 30 min or so from landing to walking out of the airport on average (and that includes buying sim card)
I haven't really experienced much tension, I think for the locals life goes on. Everyone is very nice and helpful and have no problem with putting up with my very pathetic attempt at vietnamese
To answer your question, my system has been running in the 70s for the last couple years, and it still runs fine. I'd be worried if it goes above 80c, for too long.
I've used my rpi with the USBIP software and a WiFi card to do remote shooting / liveview with a Canon DSLR, bit sluggish but a good deal cheaper than the $1K odd for the Canon equivalent.
Probably a 500mS type delay, although even over straight USB you do get a bit of lag but probably mainly because of the WiFi. I've never used the Canon model but it might even be the same.